Chapter 312: Spies never have a family
The crew of "Insidious" is preparing to start filming the script here.

Emei Peak, crab.

Are they all codenames of Yu Zecheng, or are they different codenames at different stages?
Li Yun was reading the script in his room, and preparations were in full swing outside.

"Emei Peak, I'm still taking a photo alone."

Li Yun also wanted to laugh a little when he heard this code name.
Emei Peak alone.

The person with this name is quite literary.

At this time, the personalities next to them were chattering.
The resident 'director' and 'superstar' are also there.
Oh no.

Now there is another one. Li Yun doesn’t know when it started to appear.
It seems like it’s been there since the beginning, and it seems like it’s a personality that just appeared next to me recently.
Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, he looks a bit like Cai Sen, and a bit like Liu Ping'an from "The Melting Pot". His face looks like a confusion of the two.
Occasionally, you can still see the shadow of "Tengu".

The ingredients of 'director' and 'superstar' are easy to guess, they are pure.

He only focuses on things he is interested in, and occasionally makes critical comments about Li Yun's other things, but he doesn't interfere too much.

Yu Zecheng, as a lurking male protagonist, has an unusually many character prototypes, including Liu Qingshan, Wu Yan, and Li Qiangdong.

His biggest worry actually comes from the fact that the crew of "Insidious" does not have an assistant director.

"If it weren't for 'faith', you wouldn't be able to persevere."


This is the meaning of group portraits.

He alone didn't know if he could control it.

"Latent" is not Yu Zecheng's one-man show.

At this moment.

When I was in "Cha Classmate Boy".

After a long time, he spoke.

If you can't handle it, it's your cup of tea. It's not that I don't hold it. The problem is that you're not mine.

Group portrait crew, whoever wins is the one who has the ability
But at this time, Jiang Wei's troubles did not come from the actors.

An assistant director who can control the overall situation with him.

Li Yun is in his room.

I felt a little unsure in my heart.

The feeling of "lurking"
It shouldn't be too difficult.

"Emei Peak"

Li Yun didn't know what kind of mercy the combination of Cai Sen and the others gave him?
I just know that this emotion is real.

That’s what these two masters are made of.
But it’s hard for Li Yun to guess the personality and composition in front of him. He doesn’t seem to like talking very much, but he’s right here, watching from the side.
Looking at Li Yun, his emotions didn’t fluctuate much.
Even at this time, he was still looking at himself with pity.
No, this trace of pity was not looking at him, but at the smiling young man next to him.

How should I interpret this spy?

No matter you are a new actor, an experienced actor, or a new actor, whether you can handle it or not, he will always perform well.
He is an actor who has gone to the end of his method career
The disadvantage is probably that I only care about myself.
This may also be one of the reasons why Sun Honglei temporarily avoided the spotlight and chose the Ming Dynasty. This Mr. Feng, in the CCTV front-line drama, also has a weird temper.

This is definitely not a good thing for controlling the entire crew.

However, Jiang Wei has nothing to worry about. After all, "Latent" is a group drama. To say the least, even if he really blurs Li Yunbiao's consciousness, it doesn't matter.

His 'strange' is that he treats everyone equally.

Directing films.

If there was really no assistant director, he really didn't know if he could control the overall situation and catch up with the schedule.

In these difficult times when the earth is burning with fire.

One with experience in spy dramas.

"Where am I going to trick an assistant director?"

On the contrary, for veteran actors, this is a big stage for acting, a really good stage, a big stage where they can act like crazy.
In small scenes, any nuanced performance will be captured
At this time, this national first-class actor from Bayi Studio, who played the role of the head of Tianjing Station, also had a strange temper.


Such a geek is particularly interested in "Insidious". This is his favorite, from the subject matter to the characters.

Where to find one?


"What does this mean? We have all gone through the most difficult moments. The situation is bigger." Li Yun said lightly.

I persisted.

Smiling personality.

Li Yun went to think about it.

On the other side, Jiang Wei is also making preparations.

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Heen can be tolerated.

He is a 'secret agent'.
"You look at the spy brother like this, and you look at me like this, I say brother, if you have something to say, just say it, why do you have to be so meandering." Li Yun looked at the personality in front of him, and in the darkness, his pity was especially strong Dazzling.

These are real people in history.

Which person specifically.

It doesn't seem to be the case.

The theory here is that he does not have an exact prototype. He should be a collection of people lurking in the rear of that era.

A collection of unsung heroes.

The name is just his code name.

That's it.

