Chapter 286, unable to conceal his passion
Those who create the young Chinese of the future.

early morning.

The boy recited the boy said.

An inspiring voice written by a pioneer.

The young man said.

What did the boy say.

Say this.

Li Yun listened to this voice, but he also understood why this voice was so deafening in that era that students followed it.

Because we are not living in an era.

"You live in an era when China has been weak for hundreds of years. What you hear and see is completely different from us. For us, it is just a few thin pages in a history book, but for you."

There are also people whose lines are read so tastelessly that it makes people wish they could just skip this section.

It's not a trick.

But it went with the emotion.

Why are lines part of acting?

Li Yun closed his eyes.

He panicked.

This line was recited by Li Yun.

"If China dominates the Earth, it will command the honor of Gu Pan. Only I, a young man, can enjoy it. How can it be compared to those who are dying there and have ghosts as their neighbors!"

This is the different structure caused by different script skills.

Right at my feet.

The expression of emotions is positive and high-spirited.

If Yuan Shikai was sorry for the Republic of China, it was the anger of the young people and the ridicule of him by the young people.

It is starvation, war, superstition, feudalism, and everything that hinders the progress and development of this country.

Then the young man said it was completely different.

The rhythm was brought to my head.

At this time, Zhang Yu was a little stunned, because this was originally his line for a one-man show, and he was the one who brought the rhythm.

It's probably these things.

"It's a real voice."

This generous and free-flowing line speaks directly from the heart.

In fact, director Gong Ruofei and others were also a little overwhelmed by this scene. Although they respect the character's own destiny, it should not be like this at all.

Li Yun incorporated his own feelings into his tone of voice.

Li Yun continued Zhang Yu's lines.

"This young man's words are indeed your thoughts."

Li Yun obviously started reciting the young man's story before this paragraph.

It's the feeling.

"What is the use of that old and decayed man? The day when he bids farewell to this world is not far away, but I, a young man, am a newcomer and have a relationship with the world."

Overwhelmed by his own rhythm.

Different context, intonation and even demeanor, when reciting the same line, these changes will make the feeling of the line completely different.

No wonder Liang Qichao was the idol of the students back then. I didn’t understand it before, but now I can definitely understand the feeling.

I was panicked for a moment, not because I was upstaged, but because my emotions were infected.

Then follow along.

"If I, a young man, have a great future ahead and a vast future, and if I have to live as an ox or a horse, or as a slave or a slave in China, I will be able to handle the cruelty of cooking braised meat and whipping."

Maybe there is a feeling of anger, but it is more of a longing for one's own pursuit of hope.

That crawling dragon.

Why do some people feel that a passage will make their blood boil, and they wish they could replace it, and they wish they could shed tears and denounce Fang Qiu on the spot.

This momentum is completely different from his own, so it feels like his emotions are being covered. He is obviously the one leading and leading the rhythm of this scene. Isn’t it a bit confusing now?

Let your whole body and mind follow your feelings, without using any techniques, throw away all your script skills, and feel the voice with your heart.

Because at this moment, "I" am living in that war-torn and chaotic era.

Li Yun began to hallucinate again, and before his eyes was a sea of ​​swords and fire.

Li Yun's mood rose.

The so-called line skills.

In other words, Li Yun's emotions shouldn't be so strong.

His emotions were so strong that he walked with the entire rhythm.

"Zhang Yu can't take it anymore." At this moment, Liu Qun immediately judged the situation.

Zhang Yu can't handle the scene anymore.

In other words, who can handle this shocking emotion?

"It's okay to ignore him with indifference!"

At this time, Xu Fang stood up. Xiao Zisheng, who had been in the crew, was tepid and was only evaluated for his appearance.

He said the boy who caught Zhang Yu.

"I ignored it indifferently and could not say anything, so that the young people in the whole country would become young people."

At this time, Li Yun said with a smile again.

"Then my country, China, will be the country of the future."

Shots of three young men in Xiangjiang River.

Gather in this scene.

The three of them were in the same frame, their eyes shining with blazing light.

ambition for this land.

Zhang Yu felt it at this time.

Fuck your acting skills.

If you carry the rhythm, then carry the rhythm.

He could no longer hide his passion.

It's hard to cover it up
"The progress is immeasurable, and the young people in the country are also the bosses. Then our country, China, is a country in the past, and we can wait for its collapse."

Li Yunxu released Zhang Yu, and the three of them recited and chanted in unison, with synchronized rhythms, emotions, and intonations. At this time, the three people's emotions were surprisingly consistent.

