I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 309, choose the script "Latent"

Chapter 309, choose the script "Latent"

Li Yun has an advantage that many top actors don't have.

He is not from the mixed system.

He has quite a reputation among the people.

Especially a peak popular script like The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Being able to play the leading role in such a script and also achieve good ratings is a manifestation of fame in itself.

Fame can cover up shortcomings in acting.

And Li Yun may not have any shortcomings in acting.

After much thought, Jiang Wei decided to hand the script to Li Yun.

Li Yun is sincerely invited to play the role of Yu Zecheng.

Li Yun himself didn't know if he had taken over the fire.

The lineup is equally luxurious.

There are also requirements for actors' beliefs.

Codenamed Emei Peak.

Or a more challenging script.

This is also the feeling that actors need to create.

Ever since I finished filming Cha’s classmate boy, that feeling of entanglement has lingered.

There is only the pursuit of the peak of actors and fame and fortune as the anchor.

And it's very mysterious.

Yes, Li Yun has a shitty belief.

Let Li Yun clearly understand what kind of person he is.

Among all the character scripts, there is no one more cost-effective than lurking.

The pinnacle of pursuing fame and fortune is faith.

In the eyes of many people, this book is not cost-effective for the younger generation.

He became famous all over the world.

Spy dramas are a genre that Li Yun has never been involved in before, and the requirements for acting skills are relatively high.

So these are some special requirements for spy dramas.

Because spies are just such a group of people.

If it were Yu Zecheng, he would have been vacillating in the beginning, and he would have been entangled and wavering.

"Hehehe, who knows, you also know that my belief is the pinnacle of pursuit of fame and fortune, so it is normal for me to choose a script that can help me reach the pinnacle of fame and fortune." His lurking back then brought Sun Honglei to the Emperor Shi.

"A character with faith. Do you have faith? I feel like you only believe in money and fame. How can you perform the essence of such a character?" The director next to him looked at the script and looked at it from his perspective. , the interpretation is difficult, and from the perspective of pursuing fame and fortune, it is really not cost-effective.

The requirements for acting skills are extremely high.

It's quite artistic, and it's also Emei Peak.

This feeling of faith.

It seems that it is not easy to praise people.

a spy.

If there is no faith.

However, it seems to be a little different from the lurking in the previous life. The lurking in the previous life should be considered a front-line production.

Spy drama.

This lurking is not easy.

Including Li Yun himself.

I want fame and fortune.

Only Li Yun probably knows.

The potential in this life is probably just a second-tier production that is close to the top of the first-tier.

This role.

After all, in terms of mental state, even Li Yun sometimes couldn't recognize what kind of person he was.

He said that the fire was passed on to him.

I also have some disputes of my own.

There are indeed some slight differences in the parallel world.

It is impossible to persist.

Rely on Yu Zecheng.

I want to walk on the road that I have never walked and see the peak that I have never seen. I don't have to prove that I am better than anyone, nor is it to prove that I am stronger than Li Modu. The original owner of this body is too small.

Being better than him is not a matter of course.

And "Insidious" is undoubtedly a script with a high level of challenge, but a high return rate.

His leading man.

Yu Zecheng.

From the perspective of pursuing fame and fortune, there is nothing wrong with choosing this script, but Li Yun still has some personal reasons for it, and this is probably the personal reason.

Li Yun wanted to see clearly whether he had inherited the fire.

That fire that even I may not understand. Will I have it?

The Legend of the Condor Heroes is an explosive hit.

This is not unrelated to his own IP strength, but there are also many results of Li Yun's interpretation in it.

Jiang Chenggang was all smiles.

This time, word of mouth has made a lot of money.

"Li Zi, you are a professional actor. Just keep running all night on the road of being an actor. I believe you can do your best!"

In time, maybe he will be able to achieve the status of a movie king and a movie king.

It's not a foolish dream.

But something that is really just around the corner.

"Of course I am a professional actor, and I will definitely run towards becoming an actor and movie star in the future. I want to be a man like Chaplin. Super movie stars like Xingye and Brother Long are my goals."

"Yes, that's right, so you should focus more on your acting career." Jiang Chenggang said with a squinted smile.

Now Li Yun has established himself among the leaders of the younger generation.

Playing steadily and steadily.

I will definitely be able to be nominated as the TV Emperor before I turn 30.

Before the age of 40, try to be the emperor.

The same is true for the actor.

As a film and television duo, no, I should add a film and television song now.

In terms of singing, Li Yun also has his talents.

A talent that Jiang Chenggang could not imagine.

"In the next trip, I will go to shoot Latent, and then prepare with Jiang Wen to make the bullets fly. I will take the time to complete the editing of the furnace."

"I don't admire you for anything else. What I admire most about you is your energy."

No matter how many times, Jiang Chenggang will admire Li Yun's monster energy.

Can be called a freak.

This may be the reason why Li Yun can stand out from the intense work of various actors.

It's indeed a bit scary.

Such physical talent.

It’s truly an unattainable feeling.

"It's not bad to lurk on this TV series, and it's good to get this resource."

Jiang Chenggang felt that Li Yun's choice of the lurking male protagonist this time was quite reasonable.

Although there are various shortcomings.

But if there were no shortcomings, this hole would have been taken over by someone else, and it would be Li Yun's turn to be the potential male protagonist.

The biggest drawback of Latent is probably the director’s qualifications.

There are resources.

This director also seems to be prepared to attack front-line directors by hiding.

But what you want to do is subjective.

What can be done is objective.

He must have his own ability to attract CCTV's favor and investment, but his own experience is not enough to support him.

Moreover, this Jiang Wei also caused a lot of jokes in the industry. He went to the Directors Association and asked the seniors to be his deputy.

This is indeed a bit ridiculous.

Even to laugh at.

Apart from the fact that the director is a weirdo, there is nothing wrong with the cast of themes.

Another shortcoming is that this kind of TV series that is full of drama in small scenes can easily attract the patronage of bigwigs.

If the acting is not good enough here.

Or if it's not natural and round enough.

Then the true colors will be revealed.

It's just that Jiang Chenggang isn't that worried about this. Li Yun's acting skills, so far, are not so bad as to be outdone by those gangsters.

Now the young eagle has spread its wings and soared.

It's time to show off to the world.

Jiang Chenggang told Li Yun not to worry too much about letting bullets fly.

Don't get too hung up on the furnace.

Especially letting bullets fly, Jiang Chenggang couldn't see much potential.

Li Yun thought silently, this old Jiang also made mistakes sometimes.

But there’s no need to say more.

"If anyone thinks the script of Let the Bullets Fly is ordinary."

"That's certainly not my problem."

"There must be something wrong with that person's appreciation."

(End of this chapter)

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