Chapter 320, pain and happiness
Working with Li Yun is such a painful and happy feeling.

This immersive atmosphere gave him a clear and extremely happy feeling.

Acting is one of his sources of joy.

I really do this job and love this job.

I have never felt that doing this is a burden or a burden before.

I can feel this mental pressure now.

Because it's too real, too real
The mental pressure brought by Li Yun.

Pressure from the TV series "Insidious".
That's it. Should I say, really?

Although that kind of real feeling gave him a more real feeling, whether it was the script or the character, he had never had the real feelings he has now.

Such an extremely real feeling.

But that doesn't stop Li Yun from absolutely admiring such people.

What I am filming is a movie, and the pressure I bear is illusory no matter what.

How can the pressure I bear be explained clearly in just a few words?
Play is like life, life is like play.

Li Yun took Yu Zecheng to Tianjing Station and took a short scene here.

So real.

Li Yun cannot do this at his own expense.

Their joys and sorrows.

This glass of wine today.

But outside of acting.

Let him feel it clearly.

But after filming this scene.

Lots of prototypes.

There is no such figure as Yu Zecheng in history.

You will feel their emotions.

Even sleeping is disciplined.

It's so firm that it feels overwhelming.

But the agents back then.

After all, I understand that I feel the same way.

Protect the motherland.

Absolutely admire such existence.

Yu Zecheng's belief is so firm.

It is indeed a rare benefit.

Guardians from the past who protect the people.

Only respect to the director and crew.

After the closing banquet.

"I have shot a lot of big scenes, but in fact the smaller the scene, the more difficult it is to shoot. This is the truth."

But for the spies back then, it was a part of life where they were walking on thin ice. The names of the nameless invisible guardians might not be known until the end of their lives.

But also respect those invisible guardians.

So empathetic.

In the past this glass of wine.

To be able to endure so many years of pain.

For us it’s acting.

But he has a prototype.

This kind of pressure that goes deep into your bones.

At this time, Feng Heen raised his glass and made a toast.

For acting.

Will be reversely influenced by the character's emotions.

Li Yun felt like when he was acting.

But they.
"If you say what is the biggest change that Xiao Li has brought to me, it may be for me, who has been acting in anti-war dramas all my life."

Feng Heen had a feeling that went deep into his bones.

The invisible guardian is not a fabrication, but a mixture of several well-known spies in our country.

Know so clearly.

"We've been quite happy getting along with each other during this period."

"I thought you wouldn't like people like me who have no faith." At this moment, Li Yun joked.


Li Yun will still chat more with Yu Zecheng.

He doesn't seem like a good friend.

Yes, who would make a close friend with a secret agent? Even Yu Zecheng knew that given his status, it would be difficult to have a close friend.

But Yu Zecheng didn't want to make friends with Li Yun.

The same is true for Li Yun.

Yu Zecheng stood in front of Li Yun.

Li Yun asked him a question.

Ask this question very seriously.

Lao Yu.

If you were given another chance, would you follow Station Commander Wu to Taiwan before Tianjing was liberated?
In fact, when Tianjing was liberated.

Yu Zecheng's mission has been successfully completed. He could have been promoted to a higher position, and he could have lived a happy life with Wang Cuiping.

Many babies.

A yard.

A few chickens.

That's all they live for.

No more intrigues, no more discipline in your sleep.

That's how life should be.

So nice, right.


What if I told you that all of this is possible.

What if I told you that as long as you recognized Wang Cuiping at that time, you didn't get on the plane to Taiwan.

You can.

You can live such a successful life, and you don't have to die prematurely.

Li Yun was eager for Yu Zecheng's answer.

I really hope Yu Zecheng will say it.


It's great to be able to live the life I've always dreamed of.

He had been in pain for too long.

If only he could be given another chance.

That would be great.

"It's very tempting." Yu Zecheng joked at this moment: "This is the day I dream of, and it is also the life Wang Cuiping and I promised to give her."

