When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 280 Snake Wand Technique, Drunk Immortal Golden Mist

Chapter 280 Snake Wand Technique, Drunk Immortal Golden Mist

Long Kongkong said sternly: "Ye Guhong, half of the Five Immortals Sutra of my teaching was stolen by a villain back then. I owe you a favor to Emei and let the two snow centipedes take it back. However, if you have ever read it, you should know that this The power of the snake staff is really extraordinary. Once the luck comes, I can't guarantee that I won't hurt you. At that time, everyone will be hurt. If you know the opportunity, why don't you follow me?"

How many brilliant skills has Ye Guhong acquired over the years? Studying one by one, I just feel that there is not enough time. Compared with those stunts, the martial arts contained in the Five Immortals Sutra are nothing extraordinary.

So he didn't think about it for a while, until Long Kongkong specifically reminded him, he suddenly realized: Ouch, how could she, a woman, wield such a thick and long weapon? It turns out that this is the snake staff contained in the Five Immortals Sutra!
Among the half of the Five Immortals Sutra he obtained at Daque'er Mountain, those belonging to the lineage of snakes include two sets of secret techniques, the Red Refined Fire Poison Palm and the Snake Magic Wand Technique. Among them, the Snake Magic Wand Technique must be used with a specially made snake staff. The full power can be seen, and the relationship between them is like the golden snake silk sword technique and the golden snake sword.

The scripture also records that the method of making a snake staff is to use high-quality steel to create a steel staff one foot long and as thick as a tea cup. It is thinner at the bottom and thicker at the top. The thickest part at the top is not lower than the mouth of the bowl. All kinds of ferocious beasts can be cast on it. The shape, whether it is an animal head or a human head, all depends on the caster's own mind. The key is that there is a built-in spring that can spray out a hidden weapon at any time to hurt people.

The weight of such a steel staff is probably even more astonishing than Lu Zhishen's water-milled Zen staff. Wouldn't it be a shame to be used by people in the world? In fact, this staff is hollow inside and not as heavy as it looks.

Within the hollow staff body, there are two venomous snakes raised by the secret method, one male and one female. They usually live in the staff. If the mechanism is pressed, the animal or human head at the top opens a small opening, and the venomous snakes can come out and hurt people. Especially if they cooperate with each other. The power of the staff moves is even more unpredictable.

Ye Guhong's expression became serious. He looked closely and saw that the steel staff was not straight, but curved. It was obviously to facilitate the crawling of poisonous snakes inside. There was a pure gold snake head cast on the top, with a glaring mouth and thick fangs. . I thought to myself: The sharp teeth of this golden snake can also hurt people. I just don't know if the snake's mouth is the entry and exit hole of the poisonous snake, or the way for the hidden weapon to eject.

He nodded immediately and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the leader! However, since Ye entered the world, he has never encountered such a strange soldier parasitizing living creatures, and he is about to learn how to master it."

Long Kongkong said coldly: "In that case, accept my snake magic wand method!"

Ye Guhong was shocked and suddenly changed his mind: No wonder this woman wanted to remind me of the power of the snake staff, but she deliberately reminded me of the content of her snake magic wand. It is clearly recorded in the Five Immortals Sutra that once this staff is poisonous to a snake, If you cultivate it, you will live around the staff for life, and there is no reason to hurt anyone. But I don’t know whether it is Long Kongkong who has other innovations, or whether these two little golden snakes are too spiritual to have such a change...

As the dragon leaps into the sky, colorful gauze flies all over its body, just like flying into the sky in a painting. On his hand was a twisted long staff with a ferocious snake head at the top. The two little snakes that jumped out were even more ferocious. They were both beautiful and ferocious, presenting a thrilling and thrilling beauty.

He didn't have time to think about it. He shrugged his shoulders, and a soft force came out. Zhou Changbi said "ah" and was lifted up high. Ye Guhong used his left hand to hold the snakeskin belt around his waist, and he rolled it back and jerked it sharply. , coiled up two small snakes at the critical moment.

Although Long Kongkong's snake staff is hollow, it weighs more than thirty kilograms. It is extremely powerful when swinging and smashing, but Ye Guhong is like pulling a lamp grass. Long Kongkong can't help but secretly praise his skill.

