Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country

Chapter 26 26 "There is no if."

Chapter 26 26· "There is no if."

"Message from the Eastern Kingdom to All Compatriots".

Seeing such a grand name, Lin Li's curiosity was replaced by solemnity. After taking a deep breath, he clicked in.

The screen immediately jumped to the official account.

A long article appeared in front of me.

"Dear all our compatriots in the East, today is October [-], [-]."

"Today is not a special day, but what may be relevant is that it has been seventy-five years since the birth of our country."

"Our Eastern nation is a great nation, accounting for nearly one-tenth of the world's population, but it enjoys a long history and excellent culture, and has made outstanding contributions to world civilization and human development."

"We are also a resilient nation. We have been glorious and we have been in decline. We have encountered many setbacks and many challenges."

"But the resilient nation of the East will never be defeated by setbacks and challenges. No matter how many times there have been foreign invasions and internal disputes in history, our nation has never fallen."

"We stood firm and we succeeded."

"Over the years, Dongguo's status in the world has undergone fundamental changes. Our world status is getting higher and higher, and our role in the world is becoming more and more important. In order to oppose hegemony and maintain world peace and stability, people from all over the world have almost always placed their trust in us. Great expectations."



"This is our great nation. Every one of us from Dongguo is proud of the growing strength of our motherland. We are also looking forward to our future and firmly believe that the future will only be better."

"But now, we have encountered what may be the biggest challenge in seventy-five years."

"Therefore, the entire country of Dongguo will officially enter a level [-] wartime emergency state at this moment."

"All regulations are subject to this status. Please see the attachment for details."

"But please don't worry. The challenge does not come from within, nor is it a war. It is just that this challenge requires us, the people of the East, to unite together again to survive."

"We are already fully committed to meeting this challenge."

"Dongguk will launch a global press conference at [-] noon tomorrow. All official stations will broadcast it live simultaneously, and any channel will be allowed to broadcast it."

"At that time, we will elaborate on the challenges we face. At the same time, we will also inform everyone of the response strategies we are currently preparing to complete and start immediately."



"The nation of the East will never be defeated. Please believe, my fellow compatriots, that as long as we stand together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties together!"

"The nation of the East is great, unyielding, and tenacious. With the strength of the whole country, there is no difficulty or challenge that cannot be overcome!"



This letter was not too long, only about one or two thousand words, less than a chapter in an online novel, but Lin Li read it for a long time.

"After seeing this letter, the sense of approaching doom is even stronger." Lin Li closed the phone, took a deep breath, and said to his husband, "The feeling of oppression is very strong."

"It's always coming." The gentleman smiled and shook his head, then pointed to Lin Li's mobile phone and said: "In the first-level combat readiness situation, those who choose to leave cannot come back."

"That's great." Lin Li said after hearing this.

He was looking forward to it even more now. Originally, he was just looking forward to the appearance of those who left wanting to come back in despair.

So what we are looking forward to now is that the guy who wants to come back in despair will not be able to come back in the end.

"Okay, back to business, Lin Li, do you want to participate in the live broadcast at noon tomorrow?" The gentleman said:
  "External forces are stirring up trouble here, and their purpose is actually for you. I don't know how much information about you has been clearly known to them."

"But there is no doubt that the live broadcast of the press conference at noon tomorrow will be recorded and analyzed frame by frame by other forces, and we must mention you, the reborn person, otherwise the so-called prophecy will not be convincing enough." By then, [hope] it will be known to the whole world.

The external forces' desire for you will be countless times crazier than it is now. Once you appear on the live broadcast, even if you hide your face and change your voice, some clues will inevitably be exposed, such as the analysis of the flow of people coming and going at the live broadcast location... "

"...We put Lin Li's safety first, so for this reason, I personally do not recommend that you show up."

"But, if you really have this personal wish, we will naturally be satisfied. Even if you don't want to cover your face and voice, it's okay. We are confident that we can protect you, but again - "This is not recommended. ”. "

The gentleman said slowly.

After all, some people have a taste for fame, and may want to participate in a scene where the world will notice them.

"It doesn't matter whether I participate or not." Lin Li immediately shook his head and replied, "Then in order to save everyone's workload, I will not participate."

Anyway, the prophecy manuscript prepared for tomorrow will be the same no matter who reads it.

Even if he participates, Lin Li will never show his face stupidly.

No matter how well Dongguo protects himself, this behavior is extremely stupid.

"Great, Lin Li, thank you for your consideration for us. If this is the case, we will try our best to guide the identity of "Hope" to the agent who assumes the identity of your stand-in. "

"But don't worry, when we get through the disaster, your true name, image, and contribution to the Eastern Kingdom will be praised by the people of the Eastern Kingdom."

Lin Li nodded and didn't care much about it. Then he stretched his waist and said with emotion:

"It's really troublesome. At this time, I can't focus on the end of the world wholeheartedly, and I have to be distracted by thinking about external forces.

To be honest, sir, I don’t even want to tell them, especially those politicians who have a bad relationship with us and have been targeting us for a long time. I really want to knock them to death first. "

"Flower Country... You can smash the whole country to pieces." Lin Li said with a smile.

"Haha -" Mr. shook his head and chuckled, then spoke, jokingly: "Actually, I also want to beat them to death with hail. After all, I said, I am a selfish guy."

"But it has to be global."

"Because we don't inform everyone about the doomsday-related matters, none of our instructions can be effectively implemented in the East Kingdom."

"And since I have chosen to tell everyone, it must be impossible for only us to know. If it is airtight from the outside world, it will be captured by them quickly."

"At that time, our behavior will be criticized by the entire world, which will outweigh the gains and losses, and arouse hostility around the world, which will have a serious impact on our future strategy."

"You cannot do this due to emotion or reason."

"So it's better to be frank and prepare to tell the whole world. Anyway, there is nothing to lose for us."

Mr. explained.

"I know, Mr. One." Lin Li nodded. He already understood the logic. "I'm just complaining."

"Also, although some people in the world are very annoying, after all, some people are innocent. If you really do this, who can bear the lives and resentment of so many people?"

Then Lin Li seemed a little curious and asked Mr.:
  "Hey, sir, if there is really a way to make only the people of Dongguo know this information, would you choose to do this?"

The gentleman smiled and just replied:

"Lin Li, there is no if."

(It will be available later)
  (To explain to Qidian readers, this is the first book on creation, and Qidian is automatically synchronized)
  (So ​​we are not following the process of the starting point book, which is so early at Creation.)
  (If you are willing to subscribe, then subscribe; if not, just get together and leave.)
   Some of the wording may seem informal and childish, but you can't help it. If it were formal, it wouldn't be released.

  In addition, some plots must have been artistically processed.

  I'm just a novelist, and I understand the apocalypse of Der.

  I only know YY, haha.

  (End of this chapter)

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