I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces

Chapter 284, this Zhang Yu is so awesome that there is nothing in the sky or on the earth

Chapter 284, this Zhang Yu is so awesome that there is nothing in the sky or on the earth

the other side.

Hu Nan Aerospace Force Headquarters.

Director Ouyang Qian is here as a guest. He did not stay with the Qia Classmate Youth Crew the whole time.

"How's it going? What's the filming progress over there?"

"That's quite acceptable. Zhang Yu's performance was unexpectedly outstanding."

Director Ouyang Yang looked at Lu Zhengguang in front of him, smiled and said, "I have a lot of confidence in our plan this time."

"How do you have a lot of confidence? You are simply full of confidence."


Lu Zhengguang and Ouyang smiled at each other, and the two old guys could read relief from each other's mouths.

In fact, it is not the former director Ouyang who discriminates against non-scientific actors. On the contrary, he is also one of the promoters who recommended Hu Nan TV to vigorously develop young folk actors. Huanzhugege is his handiwork.

"This young man named Li Yun is quite outstanding." At this time, Lu Zhengguang touched his chin and said.

"So, this young man is not bad, but he is not as good as our outstanding graduates of Chinese Opera." Ouyang Yang smiled and said: "Our outstanding graduates of Chinese Opera are unique in cultural classes and are outstanding in acting. When it comes to these historical figures, both in terms of methodological advantages and familiarity, they will be higher than folk actors."

Folk actors may be more popular in terms of popularity or other aspects.

Front desk manager Ouyang spoke a little vaguely.

There are also many opposing voices within the Air and Space Force.

"You seem to be quite interested in this illegitimate son of the Li family."

But if compared to pure acting skills.

After all, when Qia and his classmates started the internal project, they encountered quite a lot of resistance.

But it’s just fun.

"Actually, there are still many old antiques who feel that our preparation for "The Boy Who Came Together" is unnecessary and we can just shoot "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" and "The Founding of the Party"." At this time, Lu Zhengguang shook his head and said: "But they don't know that since childhood, When it comes to youth and the age of struggle, no matter they, or the country's various stages and eras, don't they all need to be emphasized?"

They are pure acting specializations.

Lu Zhengguang was noncommittal about this.

Front desk manager Ouyang also joked at this time.

However, as the Youth League committee of the cultural troupe, Lu Zhengguang was able to defy all opinions.

Because of this, he knows the difference between majors and non-majors.

Most of them started with the war of resistance.

For example, the current director of Hu Nan TV, Zhang Yiheng, is very opposed to this plan.

"It's all pretty good."

Outstanding graduates from Shanghai Theater Academy and China Theater Academy can do a lot more.

"How should I put it? There is an insurmountable barrier between folk actors and our actors who have graduated from Chinese operas and theaters."

It was born for the stage. Even if it is used directly for stage plays or live performances, it can still control the scene at will.

I can only say that Zhang Yu, a young man who graduated from Chinese opera, is too outstanding.

It would just make people feel weird when they shoot it.

"Based on our age, we two should be the oldest antiques, but it turns out they are more conservative than us two old guys." Ouyang Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

Mr. Ouyang Yang also knew this.

"By the way, you have been talking about Zhang Yu, but there are three of the Three Friends of Xiangjiang." Lu Zhengguang said at this moment: "What about the other two?"

Lu Zhengguang heard it, old man Ouyang.
The academic qualifications of ordinary folk actors are not very good.

That doesn't mean the other two are bad.

It was a quite bold experiment. Instead of starting from their most glorious and passionate era, we started from a blank place.

I can understand this truth more clearly and truly.

"Stop being so pretentious, just tell me."

This era is indeed a blank period, and TV series without main themes have captured this period.

"Is this so?"

And during the script reading, which he participated in throughout the whole process, director Ouyang Qian could also see the difference between the folk actor Li Yun and the professional actor.

Either it is the spy war after the Anti-Japanese War. These two parts are the main themes of the current theme.

I feel that modern people simply cannot capture the spirit and consciousness of the great men of that era.

"If I have to say it, it's not as good as Zhang Yu. I can only say it's okay."

"Classmate Boy" is planned by Hu Nan TV and Sky Army
This can be regarded as a bold experiment in a TV series with a main theme.

A place. Quite a blank place
The times of their youth.

Lu Zhengguang laughed loudly after hearing this. The innovations made by the two oldest antiques here were indeed a bit funny.

It can be said that a considerable number of them are culturally burning books and entrapping Confucians.

Li Yun
Lu Zhengguang felt a little bit heartbroken at this moment.

