Chapter 288, future plans and ambitions

When Li Yun was discovered, it was already the second day.

Li Yun fell asleep on the cliff last night.

The crew who came to clean up the props were shocked and quickly sent Li Yun to the hospital for examination.

I didn't catch a cold, but my body felt healthy and tight.

His physical fitness is like that of an animal. After a night of cold wind blowing on the cliff in autumn, his body didn't have any problems at all. Li Yun even showed off his abdominal muscles, making the directors and crew with average belly fat envious. A lot.

Li Yun wanted to say that this was the result of exercise.

But it's not that shameless after all.

I have a system.

You don't.

I can have money, fame, and an accent.

I'm so sorry.

"It's not bad." Li Yun paused and said, "Actually, it's not that simple."

It is actually a very happy thing to have a clear heart and know what you want to do and what you want to be.

Our own special preparation perfectly solves this pain point.

What you want.

The emphasis is on ensuring harvests during droughts and floods.


The enlightened one is always happy.

But after filming, Li Yun seemed to have some understanding.

Not asking for anything in return.

Even more stylish.

Not much, about 20.

This great man.

In fact, it just depends on the subsequent feedback of the young classmate. Movies are different from TV series, so you still have to consider the box office.

Not to mention films like Classmates, even films that are slightly inferior, Li Yun still has to return the favor.

Why are these two movies still at odds with each other?

The salary for the movie "Cha Classmate" arrived quickly.

It's all tacky.

As expected, actors who purely follow the main theme route are indeed rich but purely commercial.

But that's what it says.

It was Mr. Lu from the Air and Space Army, Lu Zhengguang.

And having said that, Li Yun was still a little curious as to why Lu Zhengguang gave him this position for nothing.

The Communist Youth League Committee of the Aerospace Army was sitting next to Li Yun without any airs.

Qia Classmate Youth is such a work, and the establishment of the Air and Space Army has such an identity.

In fact, Li Yun did not fully understand Cai Sen.

I am an actor and a lay person.

At least during the filming process.

Of course, no matter what the reason is, if the other party helps you, no matter what it has to do with your body, you must repay the favor.

"How did it feel after filming this scene?"

To understand and become this great person.

"Maybe the fire you passed on to me did make me a little more powerful, but I am a person who pursues fame and wealth and wants to reach the top of my life." At this moment, Li Yun murmured: "Although you passed it on to me That ball of fire doesn’t conflict.”

Li Yun just wants to pursue fame and fortune, he just wants to reach the peak of his life, and he just wants to get rid of all the personalities in his mind.

card face.

But it seems that Lu Zhengguang is very interested in his next plan.
In fact, it is the great cause of founding the country and the great cause of building the party that are still being painted.

Yes, it's not that simple.

"It is indeed not an easy thing, but you still did it." Lu Zhengguang smiled slightly, his face full of relief.

The remuneration is very characteristic of CCTV, and even Li Yun is a little bit too little.

Have an accent.

Just occasionally, I need some works to make myself less tacky.

What I have to admit is that although most of the actors in the establishment are not that wealthy, their quality and appearance are much higher than actors of the same level.

Of course, there must be these two movies, and the success of Classmates will determine the lineup of these two movies.

Gong Ruofei actually wanted to use his classmate Cha as a springboard.

He wanted to lead the great cause of founding the country and building the party.

This is his ambition.

It’s not just about casting actors.

Still looking for a director.

Of course Lu Zhengguang wanted Li Yun to go to these two projects on behalf of the Aerospace Army Art Troupe.

But when it got to that point, he stopped talking.

"Mr. Lu, I am very grateful for your concern for my matter, but I will go all out in the next filming." Li Yun said seriously: "If I really are included in these two projects."

Lu Zhengguang looked at Li Yun at this time.

I still feel that this child has changed a bit, and there is a change that makes him happy.

"Do entertainment works that affect people's hearts also affect actors? Yes, if works that cannot impress actors, how can they impress the audience?"

At this time, Lu Zhengguang smiled slightly, feeling happy in his heart.

Your son is such a good boy.

【Send off: Cai Sen】

[Reward: Will +10, Charm +10]

[The Will of the Great Man (3/1): Being able to understand the thoughts of great men in the past makes you more empathetic to this emotion. It is absolutely helpful whether you are acting or filming yourself]

[The fire is passed down from generation to generation, it is the spiritual life of China] Li Yun returned to the capital, where he bought the house.

The body stretched lazily in a wide circle.

Then he lay on the soft bed, and the clean dog pounced on him.

"It still smells good."