It didn’t feel like Zhang Yu was dominating at first.

But three people together.

Li Yun successfully brought up the rhythm.

Gong Ruofei put down his notebook and speaker and looked to the side.

Qian Fangfang and Ye Bingqing also spontaneously joined in the recitation.

The camera is out of the director's control, and the character actors themselves contribute to the camera.

"So the responsibility today does not lie with others, but with my young man."

"The wisdom of young people will make the country wise, the richness of young people will make the country rich, the strength of young people will make the country strong, the independence of young people will make the country independent, the freedom of young people will make the country free, the progress of young people will make the country progress, the young will be better than Europe, the country will be better than Europe, and the young will be more powerful than Europe. If the earth is strong, then the country will be stronger than the earth!”

"The red sun rises, and its path shines brightly!"

"The river flows out and flows into the ocean!"

"The hidden dragon soars into the abyss, its scales and claws fly!"

"Like the tiger roaring in the valley, all the beasts are terrified!"

"The future is vast and the days ahead are long."

"Beautiful, my young man in China is as old as the sky. How magnificent is my young man in China, who has no borders with my country!"

At first it was one person.

Later there were three people.

Then there were 10 people, then 30 people!
More than 30 students and more than 30 student actors in the Qia classmate crew recited this young man's words together.

Youth is rippling and blood is boiling.

This is what China's future will look like.

Youth movie.

The fiery youth of that era.

At this moment, Ouyang Lin and Lu Zhengguang were stunned.

Especially Director Ouyang Lin.

"A strong young man will make a country strong, and a young man's wisdom will make a country wise. Compared with when I was studying together, I feel that it has gone up by more than one level." At this time, Ouyang Lin murmured: "This is definitely more than one level higher."

This scene was not absent during the reading, and it was even one of the main attractions of the entire class of teenagers.

The central theme appears here.

"I know too." Lu Zhengguang nodded.

"How did you tell?"

"You bad old man just picked up the young man and said it with enthusiasm." Lu Zhengguang looked at Ouyang Lin teasingly: "I thought you bad old man could only talk about data analysis."


Ouyang Lin was also a little confused at this time: "I just subconsciously picked up the boy and said he is here."

At his age.

The thing about a hot-blooded boy has long been forgotten in my mind, and the feeling of being hot-blooded and hard to cool down has long been gone.

Old people don't have this thing. They are past the age where they love to dream, and past the age where they can accomplish great things with just their passion.

He would not have been infected by what the boy said.

Although it does not prevent him from being something that can inspire young people's passion.

It's just that this doesn't have much effect on the elderly.

But Ouyang Lin, an old fox, still followed suit. In the era of privatization of state-owned enterprises and the comprehensive transformation of local satellite TV, this speculator chose to venture into the sea.

He was infected by this hot-blooded young man.

Can the same paragraph or word infect people?

Except look at the word itself.

It also depends on who is thinking about it.

But now the person who was thinking about it has come out.

It's Zhang Yu and the others, the people who play the roles of the Three Friends of Xiangjiang, and the students of Hu Nan's First Normal School.

Time and years intersect in the eyes.

It was as if I could actually see the young boys who were just friends with me.

"It's amazing." At this moment, Ouyang Lin also murmured: "These young people will be the pillars of the entertainment industry in the future. In a circle filled with materialistic desires, they can provide people with works of noble spirit."

They can, what these young people can do, you can feel it through a play.

They can really resonate with teenagers.

and the heroes of that era.

Resonate spiritually.

"So I say, Zhang Yu is absolutely excellent." At this time, Ouyang Lin said to Lu Zhengguang with some complacency: "He is the backbone of our crew, and everyone's rhythm is led by him. Run."

"Would you like to stop looking at it?"


At this moment, when this scene is over.

Everyone was silent, including the director, director Gong Ruofei. He even gave up the initiative in this scene and put all the initiative in the actors.

Let the actors play their part.

And their eyes were fixed on another person.

"Have you noticed?" At this moment, Lu Zhengguang slowly said to Ouyang Lin: "The director gave up the initiative."

"Why can't I see this? He gave up command at the end."

"Then you still find out who gave up the initiative."


"So, you always stick to data analysis and market feedback, but you don't pay as much attention to the script and acting itself as before." Lu Zhengguang sighed.

It was certain that someone was unhappy after this perfect scene was filmed.

A director who has lost his initiative.

Another person voluntarily gave up the initiative.

That is Zhang Yu himself, who should be the center point of this scene.

He also gave up the initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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