I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 299, The upcoming release of The Legend of the Condor Heroes

Chapter 299, The upcoming release of The Legend of the Condor Heroes
Liu Qianqian, national goddess, golden eagle fairy, many names appear on this young and beautiful little flower.

She is a darling, loved by both the times and the capital in the industry.

He has an extremely wealthy family background and an extraordinary appearance.

These are the reasons why she can gain a foothold in this circle.

She has many die-hard fans.

If she has any shortcomings, it's probably her acting skills. In fact, people who have watched many of Liu Qianqian's works have discovered one thing. No matter how she is played, she is just Liu Qianqian, and no matter how she is played, she is still Liu Tianxian.

Nothing seems to have changed at all.

As an actor.

If you really can only act yourself.

That actually makes sense. After all, being able to play yourself all the time and having a role that suits you is a skill.

Extremely flattering, like a dog, those dogs will bite wherever Liu Lili points.

But Liu Tianxian's tone is really too high, to the point where many young actors in the industry are jealous.

Many domestic filmmakers who want to gain connections in Hollywood are rushing to please Liu Lili.

Liu Lili's current husband is a director of a Hollywood film and television company.

No one can be liked by everyone. My daughter, things were calm before because your family was using resources to suppress public opinion. That's just this time.

Although this is normal and understandable for many people in the industry.

After all, her family's resource team is all in Hollywood.

Eastern heroine.

They all regard this place as a stepping stone and a place to brush up their qualifications.

Her family members are very important in the industry.

Whatever illogical things people do, that's their own business.
"My ambition is to be in Hollywood. According to domestic public opinion, I can't just play around if I want to." Yu Jian said helplessly at this moment.

"That's right, use our internal entertainment as a stepping stone, right?" Zhang Bearded sneered at this time, but he had to admit that this was his attitude.

The same is true for Li Yun.

Not only did Liu Qianqian have it at her fingertips, it can also be said that compared to others, she had reached the sky in half a step.

Liu Lili didn't take the internal entertainment matters seriously from the beginning.

As an actor, you may think that he is already at a good level, but that's because you haven't seen the higher and farther scenery, so you have such an idea. That's why you think that he is quite powerful.

He immediately knew that the resources to protect Liu Qianqian's image had been temporarily removed.
Originally, the brokerage company would not do such stupid things.

Even if he bites his own daughter.

It was just that the resources originally used to protect Liu Qianqian were removed.

Yes, just because she has capital.

Just because he has money and capital?

When you lose the support of resources, everything you naively think will become cruel.

"It doesn't matter if you dream with that Li Yun, but dreaming also comes with a price." At this time, Liu Lili calmly put down the phone in her hand, and was very satisfied with the current public opinion.

All of this is inseparable from Liu Lili's handiwork. She wants to let her daughter know that it is a cruel thing for a person to have no resources.

Only when you see what it means to be truly superior to the people you meet will you realize how ridiculous your current stubbornness is.
Only then will you realize how useless your current persistence is.

Who will stay in domestic entertainment if they can develop in Hollywood?

This is the lesson Liu Lili taught her daughter.

The family factor is something that others will never envy.

Liu Lili felt that it was time to teach her rebellious daughter a lesson. Although "The Melting Pot" gave her an opportunity to be willful, it did not mean that she would need to coddle her rebellious daughter in other projects.
As for Li Yun's reputation on the Internet, Liu Lili did not deliberately create it. Liu Lili felt that she did not need to deliberately create anything in terms of public opinion.
She didn't bother to do this.
Although she was quite disdainful and angry towards Li Yun, a young man who seemed to have 'bewitched' her daughter, she was not to the point of bullying him and using her resources to suppress him.
She still wants some face
However, when the heroine of this drama herself is targeted, the reputation of this drama will fall behind.
"That woman."

Her family has the capital to say this.

But no matter what, it was opened by someone else.

Now the whole world knows that Liu Qianqian is going to Hollywood.

Liu Lili did not create the atrocity of public opinion against the Condor Heroes, she only contributed to it behind the scenes.

After you see the excellent resources of Hollywood.

No one can grow without any help.

Why can he?

Others work hard to act and express themselves in domestic entertainment, mostly just for a chance to go to Hollywood.
Opportunities that others work hard to get are just within your reach. The irony is that you don't cherish this opportunity.