"Of course, I even washed him specially when I found out you were coming home." Liu Qianqian rolled up her sleeves, put her hands on her waist, and looked like brother Li Yun was about to praise me.

After learning that Li Yun was back.

She gave the dog a bath without stopping.

"You are awesome." Li Yun gave a thumbs up and a like.

Then I was a little curious as to why Liu Qianqian came so quickly today.

"I returned the house over there."

The apartment over there was originally for rent.

"Then I bought a set here. It's just upstairs, brother Li." Liu Qianqian squinted at Li Yun and smiled: "That's right, I bought this with my own salary. It's completely No need to rely on other people’s help.”

As expected of a rich woman, she opened her mouth to see a house in the capital.

However, considering the financial resources of Liu Qianqian's family, buying this house is just pocket money.

So Liu Qianqian also specially emphasized that she paid for it with her own acting remuneration.

So Liu Qianqian, you are awesome.

At this time, Liu Qianqian saw Li Yun sincerely praising her.

Obviously for her, it would be very easy to buy this house if she used her family's money, but she still stubbornly used her salary to pay for all the property.

It seems to everyone to be unnecessary.

But Liu Qianqian felt that.

So happy.

It also makes sense.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" Jiang Chenggang looked at Li Yun and Liu Qianqian. In addition to envy, jealousy and hatred, he was also filled with emotion. If outsiders knew that Liu Tianxian, the first Golden Eagle Goddess who moved China, would be like this Appearing at a young man's house might make her fans explode.

In fact, Jiang Chenggang didn't know what the relationship between Li Yun and Liu Qianqian was.

I dare not say or ask, after all, one is my boss and the other is the national goddess.

What's there to ask?

I can’t ask, I can’t ask.

"When you went to film, the whole capital was in a state of chaos. You know, the capital was in chaos."

"How to say."

"You know Zhuo Wei, a super entertainment reporter who has been very popular recently, but he leaked some dirty information about Li Modu. He is a role model of the times, and he is a pornographic person! The whole Beijing circle is following him, Li Modu, a lot of people are... Got involved."

Jiang Chenggang couldn't wait to tell Li Yun what he knew.

"You know, Chengtian Jiahe, the entertainment company that has always been at odds with you before has been the first to be affected this time. Even the attendance of its artists has been suspended."

"It's really bad luck this time."

"How can this be considered bad luck? To use a famous novelist's words." Li Yun joked at this time: "It's this guy Li Yichun, he has a way to kill himself."

If he hadn't done those stupid things, he could have waited until he entered the entertainment industry and then brutally tortured him.

It's better now.

I can only hang out in the prison circle.

The biggest impact of this incident is the separation of Liu Meng and Li Modu, a model couple. One is a director and talker in Beijing circles, and the other is an artist in the singing circle.

Ben is the envy of the industry.

But because of Li Yichun's affair, they parted ways.

"Regardless of whether there is an illegitimate child or not, is he worthy of being a role model of the times?" Li Yun mocked at this time, but he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Indeed, you said it would be nice to spend some money to do that kind of thing. It's really disgusting if it has to be like this or that." At this time, Jiang Chenggang also disdained this, but any normal man would be disgusted by his behavior. And shameless.

In other words, this is definitely a huge blow to Li Modu's reputation in the industry, and his moral mask has been torn apart.

He actually dared to cover up such a thing, and the result of the cover-up was at this moment. When the incident happened, everything came back to him.

It backfired on the Li family in Beijing.

His dream of being the number one role model in the entertainment industry was shattered. It was indeed a bit shameful and ridiculous.

"Okay, let's not talk about him anymore."

"Let's also talk about our next plans."

"Can I listen to this?" Liu Qianqian raised her hand and looked particularly cute.

Cute and cute.

"Why not? And it has something to do with you."

Li Yun smiled and said: "My debut film is The Crucible. You said last time that you wanted to be the heroine. You weren't kidding me."

Jiang Chenggang thought Liu Qianqian was just a joke... A new director directed a work with sensitive themes. Such an important matter as finding a heroine could not be solved in one or two sentences.

In the end, Liu Qianqian just nodded.

"it is good!"

Concise and concise.

"Your mother's side?" Jiang Chenggang was stunned for a moment. Everyone in the agent circle knew that Liu Qianqian was fucking difficult to deal with.

Very difficult to do.

"It's okay. I'll take care of this."

"Then it's settled?"

"Yeah! It's a deal."

When Liu Qianqian walked out of the house, the smile on her face quickly disappeared.

Brother Li’s movie?

If you ask your mother.

What is the probability that she will say yes?
Without a doubt, zero.

(End of this chapter)

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