Chapter 242, Psychosis
at this time.

When you feel like your achievements have reached a higher level.

The condition is gradually getting worse?
I can't say it's aggravated.
There are more personalities appearing at the same time.
This feeling gives Li Yun - if a certain drama requires one person to play two roles.

I can definitely do it.

Accommodate two feelings at once.
A little bit crazy.

But Li Yun still felt a little bit ready to make a move.
"This time it has nothing to do with you businessmen, this time I want to use you, you despicable person."

"Brother, how can I be a despicable person?"

The 'businessman' looked at Li Yun bitterly.

The philistine's smooth appearance actually reveals a bit of evil
The treacherous and evil appearance is the appearance of this 'businessman' at this moment.
A hint of emotion revealed.

Hey society
In this mixed-race Bolan Street, there are no more.

At least, Li Yun felt that he had to eat from the hands of prostitutes, gangsters, hawkers, and gangsters.

They laughed harshly, laughing at how little Jimmy like me was such a cheap labor force and could be commanded like a dog with an expired candy.

This has been numbing.

Maybe, if you can get out of Bolan Street, you can go see the outside world. That world that makes people look forward to, but also a little strange.

Because if I don’t do this, even if I don’t have candy, I will be ostracized by the people on this street. If I am ostracized, I will not be able to live, and I will be deprived of the right to survive.

And the laughter of the 'adults'.

The 'businessman' seemed to be minding his own business, looking at this familiar street.

There were mud puddles everywhere.

The rambling words seem to have been lengthened countless times.
Li Yun feels a little tinnitus
Because of the 'Bolan Street' in front of you.

Dignity is worthless in the face of survival.
At last.

Becoming more dilapidated.


They are all deep pits
In such a life, it would be better to just die - Li Yunru thought.

Li Yun still became a 'fish egg boy'.

very tired.

It started to change, and it became like what it was like in the 1980s.

In Bolan Street, he is also the most pitiful and lowest-ranking Yudanzi.

I was born in Bolan Street, the most chaotic, lowest-level, most mixed-up street in Hong Kong. There are vendors selling fish eggs, women selling prostitutes, and the trade of illegal drugs. On this street, there is everything that is dark and cold in the dark world. .
What kind of person is my mother? It is extremely common to be born in this street without a father or mother.

It is something that can only be done by being cautious and living to this time.

'I' have been destined to step into the dark side of this society.
Turning around tremblingly, he took it away.

Nothing is more important than surviving. When I have no qualifications for survival, I am not qualified to choose dignity.

In the face of conscience and survival, even if Li Yun is disgusted, he can only choose a selfish life.

Very tired.

But Li Yun still had to do it.

Li Yun felt like he had become a child.

Like a piece of trash came into this world.

Beating, taking advantage of, and more egregious things.
For a boy living on this street.

But the gray industry is still there, just like the young ladies just now, they are still looking for food here. In the cracks and cracks of this society, they are looking for their own survival.
"Brother, you see, how difficult it is for those of us at the bottom to get ahead. Look at her, look at her, he, he, he. What kind of future can they have here? If not, it's either me bullying others or others. If they bully me, what can I do if I don't join a gang? If I don't hang out with them, who will I hang out with? Don't be so noble. Your nobleness is of no use. You will only be bullied by others in this street. You will only be skewered until you explode."

What's in this cigarette box?

And he became shorter.

You know it without even thinking about it.

Explain it in natural words.

Wear shoes with holes.

This level of difficulty is quite high.
"Hey, Zhan Mizi, help me take this bag of things to that uncle, and my sister will buy you some candies." The eldest sister, who was smoking, gave Li Yun a pack of cigarettes.

Only 'Jimmy' knows that being like this, becoming Yudanzi is something that he can do with all his strength.

But for the lonely Jimmy, having a fish egg cart is enough.
At least, if there is a fish egg cart.

The Baijia rice on Bolan Street is not that delicious.

Very hard work.

But the moment I took the 'cigarette box' in my hand.

In the brothel, I didn't know who my father was, and my mother had already contracted an illness and died.

Able to support oneself.

Li Yun felt that he had gained unprecedented satisfaction. With his own stroller, he finally no longer had to live precariously.
That feeling of being forced to do bad things.
Not the scariest.

It’s something you have to do, even get used to, and even become numb in the end.
Now at least, you don’t have to force yourself to do it?

