Chapter 260, we can

"How should I put it? This matter."

Li Yun is still somewhat confident in his physical examination report.

But there is still a magical feeling inside.

Although he does covet the establishment of the Sky Army.

Didn't expect him to come so easily?


After passing the physical examination, I am now half a member of the Aerospace Army Art Troupe, and I have an official establishment. If I don't commit any crime, I will receive the pension of a national public servant when I retire.

Aerospace Army Art Troupe, nominally established.

Except I can't act in those messy movies.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was mainly filmed in Jiuzhaigou.

Welcome you and praise you.

It cannot be used outside the country and there are no other restrictions.

Maybe he can be like Li Modu, like Jackie Chan and Zhou Xingxing. As an actor, a person in the entertainment industry can go as far as he can.

Not even the golden eagle goddess Liu Qianqian.

"Let's go out, brothers."

He also wants to impact the movie king, the movie king, and the protagonist.

It’s the same set of exteriors used in Demi-Gods and Dragons.

"The same goes for you. Thinking like this, we have climbed to the top of the industry and gone to the extreme. Not only your father, but also everyone who looks down on you, Chinese, Westerners, everyone We should all look at you, the starlight, so dazzling, so shining."

After all, Li Yun had no intention of making those third-level films, nor did he intend to go abroad.

Funds are quite tight.

"My own. The Crucible."

"I'm going to be really busy with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" next."

"Are you sure you don't want a young actor?"

It's just that these funds are not used on people, but on framing.

In fact, when I was at the Golden Eagle Awards before.

"Become a person recognized by Li Modu? No, no, we have to be someone who surpasses him. He will definitely not be a model of the times, so why can't I? He can make good main theme movies, why can't I? Not only do I I want to film, I still want to act, I want to place his glory on my body, I want to surpass him, surpass him, something that he is so carefully guarded and proud of."

But we can.

The mirror in the bathroom reflected ten figures.

Li Yun didn't feel too happy because he won the Best Supporting Actor, or he didn't have any intention of stopping.

Li Yun turned around.

Michael Jackson, Jackie Chan, Chaplin. Artists who have reached the pinnacle of their achievements.

Going back and forth, in addition to having a protective umbrella.

There are no restrictions yet.
Of course, Li Yun felt that this matter was still a bit strange, and did not advertise it widely. After going for a physical examination, he was ready to film "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Can you.

They are the brightest stars.

The desire for fame, fortune and ambition are constantly expanding in my mind. When these things are constantly presented in my mind, there is no way to suppress that feeling.

"There is also a main theme trilogy in preparation."

What Li Yun cares about most is not Shi Di and Best Actor.

You can not.

They have different outfits and different personalities.

"This is you, this is you, this is me!"

But Cheng Shilong and Zhou Xingxing.

My own road is still further ahead.

At this moment, Li Yun felt that his body was slightly hot.

Can I?

What stands out is that one person spreads a lot of money.

Even if you cross borders, everyone will pay attention to you. Even if you step out of the country, the military of other countries will give you a blanket.

No, I can't.

You can.

Those personalities.

"Using young actors will reduce my salary, right?"

"Is that right?" Zhang Bearded looked at Li Yun in front of him with some astonishment: "There should have been two actors here. Gu Tianle was criticized a lot back then."

TVB's idea at that time was good.

Let Louis Koo interpret the period from boyhood to youth to hero.

But this is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

In fact, Gu Tianle didn't handle it well at the time, and although there were some flaws that were not covered up in the end, overall it was fine.

Just because of a difficulty issue.

What Zhang Dabeard thought of was to use different actors to interpret different periods.

It doesn’t matter if you feel fragmented.

After all, for many people, teenagers may not be the same person.

Growing up means killing your past self.

The true self achieved.

Although Zhang Dabeard has some complaints about this, since the protagonist has said so, then it's okay.

In fact, for Zhang Dabeard.

Li Yun was able to play the youth line and the hero line well.

That's actually not bad.

After all, the highlight of Yang Guo is when he is a hero.

Condor Man.

One-armed hero.

At this time Li Yun. I was also feeling a little emotional when I watched the crew starting work in Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan Province.

Compared with the last time in Tian Long Ba Bu, the tight shooting team was even better.

The funding was twice that of the previous Tian Long Ba Bu.

Doubling this number can bring the performance to a higher level in all aspects. At this time, when he came to the tent of the crew, Zhang Bearded said

"This must be your first time playing a leading role."

"No." Li Yun shook his head. Whether it was the Tengu or the Blind Well, he was the protagonist.

"That's actually the first time. Do the protagonists of those literary films you played in the past count as protagonists? Do you know why?"

