When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 275: Yi Miao block the river, two fairies appear

Chapter 275: Yi Miao block the river, two beautiful girls

What Ye Guhong wanted Zhang Qubing to do was not made clear for the time being.

The next day, after bidding farewell to the couple Zhang Cuishan and Yin Liheng, Miejie led his disciples and disciples as usual and took the boat up the river.

Nothing happened along the way. Miejie used the Xiantian Kung Fu or the Small No Phase Kung Fu to meditate every day. Sometimes he looked at the mountains and rivers along the way and spoke little.

Zhang Qubing was a little afraid of her at first, but now that he saw her calm expression all the time, he became even more afraid to come near her.

Fortunately, Ye Guhong treated him very well. He held him on the deck every day, taught him martial arts in detail, told him stories about rivers and lakes, and taught him how to behave. The relationship between the two masters and apprentices grew day by day.

After traveling like this for more than a month, when we arrived at the Chongqing Road area, we suddenly saw countless river boats moored on the water, blocking the huge Yangtze River.

The captain of the boat was so surprised that he stopped the boat and rowed a small boat to find an acquaintance.

After going away for a long time, I came back and reported that it was a huge battle between the Yi and Miao families, one from the Luo Shi Gui Kingdom and the other from the Feishan Barbarians. They were fighting fiercely.

Originally, his two families were fighting in the mountains of Guizhou, but after fighting for a long time, both families inevitably ran out of ammunition and food, so they all came up with the idea of ​​​​the Yangtze River waterway. The mountain barbarians blocked the upstream ships, and the Luoshi ghost country blocked the downstream ships. Ships must be heavily taxed to survive.

At this time, it was half dusk, and the three of them entered the county town, dismounted their horses, and walked to the door of an inn. They were about to call the waiter to lead the horses when they heard a charming female voice in the inn: "Witch, I advise you to go ahead. Let me go, otherwise my master and senior brother will come back and beat you up."

When Zhang Qubing heard this, he frowned and said, "What kind of king is this? He has bad intentions!"

"Now, the Miao people are proud! Yang Zhengheng, the leader of the Feishan Barbarians, immediately found a way to see King Weishun and offered tens of thousands of taels of gold to ask for an official. King Weishun told the court that the Yi people are ferocious and good at fighting, and Guizhou has many mountains and rivers. , It is not easy to use troops, and the Miao army should be used to control the Yi people. The imperial court agreed, and Yang Zhengheng was named Tanzhou Road Tongzhi. He was also given the title of Ronglu doctor and ordered him to lead the Miao army to conquer the Yi people. "

Chuanlao Daodao: "Master, I don't know something. This Weishun King, whose name is Bo'er Zhijin Kuanche Puhua, is the grandson of Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, and the son of Zhennan King Tuohuan. He has a very high seniority. Counting It is Mr. Zeng who has been guarding Wuchang for many years. He has made most of the decisions in Guizhou and Hunan affairs. His power is indeed very important. "

The fire between the Yi and Miao families can be traced back to Ye Guhong who started it back then. Now he seems to be fine and said curiously: "The two families have been at war for many years. We started fighting when we came out of Shu. Why? Is there still no winner yet?”

The captain of the boat was praised by others, and he nodded more and more enthusiastically: "Isn't it true! This majestic king couldn't get a beauty, so he was angry from his heart and hated from his courage. He immediately reported it to the court. It's because the Yi people have a disobedient heart!"

Ye Guhong then said to Miejie: ​​"Master, we don't know how long we will be blocked here. We simply don't make things difficult for the boatmen. We just go ashore and go back to the mountain by land."

Then a woman said with a smile: "I was afraid that your senior brother wouldn't come! Otherwise, someone would bother to catch you, a stinky girl. Hehe, you are not allowed to call me a witch. From now on, you must call me sister-in-law. Do you understand?"

Which boatman can bear this? They simply stopped on the river and refused to move forward, causing congestion.