Li Yun didn't even have a real feeling about the profession of a spy. If I had to say it, the last cartoon he watched in his previous life seemed to be called Spy Playing House. As the name suggests, it was a story about playing house.

The tone from start to finish permeates the air with a sense of family joy.

That was my last impression of the spy club profession.

Acting can do a lot of things.

Presumably it was because of his acting skills that the lurking crew came to find him.

Even if you don’t seem to have any faith.
Oh no, maybe Yang Guo has faith.

Yang Guo's belief is Little Dragon Girl and love.

In his heart, his love for Xiao Longnu can be equated with the life and death of the country.

It is the love between the rise and fall of nations.

It’s a feeling of faith.

So relying on this feeling, and then trying to trick Yu Zecheng, it seems that it is not impossible to act like this. Using the superb skills of the method school to integrate the personality of the previous character into it, Li Yun feels that he should be able to do it.

Even the imitation of the character in front of me is not perfect.

It shouldn't be a problem.

What is needed is the feeling and expression of faith.

At this moment, suddenly, Li Yun was pulled into another place.

I feel my consciousness begin to change.

Victory. Dawn is no longer the time to see the light of day.

But the real one has arrived.

Came to this point in time.

Li Yun followed his gaze.

Came to this land.

Come to this field.

The surrender of the Japanese is already certain.

The liberation of the people is at hand.

As a person who is loyal to the country, Li Yun feels extremely happy.

from this body.

A sublime sense of well-being.

Before the hidden plot began, Yu Zecheng was an outstanding graduate of the military academy. In the past years, he had been devoted to the front line of fighting against the people of the small island.

Join the fight against these invaders.

It is now liberated.

Peace is at hand.

But the commander told him at this juncture.

The real war has just begun.

It's far from time to slack off.

Can't we all sit down at the table and talk?

They are all brothers and sisters who have fought side by side.

That's what Li Yun thinks.

Or that's what Yu Zecheng thought at first.

Or so I think.

At the beginning, I was so naive that I thought that everyone could sit at the negotiation table and solve this matter.

Very optimistic.

But it's also cruel.

The cruel thing is that the reality is not what Li Yun thought.

In other words, being a spy is not just playing house.

Emei Peak, Li Yun is at the intelligence station in Tianjing, in the confidential department of the military command.

Countless pieces of information linger in my ears every day.

That information comes from your own compatriots.

When Li Yun actually saw the news of being killed or exterminated, it appeared lightly on the paper.

These are all human lives.

Comrades who once fought side by side took each other's lives.

Light and airy.


I've killed people.

Li Yun really remembered the person he had killed with his own hands.

He is a traitor.

He felt nothing when he was killed. Li Yun held the pistol in his hand and shot the bullet into his body.

no feeling
Kill the traitor named Li Haifeng, a cryptograph expert of the military command.

On the eve of the end of the Anti-Japanese War, he defected to the Japanese and puppets
This man is stupid.

Before he died, he asked Li Yun a question.

Which side are you from?
Everyone is coming to kill you.

Li Yun just replied.

It’s not about which side, it’s just anti-Japanese.

Resist the little devil.

He didn't mean it calmly, and Li Yun also killed without pressure.

Even because of this incident, as a military commander, I was promoted to a higher level and became a typical military commander.

Li Yun simply killed Li Haifeng with sincerity.

There is no peculiar purpose.

Li Yun had only one position from beginning to end. No matter you were from Yan'an or Chongqing, you had only one purpose, which was to resist Japan.

Li Yun was still acting as an intelligence agent at this time.

Not even a spy.

The position in the military command is only for monitoring intelligence, and there is no need to go deep behind enemy lines to do anything.

Maybe being a spy is no different from being an agent of the military commander.

Pretty cool.

Until Li Yun, until he completely joined Yan'an.

A change in identity and stance.

Everything else changes too.

The air seemed to have eyes and ears everywhere. From upstairs to downstairs, humming and whispering sounds could be heard from time to time.

Is there really anyone there?
Li Yun didn't know that the feeling of auditory hallucinations followed him like a shadow.

The smile on his face also disappeared.

Someone must be monitoring them.

The military commanders must have spies downstairs.

That porter, his composition.
Li Yun felt sleepless.

Cold sweat broke out from his body.

By the way, now I'm not that military commander's spy.

I am now Emei Peak in Yan'an
In the enemy's heartland.

Spying is not a house game.

He makes people disguise themselves as demons and go deep into hell.
Once your identity is exposed.

Things in the underworld will be more terrifying than death.

(End of this chapter)

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