Chapter 274, Director Li

In fact, it just lets you play someone.

This person may or may not have a prototype.

The reason why Principal Liu was able to express the devil's face vividly was precisely because he was the one who caught the devil.

He had seen real demons.

Adapted from real events.

"So why do I want to be this broker?" Zhuo Wei smoked a cigarette and said, "I actually want to be a paparazzi. In fact, I did do this before. But how can I put it, the entertainment industry is a Vanity Fair, I have seen too many people like this, including you, Mr. Li, you are very calm and don’t want anything more than fame and fortune.”

"But I think, for me, no matter music, movies or TV series, it will always have meaning beyond fame and fortune, right?"

"By the way, I can answer the questions you asked me before. I'll reciprocate. You want me to check on Li Yichun and Liu Meng. No need, I have ready-made information here."

"Why do you want this information?"

I, Li Yun, remember everything about the soft ban before and the subsequent troublemaking.
Look at the information in your hand.

From a Western understanding, it means that the greater Spider-Man's abilities, the greater his responsibilities.

My true self is actually quite stingy.


The feeling of going all out for no fame or fortune.

But in this clear world, in broad daylight, we realize that empathy is so easy to produce.

Repay evil with kindness.

Just to make this movie.

Secondly, I think so.

In fact, Principal Liu Ping shocked Li Yun more than that. Unlike his own pursuit of fame and fortune, he even nakedly gave up his own fame and fortune.

Filming is quite difficult.

After discussing these small things, the topic returned to Liu Ping.

The plan for the melting pot was established.

Give it a try.

But Li Yun felt that Liu Ping was a noble person, but he was not noble.

The result is the same.

"A model of the times, right? It should have been when I was photographing my classmate Cha as a teenager, right?"

Li Yun likes selfless people, but that doesn't mean he has to become selfless because of this.

First, the agency there felt that the film had no expected profit at all.

Even after experiencing Yang Guo's unforgettable experience.

That's not being selfish for fame and fortune.

After all, not everyone can do the job of a director.

Principal Liu has only one demand for this melting pot, and that is to let more people see it.

The starting point of pursuit is different.

But at this moment, Li Yun felt a passionate impulse in his heart.

Zhuo Wei scoffed at this.

The biggest point of this type of subject matter is that the actors can empathize with the victims in this movie.

In fact, Zhuo Wei went to many people for this book, including idols, talented people, niche students, and Mesozoic people.

"It's okay, I just want to hold it in my hand. As a noble person, I have always advocated repaying evil with kindness." Li Yun smiled slightly at this time.

"Oh, I know what you want to do." Zhuo Wei gave Li Yun a thumbs up and said: "Killing people and killing people is cruel enough."

meaning beyond fame and fortune.

In fact, Li Yun really wanted to tell everyone.

Li Yun squinted his eyes.

They all said they were incompetent.

As an actor.

The reason why this project was possible was because Li Yun was able to provide the best male protagonists he had access to.

It can be said that the demands of Li Yun and Principal Liu coincide with each other. Li Yun's ambitions for the melting pot include business achievements.

Li Yun somewhat understands the feeling that a great knight serves the country and the people.

I think about it occasionally.

he himself.

Li Yun himself will serve as the director, screenwriter and leading actor. Although from a professional standpoint, Zhuo Wei is not very optimistic about Li Yun's plan this time.

In the end, something went wrong, and only Li Yun was willing to take care of everything.

At this time, Zhuo Wei never imagined that he would make such a big concession because of the quality of a movie.

Maybe when seeing the life story of Mr. Liu Ping.

The feeling of a passionate young man in my heart must have returned.

"Time has made me smoother. It depends on Mr. Li whether you can create a miracle that even I don't want to believe."

At this time Zhuo Wei looked out the window, occasionally.

I also want to make my humble self feel noble.

"A movie about special children? Don't even think about it. This movie will definitely be useless. If you keep making movies and TV series here, we will certainly not lack resources for you."

Wang Jinghua looked at Peng Yuyan in front of her, and she was speechless when she saw his innocent look.

Children with special needs are a minority group and have little say in society. The subject matter is sensitive and acting skills are difficult.

It's basically a tough rock to chew.

Even if you can chew it, you won't choose to chew it.

With directors and actors of this caliber, even if they can make literary films, wouldn't they be good if they choose the main theme of a grand narrative?
Don't waste time in such a niche and sensitive place.

"But I"

"For young actors like you, no matter whether you are talented or not, it is difficult to maintain popularity all the time, so what we need to do is to catch popular works and good works while we are still young."

"Look at Li Yun, the Best Supporting Actor winner at the Golden Eagle Award. He is so beautiful. He is so awesome. As a result, he is now acting in youth movies." Wang Jinghua felt a little want to laugh when she said this: "Didn't you also have a background in youth movies before? He acted before you."

To be fair, regardless of whether Li Yun is short of money or for some other reason, acting in a youth film is definitely a bad move.

This is equivalent to losing coffee.