"Because there are few people?" Li Yun frowned.

"Yes, just because there are few people, people can remember each character well, but a large-scale TV series or movie is different. They have a large number of characters." Zhang Dabeard watched carefully. Li Yun said: "You know why some actors, whose acting skills have advanced to the level of drama, will always be a supporting role, not the protagonist."

"Because of their temperament and aura, no matter how bad their acting skills are or how controversial their appearance is, some people can rise to the top if they have the temperament of a protagonist, and they can move from a supporting role to a leading role."

"From a supporting role to a leading role, the most important thing is actually this. You must have the recognition and characteristics of a protagonist. But Li Yun, you don't have that kind of natural recognition."

In fact, Zhang Beard also revealed many years of secrets in the entertainment industry.

A secret that many people may never understand in their lifetime.

It has nothing to do with acting.

No, you can’t say that.

Acting skills determine your upper limit, but natural temperament is like a ceiling stuck here.

Some people are born to be the protagonist, and some people are born to be the protagonist due to their appearance and temperament.

Like Hu Qu in Legend of Sword and Fairy, he was born to be the protagonist.

Appearing in the same scene as others, others can see at first glance that he is the protagonist.

"I'm so handsome, right?" Li Yun joked.

Zhang Dabeard cannot deny this.

"You are handsome, but you are too handsome without any temperament, at least that's what I thought at the time."

"What now?"

"I feel the same now. Maybe even you yourself don't know what kind of protagonist you are born to be." Zhang Bearded paused and said, "At least, it's not our Yang Guo."

At least in Zhang Dabeard's view, Li Yun's temperament is chaotic.

is unknown.

"Then why did you come to me as soon as you thought of Yang Guo?"

"This is where you are great."

"You have the temperament to perform well."

"The ones who perform are better than others who are born with them."

It's not that Zhang Dabeard is specifically praising Li Yun. On the contrary, he thinks that Li Yun is not suitable for Yang Guo.

At least in terms of natural appearance and temperament.

What Zhang Beard recognized was Li Yun's acting skills.

Acting skills that can bring out all the temperament.

That is to say, with a big beard, the focus is on the performance.

In addition to Li Yun, Zhang Dabeard has another candidate.

Huang Xiaoming, who once played the young emperor of Han Dynasty.

But after much deliberation, I still let Li Yun act.

This freak can act out his own temperament.

Maybe the self he usually shows to people is just a performance.

He was not born to be a protagonist.

But he is definitely a born actor.

They are all acting skills, and they are all things performed.

And during this conversation, Zhang Dabeard also confirmed one thing. The path Li Yun took was not to perform according to his own temperament, but to simulate the temperament of others through acting skills.

"Our golden pair met again." At this time, action director Yu Jiancai smiled next to Zhang Bearded.

"Hey, golden partner, where is our chief director?"

"It's not there yet, but it will be soon."

"Well, I just had a chat with Xiao Li."

"Don't you like this kid very much? What's there to talk about?" At this time, Yu Jian joked: "If he, the Erlang God, can be as famous as him, you have a share of the credit."

"On this point, I have to go find this guy Yu Mingsheng for two meals. If it weren't for my recommendation, would he have this Erlang Shen?"

Zhang Dabeard also joked.

However, at this moment, he looked at Li Yun and sighed.

"Actually, I think he is not suitable. At least in terms of his natural temperament, he is not as suitable for Yang Guo as our seed player Huang Xiaoming. But I think he can be Yang Guo. He can surprise us, and this time he comes to the set , seems to be telling me this too.”


"You know? He asked us to cut off the young Yang Guo and give it to him." Zhang Dabeard joked: "He wants to play all Yang Guo's young and middle-aged characters by himself."


Yu Jian was a little stunned.


It is absolutely impossible.

Want all the growth lines of a person.

It is possible to achieve such an arc, a triple change.

Is it really possible?

"you believe?"

"I do not believe."

"Then you still let him do whatever he wants?"


Zhang Bearded paused and said: "The ambition of triple changes was not fully achieved by Gu Tianle back then. Li Yun may not be able to achieve it either, but after thinking about it, we have to do it."

"What we have to do is to be better than our predecessors, otherwise what's the point of making a remake."

This is also the arrogance of Zhang Beard.

Just like no one believed that Li Yun could master the changes in the triple role, no one believed that he could successfully film Jin Yong's drama before Zhang Dabeard paid his own way.

Since others can believe my arrogance.

That also made me believe in someone else's arrogance once, so what?

Besides, we still have big killer weapons.
There is Xiao Longnu in town.

She is Wang Zha in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

(End of this chapter)

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