When the sword comes out of Emei, I will be the front

Chapter 282 Fighting 9 heroes alone, controlling 5 immortals

Chapter 282: Fight against the Nine Heroes alone, dominate the Five Immortals

Yingshan County, also known as Yingshan County, is located at the southern foot of Tiantangzhai, the main peak of the Dabie Mountains. Four thousand years ago, it was the seat of Britain and the fiefdom of Gao Tao, the four ancient saints and the originator of justice.

The three masters of Yingshan traveled across the Dabie Mountains, and their boxing and kicking skills were each known to be unique. They were Li Dasheng, the master of the mountain-breaking fist, Luo Shentong, the master of blocking the river, and Liu Tianyi, the master of kicking the stars.

Honghu is a famous large lake in the Jingchu area. It has a vast water surface and is not inferior to Dongting. The two Honghu murderers are famous murderers in the Honghu area. The Honghu gang's three to four hundred people were destroyed by them in one night, which shows their ability.

The weapons used by these two men were quite rare in the world, and surprisingly they were mountain axes and sabers.

Then there are the Four Swordsmen of the Hanjiang River, which are not just general ones. They are the descendants of the Hanjiang Sect, which was famous in Xiangfan area at that time.

Ten years ago, the Hanjiang faction was wiped out by masters from the Yuan Dynasty. The four swordsmen of the Hanjiang River fought to the death and escaped. On the way to escape, they met King Weishun. King Weishun saw that the four of them were excellent in martial arts, so he lowered his body to surrender. The four of them had no way out, so they threw themselves into the palace of King Weishun.

King Weishun Kuanchepuhua used the dignity of the Prince of the Yuan Dynasty to go deep into the mountains and ridges, and did whatever he wanted. In fact, he relied on the power of these nine masters under his command.

Kuan Che Puhua failed to marry Mrs. Shexiang last time, which led to the war between Yi and Miao becoming more and more intense. Although no one dared to say anything in front of him, he was always ashamed of himself.

This time, the Yang family and his son praised Long Kongkong as if he was a fairy. When he came to the Five Immortals Sect, he was determined to win and never return. He brought all the nine masters with him. If Long Kongkong "doesn't know how to praise", he will To suppress it with force——

But when they saw Miejie spinning around three times in a row, slashing or sweeping the iron sword in his hand, the shadow of the sword was like the tide, and the energy of the sword was like the wind, the three heroes of Yingshan quickly changed their moves and jumped back, and the swords and axes of the two villains of Honghu were also shaken away.

The nine masters wanted to compete for the credit, and they all moved forward. Miejie faced him without any fear, and took three steps forward. The sword in his hand was unsheathed. His body movement suddenly moved quickly, and the long sword trembled. "The sun and the moon hang in the air." , pointing directly at the two evil men in Honghu.

Just as Miejie was about to respond, there was a sudden sound of wind behind her, but the three masters of Yingshan came behind her, attacking with fist wind, finger strength, and leg strength.

Before the annihilation, I heard the sound of the wind and didn't notice that these three masters seemed to be Shaolin Kungfu. At this moment, I saw that it was true, and shouted: "Duoluo Yezhi! Are the Shaolin masters also working for the tiger?"

As soon as the four swords of Hanjiang retreated, the two fierce men of Honghu took the opportunity to attack. They swept across with their sabers and slashed with mountain axes. They roared with the wind and were extremely fierce.

Before he finished speaking, the horse "Zhuanshanfei" suddenly hissed angrily, stood up, and stepped on the back of Li Dasheng's head with its big hooves.

The leader of the three heroes, the "Broken Mountain Fist Master" Li Dasheng shouted: "This thief is so skilled in martial arts! Let's attack side by side, don't let her turn around!"

Miejie's eyes moved, and he nodded secretly: These two men used their body movements and weapon direction to make up for the lack of speed of heavy weapons. Their moves were simple and clever, and they were definitely not mediocre.

Although the three of them were sneak attacks, their fist style and finger strength all showed a majestic and masculine aura. Miejie frowned slightly and thought to himself: What these people are using is the unique skill of the Shaolin sect. Could it be that they are using it? Shaolin lay disciple?

At this time, the four swords of the Han River leaped out from the left and right sides, and the four long swords were condescending, pointing towards Mie Jie.

The Miejie Sword came out like lightning, but the two men were not frightened. They each sat on their horses and lowered their waists. At the same time, they twisted their waists and pulled out their arms. The mountain axe and the horse-cutting knife were drawn diagonally along the body. With two dings, they were in time. Hold the sword of destruction.