The captain raised his thumb and praised: "Isn't that right? The young master also saw it, and Mrs. Shexiang naturally saw it more clearly, and immediately refused sternly. But this refusal ruined everything! That Weishun The king has authority! How did he come to Shunyuan City? It is because Mrs. Shexiang wants to succeed Yuan Ting as the ambassador, and the power of inspection is in the hands of King Weishun."

As she spoke, a look of excitement appeared on her face, and she said with joy: "This lady Shexiang was fourteen years old when she married Aicui, and she was extremely beautiful. Aicui was not blessed, and she died without even entering the bridal chamber, leaving her alone. Mrs. Xia Shexiang, this beautiful and charming little widow, has grown up gradually, and her color is even more unparalleled. She is known as the most beautiful woman of the Yi people. King Weishun of the Yuan Dynasty heard about it and went to Shunyuan City to meet her. She fell in love with her at first sight. She was so shocked that she immediately proposed to marry her and become an equal wife. Sir, do you think this King Wei Shun is smart? If he succeeds, not to mention a great beauty, the thousand-year-old foundation of Luo Shi Gui Kingdom will also be lost to him. Take possession.”

The captain of the ship was very happy and said: "A villain can take advantage of this, and the guest officer has to show his favor."

It was natural for Mie Jie to do nothing. At that time, Ye Guhong paid the ship's wages and led the horse ashore. Mie Jie rode a horse alone, Ye Guhong and Zhang Qubing rode a horse together, and headed straight to Emei by land.

Ye Guhong smiled and said: "Yang Zhengheng has always been ambitious. Now that he has the power, he will carry out his orders. However, in the past few years, he has not been able to do anything to a girl like Shexiang, which shows that his abilities are limited."

Ye Guhong laughed and said: "You old man, you don't have to criticize me. We have paid the boat fare, and you can just go down the river. Now the upstream boat can't get off, and the guests are blocked. You can take advantage of this opportunity to make some money." The high price is not unlucky, it’s obviously an advantage.”

If that was all, many boats would hold their noses and swallow their anger, but the two families were unreasonable. For example, when a boat going down the river arrived at the Miao people's land, the Miao people would be furious when they heard that they had paid taxes to the Yi people. If you get up, you have to charge twice as much, and the Yi people also do it normally.

So we walked at dawn and stayed overnight for more than twenty days. On this day, we arrived at Rongde County, which was later known as Rongxian County.

Zhang Qubing exclaimed: "Isn't that bad?"

But the boss of the ship was a quick-tempered person, and he inquired clearly. He smiled bitterly and said: "So that the guest can know that a few years ago, the leader of the Luo Shi Ghost Kingdom was appointed as the envoy to Shunyuan 8th and other places. , named Aicui, was poisoned by a master of eating Miao people, and all her family members and grandchildren died, so a newly married bride, because of her family's extraordinary power, was elected as the successor to the Xuan comfort envoy, and was called Mrs. Shexiang. But she was a strange woman who wanted to avenge her husband, so she started a war with the Miao people. "

The boss of this ship was very talkative. When he talked about these reasons, it was like telling a story. Gradually, even Miejie became interested in listening to it. He couldn't help but said: "How come the imperial court listens to this man so much? What does he say?"

Mr. Chuanlao said: "Yes, yes, but although this guy can't do anything to the Yi people, he can do nothing to us. Look, we are stuck here and can't get up. Isn't it bad luck?"

The female voice from before said: "Shame! Why do you still want to be my sister-in-law? The senior sisters all say that my senior brother is the pinnacle figure among the younger generation in the martial arts world. Apart from being good-looking, you are a witch, what else is so great about you?"

After hearing this, Miejie frowned, and his thoughts turned upside down. Apart from my disciple Guhong, who else in the world dares to boast that he is the best among the younger generation?