Occasionally, Li Yun would see accountants, lawyers, and doctors in suits and ties coming to buy fish eggs.

That's great. If I have the chance to study, I also want to become a 'decent person' like them. Live a decent life without having to grovel, live with your head held high, and live a life that is respected by everyone.

Reality is a slap that crushes hope.

To become a Yudanzi, you have to be allowed to have food and clothing. However, the gang will not allow a person without gang status to be in it.

This territory - you are not allowed to manipulate it.

I confiscated it.

The cart that he relied on for survival is gone.
Fate has given 'me' a powerful irony and joke.
A very vicious joke.

Even Li Yun himself felt very vicious
I was born in the mud.

Back to the mud again.

In the end I had to give in.
"People like us, if we want to live like a human being, we have to oppress others and exploit others. Joining a gang is the only chance I have to live like a human being. I have no choice, even if I throw it away I don’t have a choice about my own conscience. Do you think they don’t want to study? They want to come out to sell sex. They think, when I was more than ten years old, I wanted to run around in school and didn’t want to be taken over by perverted clients in bed.”

The 'Businessman''s eyes seemed to be a little tired.

But in the end he said ferociously.

"I don't have a choice, but I don't want my children. I don't have a choice. I choose to join Hei society in order to survive. In order to survive, I also want to live a powerful life. I don't want to live on my knees! I don't want my children After giving birth, I have to sell fish eggs and valet parking. No, absolutely not. I want them to sit in an office, go to a high-rise building, and buy pineapple oil and milk tea during afternoon tea. I don’t want him to be like me. .”

"I don't want to go anywhere. Everyone looks at me with contempt and looks at me like trash. I can be trash in the mud, but my son can't be, and I don't want to be anymore."

"In order to achieve this goal, I will do whatever it takes. I really don't do anything. I can kill as many people as I want! I can betray as many people as I want. I can do it even if I chop people into pieces and feed them to dogs. arrive."

at this time.

The Bolan Old Street in front of you has changed back to its original appearance.
The 'businessman' showed his true colors in front of Li Yun.

Not selfish and greedy.

Not being cautious.

The deeper 'Jimmy' is fierce
At the bottom, climb up from the mud, if you are not greedy, not cruel, and not selfish.

There is no 'Zhanmi' now.

Because of 'selfishness' and 'greed'.

I am just selfish and greedy and want to have more. I want to have more things that Jimmy, like me, is not qualified to have.

There is no such thing as Zhan Mi now, who even completed the CPA by self-study.

On the basis of 'selfish' character.

'Vicious' was added.

Even Li Yun himself has some unique character traits.

A cruel person who is cruel to himself. For his own obsession, he even defeated his own fear.
[Character: Zhan Mi]

[Send away reward: Temperament Camouflage +10]

[CPA Certified Public Accountant Ability]

[Who would have thought that a gangster from a low-level gang could eventually obtain a certified public accountant certificate? But even so, he still has to pay the price for the choices he made back then]

at this time.

Li Yun walked out of Bolan Old Street again.

"Boss, do you want to play or not? I'm a new OL. I'm sorry, was this crazy just now?"

In the neon lights, there is a young and beautiful girl wearing a cheap OL uniform.

After seeing it was Li Yun.

That lunatic who was talking to himself alone just now?
That lunatic?

at this time.

Li Yun suddenly approached, and the young lady immediately stepped back and said with a trembling voice.

"Brother, I don't want to do your business."

"No, what I want to say is that you dropped the book."

Li Yun looked at the girl.

Then the girl took a closer look and saw that the book had indeed fallen. Then she picked it up.
This is a book that teaches painting

When she met Li Yun's eyes, the girl suddenly
Should I say thank you?
However, at this time, Li Yun turned around and left
"What's wrong? You said you encountered a mental illness?"

At this time, the gangster responsible for guarding the venue came and asked the girl.

The girl didn't know what to say.

"Hmm, I don't know." At this time, the girl thought of the handsome young man's eyes just now and said with some ambivalence: "Maybe I saw it wrong."

"I think you look more like a lunatic. You read a book while picking up customers. Do you think you are really a student girl?" At this time, the gangster mocked the girl and said: "Don't be lazy, I will bring you big customers."

Then he turned and left.

Only girls are left here.

At this time, the girl murmured.

Yes, is he crazy?

He will look at himself as he would a normal person.
Then, it is indeed a mental illness.

(End of this chapter)

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