"So choose once and don't get on that plane."

Then Yu Zecheng chose to follow Webmaster Wu.

Go to Taiwan.

Li Yun said that you will not end well. As a spy, if you give up when things don't work out, sooner or later you will overturn.

Just because you can stay at Tianjing Station for five years without being exposed doesn't mean you can stay at Taiwan without being exposed.

In fact, you went to that place and you exposed yourself in less than three years.

You are already dead.

Betrayed by a traitor.

All the agents there were removed.

Going deep into the base camp behind enemy lines is definitely not a simple matter.

You don’t win your whole life.

Yu Zecheng.

"Really? I was betrayed by a traitor." Yu Zecheng said with emotion at this time: "It seems that it's not because I am too weak. It's really great."

It turns out to be the end.

Yu Zecheng's emotion would be like this.

An angle that Li Yun could never have imagined.

Li Yun also smiled.

It turns out that this was Yu Zecheng’s choice.

An expected choice.

Let’s put it in the words of Webmaster Wu. real.

It's quite romantic.

[Mental Strength +10]

[Physique +5]

[Pure acting skills +5]

[Firm faith: You feel the power of faith from Yu Zecheng. He has the temperament to support people to move forward in pain and accomplish great things that are impossible for ordinary people]

The temperament of firm faith.
Li Yun thinks
My belief in 'fame and wealth' is actually a firm belief.
Li Yun thought so.
"I didn't expect that I could find such similarities with Yu Zecheng."

Li Yun was a little dumbfounded by this.
Pure acting skills +5.

Li Yun was very impressed by this.

As an immersive actor myself, I can personify those things for my own use.
But in fact.

Acting is still the foundation, so that you can maximize your personality.

to use your acting skills.
Things that I have realized through years of performing.

Li Yun feels that his pure acting skills can be improved even more.

Can the expression of acting skills be closer to that of veteran actors and national first-line actors?
This time, he acted against national first-class actors, and Li Yun deeply felt that the difficulty of acting with them was actually about the same as that of acting with senior movie kings and movie stars.

Even some of the movie kings and movie kings I have worked with are not as good as Feng Heen in terms of pure acting skills.

The title of national level is really not something that is blown by bragging.

It is indeed the hard power that can produce such results and achievements.

There is no doubt about their strength.

Has unparalleled strength.

If my pure acting skills can be improved to the level of a national first-class actor.

Then add your own substitute personality.

It should be able to put those national first-class actors and veteran drama stars far ahead.

Seniors are respected.

It is also used to transcend.

Li Yun returned to the capital. After completing this latent shooting, he really needed to take a good rest.

The mental exhaustion is unquestionable.

There are also signs of physical fatigue.

Double exhaustion of oppression.

Li Yun felt very excited.

Because when these matches truly become his own improvement, when he successfully creates a good work and a good world.

Li Yun felt tired and disappeared.

I felt extreme excitement and enthusiasm.

After returning to the capital, Li Yun took stock of what was going to happen next.

Let the bullets fly.

A screening of Cha's classmates.

There is also the necessary pre-announcement after the furnace editing is completed.

There was no big problem with the announcement of the Furnace. Li Yun had already thought of a whole set of combination punches and asked Liu Qianqian to use her reputation as a fairy to fight for the position.

This is the simplest way to take advantage of the popularity. Use her as the protagonist to advertise and gain popularity. Jiang Chenggang also agrees with this point. He feels that the promotion of "The Melting Pot" should start with Liu Qianqian as the center point.

As for the young boy who is a classmate of Qia, the announcement has nothing to do with Li Yun. There should be no problem with the announcement.

This is a trilogy designated by the state, said by young boys and said by passionate boys.

The feeling of a nation rising
"It feels like we are on the right track."

Jiang Chenggang looked at the company's current situation and sighed.

It has grown from a bud to a sapling, and will grow into a towering tree in the future.

Now there are many artists here
In terms of planning, "Crazy Stone" will be followed by two "Crazy" parts.