For an actor, losing a job is definitely a fatal thing.

Although Wang Jinghua didn't know why Li Yun suddenly showed signs of falling out of favor, but in the entertainment industry, anything can happen.

Maybe this is life.

Peng Yuyan hesitated to say anything about this.

But in the end he shook his head.

I could only watch Wang Jinghua leave.

"I'm going to fight for you to get that main theme TV series. You can just be a supporting role in it."

"Mr. Wang, are you talking about the boy named Qia?" "You know." Wang Jinghua was not surprised. After all, Peng Yuyan was also from the Li family, so there would be no information gap in this kind of thing.

"I'm fighting for it, but I heard that you have to join the group based on your strength."

"That's for sure."

Wang Jinghua didn't dare to neglect matters like this, let alone make arrangements.

People in the entertainment industry have a lot of faith in their fortunes.

Like the character in Chao's Classmates.

It’s really not something that ordinary people can afford.

Whether you can get it or not depends on your life.

"Tell me, is this classmate boy also classified as a youth film?" At this time, Peng Yuyan touched her chin: "Their blazing youth can be regarded as youth."

"Are you really kidding me?"

"Not really."

"You are quite humorous." Wang Jinghua paused and said, "Actually, you might as well consider comedy in the future."


When Peng Yuyan and Wang Jinghua were getting to know each other, they also got a piece of news about the project that they disliked, the movie related to special children.

Someone has already taken over.

That person is Li Yun.

Actor, director, screenwriter.


It is not uncommon for an actor to become a director in the industry, but in the end it will be treated as a joke.

After all, directors and actors are two different industries.

Specializations are all different.

Li Yun is very annoyed these days. Some of his director friends have called him, including Zhang Dabeard.

Stop it, Ayun.

You can't handle it.

Although Li Yun knew that they were well-intentioned, he patiently explained that he made this decision based on a full assessment of his abilities.

Just made the decision.

"Actually, being a director is not that easy. You still have good years, so you don't have to waste your youth." Gao Yuanyuan called at this time. What she wanted to say was that since Li Yun has done so well as an actor, then Just keep doing it.

To be Li Yun who plays who looks like who.

Is not it good.

Li Yun also smiled slightly at this.

Thanks, but it's my decision.

"You are really stubborn, and you are indeed the one I know." Gao Yuanyuan's tone was incomprehensible, but she was not so surprised by Li Yun's decision.

"Are you free recently?"

"No time, I'm going to film a TV series."

"The youth movie that's been rumored?"

"It should be considered a youth movie."

No problem.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't ask what type of youth film it was. Anyway, since it was Li Yun's choice, he had his own reasons.

Later, after finishing talking to Gao Yuanyuan.

He smiled and said.

"Then let's meet again when we have time. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and I found that I really miss you."

"Do you miss my Bodhisattva body?"

"Yes, I'm jealous of you."

After Gao Yuanyuan said boldly, she hung up the phone. All in all, maybe it was just a reason to make the call to persuade herself not to be a director.

But then, Liu Qianqian also called.

And Liu Qianqian’s first sentence.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, does your movie lack a heroine?"


"Then I'll do it!"

"Out of control."

At this time, after Liu Meng, mother and son heard the news that Li Yun was going to make a movie, they both sneered. This is really overestimating one's abilities. The difference between an actor and a director. Could it be that he has been an actor for so long? You know, are you still so naive?

It's a little bit ridiculous.

"He's making a youth movie, and he's going to be a director, and he's still writing, directing, and acting. Who does he think he is?" Li Yichun sneered. Today's Li Yun is really like those inflated people in the entertainment industry, a little bit I started to mess around with little results, thinking I could do it.

It's really a bit ridiculous.

"How are things going with the young boy Qia?" Li Yichun asked his mother at this time. No matter how dandy he was, he knew the meaning of this TV series.

Being able to show up here is definitely a big resume.

A resume that most people cannot compare to.

Historical TV drama.

It’s a resource that all actors pursue, but it’s an elusive resource.

Not to mention its special significance, Qia is already top-notch in terms of production.

The standard should be based on the standard Liangjian.

And just being a classmate has a very special meaning.

All young actors, under 30 years old.

The main characters and supporting characters are all young people.

It can be said that only the most talented and promising talents in the entire central and Beijing circles will appear in this TV series.

Maybe if I can stand out in this drama, I will be a resource for historical dramas in the future.

Therefore, the characters in this TV series have been snapped up by major film and television companies in order to pave the way for their younger generations.

The Li family was not surprised, and indeed found a role for Li Yichun.

At this time, Liu Meng smiled slightly, feeling a little complacent.

"We still established contact with Mingyao Capital last time. Don't worry, unlike your father, they still found a role for you."

"Chai Sen's follower?"

Although Li Yichun didn't know who the historical figure Cai Sen was.

I just know that Cai Sen is also an important role.

Be his follower.

There must be a lot of opportunities to show your face!
(End of this chapter)

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