Miejie took half a step back, and in an instant, his internal energy penetrated the long sword, and he swung out the "Yun Heng Jin Ding" move. However, he saw a sword light sweeping across, and when it touched the long swords of the Han River Four Swords, the four people's arms felt sore. Numb, with exclamations, he either turned backwards or jumped sideways, avoiding at the same time.

The weapons used by these two men were heavy. Those with heavy weapons would probably have slower reaction speed, so Miejie attacked them first.

Unexpectedly, before they met Long Kongkong, they were hit by the calamity that was killing everyone everywhere.

Doro, the provincial name of Bedoro, is the transliteration of the Sanskrit Pattra, which originally refers to the Bedo tree. The Bedo tree is shaped like a palm, with long and dense leaves. After the leaves are dried, characters can be carved or written with ink, which is called Bedo tree. Leaves, the original version of Buddhist scriptures, are often recorded on it. Records of the Western Regions record: "The leaves are long and wide, and the color is shiny. All countries have written about it and used it."

The thoughts in his mind were whirling, but his men were not slow at all. He turned around in one swift movement, and it was the "Wind Rolling Clouds Opening", a clever move of both offense and defense in the Golden Summit Nine Styles.

Miejie's internal strength was surging. Although the Taishan style iron sword in his hand was shorter than ordinary swords, it was much wider, thick and steady. It was very advantageous to fight head-on.

This Mentaro leaf fingering skill requires all ten fingers to be practiced. When it is performed, the fingers are spread out in turn, and each finger can hurt the enemy. It is really unpredictable, and because the fingers are spread out like the shape of a Bedo leaf, it is named after it. , is the most violent and tyrannical among the many Shaolin fingering methods!
In the martial arts world, fingering techniques that can attack with all ten fingers are extremely rare, so Miejie can recognize it at a glance.

Li Dasheng heard the sound of wind behind his head and quickly ducked to the side. Miejie burst into laughter, stepped out with four elephant steps, and emerged from the encirclement in just one step. His iron sword followed the trend and slashed diagonally. "Block the river and point it out!" Luo Shentong shouted in a low voice. , dodged the diagonal thrust, the five fingers of his left hand were like playing a pipa, pointing towards Miejie's wrist in a chain, while his right hand poked out from under his left hand, which was also the five-finger wheel point, and fell towards Miejie's lower abdomen!

As for the various poisonous techniques of the Five Immortals Sect, he had other means to prepare.

This sword technique was created when Patriarch Guo was sitting on the Golden Summit watching the sea of ​​clouds. Suddenly a strong wind blew up, causing the clouds and mist all over the sky to disappear. The scene was spectacular, so he understood it in his heart and integrated his artistic conception into the sword move.

Luo Shentong heard Miejie's question and sneered at the corner of his mouth, as if he hadn't heard it, but his fingers moved more quickly. Miejie's eyes were filled with coldness, his wrists condensed, and he used the "Light Luo Small Fan" move, but he heard a buzzing sound. The sword roared, and nine sword lotuses bloomed in front of him almost at the same time, protecting the whole body. If Luo Shentong stretched his hand further, it would be like putting his fingers into a meat grinder.

Luo Shentong was startled and quickly stopped his hand. However, at the moment when he was about to change his move, the nine lotuses in front of Miejie merged into one, and he stepped over his shoulder. However, in a flash of clear light, the iron sword had penetrated into Luo Shentong's heart!
This move is the killing move in "Destroying Sword", which is called "hundred soul stunned". The delicate transition between offense and defense suddenly accelerates, so that the opponent's heart stops, and the soul does not understand what is going on.

Now that Miejie has mastered the Six-Yang Spiritual Pivot Technique, under the influence of internal force, he can draw his sword faster than before. Even though Luo is outstanding in martial arts with magical powers, he was pierced through the heart by her sword.

"Second brother!" "Second brother!"

Seeing that Luo's supernatural power was broken, the eldest and third among the three heroes instantly had their eyes filled with blood. Amidst the strange screams, Li Dasheng's arms were like apes and he punched seven times in a row, which was the killer move "Gathering of Seven Stars" in Shaolin Pianhua Seven Star Fist.

"Kicking Star Kick Jue" Liu Tianyi chained left and right, and shot out six legs in the blink of an eye. When one leg came out, the second leg followed closely like a shadow. The second leg immediately changed into a shadow, and the third leg returned like a shadow. Shadow, follow up kick...but it's a sharp move from the Shaolin kicking skill "Shadow-Following Kick"!
When the two men were grieving, they punched and kicked fiercely without any remaining strength. Miejie was unwilling to use his front straight, so he retreated and took advantage of the situation to pull out the iron sword from Luo Shentong's heart. He twisted his body and swept across, blood flying everywhere. , and swung the long swords of the four swords of the Han River away.

