I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 296, Finishing "The Crucible"

Chapter 296, Finishing "The Crucible"

He punched it out.

The golden watch that originally appeared in the principal's hand has now turned into a fist mark.

Liu Ping was in pain.

It hurts
Li Yun really hit him. Liu Pingan really hit Liu Ping in the face with his fist.
This is also what Liu Ping asked for, to fight with real force!

Use real fists to fight!
Go get hammered.
Liu Ping cried.

I don’t know if it’s because of the pain.

Or something else.

This is the sublimation of Liu Pingan's character.

Sublimation is completely completed here.
He's a bit of a wimp because of his family.

When she first stepped into the campus, the female student said "Hello Teacher" in sign language. She was timid and had a petite body.
She was speaking in sign language.

rather than an adaptation.


The frustration in my heart has dissipated a little.

Give care to them who are not paid attention to by society.

The sun shines on Li Yun's face.

Until the movie was completed, justice triumphed over evil, and the principal was thrown into prison.

With that punch, the courage of the children burst out.

'Thank you'

For this teacher, and for the archetypal character Liu Ping, it is painful.
Li Yun's punch did not contain any force, and Liu Ping's face immediately swelled up.
It was really swollen.
But Liu Ping felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

In fact, this school is a devil's cave.

Li Yun also replied in sign language.

This is the principal's external rhetoric.

Caring for children with disabilities.

All guilty persons have not escaped the punishment of the law.

Quite enjoyable.

It's all here. Presumably, the dust has settled.

The lawyer who never gave up, the teacher who regained his courage, the principal who was sanctioned, and the school's head teacher.

The swelling on Liu Ping's face has not been completely eliminated.
But this biting pain made him feel somewhat comfortable.

In order to satisfy the evil desires of the principal - compared with ordinary children, these children with disabilities who do not have full civil capacity are the tools for these evil people to fulfill their desires.

This movie script is the final reaction to his state of mind, and everything in his soul is presented here.
The next shoot.

This ending is real.

Li Yun cried.

"Actually, I wasn't that courageous back then."

The main purpose of the movie is to reveal the unknown corners.

He is also a Superman, his daughter’s Superman, a Superman who will never let her down.

The voiceless people in this society make their voices, weak voices, known.

At the end, Liu Pingan met the girl again.

What follows is a battle of wits and courage with the 'principal'
Knocking out his teeth with one punch is not the end, but a fight with the "ruffians, road bullies" and "village sages" here.

Restore your mental state from this moment.
Is Liu Pingan in physical pain?

Go hit yourself.
It was the principal who was beaten.

Liu Pingan completed his sublimation.
Completed. Sublimation of myself, overcoming my own cowardice and cost.

But in fact, what is broken is the past self
Not all pain comes from the physical body.

He has a conscience because he is a teacher and his heart aches.

The principal is never the principal, he represents the school.

The movie is officially finished.

At the closing banquet, Principal Liu Ping said.

Conscience, anger.
The man who was originally burdened with responsibility and cowardice, now managed to wave his fist.

After the movie is finished.

They also represent the local sages and interest groups in their school - of course, these are hidden from the people below. People in the county and city have no idea about this matter at all. Even before it was exposed, the principal was 'Sunshine' Founder of Sunflower's charity program.

'Teacher, you're late'

"I also said that it was the first time I found out about the scandal in the school. I found out that the principal and the head teacher were colluding with each other. But at that time, I still endured it. Even though I was in pain, I still endured it, because he took control of it. My future."

"And I'm not just a teacher, I'm a father, I have my daughter, I have my family, I have to support my family, I have my own responsibilities."

"When I first discovered the principal's violence, I chose to keep silent. Unlike 'me' in the movie, I did not take action before he committed violence for the second time."

"It was three years later that I found the girl dead. This girl with a slight mental retardation jumped onto the railroad tracks and her body was run over."


"They just have obstacles, not that they can't feel pain. I regret that I didn't stop the principal's violence at that time."

"I became the 'hero' of this small county. Not only was my career not affected, but it continued to improve. Because I was a hero, I became the idol of the small town, and even raised the reputation of local education to a higher level. ”

"But I know that I am actually not noble. If I were really perfect and noble, I would have exposed him at that time and would not have let her die like this. So, I am actually not that courageous. In fact, I am still a coward..."

