I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 282, The meaning of sublimity and purity

Chapter 282, The meaning of sublimity and purity

In fact, this scene itself is to highlight Xiang Jingyu's character.

She is the subject here.

It is the main body of this scene.

Her performance here was very natural, and even she herself did not expect that she could perform so naturally.

It's a bit unbelievable. She originally thought that she might have sex here a few times.

But now it doesn't.

One scene passed by another.

"Good sisters, you can keep it hidden. It's much better than the first time I filmed it." Qian Fangfang has a bit of a silly elder sister's character. Watching Xiang Jingyu's scenes go by, it's better than the scenes she filmed herself. Happy every scene.

"Actually, I also found it a bit incredible. I suddenly felt that when I was acting, it felt very natural."

"Isn't Li Yun an immersive actor?"

It should be so.

This natural feeling doesn’t come out of nowhere.

"If you say that, it seems that I have indeed discovered this matter." Liu Qun next to him thought about it carefully.

If it is a director who is not experienced enough, there is no way to find any problems.

"This Li Yun, his acting skills are very natural." Gong Ruofei paused and said, "A very natural feeling. You didn't realize that we didn't have any feelings about his play at all."

What are you thinking about now?

It's Cai Sen.
His eyes and demeanor were not like a great person, but more like the classmates around me, young people who worked hard and studied hard and were high-spirited.

"Did you notice something?"

He despises his father who sells stinky tofu. He upholds the idea of ​​​​study, which is to endure hardships and endure hardships, only then can he become a master.

The problem with Zhang Yu is that his sense of immersion is far better than that of others. As long as he is in full condition, Qian Fangfang's performance will be very difficult.

Or maybe other scenes, in fact, more or less problems can be seen.

"Yeah, it's incredible." Liu Qun couldn't help but said.

Or rather fluctuate.

There are young people in their prime here.

Yes, I don't feel it.

It seems like it should be here.

A young man with light in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Bingqing murmured.

Is he immersed in it?
Hu Nan Normal University has finally started.

That natural feeling arises spontaneously.

But when it comes to Li Yun, it can't be described as excellent or not excellent, it should be said more as natural.

The Three Friends of Xiangjiang, Xiang Jingyu, and Yang Kaihui all gathered in this place.

A character originally created by the screenwriter, a control group for the teenagers.

Even judging from his temperament and personality, there is still a sense of ordinaryness in it.

"Is it a coincidence?"

It is precisely because of this natural feeling that Gong Ruofei and Liu Qun were unable to find any faults or anything to comment on after filming.

Naturally there will be refined egoists like Liu Jingqin.

was excavated
Even Ye Bingqing himself didn't know where his current feeling came from.

Very natural.

Ordinary people seem to appear around us.

He is an original character.

They came here as teenagers.

No matter it's Zhang Yu's opening scene.

It's a bit incredible.

"what's up?"

It will become so natural.

The first class of students at Hu Nan Normal University led by this education giant.

Ye Bingqing still knows a bit about this.
"This shows that you are excellent." At this time, Qian Fangfang joked: "Maybe your strength has been discovered now."

Now, Ye Bingqing is thinking about other things.

By Yang Changji.

Reading has only one purpose for him.

That is to become what is called a master of human beings.

Becoming a master was the purpose of his studies and his obsession in life. He even tore up the test papers of the Cai brothers.

Just to be able to enter Hu Nan First Normal School.

But it is a touch of gloom among this group of young men.

The addition of this role was also discussed.

After all, it is indeed not good to include such a character in a TV series with such a main theme.

Finally decided to join this role.

Facts have proved that his joining indeed added a strange atmosphere to the entire crew, and even made Gong Ruofei, who was filming, feel a little sick.

"It's normal, disgusting, that's right." Gong Ruofei said it himself: "To us, it's just a disgusting screen image, but to people living in that era, this kind of person really existed. "

Poverty, but hard work, and the original intention of working hard.

It is to become a master who can step on others, so what he hates most is people like his father, a stinky tofu seller.

Even when his father was starching his clothes, Liu Jingqin could show his disgust openly and openly.


This refined egotist successfully made the entire crew hate him. This also shows that this actor did a really good job.

Being able to play an annoying character to the point where it makes people feel uncomfortable in their bones.

And corresponding to it.

Probably Cai Sen.

