When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 252: Breaking with 1, everyone has their own agenda

Chapter 252 One defeats a hundred, everyone has their own agenda
Master Lang's eight junior brothers attacked at the same time. Ye Guhong was merciless, and the Nine Yang Xuan Gong was operating to the extreme. One move came "out of the blue", like a fierce blow from the wind.

This is a quick palm move in the Dragon Subduing Palm that can compete with "Dense Clouds and No Rain". In an instant, Ye Guhong exchanged palms with each of the eight opponents.

Originally, with the formation of Taizu Sect, eight people attacked from eight sides at the same time. It was difficult to block the enemy if they were sure to hit it. They could only rely on their body skills to dodge, or forcefully charge into one side. Then the following wave would consist of sixteen people. Attack together and create a dragnet situation, making it impossible for the enemy to avoid.

Unexpectedly, Ye Guhong's palm technique was so fast and fierce that he could not dodge or dodge. The eight people could not withstand the power of his palm and fell out in various directions, blocking the people who were attacking from behind.

Ye Guhong had assisted Mie Jie in creating the Four Elephant Sword Formation. He knew the art of the formation and was best at roaming around for a long time, so his attack was a thunderous strike, destroying the opponent's sharp edge and exposing the opponent's flaws.

Naturally, he would not wait for the opponent to reorganize their formation. He let out a clear roar and struck out with a move called "Seeing the Dragon in the Field". With one palm, he jumped straight forward one to two feet away. Wherever he was, the enemy fell in all directions. .

Then "two dragons fetch water", "walk on frost and ice", and "fight dragons in the wild", and the palms are carried away, and a clearing is cleared in a moment. During this period, all those who were palmed were unable to vomit blood.

Master Lang was quite ambitious and secretly rehearsed this formation with the intention of dominating the Cangzhou martial arts world. Unexpectedly, he was hit hard as soon as he appeared. Within a few breaths, the formation was in chaos. He was shocked and angry. With a loud shout, he hit him with a "Thousand Miles Guard" move, trying to use his skills to entangle Ye Guhong so that his junior brothers and disciples could re-arrange their formations.

This man surnamed Lang can lead the Taizu Sect and gain a firm foothold in Cangzhou, and he is naturally very capable. This move is full of energy and strength, showing the style of a famous master.

Ye Guhong didn't even look at it. "A strong dragon has regrets" was shot out loudly. Master Lang saw that his palms were becoming more and more powerful. He bit his teeth and pushed his back palm hard on the back of his front palm. With a bang, he forcefully took it. Although the next palm shook his mouth and shook his body, he never took a step back.

Master Lang wanted to dodge, but his forward force was still there, and he couldn't help himself. He had to yell and use both palms to deal with it.

However, Ye Guhong was not one to be forgiving. He swayed away from the force of the counterattack, flew forward and used the "Sheep Touching the Ban" move, and knocked out. .
But when he opened his palms, he forcefully pushed away the arms of Master Lang that were protecting the facade, and slammed his shoulders into his chest. There was a crisp sound, and the sternum and ribs were broken no matter how much they were broken. The force of the impact penetrated into the internal organs.

Everyone in the Taizu Clan was filled with horror when they saw Ye Guhong beating their own sect leader to death with three consecutive moves. How could they even bother to line up? After looking at it, he ran away.

The two of them connected with each other with four palms. Master Lang spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down after looking back.

However, Ye Guhong belonged to the Heavenly Killer Star. He spread out his body skills and entangled everyone in front and back like a ghost. With one palm, he killed all the higher-ranking figures among the Taizus, but those younger disciples... They were all spared but not killed.

The red flag whined and fell, throwing up a cloud of dust. Only then did Ye Guhong stand still, looking at a group of young disciples running away crying for their fathers and mothers, and said proudly: "Emei Ye Guhong destroyed the Cangzhou Taizu Gate here! You guys! The wandering soul in the palm of my hand, if anyone dares to re-establish this sect, Ye will definitely return to Cangzhou after learning about it, and then it will be a situation where no chickens or dogs will be spared - don't say that he was unforeseen!"

When the battle got underway, he suddenly raised a person with both hands and threw it with all his strength. The person flew six or seven feet like a cannonball and broke the flagpole of Taizumen in the middle with a click.

Master Lang flew several feet upside down and landed heavily on the ground, his body trembling, blood gushing out from his ears and nose, and he could not see alive.

Ye Guhong shouted "Good palm power", followed by a move "Shocking Baili", and pushed hard with both palms.

He is a self-made artist, and rarely fights against ordinary people in the world. His opponents are either Xiao Feiyang or Ye Tiangang, or at worst they are Wu Yan and the Three Immortals of Qinghai. In addition, he is too young, so although he is famous, others always think he is a little bit. I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't help but think: "Perhaps Ye Tiangang is old and his skills are no longer good. He is afraid of being young, but he takes advantage of him."

Or they may think: "How could Shaolin lose nine yuan nine against one? It was probably Zhang Sanfeng and Miejie who did some tricks secretly to help their juniors become famous."