A child who works so hard has reached this point alone in the entertainment industry. Can you say that he doesn't work hard?
If he had been given a condition to be able to study, would he have looked like this again?

"Ouyang, I want to go to visit the class, is it okay?"

"Of course, I'm about to go back. Director Gong Zhengfei and others said that the current filming process is going quite smoothly."

Then Mr. Ouyang Yang seemed to have thought of something.

"But he seems hesitant about some things."

"Anyway, as long as everything goes well. I'll just see what Zhang Yu is like when you brag about him."

"I will definitely not disappoint you. He will definitely have a share in the next great cause of founding the country and the founding of the party."

Gong Ruofei at this moment.

I encountered the first strange thing since becoming a director.

He pays for himself and his status is not low.

I’ve also met countless actors.

But the situation in front of me is so strange.

Filming is still going on, but almost the entire crew has quietly become different.

Since the filming of the scene that satirized Yuan Shikai's coronation ceremony, everyone's temperament has become different.

On the basis of students, there is more temperament. What exactly this kind of temperament is called is unclear. It can only be said that after they really bravely fought against Governor Tang.

There is a bit more temperament in him that students should not have.

In other words, there is a temperament that modern students do not have.

"Confidently, if you live for two hundred years, you will be like water hitting three thousand miles!"

At this time, Zhang Yu read this poem boldly.

He felt confused now.

It seems that he is no longer a great man.

but yourself.

But the self called the boy.

Next to him is Cai Sen, who is reading a book.

The years are quiet and quiet. Reading alone, this young man is much quieter than Zhang Yu.

More mature temperament.

There are also more, indescribable awareness and friendship.

Zhang Yu suddenly discovered.

He has been led away by Li Yun.

Obviously he had planned to act in the direction of a mature great man, but Li Yun still made him feel like a teenager.

The rhythm is carried away and cannot extricate itself.

The director team also discovered this problem.

The decisions made were simple too.

Let's add drama to Li Yun.

Add drama to Cai Sen, a young man who strives for self-improvement.

Almost no one knows him, but there is Li Yun in the crew.

But they all know Cai Sen in the crew.

He came alive before my eyes.

Even Zhang Yu himself was a little vague and confused.

He does have an incomparable sense of immersion, but he can still tell that he is Zhang Yu.

is an actor.

But Zhang Yu could no longer distinguish Li Yun in front of him.


Whether inside or outside the crew, he could no longer tell the difference between Li Yun and Cai Sen.

Zhang Yu suddenly thought suddenly.

Like Li Yun.

If he acts like this.

Can I still fully catch his play?
Is he really an actor of the younger generation?
“It’s so exciting”

"Is this really good?" Liu Qun couldn't help but ask director Gong Ruofei. Now these teenagers are half out of the control of the script itself.

The characters' personalities are a bit different, and the screenwriter almost tore up the book because he didn't follow the personality of his script at all.

But the world seems to have its own laws of development.

The same goes for characters.

They are out of the control of writers and directors.

Take Li Yun as the center point.

Radiating outward.

In fact, Gong Ruofei was also under some pressure. His pressure came from the loss of control of his character in the script.

"Immersion actors, can they be so scary?"

"Bring the whole crew into it." At this time, Liu Qun was still recalling the scene the day before yesterday, the passionate emotions, which even affected him. He was obviously over fifty, and he was no longer so impulsive.

Most of the emotional part of the mind has been replaced by rationality.

But he was affected.

Li Yun roared from the bottom of his heart.

Give influence.

It was an incredible feeling, one he had never imagined.

Even people outside the crew were shocked by the lines in the play.

"There is only one question now, whether he is acting correctly."

"He is completely different from the script and the original work. Is it different? Does it need to be changed in character? If it is wrong, it is still too late to reshoot."

The director, screenwriter and producer all expressed their own opinions on this point.

Everyone has their own opinions.

But director Gong Ruofei still decided to respect the character's own development path.

Let's just shoot it like this and let's see how far this Li Yun can bring the rhythm of the entire crew.

For a while, even the director was sure of one thing. Li Yun would lead the entire crew of Qia's classmates, his rhythm.

Gong Ruofei originally wanted to comfort Zhang Yu, the proud man of heaven, regarding this matter.

But later he realized that he was worrying too much.

This up-and-coming actor from the professional school also has the ability to immerse himself. He should have been the one leading the entire crew.


Worrying now.

Also excited.

To be able to play against such a master.

For Zhang Yu, it is a happy thing to see.

(End of this chapter)

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