So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 173 "Three Accompaniments" Kobe Bryant and Chuck Daly's Preparations for a Ra

Jordan once again became the "voting king", which is definitely news worth cheering for Chicago fans. Jordan's popularity has returned to its peak, which means that the entire Chicago Bulls will also return to that "prosperous dynasty".

No Chicagoan will miss the 91-93 seasons, because those three years were the birth of the Bulls' first "three consecutive championships" in franchise history.

That was the first peak for the Chicago Bulls!
Now that Jordan is back, that Bulls team is coming back too!
In addition to these three people being elected "All-Stars", the starting lineup in the East also includes Tim Hardaway, Scottie Pippen, and Shaquille O'Neal.

The main reason why Hardaway can become the starting guard is because of the departure of Meng Lang and Hardaway.

The 90s was the era of insiders, and all kinds of insiders emerged in endlessly.

Take the No. 5 position as an example. Shaquille O'Neal is the starter in the Eastern Conference. Behind him are two "star insiders" Mutombo and Ewing. The star quality on the back line is much worse.

In addition to Jordan, after counting the star-rated guards in the Eastern Conference, I finally found a "little bug".

Reggie Miller was very popular later on, but now, especially this season, the team's poor record makes him simply not competitive enough.

There are a lot of talents on the front line. Needless to say, Hill is very popular here, not to mention Pippen. Before Hill came to the NBA, he had always been the most popular player among the small forwards in the Eastern Conference.

Shaquille O'Neal also has no problem as the "backbone" center in the Eastern Conference.

In the West, besides Meng Lang, the other starter on the back line is none other than his good friend Anfernee Hardaway.

Their two "old magicians" occupied two guard spots, and the two veteran All-Star guards Gary Payton and Stockton were dismissed one after another!
But they have nothing to complain about. The gap in votes is indeed a bit big.

Meng Lang ranked second on the All-Star voting list, while Hardaway also received 80 votes, 15 more than third-placed Payton, and 20 more than Stockton!

The forward positions are Sean Kemp and Barkley.

Kemp is far ahead of other forwards in the Western Conference with 98 votes, and Barkley competes with Karl Malone. In the end, Barkley relied on the larger market of Los Angeles to win 79 votes, defeating Karl Malone.

The center position is Olajuwon.

Because his performance was not good enough and the Rockets' record was not good enough, the number of votes for "Big Dream" today was not high, only 74. But he has a hard time, and other centers have an even harder time.

Including David Robinson, who can directly compete with him, is also not competitive this season.

It can be regarded as "outstanding".

On February 2, the league also announced this year’s All-Star substitute lineup.

One person from the Lakers is on the list, not Magic Johnson or center Divac. It's third-year rookie Eddie Jones at No. 2.

So far this season, he has averaged 16.8 points, 4.5 rebounds, 4 assists and 2.5 steals per game, shooting 48% from the field and 40% from three-point range. Except for scoring, other data are better than his original data in the same period. This is due to the fact that he is now paired with Meng Lang and Barkley. As the "third core" of the team, although he has less shot rights, But there are more opportunities to get open shots.

For a "regular season player" like him, this kind of team positioning is actually the most suitable for him to perform.

The Warriors became the biggest winners.

There are two of them on the list:
Chris Webber and "Madman" are among them. Therefore, together with the Lakers, they have become the team with the largest number of All-Star players this season.

The Warriors, like the Lakers, are both veteran teams in the league. They joined the NBA as early as the 70s. However, in terms of "ancestral glory", the Warriors are far behind the Lakers.

This kind of thing where three players were selected to the All-Stars in a single season has happened many times in the history of the Lakers, but it is very rare in the history of the Warriors. The Golden State media was very excited. Of course the Los Angeles media was equally excited.

The renaissance of the "rich family" is just around the corner!

Meng Lang suddenly accepted endorsements during this period, earning 1500 million yuan in endorsement fees in one week. This is the business market of the Los Angeles market, not the backcountry like Orlando!
In addition, Kobe and Ben Wallace were both selected for this year's Rookie Challenge.

In fact, judging from the data performance of the two of them, they really can't enter the Rookie Challenge.

The average data per game is at least eight or nine better than theirs, and there are only eight spots for the first-year team in the Rookie Challenge. It stands to reason that they cannot all enter. But eventually they all got in. Even if there are rookies with better statistics than them. But it was still the two of them who were selected in the end.

Because there is another selection criterion for the Rookie Challenge:

That’s how much it’s being talked about!
For this reason, rookies in big cities are more popular...

As a result, the Lakers will have five players participating in this year's All-Star Weekend in Cleveland. "Bleachers" directly bears the title "Renaissance of the Rich".

Ben Wallace was very excited after being selected for the Rookie Challenge. Compared to him, another Lakers rookie who was selected for the Rookie Challenge, our "Mamba" is not so happy.