She turned around, and the colorful gauze suddenly flew around her body, revealing a large area of ​​milk-like skin. In the dazzling white light, the snake staff was swung up and struck down head on.

After fighting like this for twenty or thirty rounds, Ye Guhong could already see that Long Kongkong's martial arts skills were only slightly higher than those of the Dharma Kings of the Ming Cult, but he was full of cunning tricks and his actual combat power was probably much higher than those of the Dharma Kings.

When Long Kongkong launched the hidden weapon, he waved the steel staff slightly, and the steel needle came out like a snake's eyes, and immediately spread into a curtain of needles, covering Ye Guhong's whole body.

Long Kongkong couldn't gain any advantage, and he couldn't help but feel the desire to win. He thought to himself: I, the dignified leader of the Five Immortals Sect, can't compare to Nun Miejie. If I can't win even with his disciples, the Five Immortals Sect's face will still be lost. What?
He raised his heart and shouted: "Ye Guhong, be careful!"

As soon as the snake staff was raised, I didn't know where the mechanism was pressed, but I saw the poisonous snake opened its eyes, squirted, and sprayed out more than ten blue steel needles.

Without blinking, he just stared at the snake staff. He turned slightly, drew a circle on the side of the sword in his hand, and moved the snake staff away with a few strokes.

This change was really sudden. Ye Guhong's sword came out unexpectedly and never returned, but the little golden snake was as fast as lightning.

Long Kongkong was not discouraged and just unfolded his staff technique. This staff technique included staff techniques, stick techniques, stick techniques, and even axes and spears. The moves were extremely complicated, but Ye Guhong could defeat all techniques with one sword. Let you go straight and forward, I will draw my own sword and swing it in a circle.

This move is exactly the golden dragon whip technique used by the Three Heroes of China and South Korea among the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River to protect themselves. It is famously called "Personal Dragon Swim".

However, Ye Guhong was well-informed in his previous life. He didn't even know how much the infantry had seen. How dare he be afraid of her, a small cavalryman?

Long Kongkong fell with his figure, the snake staff sank, and Ye Guhong's two swords were in the air. However, the two small snakes jumped up like springs, flew into the air, and bit Ye Guhong's chest one from the left and one from the right.

Long Kongkong shouted: "What a swordsmanship!" He jumped up in the air, letting the steel needle fly away from his feet. He rushed towards Ye Guhong, and the snake staff came out from a high position. Suddenly, in the mouth of the snake with the head of the staff wide open, Two small golden snakes jumped out like lightning, their bodies and tails tightly wrapped around the snake's head, and they opened their mouths to bite Ye Guhong.

But I saw a purple light bullet trembling, almost hitting the steel needles one after another, but hearing the continuous sound of dinging, the tip of Ye Guhong's sword pressed or pulled, and the steel needles turned around one after another, and the dragon moved in the opposite direction. Shoot into the air.

If this were an ordinary man, when he saw her veil fluttering, he would subconsciously be concerned about what would be revealed. Experts compete with each other, and if they react a little slowly, they will be completely defeated, and they will inevitably be taken advantage of by the dragon.

Ye Guhong had long known that the snake staff contained hidden weapons and poisonous snakes, so he had been secretly on guard. Now that he saw her finally taking action, he neither hid nor gave way. With a flick of his wrist, he used the arrow-breaking technique in the Sword Demon Jade Book.

She followed Ye Guhong's blocking force, coiled the snake staff around her waist, and swung it out, but it was a move similar to the "venomous snake coming out of the hole" in marksmanship. Ye Guhong was not in a hurry, and his figure was Let, another sword circle pushed it away.

Ye Guhong looked up and saw the two little snakes covered with golden scales. Their eyes were like fire. If they didn't move, they would look like gold. He guessed that the venom of such a strange snake must be extraordinary, so he did not dare to neglect it, and he jumped away with a diagonal stab. The snake bone sword in his hand buzzed, turned into two sword shadows, and stabbed the small snake separately.

Hurrah! She was deliberately trying to get me into a fixed mindset so that she could kill me unexpectedly!

Long Kongkong didn't expect that Ye Guhong could block this move, and he praised: "What a great Ye Guhong! I really have you!"

When she spoke, Ye Guhong shook his arm and was about to throw the golden snake off the cliff. Unexpectedly, when the two golden snakes flew away, they opened their mouths at the same time and blew out two balls of golden gas.