In fact, the filming of this movie.

It should be darker and harsher.

Not only revealing this unknown dark side, but also revealing the fact that he is not that noble.

However, this script was changed beyond recognition by Li Yun.

It became his 'melting pot'. He became the courageous person he was at that time.
When he had the courage, at that time, he became 'Superman'.
To embrace courage.
The ending after defeating the inner demons
"How should I put it? Movies are movies and people are people. We make movies for fame and fortune, and to convey our thoughts to the world." Li Yun paused and said, "And what you do is to possess and convey to the world The qualifications of thought.”

Even Li Yun had to admit it.

Principal Liu Ping.

He is a man of courage and greatness
Even if he says that he is not actually that brave, in reality, even if he has been struggling for three years, how many people in this world are willing to seek a clear conscience despite being burdened with responsibilities?

Li Yun couldn't do it at his own expense, but it is undeniable that Principal Liu is such a courageous and responsible person and, in the end, he followed through on his courage.

Zhuo Wei raised his glass to Li Yun at the wine table.

Originally, it was difficult for him to find words to describe a filmmaker.

A young actor and a director.

He has seen big names, bad-tempered people, and all kinds of people, because he was originally an entertainment reporter, and as an entertainment reporter, he should have seen everything in this circle.

He hadn't seen anyone before.

He hadn't seen anyone before.

Regarding Li Yun, he didn't know how to describe his initial inner evaluation.

Now, I know.

How to describe the young man in front of me.

An actor, a director.

Two words.


The word "professional" is enough to describe this young man Li Yun.

Using the most incredible techniques, but definitely the most professional form.

To express everything about him.
How could Zhuo Wei not be impressed by this?

I admire you very much.

A professional practitioner in the entertainment industry can display super qualities.

"I admit that I definitely underestimated you at first." Zhuo Wei was silent for a moment and then said: "I wish our movie can become famous far and wide."

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhuo, the best blessing is not to wish that our movie will be a big seller." Li Yun smiled slightly and said: "We make movies for fame and fortune."

"Is it going to be a big sale? Okay, then it will be a big sale."

At this time, Zhuo Wei also smiled and said: "In the future, if you can use me for anything, just tell me. I should be somewhat capable of my own."

While here.

Zhuo Wei only feels convinced by Li Yun
Give it time.

Maybe he can really become a great director and actor.

In the entertainment industry, a very important presence
One, comparable to his cheap father, Li Modu's existence...
"Maybe you can catch up with your father in the future."

"That's impossible." Li Yun said modestly.

"It's possible, don't underestimate yourself."

"Catching up with that guy is not what I'm after."

Zhuo Wei just wanted to say that Li Yun didn’t need to belittle himself.
There is really no need to belittle oneself.

It is possible.

However, Li Yun spoke at this time.

"He has never been my goal. I will surpass him. I will stand on his head. Use the two words you used to describe me, professional. To overwhelm him and overshadow him."

At this time, Zhuo Wei looked at Li Yun in front of him. He was so arrogant and ambitious that he didn't look like a newly debuted director.

What he thought about was never to catch up with him or the candidate who was the model of that era. What he thought about was to surpass him and defeat him.

Can it be done?

The top boss in the entire Beijing circle.

Relying on his professionalism, he has unparalleled voice.

Not a goal.

But something to be stepped on.

After finishing the final film.

It’s just editing and sending it out for review.

It is to turn this long and lengthy piece of filmed content into a finished film.

At this time, Li Yun was standing at the gate of the campus.

On campus, off campus.

This place was supposed to be the last place of care for these special children, but instead it became a sinful cave that dragged them into the bottomless abyss.

They can't make a sound, but they can actually feel the pain
The pain in my heart.

body pain.
"I'm sorry, I can't stop you from suffering anymore, but with my little power, the bad guys can be punished." Liu Ping'an hugged the disabled little girl next to him.
She flinched at Liu Pingan from the beginning to finally touching his palm.

He is crying.

She's there too.

Unfortunately, scars are difficult to repair.

At this time, Liu Pingan took that step.

He became Liu Ping.

Real people in front of us, flesh and blood.

The scars cannot be repaired.

But I want to prevent people in the future from suffering more harm.

(End of this chapter)

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