The Sixteenth Gate of Cangzhou is thousands of miles away from Emei, and they think that the martial arts in Cangzhou are prosperous and unmatched by those in the south, so this kind of thoughts fill their minds. It wasn't until I saw Ye Guhong kill all the masters of the Taizu Clan with just one move of his hand that he knew what it meant to be a famous scholar!

The remaining fifteen heads of the sixteen sects all had livid faces and felt chills in their hearts.

Just now, Ye Guhong was killing everyone, and they didn't think of stepping forward to stop him. However, Ye Guhong was too quick, and he made an appointment with everyone to attack together. He had already killed all the elders of the Taizu clan.

The young disciples of the Taizu Sect had no one to restrain them, and they kept stopping one by one. They passed through the array of the remaining fifteen sects with ghostly cries and howls, and ran back to Cangzhou without risking their lives.

The Taizu Sect had a large number of people, and now they were fleeing even to death. With more than a hundred people gone, the Sixteenth Sect of Cangzhou suddenly lost one-tenth of its manpower.

Ye Guhong stretched out his fists and put on a smile: "Which one is going to deal with Ye next? Or do you all go together?"

Among the sixteen sects, the big man who spoke first looked embarrassed and gritted his teeth and said: "You have only won for a while, so don't underestimate me, the fifteen sects of Cangzhou. We all swarmed up. Are we still afraid that you, the master and the disciple, can't succeed!" "

This guy was also flexible. Seeing that the flag of the Taizu Sect had been raised, he simply changed his name from the 16th sect to the 15th sect. However, although his words were harsh, he could no longer hide the harshness of his words.

Miejie urged his horse to take a few steps forward and said coldly: "You talk the most, but who is your name? And which family leader is he?"

The man said loudly: "Forty-eight Hua Quan, the art can reach the end of the world! I am Zhou Jueyi of Hua Quan Sect. Now there are sixteen... fifteen sects in Cangzhou, and Hua Quan Sect is considered to be the leader!"

Miejie raised his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said: "Who am I? It turns out to be the Xiyue Hua Fist Sect who was driven out of Huashan by the Huashan Sect! Haha, your Hua Fist Sect is a litter of lost dogs, and can't even contain the door. It’s okay to go to Cangzhou to get there, how dare you take the lead in making trouble for our Emei sect?”

Ye Guhong became very interested when he heard this, turned around and said with a smile: "Master, how do you say you were kicked out of Huashan by the Huashan Sect?"

Miejie said disdainfully: "Back then, there were three sword debates in Mount Huashan, which were famous all over the world. Somehow, a group of people started a sect at the foot of Mount Huashan, known as the Xiyue Hua Fist Sect. Later, Quanzhen Guangningzi opened the Huashan Sect, and they were He regarded him as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, and made things difficult for him several times. Guang Ningzi was already old and indifferent, so he was too lazy to argue with him, so he moved his portal into the mountains. Haha, at this time, the south of the Yangtze River was mostly occupied by the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The Fist Sect took the opportunity to defect to Yuan Ting and killed many anti-Yuan people. The second leader of the Huashan Sect, Ziqi Chaoyang, Fang Xi, was not angry. He killed the Hua Fist Sect with one sword and one man, and even left his hometown. They stayed far away to the north, and it was only today that I found out that they were living in Cangzhou and had a prosperous life."

Ye Guhong laughed and said: "That's it! If it weren't for the master's teachings, how would the disciple know that his sect is a foreign eagle dog, but it is the ancestral training passed down from generation to generation."

Zhou Jueyi was furious when he heard this and shouted: "Ye Guhong, you dare to insult our Hua Fist Sect, I will fight you to the death today!"

Ye Guhong's smile faded, his eyes swept around the corpses on the ground, and he said coldly: "It's already a life-or-death situation, what else can you say?"

This is when the head of the foot-poking sect suddenly said loudly: "His grandma is a bear, such an arrogant boy, I can't stand him even if I poke the foot-poking! Brother Zhou, if you, the Five Tigers of Huaquan, don't join forces to teach this rudeness a lesson, Boy, we are all angry for you!"

The master of Yin Pistol also interjected: "What Lao Huang said is right! Brother Zhou, Hua Quan Forty-Eight, the art can reach the end of the world. It is difficult for the five tigers of Hua Quan to fully demonstrate the abilities of Hua Quan Sect, so we might as well choose Forty-three for the five tigers. You are an outstanding disciple, let this Emei boy taste the power of your Hua Quan Sect’s No. 18 Deng Tang Quan, No. 128 House Invasion Fist, and the Eighteen Routes of Swords, Guns, Swords and Sticks!”

Ye Guhong was very happy when he heard this, and thought to himself that it seems that the sixteen families in Cangzhou are not monolithic. The person named Zhou regards himself as the leader of the alliance, but others want to instigate him to make swords. How can I not intervene in such a situation?
Immediately he shouted: "This I don't know which sect's leader said that the younger brother is excited. What about entering the house, swords, guns, swords and sticks, it sounds really powerful. Master Zhou, come on, come on, I'll wait for you to pick someone, wait and see The story of senior Fang Xi from the Huashan sect choosing your own sect, can I, a junior, repeat it today?"

(End of this chapter)

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