A title that many people covet.

A social lesson.

At this time, Zhang Dabeard was a little speechless about Liu Lili at home. The current public opinion on the Internet responded very quickly.

No, it didn’t add fuel to the flames.

To put it harshly, even if you gain some qualifications in Hollywood and then come back to domestic entertainment to develop, that is also a beautiful resume.

Just like Jet Li, if you develop in Hollywood and then return to domestic entertainment, your net worth is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Everyone knows the advantages of Hollywood.

So even if Zhang Dabeard feels aggrieved, it is just aggrieved.

"It's a pity Liu Qianqian, he still likes the mainland very much." Yu Jian sighed.

This can be seen.

It’s better not to behave like an actor in a company.

Regarding Liu Qianqian, Zhang Dabeard has nothing to complain about, both in terms of her compatibility with the character and her own efforts in filming.

Let’s look at one thing at a time.

But at present, the pressure from public opinion on the Condor Heroes is not just that.

In fact, it comes from all aspects.

Liu Qianqian's role pressure is partly due to the backlash of public opinion about the actor.

The TV series itself is also under a lot of pressure.

After all, it is recognized as the pinnacle work among Jin Yong's tetralogy.

No matter from the perspective of conception or secularization, it has reached a peak balance point.

It is also the work with the most fans.

It is also the main driver of this public opinion offensive.

The heroine used a large vase.

What about the male protagonist?

Not as good as a big vase.

Regarding Li Yun as an actor, public opinion on the Internet is actually mixed.

Firstly, Li Yun's rise has taken away too many roles from popular male actors.

These things have gradually become known.

It's not a secret.

Let those actors who are die-hard fans feel particularly disgusted with Li Yun?

After all, he robbed his idol of his resources.

I still feel that Li Yun is not that reliable as an actor.

The man who just won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actor did not focus on honing his acting skills, but announced that he would write, direct and star in a movie.

Sounds like a pretty frivolous actor.

Of course, some people say, doesn’t this frivolous look fit Yang Guo’s character? It can be regarded as a true performance.

It is precisely because of this that a group of people actually believe that Li Yun can play the role of Yang Guo well.

Because the actors themselves are frivolous enough.

So go play a frivolous character.

It also makes sense.

These people are not interested in Li Yun as an actor, but they dislike the role of Yang Guo. Although his infatuation with Xiao Longnu is tragic, he has been mercilessly picking up girls and teasing others. Wasn't it him who made Yang Guo's life a mistake?
What else is worth loving so much?

In fact, there are quite a few people who don't like the character of Yang Guo. They like Little Dragon Girl but not Yang Guo, and they also account for a lot of absolute value among the entire movie-watching group of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

at this time.

In this big villa with a big beard in the capital.

As for this public opinion discussion on the crew itself.

Zhang Beard is about to play the show now, and he is getting together with a few friends in the entertainment industry.

"That's what remakes of big IPs are like. There are always people in it who believe in the past but not the present. I am best at adapting the original drama, which makes it difficult for many fans of the original to accept it."

"But if we follow the original play completely, the predecessors have already filmed the original version of the original sentence. If we film it again according to the original version, wouldn't it be equivalent to copying the leftovers of the predecessors? No, that’s not called a remake, that’s called plagiarism!”

Although there is already a certain advance understanding of public opinion.

The bearded man was still quite angry, and his mood swings were not small.

These audiences care more about venting their emotions.

But it’s about watching TV series.

Isn’t it also a process of finding emotional value?

It doesn’t mean that anyone wants to say anything more.

"Speaking of which, Lao Zhang, you said this about the original work. Does Mr. Jin Yong know?" At this time, a director who was familiar with Zhang Bearded joked.

His name is Jiang Wei.

He is not considered a director from the Beijing circle, but he is also from the northern circle, belonging to the circle in East Qufu.

I have always dealt with coal bosses a lot on weekdays, and I also have a down-to-earth aura of wine, sex, and wealth.

"I just want to prevent people like you from doing this."

"Don't say it, really don't say it, he will come as soon as he says he will."

At this time, Zhang Dabeard's phone rang, grinning.

The door opened, and the person who came in was Mr. Jin Yong.

"I'm not late, Mr. Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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