The reason lies in Ben Wallace.

It's not that he had a conflict with Ben, but after Barkley was injured some time ago, Wallace was directly promoted to the starting position, playing several games in a row, and playing for thirty minutes in each game, but It made him hungry.

Although with Barkley's comeback, he returned to the bench.

But when "Magic" Johnson was injured, Chuck Daly did not put him in the starting lineup, but put Wilkins in the starting lineup.

Does this mean that in Chuck Daly's heart, he is inferior to Ben Wallace?

This makes him very distressed.

He also wanted a chance to prove himself.

Distressed, he decided to take the initiative. On the day the news came out about being selected for the Rookie Challenge, he walked up to Chuck Daly after training.

When Daley got close to him, he noticed that he was in a different mood than usual, but he did not take the initiative to ask. Instead, he pretended not to notice Kobe's strange mood. He said: "Congratulations, Kobe, you are selected. The Rookie Challenge is really good news, that stage can also help you grow!"

After all, the attention that the Rookie Challenge can receive is not comparable to that of the ordinary regular season. That kind of stage is enough to give rookie Kobe some pressure and motivation.

Kobe forced a smile: "Thank you, thank you, Chuck, but that's not why I'm looking for you today!"

Daley pretended to be surprised, then stopped and looked at Kobe with a gentle smile: "So what's the matter?"

Meeting Daley's gaze, even though Kobe had just been interrupted, he quickly showed a decisive expression and said what he had been brewing in his heart for a long time: "What I want to know is, Chuck, how can I Only by doing this can I get a chance to prove myself like Ben!"


Chuck Daly was not surprised by Kobe's request. From the moment he got close to him, Chuck Daly could feel that Kobe "came with bad intentions." Of course, he was not surprised. Kobe was an ambitious rookie, and he had already seen this.

It is impossible for people without ambition to torment themselves so hard.

His back view during training revealed the following:
I want to succeed!

That's why he goes crazy in training!

Chuck Daly actually has a charter for Kobe's training.

In Kobe's first season, the main thing he did was...use the opportunity to stand on the bench to hone himself and develop his feel on the court. But he spends more time practicing by himself in private.

It's not that he looks down on Kobe. But his age cannot be ignored.

After all the calculations, he is only 18 years and 5 months old now. In other words, he will officially turn 8 in August this year...

He is more than 3 months younger than fellow high school student Kevin Garnett.

And Kevin Garnett was a substitute for most of the season on a bad team like the Timberwolves. He just gradually increased his time and became the team's starting power forward. His playing time also slowly reached more than 30 minutes. .

Don't forget, he is still the "cornerstone" of the Timberwolves!
Although Kobe was acquired by the Lakers at a huge cost. But after having Meng Lang, Kobe can be regarded as the future of the Lakers, but it is definitely not as good as the cornerstone. In addition, the Lakers are also the favorites to win the championship this season, and Eddie Jones' maturity is completely higher than that of Kobe. If any head coach takes these factors into consideration, it would be impossible for him to give more opportunities and time this season to a sword that will only become sharper in the future.

Chuck Daly is no exception.

and so……

He looked at Kobe and showed his signature smile again: "Listen, Kobe, I understand your impatience now, but in my opinion, your current team role is very suitable for you. You still need time to Grow and be patient!”


"Of course, I know, Kobe, you are a person who is very eager to improve..." Kobe heard that Chuck Daly temporarily arranged for him to be the current second substitute, averaging more than ten minutes of playing time per game. He was anxious and was about to say something when Chuck Daly interrupted his impatience again, "Well, Kobe, I know you have been looking for Dream to bullfight. If you can defeat Dream, even just once, then I will put you in the starting lineup immediately!"

"Really!" Kobe's eyes suddenly became different, filled with the desire to fight and the ambition to challenge Meng Lang immediately.

Chuck Daly nodded and affirmed again: "Of course, okay, you can go find Dream now!"

"Thank you, Chuck, you are truly a one-of-a-kind head coach!"

At this moment, Kobe was completely immersed in the joy of "as long as he beats Meng Lang, he can become the starter for the Lakers", and Chuck Daly's image in his mind suddenly became taller. He likes this kind of eclectic head coach.

"Come on, Meng Lang, let's have a bullfight. I'm going to beat you and become the starter for the Lakers!"

After bidding farewell to Chuck Daly, Kobe rushed to find Meng Lang.

At this moment, the daily training has ended, and there are not many people left in the training ground. Except for Ben Wallace, who is practicing more strength, there is only Meng Lang who is practicing "turnover jump shot". Coupled with Kobe's uncontrollable excitement when he spoke, the voice echoed throughout the arena.

