So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 1 Found a Treasure

Chapter 1 Found a Treasure
  It was early summer in 1992, May 5th.

Duke University Basketball Arena, Durham, USA.

Pay attention, this Chinese man is called Meng Lang.

Just now, he was called.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the club calling number, it’s the trial training call…

He was participating in Duke University's annual freshman tryout.

When his number was called, he walked up to a middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline and strong eyes. Meng Lang recognized him at a glance. Duke University's head coach: "Future Old K" Mike Shashe Vski.

Old K glanced at Meng Lang, then at the scouting report in his hand, looked at it up and down for a few seconds, and showed a kind smile:

"Meng, Lang, right?"

Meng Lang was a little nervous when he stared at him, or felt guilty. When he heard the name confirmation, he felt that Old K had something to say.

It’s not because it’s my first time without experience, but because…

The scouting report about him that Old K had was secretly stuffed into Old K's office by him disguised as a cleaner.

He is afraid of being found out.

But when Old K saw him nodding, he just nodded slightly and said, "You can start!"

Following his words, the staff next to him led him to start a routine physical examination.

"Height... 2 meters!"

"Weight... 94kg!"

"The wingspan is...2 meters 16!"


"Standing height... 2 meters!"

"The palm length is 24.8cm; the maximum horizontal palm width is 28.6cm!"


Groups of data were reported from the recorder's mouth. The assistant coaches standing next to Old K were no longer calm, and they all whispered "unbelievable". Such top-notch static talent is rare even in the NBA, not to mention that Meng Lang is an Asian with black hair and yellow skin. When they first saw Meng Lang, they thought he was in the wrong place.

Old K was relatively calm and continued to wait for Meng Lang's next physical test data.

“Movement of four points in the three-second zone: 11.13 seconds;
  3/4 sprint (22.86 meters): 3.30 seconds;
  Bounce in place: 72.43cm;

Run-up bounce: 81.13cm;

Maximum bench press times (83.91 kg): 10 times;”


Compared with the top static talents, Meng Lang's dynamic talents are much worse. However, he can still be ranked at the forefront among rookies. If you look at it by NBA standards, he can also reach the average level. There is no outstanding aspect, but he is not lagging behind either.

Old K was very satisfied and put a "√" next to Meng Lang's physical data.

Looking down:

"Characteristics: High basketball IQ, strong physical fitness, excellent running ability without the ball, good feel for the ball, NBA-level shooting ability, tough defense on the defensive end, strong defense awareness, trustworthy player at critical moments heart';"

"Disadvantages: Lack of independent offensive ability, high school league level is not enough, lack of visibility, no chance to prove themselves in high-level leagues;"

  Seeing the last line, there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Old K's mouth.

This young man!

Old K's eyes returned to Meng Lang again.

After the physical test, the next test is shooting training.

Meng Lang's youthful expression was extremely serious. As he moved, his tall and streamlined figure was clearly visible. His limbs under his vest and shorts were strong and slender, and his obvious muscle lines could be seen when exerting force.

The shooting posture is a very standard two-stage shot, and the textbook-level shooting rhythm is pleasing to the eye.




The balls went into the basket one after another, 30 balls, and finally 29 were made, and only one was missed!
  "One more group!" Just as the staff led Meng Lang towards the next project site, Old K suddenly shouted thoughtfully. The staff member was stunned for a moment, then whispered to Meng Lang: "Behave well."

When Old K makes such a request, it often means that the player has successfully aroused his interest in this regard.

Meng Lang understood what the staff meant, adjusted his breathing slightly, and immediately started the second set of shots. Still, the second shooting test ended smoothly with 30 of 28 shots.

"This projection is so stable!"

One of the assistant teachers couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Considering his excellent static talent and his good physical fitness shown in two sets of shooting tests with almost no time interval, as long as he is not too bad in other aspects, he can definitely prosper in the NCAA.

Old K probably thinks so too.

Because he saw Old K put a "√" on Meng Lang's scouting report again.

Generally, two "√"s will lead to the next round of re-examination. In other words, the trial training is not over yet, but Meng Lang has passed the test.

"Congratulations, Meng Lang, you successfully entered the next round of re-examination. It will be 2 o'clock in the morning in two days, still in this arena. See you then, don't be late, man, we will send specific notifications to your email!"

"Well, thank you, sir."

After the trial training ended, Meng Lang also received the re-examination notice as soon as possible. He looked happy and breathed a long sigh of relief. He picked up his big blue satchel, said hello to the staff, and left the arena with a cheerful pace.

What he didn't notice was that Old K had been looking at him with piercing eyes, staring at his back for a long time, with a trace of memory suddenly showing in his eyes.

"Chris, is this Chinese guy recommended by you?"

"Chinese people? NO, this is not my style. I have never recommended Chinese people. Maybe it was Mike who recommended him..."

"I've already asked, it's not him..."

"Is that Hedo?"

"I'll ask him again!"


"Man, has the camera at the door of my room been turned on these days?"

"It's open, what's wrong? Did you lose something?"

"No, no, go to the monitoring room and copy a copy of the videos from the past few days. Just give them to me!"

"Oh well!"



"Has the trial notice for this Chinese named Meng Lang been sent out?"



Old K discovered Meng Lang's secret as early as when he sent out trial training notices to the newcomers. But he didn't point it out.

After working so hard just to get a chance to try out, this effort to find a new way and never give up successfully made him interested in this Chinese named Meng Lang.

Old K also spent some effort and obtained several videos of Meng Lang's matches in high school. It does have some strength. And there were moments when he saw this kid's talent in basketball.

After reading it, Old K finally decided to give this kid a chance.

Just looking at the results of today's trial training, there are definitely shortcomings. For example, the most obvious one is that he has a little dribbling ability, but not much. At most, he can't hit his feet while dribbling.


Two consecutive sets of shooting tests with almost no rest, a total of 60 of 57 shots, proving his physical fitness and shooting ability;
  Stable completion of this trial training despite the possibility of his identity being exposed proves his mental quality;

Old K looked again at the scouting report, which was most likely written by Meng Lang himself. These advantages were clearly written on it.

If the other advantages above are also true...

Old K's already focused eyes became even more focused. He looked at Meng Lang's back getting farther and farther away and said to himself:

Found a treasure!

 Newbie, new book, please give me your support.

  (End of this chapter)

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