Before she could stand firm, the two ferocious men from Honghu came back to kill. The remaining two of the three heroes attacked like crazy. Miejie stepped on the four elephant steps and moved around. The four swords from the Hanjiang River saw each other and stood still in all directions, attacking one after another. , want to block the calamity footwork.

The figures of the nine people were swaying, each with their own tricks, and they fought for twenty or thirty times in an instant. Kuan Che Puhua stood aside and his eyes widened——

There are many masters under the command of the King of Ruyang, who manage the affairs of the court for the court. They are both envious and jealous of his generosity, so he spends a lot of money to hire these nine masters. He thinks that he is no better than the Prince of Ruyang, but unexpectedly, he is destroyed. One person blocked it by himself, and then he vaguely understood in his heart that this nun's martial arts skills were probably frighteningly high!

After fighting for more than ten more times, Miejie became anxious. Unknowingly, he had switched to the swordsmanship in the Jade Demon's Jade Book, the sharp swordsmanship in the Sword-Breaking Style, the Whip-Breaking Style, the Sword-Breaking Style, and the Palm-Breaking Style. Roll out like a river. Those eight people felt that the Miejie sword technique had changed. The originally extremely clever and sharp moves suddenly became unpredictable. The swords were either skillful or clumsy, fast or slow, and there was no order at all. However, every sword move was like Pointing to her personal weakness, she couldn't help but be secretly frightened in her heart, thinking: If it weren't for everyone's siege and the continuous and intensive attack, how could I have survived ten moves under her hands?

Zhuan Shanfei stared at the excitement for a while, then suddenly started running around the crowd, his horse's head probing, obviously looking for an opportunity to bite someone.

Miejie was worried that it would be hurt, so he shouted: "Just stay aside."

Zhuan Shanfei turned his ears and jumped to the side as expected. His eyes blinked, full of concern.

At this time, Miejie had the upper hand. With a flash of movement, he was like a gray shadow, rushing in and out among the eight opponents. Everyone on the opponent's side changed their expressions and shouted, trying to surround Miejie again.

However, Miejie had already used the killer at this moment, but when they saw her erratic, she struck out with her left palm one after another. The eight people were surprised when they saw her move the palm casually at first. However, after only a moment, a series of palm strikes came forward, backward, and forward. It exploded straightly or in a curve, and several of them immediately groaned with blood. The sword of destruction unfolded, killing three people in an instant. It was one of the two murderers of Honghu and the four swords of Hanjiang.

Among the remaining five people, Li Dasheng and Liu Tianyi were hit with one palm each. However, Shaolin's internal skills were extraordinary after all. The two looked at each other, suppressed their injuries, turned around and left.

The remaining three of the Four Swordsmen of the Han River were too slow to take one step, and when they were about to escape again, the Iron Sword of Destruction had arrived, and they had no choice but to resist. However, Li and Liu did not even look at King Weishun, and ran down the ridge with all their might. .

King Weishun was stunned and dazed for a moment. He picked up his stomach and wanted to run away. However, with the roar of the Miejie sword, he stabbed all three Hanjiang swordsmen to death in a few moves. He rushed out and kicked Weishun with a flying kick from behind. The king was rolling on the ground.

When King Weishun was young, he had practiced boxing for a few years, but not to mention how good he was in practice, but with his current figure, if he punched someone, his fist would not touch the enemy, and his stomach would have knocked him away, how could he do it? To escape the calamity?
King Weishun begged loudly for mercy, but Miejieli ignored him and took out a sword to kill him. Seeing the tip of the sword touching his flesh, a thought suddenly occurred in his heart: This guy is the prince of Yuanting. If he comes to this Five Immortal Sect, he will definitely be with the Five Immortals. The Immortal Cult has colluded. If I capture this guy, wouldn’t I be a good hostage?

In a flash of thought, the long sword thrust out suddenly turned upside down, and the sword head hit Queen Weishun's head, causing King Weishun to faint immediately.

Miejie went to look at the soldiers and horses at the foot of the mountain again. Seeing Li and Luo fleeing in embarrassment, they all began to make noises. Miejie was too lazy to waste time. After descending dozens of wooden steps, he turned around and ran back up. As he ran, With one step, the wooden steps snapped, leaving a gap of more than ten feet.

Miejie was confident that it would be difficult for an idler to catch him, so he ordered the horse: "Wait for me here obediently. I will finish my work and take you home."

Zhuan Shanfei blinked and thought to himself, that's right, I've probably changed my name to Guaiguai now, so he nodded obediently and stood there without moving his hooves.

Miejie looked up at the top of the peak, returned his sword to its sheath, took a deep breath, lifted up the King of Weishun, jumped more than ten feet, stretched out his hand to grab the rope, exerted force with one hand, and climbed up step by step.