Meng Lang didn't know Chuck Daly's promise to Kobe yet, so he glanced at him and muttered something unclear: "Why are you so crazy again?"

He ignored Kobe and continued his special training on turning over and shooting jump shots.

His mid-range shooting ability on the attribute panel has reached 94 points, which is almost reaching the full value. During this period of time, he discovered during training that this mid-range shooting ability value includes all shots in the mid-range area.

But his shooting habits will also affect his mid-range shooting percentage.

For example, if he is used to taking shots from mid-range after receiving the ball, his shooting percentage will be affected when he takes the ball and takes shots from mid-range. Likewise, mid-range turnaround jumpers and mid-range pull-up jumpers are also included.

Of course, because his mid-range ability is here, he can improve quickly with hard training.

After coming to the Lakers, he mostly used the "back-up" method to advance, pass and take shots. The "turnover jump shot" became his "signature skill", which is also the shot method he has practiced the most.

Now his overall shooting percentage has almost caught up with his mid-range shooting percentage.

This is his second most stable shooting method in the mid-range.

However, Meng Lang himself is not satisfied. He wants to continue to improve. Improving the stability of his "turnover jump shot" to the same level as his catching and shooting is his most important goal in the near future.

and so……

"If it's okay, just go home and go to bed early!" Meng Lang glanced at Kobe and said to him, "I don't want to bullfight with you today!"

"Are you afraid of losing to me?" Of course, Kobe couldn't just back down. He gave a "provoking method" with his backhand.

Meng Lang laughed out loud and shook his head helplessly. Without stopping, he made a "turnover jump shot" and the ball hit the frame. The ball hit the floor and rolled towards the basket frame. Meng Lang tilted his head and trotted towards the ball.

It is no longer the time for normal training, so the caddies in the arena are basically off work. Meng Lang didn't want to force them to stay and work overtime, which would definitely make them curse in their hearts.

At this time, Meng Lang has to pick up the ball by himself.

Very affecting the rhythm!

But what can be done...

Meng Lang suddenly looked strange and turned to look at Kobe who was standing on the sidelines.

A brilliant idea popped into his mind.

I'm so damn smart!
Meng Lang picked up the ball, patted it twice, and looked at Kobe again: "Man, do you really want to bullfight with me?"

"Of course!" Kobe held his head high, not knowing that Meng Lang, the "bastard", was plotting to trick him again, "As long as I beat you, I can become the starter for the Lakers!"

"Huh?" Meng Lang didn't listen carefully to what Kobe said just now. He looked surprised at this moment and didn't understand the "nonsense" Kobe said. "Who told you that as long as you beat me, you can become the starter of the Lakers?"

"Chuck!" Kobe announced Chuck Daly's name with great solemnity. Now the image of Chuck Daley in his mind is sacred and inviolable!

"Huh?" Meng Lang was even more surprised.

But based on his understanding of Kobe and Chuck Daly, he understood what Chuck Daly meant.

He probably didn't want Kobe to pester him anymore and ask for more playing time, so he played such a trick. Dumped this "cheap snake" to him.

"So that's it!" Meng Lang smiled unconsciously and narrowed his eyes. It looks like an old fox. It was also at this time that Kobe, the "idiot", finally noticed something was wrong, but it was too late. Meng Lang continued, "Then it depends on your sincerity. Let's do this. You pick up 2 balls for me first and wait for me." After the voting is over, I will consider whether I want to have a bullfight with you!"

"What?" Kobe almost yelled. What he didn't yell was:

I have never seen such a shameless person!

Kobe also reacted belatedly at this time. It seemed that Meng Lang should not be allowed to know about this matter.

Isn't this the same as pushing himself into the fire pit? While pushing back, he said, "Meng Lang, please give Kobe your orders!"

Gan ah!

He woke up, but it was too late.

"It's okay if you don't want to pick it up, but my shoulder is a little uncomfortable today. If I have to pick up the ball while shooting later, I will definitely not be able to compete with the bull!" Meng Lang said to himself, and made another "turnover jump shot." After taking a shot, the ball hit the rim, and then flew straight in the direction of Kobe. It landed with little force, rolled slowly, and finally rolled right to Kobe's feet...

Meng Lang didn't say anything, just looked at Kobe with one hand on his hip.

Kobe looked down at the ball for a while, then looked up at Meng Lang, his face full of struggle. It is certain that when he graduated from high school and considered whether to skip college and enter the NBA directly, he was not so entangled.

But those who do great things are those who do great things.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Kobe looked at Meng Lang and said as if he had made up his mind: "You said, Meng Lang, as long as I pick up 2 shots for you, will you agree to bullfight with me?"

"I didn't say I would definitely agree, I just said I'd consider it!"



Kobe cursed secretly, gritted his teeth and picked up the ball.

Picked it up!

