I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 223, I believe Li Yun can surprise us

Chapter 223, I believe Li Yun can surprise us

Gu Tianle took a deep breath.

Not willing to give in.

Absolutely unwilling

But many times, this kind of thing is not based on personal will.

At this time, not only Gu Tianle received the news first, but also the Hey Gang bosses who were interviewed by Du Qifeng.

Not to mention Gu Tianle's own will, even Du Qifeng's own phone calls were being buzzed with calls. The big bosses expressed their dissatisfaction with Du Qifeng's decision.

"Yes, this is a decision I made in one statement. It has nothing to do with Ye Youhai. Even if I insist on choosing Li Yun, it has nothing to do with Zhou Xingxing. It's not a matter of 'related households'. It's really just simple. I think Li Yun might be able to give me a [surprise]!"

In this regard.

Du Qifeng gave an explanation.

After hanging up the phone, he muttered.

"It seems that the gangsters are quite supportive of Gu Tianle."

"How should I put it? Gu Zai's influence in our Xiangjiang circle is much greater than that of Li Yunke." Ye Youhai paused and said, "Even if they are both second-tier coffees, there are differences. First of all, Gu Tianle is not an ordinary second-tier celebrity, and his position as a celebrity in TVB and TV series is also quite superior."

"I know you feel bad after losing your role. You're not angry with me. You're angry with the boy named Li, right?"

"Times have changed, brother! I am an actor now, and we are ordinary people now"

If you do this during the casting stage, you will definitely regret it in the end!


at this time.

It looks like a counterpoint to the Hey Society movies.

Gu Tianle couldn't deny it.

"Well, thank you, boss. I want to go quiet for a while."

Are you angry with Li Yun?

Ask yourself, for this actor I have never met.

In fact, if you think about it, it’s normal. It’s the same subject and the same schedule.

For Gu Tianle, that's it.

"We big brothers are pushing you, but if he does this, he is not acting recklessly."


"And the performance is effective."

The lineup of "Black and White Battlefield" is equally luxurious, and I am still the second protagonist here.

It was so loud that Zhang Yongyi was startled.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'm too excited. I'm not angry with you." Gu Tianle also realized that he spoke too loudly.

"Bet he not only understands."

Brother is right.

In this regard.

Gu Tianle suddenly spoke loudly.

But for ordinary people, the impression might not be very good.

"I don't think Gu Tianle has really joined a gang, so he can definitely show an unparalleled sense of reality." Du Qifeng paused and said, "But he is indeed ashamed of having joined a gang, so , he will not show everything, everything, everything to you. People are all selfish, how can they show their entire, once dark selves."

Zhang Yongyi said after a moment of silence.

Support outside of your own position is also something that needs to be considered.

Because he received another director, Zeng Zhiwei starring in a gang movie called "Black and White Battlefield".

Gu Tianle felt that he was not the one who was angry.

Gu Tianle got up and left the bar.

What they can see is brotherhood.

Gu Tianle joined the script of "Black and White Battlefield".

It's the self who was once unable to take action.

"Okay, okay, it's just a role." Gu Tianle said helplessly. His eldest brother's reaction was indeed too exaggerated: "Did you fail the movie audition stage? It's really normal."

"Du Qifeng will definitely regret such a casting choice," Zhang Yongyi said firmly with a sneer.

When it comes to choosing roles, Du Qifeng insists on Li Yun's choice.

"Do you really think that Li Yun will present this character better than Gu Tianle?" Ye Youhai couldn't help but said. In fact, he had thought about it for a long time and knew what Du Qifeng was thinking.

The presentation of gangs is not only from the perspective of gang members, but also from the perspective of ordinary people.

An actor who takes away his role.

"Don't worry, the lineup of "Black and White Battlefield" is just as luxurious. When we defeat his "Hey Society" series, he has already defeated him once, and there is no guarantee that he won't defeat him a second time."

Regarding this point, Du Qifeng actually had his own insistence.

"All in all, I think I won't compromise on the choice of characters. Regarding the authenticity of He Gang, we not only have to compromise with these big guys, but also present it to ordinary audiences. The gang in their minds, dissecting such a thing is the key to whether our movie can gain fame and fortune."

Gu Tianle's mood gradually calmed down.

There is also a former gang background.

It is normal for the Hey Gang bosses who were interviewed to criticize this.

Polish the character.

"But you are my little brother!" Zhang Yongyi said without hesitation: "He is so disrespectful."

"Li Yun. I'll bet on him."

He himself is a well-known TV drama actor in Hong Kong.

I'm not bad.