This sudden change was something that even gods could not prevent. Ye Guhong was just breathing. Although he immediately held his breath due to his reaction, he still took half a breath. Suddenly, he felt a line of fire rapidly sinking from his nose into his dantian, and he gasped in his lower abdomen. Suddenly, it seemed like a fire was ignited.

I was shocked for a moment: What kind of bird and snake is this? Why is it so poisonous? I only took half a breath of poisonous gas and it was already like this. What if I was really bitten?
Long Kongkong's snake staff reached out from a distance and caught two small golden snakes. When he saw Ye Guhong's face flushing, he immediately laughed and said, "Forgive me for being so cunning, but you got me hands and feet after all!"

Ye Guhong's whole body was hot and his internal energy was disordered. He was slightly injured by the orchid spider's poisonous hands before. He immediately couldn't suppress it. He forced himself to reach out to catch Zhou Changli who fell. He felt that his eyesight was blurred and he staggered at his feet. , almost falling. But I heard Long Kongkong laugh and say: "Ye Guhong, you don't have to be upset. There are thousands of poisons in the world. This pair of little golden dragons in our religion ranks second. But you are a born holy body. If you are really bitten by it, you won't be able to do it." Come on, otherwise, how could I be willing to let it deal with you?"

Zhou Changchun was hugged by Ye Guhong to his chest. He felt that his whole body was hot, like a charcoal stove. He couldn't help crying: "You must have made a mistake. My senior brother is not a holy body. He sucked the snake spray." The smoke caused such serious injuries, and if he had been bitten, he would have died."

Long Kongkong smiled and said: "What do you know, little girl? The teeth of these little golden dragons in my teaching are extremely poisonous, but the golden mist they spray is not poison, but the most powerful spring in the world..."

Looking at Zhou Changli, who had runny nose and tears in his eyes, with a confused look on his face, Long Qingyong paused and changed his words: "Drug! This Drunk Immortal Golden Mist has no toxicity, even if his body is invulnerable to all poisons, he will still be infected, hehe, Ye Gu Hong, you don’t want to be my son-in-law this time, I’m afraid you won’t be able to live independently.”

Ye Guhong took a deep breath and tried his best to use the Nine Yang Mysterious Skills in his body to calm down the chaotic internal energy. Thanks to Long Kongkong who accidentally hurt him, he just looked at him with a smile. After a while, Ye Guhong's mind was slightly clearer, but his body was still hot. It's even more so.

Seeing the lustful look on Long Kongkong's face, he couldn't help but feel angry, and thought to himself: Each of these girls from the Five Immortals Sect is smarter than the last. In fact, if you really want me to marry you, you won't suffer any loss. It's just that since I came into this world, if it weren't for my master, I would have died long ago. In the hands of the Tatars, they are disrespectful to my master, how can I let her get what she wants?
Then he thought: "The man surnamed Long said that this snake mist is a strong aphrodisiac, I'm afraid it's true, but I have the ability of Samadhi Yoga and divine foot power, and the poison of the golden cicada can be turned into internal force, and I can refine it. What’s wrong with aphrodisiacs?”

He turned to look at the ridge and remembered a question he had thought about when he came here last time: If this ridge can only be ascended and descended by a hanging basket, how much material will be needed for so many buildings? Will it be transported up slowly? Therefore, there must be little-known paths or secret passages in this ridge. The last time the Five Immortals Sect abandoned the Ming Sect and chose Emei, they saved themselves the trouble of finding a way to escape, so they had to make up for it today.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind and grinned at Long Kongkong: "The leader is so calculating, Ye is willing to give in, but..."

Before he finished speaking, he used the "Meteor from the Sky" move and threw the snake bone sword in his hand.

This sword was so powerful that Long Kongkong was about to lift the snake staff but was unable to parry, so he quickly jumped out of the way. Ye Guhong took the opportunity to jump out, and flew back towards the path he came from. He drew the silkworm thread that was secretly buckled in his hand, and the snake bone sword sounded. Li Xiao turned into a ray of purple light and swept towards White Snake, Ling Chan and others in front.