When we were about to reach the top, we suddenly heard someone above us saying: "Master Miejie! Don't come up, otherwise I won't talk about our old feelings and cut the rope."

Miejie was slightly startled, and when he looked up, he saw a pretty face sticking out from the cliff. It looked very familiar. He slightly changed his mind and remembered that it was the elder Hua Centiped taught by the Five Immortals!
Earlier, when arrows were fired and fireworks soared into the sky, Long Kongkong ignored them and went after Ye Guhong. However, he sent three elders including Hua Centipede and the three helmsmen to meet the enemy. When the six people rushed to the second platform, they saw King Weishun's men and horses came, more than a hundred feet apart. They didn't pay attention to the flags of the incoming people. They just thought that a large number of enemies were coming, so the six of them decided to stay on the second cliff and wait for the dragon to return empty-handed.

After a while, the sound of fighting was faintly heard from below. The six people looked at each other in confusion. After a while, they saw the rope shaking. Hua Centiped looked out and felt bad. The leader had robbed Emei's disciples, and now the suffering master came to the door.

When Mie Jie heard her threats, he smiled slightly and mentioned King Weishun: "This Tartar prince is your backer, and you don't care about his life?"

Hua Centipede wondered: "When did we have a Tatar backer?"

Before she finished speaking, the magic power of destroying the calamity surged, and she waved her hand, and King Weishun's body of more than 200 kilograms was thrown straight up by her, hitting Hua Centipede like a cannonball.

Hua Centipede exclaimed and subconsciously avoided it. King Weishun fell to the ground and howled in pain. He woke up from his coma. Before he could see who the people in front of him were, he exclaimed: "Monster is scary, please save me." ”

The six people in Hua Shun felt a gray shadow flash in front of their eyes. Miejie had already come up the cliff. With a sneer on his face and a murderous look in his eyes, he glanced at the faces of the other six people one by one, and said as coldly as chewing ice and snow: " Where are you keeping my Guhong?"

After hearing this, Golden Spider wanted to tell him, but Hua Centiped pulled his sleeve and had to shut up.

Mie Jie noticed something strange, took a deep look at Golden Spider, and sneered: "Since I didn't say anything, I had no choice but to kill him."

Lingchan sighed: "We were ordered by the leader to resist the outside world. Although we don't want to offend the master, we can't do anything about it. If you can't win over us, please go down to the mountain. The leader of our sect will naturally give Emei an explanation in the future."

Miejie said solemnly: "Should we wait until later?"

He rushed out with a shout, and hit him head-on with the "Buddha's Light Shining" move.

The spirit toad exclaimed, feeling that the opponent's palm technique was so powerful that it was inevitable to avoid it. He quickly used his skills, shouted "Gu Gu", and struck out with both palms at the same time.

The two touched each other, and there was a muffled sound. Miejie's figure swayed, and the spirit toad flew out upside down. He was in the air, and his blood was already spurting out.

"Madam!" Qingcheng's two handsome men exclaimed in unison, and Hua Centipede, Python God, and Golden Spider were also shocked -

You must know that Lingchan has been practicing the Toad Pill Cauldron skill since he was a child. In terms of internal strength alone, even Long Kongkong is not as good as him. He is the master of the Five Immortals Sect's internal strength. Who would have expected that he would be shocked by Miejie's palm? I don’t know whether I will live or die.

Miejie exhaled a breath of turbidity, nodded and said, "What a skill! You can take 100% of the poor nun's palm power and only be injured but not killed. That's enough to be proud of."

Then he looked at Qingcheng Shuangjun, who was carefully checking the injury of the spirit toad, with a look of disgust on his face, and said in a hateful voice: "But you, a woman, actually have two husbands, you are indeed an extremely shameless witch, you Five Immortals Sect is harboring filth. , The poor nun will wipe out all of you in one fell swoop today!”

When Hua Centiped heard that the spirit toad was not dead, he felt relieved, and then said angrily: "Even if your martial arts are strong, our Five Immortals Sect is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others!" With a flick of his right hand, a string of soul-breaking centipede darts were fired. And out.

The flower centipede knew that it was impossible to stop the calamity with concealed weapons alone. As soon as the dart was shot, the people followed and jumped out. The three-yin centipede's claws turned into thousands of claw shadows, just like a centipede with hundreds of legs.

Although Golden Spider did not want to be an enemy of Mie Jie, they were sisters after all. After seeing Mie Jie's method of seriously injuring the spirit toad with one move, how could he dare to let Hua Centiped take risks? With a display of his body skills, thousands of spiders and ten thousand poisonous hands rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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