Li Yun.

Instead, I want to thank you.

The video of your audition made me truly understand my past miserable self.

What is the mentality?


Next time, I will win you.

Hey society crew. After Liang Jiahui and Ren Dahua learned about the audition, they were slightly surprised.

"What an upset? This mainland guy actually got the role. Did he cast some magic spell on Du Qifeng?" At this time, Liang Jiahui joked: "No matter how he looks, he doesn't look like he can be better than Gu Tianle. It suits this role."

Of course, it was appropriate for Liang Jiahui to speak while staring at Ren Dahua.

Seeing his reaction makes me more interested.

Ren Dahua is the one who interacts more with this character.

Liang Jiahui himself had little interaction with Zhan Mi.

In response, Ren Dahua smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter if the side dishes are not so delicious. As long as your main dish is delicious."

"Hahahaha! Your adjective is good. Yes, it doesn't matter if the side dishes are not that delicious. I, this main dish, is your goal."

Two veteran movie kings.

There isn't much to worry about.

It was indeed a bit of a surprise that the character selection did not meet expectations.


As long as the other party's role remains unchanged.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

They are the main actors in the drama.

They are the movie kings who compete with each other on the screen.

The appetizers don’t matter anymore, just keep the main course the same.

"Dragon City Years" and "Peace Is Precious" were filmed consecutively.

The biggest advantage of this kind of continuous shooting is to ensure that the actors' emotions are kept constant to the greatest extent. For directors who want to shoot continuously, this is the best thing.

The disadvantage would probably be if one of the films hits the market.

Then the other one will be finished.

can only say.

Directors love to gamble.

The production company I followed was also a gambler.


That's how exciting it is.

And Li Yun planned the next trip.

I'm going to take an exam tomorrow, get a broadcasting and hosting certificate, and then go shoot "Tengu", and then go shoot the "Hey Society" series.

The schedule is full.

Li Yun took a look and found that according to time, when the "Hey Society" series was being filmed, the "Lotus Lantern" series of movies was released.

Then take the exam for the Aerospace Army Art Troupe.

The exam for the art troupe is not easy.

The position currently being recruited by the Aerospace Forces Art Troupe is called 'drama actor', which requires a certain level of dancing skills.

Can you dance?

the answer is.

Will do.

I am proficient in ancient martial arts

My dancing skills are so strong

As for the Beijing household registration, we have already bought a house and settled in the capital, so there is no problem.

Staring at this establishment, we will take advantage of the country’s five social insurances and one housing fund.

There is also more access to drama resources, with no restrictions on freedom.

"Then my performance in "Tengu" will be better this time."

"But I still don't fully understand what kind of guy Li Tiangu is."

Li Yun squinted his eyes.

"Tengu" can be regarded as a script with a mission in the Beijing circle. Judging from the lineup, it is not considered a first-tier literary film, but a second-tier literary film.

The subject matter can be said to be quite sharp, but not as sharp as Blind Well to the point of being banned.

Generally speaking, this kind of film comes with its own zz mission.

Judging from the script of "Tengu", this is indeed the case. Judging from the division of script production, this movie should be regarded as a main theme movie.

The main theme of positive energy is the veterans who protect the country's property, and the bullies who fight against the soldiers and the country.

Of course, the script lineup of Tengu is also very official.

They are all drama actors in art troupes and drama theaters. Only a few of them are unemployed, and the unemployed ones include Li Yun.

The supporting actors are all drama actors with a high level of drama. If they were other young actors, they would definitely feel a lot of pressure. With this lineup, it is impossible not to be under a lot of pressure.

Of course, except for Li Yun, Li Yun should still eat and drink at this time.

A second-tier artistic film with a zz mission.

Literary films are special.

Most of the time, casting is not based on casting, and after all, there is no box office demand. They are all there to complete the task or win the award.

Although it doesn't depend on the celebrity position, it still has its own set of execution standards. After all, even if the country completes the task, or the director wants to win an award, what can the actor do if he doesn't have a few brushes?

Don't look at the talent, only look at the suitability, only look at the ability to do the job. This is the meaning of the birth of Tengu, a literary film.

"Li Tiangu, a paranoid ranger, finally used his own gun to implement his own principles, fought the bullies to the end, and even used his own life to implement justice in this sinful land."

"But in the end, when your justice goes against everyone, will you still be your justice?"

Li Yun, who was looking at the script at this time, murmured.

This paranoid Li Tiangu.

Who should he be?

At this moment, Li Yun looked at the bigot in front of him.

He was also looking at himself.

At this time he looked at Li Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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