However, he vaguely felt that the voice sounded familiar, so he immediately reached out to stop Ye Guhong and Zhang Qubing. Ye Guhong understood, quickly slowed down, let Zhang Qubing lead the horse, quietly walked to the door, and walked in Zhang goes.

The hotel is not doing well today. Only one of the five or six seats has two people sitting on it, but there are two women, one old and one young. The younger one looks like eleven or twelve years old, wearing Emei sect clothes, and has an extremely delicate appearance. , although she is young, it is obvious that she is a stunningly beautiful woman.

Ye Guhong blinked and thought to himself, this is my junior sister Zhou Changli, who the hell dares to go to my Emei to catch someone? For a moment, she became angry and turned her eyes. She saw a woman in her early twenties sitting across from Zhou Chan. Her face was as big as her palm and her facial features were extremely delicate. If Chan Chan is a stunning beauty, then this woman in white is sitting there. The woman is an undeniable beauty.

Ye Guhong is used to seeing beauties, not to mention his past life, but also in this life. Most of the senior sisters in Emei are beautiful, and there are also two silly girls from Zhuwu Lianzhuang, their looks are also extraordinary, and there are five immortals The elders, envoys, and even Princess Ruyang, Ye Qingqing, and the purple-robed Dragon King were all beautiful women that were hard to describe and paint. However, compared with this woman in white, even the most beautiful one among them was still half inferior.

The woman was smiling happily at this moment, touching her cheek with one finger, and said with a smile: "You stinky girl also said, sister-in-law, I was born good-looking. Good-looking women are the first-class ability. Think about it, Your senior brother is the best in martial arts among the younger generation, and your sister-in-law and I are the best in appearance in the entire martial arts world. This is called male talent and female appearance, do you understand?"

Zhou Changchun said angrily: "My senior sisters all say that when I grow up, I will definitely be very good-looking. When I grow up, I may not lose to you."

The woman was not annoyed, and still smiled and said: "It doesn't matter that you are good-looking. Do you, a little brat, also want to marry your senior brother?"

Zhou Changchun suddenly blushed, and shouted with a pale face: "I, I... huh, in short, my senior brother is a disciple of a famous and upright family, how can he marry a witch?"

The woman's smile became more and more charming, her eyes blinked, and she teased Zhou Changchun: "You don't understand, don't you understand? It is the most popular nowadays for an upright disciple of this sect to marry a witch. Do you know about Wudang Zhang Cuishan? He married a divine eagle. The teachings are so clear that even Master Zhang has nothing to say."

Zhou Changli jumped up in anger and said: "But the sixth brother of Wudang Yin Li Heng Yin married my senior sister Ji!"

Miejie was surprised when he saw Ye Guhong looking indifferently for a long time, but now he heard that the person captured inside was actually a disciple of his sect!

She had been away from home for a few years, and when she left, Zhou Changcai still had a childish voice. Now that she was a few years older, her voice had become more tender and girlish, so she had never recognized her. When she heard the names of Yin Liu and Ji Xiaorong, she suddenly realized that it was her little apprentice who was being raped. She was captured, and the person who captured her was actually targeting her beloved disciple!
Anger suddenly arose in her heart, and she thought that Old Man Zhou was really unreliable, and the other disciples were all useless. She had not yet mastered martial arts, so she would never go down the mountain. This sweet-talking witch caught her here, it was obvious that she was A trip to Emei!
He snorted angrily and strode into the store. Ye Guhong was shocked when he saw his master walking in with his head held high. Just as he was about to rush in first, his chest suddenly felt numb and his body suddenly stiffened. After being stunned, he suddenly realized that it was the master who had taken action. Tap your own acupuncture point!

He was filled with astonishment, but he didn't know that the thoughts in Miejie's mind were turning rapidly——

The stupid apprentice looked at her for a long time without making any move. Could it be that he actually knew this witch? That's right, if he didn't know him, how could anyone take a chance on him? From this point of view, the fool's indifferent appearance is not a pity for the beauty?