Everyone in Ling Chan knew how powerful the golden dragon of our sect was, and when they saw Ye Guhong being attacked, they all relaxed their guard. Unexpectedly, Ye Guhong's internal strength was quite unique. Although his body was very hot and hot, his mind was still calm, so he suddenly took action. , everyone was caught off guard, each exclaimed and dodged.

Snow Centipede and Yu Chan dodged, and even shouted aggrievedly: "Brother Ye, how can you even beat us?"

At this moment, Ye Guhong was using his internal energy to the extreme and ignored the two girls. He passed by like a gust of wind and jumped up the steps. Long Kongkong said angrily: "Let's chase him! The cooked duck can still fly for him!"

Everyone rushed to chase them out. Ye Guhong had already reached the Five Immortals Ridge and ran towards the house without thinking. He suddenly bumped into a flower centipede and a woman with her head lowered walking side by side. Ye Guhong was about to take action. Then I heard the woman exclaim: "My benefactor!"

The voice sounded familiar to Ye Guhong, and he saw the woman raise her face, revealing a face that should have been delicate but full of scars.

Ye Guhong exclaimed: "Golden Spider?"

It turns out that this woman is none other than the mother of Orchid Spider and the ex-daughter-in-law of Ye Tiangang.

Golden Spider nodded, but before he could speak, Ye Guhong said anxiously: "Where can I go down the mountain?"

Golden Spider was called by Hua Centipede, saying that she was preparing to set up the Five Immortals Formation. She was so anxious that she didn't explain it carefully. She didn't know that the person she was going to deal with was Ye Guhong, but she was not a fool. She saw Ye Guhong's face was red and he looked anxious. , and immediately guessed the whole story.

But back in Jiangnan, her daughter killed Ye Yunfei's young wife. If it hadn't been for Ye Guhong's righteous intervention, their mother and daughter would probably not have escaped with their lives. Jin Zhu always kept this kindness in his heart.

Therefore, before Hua Centiped opened his mouth, Golden Spider raised his heart and pointed his hand first: "There is a road leading to the bottom of the Ten Thousand Poison Cave over there, but there are many poisons and it is extremely dangerous."

Ye Guhong was overjoyed and nodded: "Thank you, senior!"

The flower centipede said angrily: "Where to go!" The Sanyin centipede used its claws to grab Ye Guhong's arm.

However, among the five martial arts taught by the Five Immortals, Ye Guhong was most familiar with the three yin claws. He blocked it with his right arm and then pushed it out in a circle. At this moment, the internal force in his body had reached its extreme. This move Kang Long Yougui took action, which was extremely powerful.

Hua Centipede also knew what was going on. She screamed and jumped far away, watching Ye Guhong himself rush past.

At this time, Long Kongkong and others also ran up the steps. Hua Centipede stamped her feet and said: "Golden Spider, you ruined the leader's important affairs, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Golden Spider had a calm expression on his scarred face, and said softly: "If you endure hardship, just endure hardship. As a human being, how can you not repay kindness?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Kongkong and others were approaching and shouted: "Where is Mr. Ye?"

Hua Centipede was the first to say: "The two of us were repelled by one of his moves, and he ran towards the Ten Thousand Poison Cave!"

White Snake said anxiously: "Oh, why is his life so good? There is a road to the lower ridge in Ten Thousand Poison Cave, and he is not afraid of the poison..."

Long Kongkong also had a worried look on his face, shaking his head and saying: "Drunk Immortal Golden Mist is not that simple! If he really escapes, that's all. I'm afraid he won't be able to keep his mind and ruin his little junior sister's life in vain. At that time, our religion and Emei became sworn enemies! No, let me chase you, and we must not kill the little girl."

The group of people were shocked when they heard this, and were about to chase after them when suddenly a loud arrow flew into the air, crackled, and exploded into fireworks for a long time.

This sounding arrow was sent out by the Five Immortals Sect when it encountered a very powerful enemy that could not stop it and even had no time to go up the mountain to report the news. Long Kongkong was startled at first, and then said angrily: "A powerful enemy comes into the mountain! What bastard is it at this time? Are you looking for trouble with the Five Immortals Sect? Hua Centipede, Ling Chan, and Golden Spider, you and the three guardians will go down the mountain to meet the enemy. Lan Spider will go back to the room by himself, and White Snake and the three of them will follow me to chase Ye Guhong!"

(End of this chapter)

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