In fact, at the beginning, both Liu Qun and Gong Ruofei felt that Li Yun had a considerable sense of involvement.

He acted very naturally.

Naturally, there is no sense of greatness.


If Zhang Yu's acting skills and sense of immersion are unparalleled, then Li Yun's sense of immersion is natural and can even make people who play opposite Li Yun feel deeply.

Whether it is Ye Bingqing, who plays Xiang Jingyu, or the other teenagers who are friends with Cha, they all seem to enjoy playing opposite Li Yun.

That kind of natural feeling can even gradually immerse them in this world and this time and space.

The year 1913 in this country was a turbulent time.

Cai Sen, played by Li Yun, does not even have the slightest feeling of a great man, but more like a young man with a passionate heart and excellent quality.

A bit mundane.

Yes, at this moment, director Gong Ruofei discovered a problem. He knew where Li Yun's sense of intimacy came from. It was an ordinary feeling.

You can see me everywhere, here, at this moment.

It seems that he can be any of us in his youth, studying hard and working hard, coming from a poor family but not feeling inferior or feeling discouraged.

He would eat the leftover steamed buns and be laughed at by Liu Jingqin.

You will feel depressed and have low self-esteem.

But there is one difference between him and ordinary people.

This ordinary boy, even if he experienced such a thing, he would make the same choice.

He would still eat other people's leftover cornstarch to save money, and he would also shine shoes for others in his spare time to supplement the family income.

He will do the right thing.

Although he is not a great man at this time, people can still feel that he is a good young man.

A young man who can be seen everywhere and is real even if he lives next to him.

He is like this at this time.

"He chose to use an ordinary feeling to interpret Mr. Cai Sen. I think this is a bit wrong." Liu Qun paused and said, "But it is undeniable that his acting skills are really good."

While here, even Liu Qun had to admit it.

This wild boy, his strength is really good.

He immersed himself in it.

But is this immersion correct?
I can't tell clearly.

There are even some disputes between Gong Ruofei and Liu Qun.

Is this ordinaryness something that needs to exist in his character?

"I know what you're worried about. What you're worried about is actually that he doesn't act like a great man."

Gong Ruofei said: "It seems like a person who can be seen everywhere. Around us, you don't think he is a great person."

"Actually, I also have such concerns, but his immersion is really good and he can bring them into the play. To be honest, I am quite shocked by this immersion. At least with his immersion, he can definitely Fully realized, now we have all the roles of Cai Sen in Schoolboy."

As an immersive actor, Li Yun is qualified.

Even this qualification slightly exceeded Gong Ruofei's expectations.

Good looks and acting skills, isn't that enough?

That's it.

"Let him perform like this. Although he is a bit ordinary, he can show all the qualities he should show. Let Li Yun perform like this first. If something really goes wrong, it's not too late to make adjustments."

Gong Ruofei has always respected the characters' own development and destiny.

The same is true for the young boy Cai Sen here.

Now he has the ordinary feeling of a boy next door.

But what about after that.

"It's pretty good."

Zhang Yu was a little surprised. In his spare time, he also saw Li Yun's performance. He was a sunny boy who was poor but insisted on his principles, showing all the qualities of a good boy.

The Li Yun in front of him is a very pure and good boy.

And he became deeply involved in the role.

Zhang Yu originally thought that Li Yun, as an immersive actor, would not be very good at this role because he might be a little different due to his nature.

But Li Yun still did it, acting in an immersive way.

Zhang Yu smiled.

Not bad, not bad, only then can you be qualified to act on the same stage with me.

In the same shot, the same counterpoint.

"The reason why people are human is because they have ideals, beliefs, and understand the meaning of nobility and purity. If there are only interests and selfish desires in the eyes, then what is the difference between humans and animals that only satisfy material desires?"

This is what Cai Sen said when he faced Liu Jingqin in class.

Their backgrounds are generally similar, they are both poor, their families independently support them in their studies, and they all come to this school for a certain purpose.

Similar backgrounds but different choices.

From this moment on, the two characters become flesh and blood.

Cai Sen's choices again and again made Cai Sen, an ordinary young man, feel like he was in trouble.

Starting from a simple scholar, he changed to another place.

Yuan Shikai signed a treaty that was humiliating and humiliating the country, making all the students angry.

(End of this chapter)

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