The actors include Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang and other actors.

They are all capable men who are not considered 'handsome'.
"It's true, we're on the right track, but it's not enough."

"If you are a small rich man, you will be crushed to death by the torrent of history."

"It's not that exaggerated." Jiang Chenggang was a little stunned when he heard Li Yun's words.

What Li Yun said was very exaggerated.

Indeed, this is not an exaggeration.

It was not like China Entertainment had not experienced the bubble era back then. Although the overall share was still taken by Hollywood, in fact, China's vast market still produced many companies.
The later era of online dramas.

Even the skit era.

The pace is very fast.

In the current parallel world, the Internet is developing so rapidly, no one knows whether the era of online dramas will suddenly arrive.

Best shots.
Of course, Li is an exception.

Li Yun is the boss and can do whatever he wants.

On the other side, Jiang Wen smiled.

“Our current size is not enough to serve on the table.”

"In the entertainment industry, don't talk about size or size. You see, Cheng Tian Jiahe is so awesome. She has produced so many big stars, actors, and legendary managers, but she dares to breathe in front of Li Modu. Can your voice be louder?" Jiang Chenggang said softly.

In the circle, strength and performance still speak for themselves.

Regardless of his family background, Li Mo is also a powerful person in the industry.

In one word, the entertainment industry can be shaken.

Even if the role model of the times is lost.

He is also a big shot in the Beijing circle.

I heard that he has also recently taken action as a director.

If the role of a model of the times made him a laughing stock, then the fact that he re-planned the work still shocked half of the Beijing industry.

He is still the capable and talented super director.

Box office, reputation, everything, are his powerful weapons.

A boss who can make Jiahe kneel and lick him all day long if he says one word.

When resources and talents are concentrated on one person, he himself is the power and his position.

The entertainment industry can also be a circle where one person's power can turn everything around.

Jiang Wen, Jiang Chenggang, Li Yun.

At this time, Jiang Wen was chatting with Li Yun
It’s nothing more than the matter of “Let the Bullets Fly” and the matter of the domestic film market.

This person is also a boss who has national affairs at heart. He is saddened by the fact that the Mingyao Group is becoming more and more arrogant and investing more and more in the introduction of film resources. He can't wait to just shoot "Let the Bullets Fly" and smash it in the country. A huge ripple was created in the film market.

He couldn't wait to take pictures.

Li Yun is not in a hurry. Frankly speaking, he has feelings for his family and country, which is not a bad thing.

Without feelings of family and country, we might not be able to make a movie like "Let the Bullets Fly."

Li Yun also has it.

Although there are reasons for the temptation of fame and fortune, in fact, after experiencing "The Good Classmate" and "Latent".

The seeds and feelings in my heart also quietly changed
There have been slight changes
Also for doing something.

But now.

There can be more reasons.

It can be given a high-sounding reason.

More high-sounding.

Sounds like a nobler reason than pursuing fame and fortune.

And now, his first TV series filmed for such a reason is about to be released.

My classmate Qia was in his prime when he was young.

Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world.

It was this No. 1 TV series with the main theme that was very popular at the time, and it was dubbed a youth film.

Create a different youth.

Let those who are truly great show their youthful attitude.

What exactly is it like?

This TV series is destined to be full of controversy, not only on the Internet, but also within the CCTV circle.

This is the most controversial reason.

Li Yun is naturally one of the sources of controversy.

Of course, the greater controversy comes from the project itself, The Youth of the Great. The subject matter itself is controversial enough.

And the category is also placed on youth TV dramas.

This is not the main theme at all.

The biggest opposition faction is probably the CCTV circle headed by the Bayi faction.

From the very beginning, they were not optimistic about this TV series with a less serious main theme from the time when the project was initiated.

Liu Shanhe is practicing calligraphy in his office.

There are several large characters written on the rice paper of the landscape and ink painting.

"Those who do it for the sake of gimmicks."

(End of this chapter)

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