Then even Miejie himself didn't know why, so he tapped Ye Guhong's acupuncture point.

The woman in white clothes said proudly: "Hey, maybe your senior sister Ji is also a witch. Otherwise, why would Yin Liuxia love him? Disciples from famous and upright sects all love witches..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the air pressure in the room drop. He subconsciously turned his head and saw a tall nun walking in with an evil look on his face.

The smile of the woman in white suddenly faded, and she secretly said in surprise: This nun is so majestic! Even my master is not as powerful as her...

He subconsciously stood up and showed a defensive posture.

Then Zhou Changchun was heard shouting joyfully: "Master! Master! You are finally back!"

After saying that, he jumped up and rushed towards Miejie.

The woman in white was about to block her, but she moved slightly, but when she saw Miejie looking at her coldly, her heartbeat stopped, and her skin wrinkled tightly. With a flick of the brush, she stepped back two feet like a big snake.

As soon as she retreated, Zhou Changli fell into Miejie's arms, laughed twice, and suddenly cried: "Master, you are not here, and this demon woman broke into our sect and captured a disciple. Master, please help me take revenge."

Miejie bent his index finger, lightly touched a chestnut on her smooth forehead, and shouted in a low voice: "We haven't seen each other for a few years, but when we meet, you call me old. Is your teacher now very old?"

Zhou Changchun made an ouch and made a bitter face, raised his head and looked at her carefully, and said in surprise: "Hey, Master, you have been away for several years, but why do you seem to be younger than before you left? I see you, you are younger than before. Senior Sister Su seems to be younger."

Miejie smiled slightly, with a look of pride in his eyes. Then he straightened his face and looked at the woman in white: "Do you know my Guhong?"

The woman in white looked at Miejie as if facing a formidable enemy, and whispered: "Are you the head of Emei, Senior Miejie?"

Miejie said coldly: "You know how to call me senior now? You went to my Emei sect to arrest my disciples. It seems that you don't take Emei seriously."

Seeing her serious look, the woman in white became even more shocked. She smiled bitterly and said: "I have been practicing martial arts for ten years. My skills are as good as those of the seniors of all the martial arts sects. I am not weak to anyone. Unexpectedly, my senior's martial arts have reached such a state." !”

Miejie frowned and thought to himself, I haven't even done anything yet, yet this little demon girl is so afraid. Her spiritual sense is so keen that even a weak martial artist wouldn't be able to possess it, but I don't know which family has cultivated such a talented disciple...

His mind turned around, and he suddenly remembered the report that Xuexi had made with her when she was a guest in Emei, and his eyebrows suddenly stood up: "You are the White Snake of the Five Immortals Sect!"

The woman in white was startled and nodded subconsciously: "Senior has such great eyesight."

Miejie shook his head and said: "It's not that the poor nun has great eyesight, but I heard from the little girls in your sect that they have a senior sister, Bai She, who fell in love with my Gu Hong ten years ago. She practiced martial arts in seclusion and prepared to sweep across our Emei sect. , captured my disciple to get married. You just retreated, you obviously have traces of Xiangtong boxing, and with your appearance and age, there is something else that I can't guess. "

Ye Guhong stood at the door, suddenly thinking: I look familiar, it turns out to be her!
I finally remembered that this woman was the white snake I met on the river ten years ago and almost captured him!
White Snake put on a flirtatious attitude in front of Zhou Changchun, and kept calling herself sister-in-law. Now that she was facing the calamity, her face was all crimson, and she wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground. She blushed for a long time, then bit her silver teeth and raised her head. He raised his face and said: "That's right! Ye Guhong was born with a holy body and is the destined husband of my daughter. The little girl and the little girl came to Emei just to propose marriage to the master."

Miejie sneered three times, shook his head and said, "I don't agree."

(End of this chapter)

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