He picked it up!
Meng Lang suppressed a smile and watched Kobe pick up the ball.

"Damn it, take it!" Kobe held the ball in his hand, as if he had been humiliated, and threw the ball at Meng Lang. It was very strong, but Meng Lang still caught it steadily. Not only did he catch it, he also criticized Kobe: "Hey, man, pay attention to your attitude, you are a caddy now!"


Kobe responded with silence.

That is to say, he has never learned from Gou Jian, the king of Yue, otherwise he would definitely be saying in his heart at this moment:
Relying on salary and tasting courage, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu.

Meng Lang, wait for me! ! !

With Kobe picking up the ball, Meng Lang's rhythm of practicing "turnover jump shots" was indeed much smoother.

"Hurry up, hurry up, if all the ball boys in the Lakers were like you, then he would be out of work!"

"The pass is too heavy, Kobe. Do I have a grudge against you? Can you pass the ball a little lighter? With your attitude, you can't be a good ball boy!" "Oh, Shet, damn it, Kobe, you know ? If this ball was passed to me by a professional caddy, then I can definitely continue to make the shot. You ruined my 33 consecutive hits, and I could have set a new record!"


More importantly, he was in a much better mood when shooting. Especially the way Kobe was gnashing his teeth more and more opposite him made him look really relaxed.

He is the only one in the NBA who can bully the "Future Mamba" to this extent, right?
Of course, as a "traveler", this is what he should do!
After shooting about 1 balls, Meng Lang felt that there was no point in continuing to shoot like this, because he was getting more and more accurate, and just practicing like this could not improve his ability. He glanced at Kobe, thought of something, and said to him : "Man, let's do this, you guard me and give me some interference! But remember, I'm not bullfighting with you, you just have to resist me!"

Kobe:? ? ?
It's not just picking up the ball, but they actually want him to be a free sparring partner!
"Meng Lang, don't go too far!"

During this period, Kobe has been silently reciting words such as "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty" to restrain his inner aggrievedness. But Meng Lang is too bullying now.

This is just catching this "sheep" and trying to get rid of his "wool"!

When Meng Lang saw this, he was not annoyed and said directly: "If you don't want to, then I won't practice. It's a complete waste of time to practice like this!"

Kobe was happy when he heard this.

If you don't practice, why don't you just have a bullfight with him?

In the end, Meng Lang seemed to have struck a chord in his mind: "Don't think about it, even if I don't practice, I won't fight you in a bullfight!"

"You..." Kobe was so angry that his fingers were shaking when he pointed at Meng Lang. He held in his breath, paused for about two or three seconds, and finally breathed it out, "You have such a high-speed machine to enter the United States, remember me. The principle given is that when I was a child, I was the one who developed this thing. The principle of developing this thing is the control of the underworld government..."


This time it was Meng Lang's turn to have his brain shut down.

Good guy, it seems that this "snake" is very angry.

He quickly interrupted Kobe and said: "Listen, did we discuss it at the beginning? We agreed to pick up 2 balls. If we bullfight again, you have only picked up a hundred now, then I won't agree to it. Is that normal?"

" don't want to vote anymore, can't you blame me?" Kobe's language system finally became normal again.

"Then you can't blame me for not picking up enough 2 balls!" Meng Lang said confidently.


"Okay, just decide whether you want to be your sparring partner or not, before I leave!" Seeing that Kobe was about to fall into the "chaos" he just had, Meng Lang directly gave him a multiple-choice question.


The long silence resulted in another self-compromise.

Mainly, he has already picked up 1 balls. If he picks up another hundred balls, there will be a chance for bullfighting. Kobe has never been a person who gives up halfway. He would definitely have to force himself to accept it. What makes Kobe unhappy is:
He had a vague feeling that Meng Lang had spotted this point about him and took advantage of him!

Realizing this made him feel even more frustrated than being a sparring partner for Meng Lang...

Meng Lang's additional training continued after Kobe Bryant compromised again.

Kobe's defense put pressure on him and his shooting percentage began to decline. He also began to study his turning and shooting rhythm very seriously.

Slowly, he also found the feeling.

After 80 goals, he started hitting consecutive shots.

What he didn't notice was that Kobe's expression also began to look unhappy.

The "swish, swish, swish" sound of each hit shot was like a brush stimulating his brain nerves. With Kobe's temperament, how could he tolerate someone hitting shots over his head all the time?

Even if this is just Meng Lang training, he is just a sparring partner...

No, no!
He suddenly burst into flames, jumped up suddenly, and gave Meng Lang a big blow.

Suddenly he felt much more comfortable.

Meng Lang was stunned and looked at him blankly, with an expression of "What the hell are you doing, man?"

"If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then I'll leave now..."



"Sorry, Meng Lang, I just felt itchy suddenly. I'm really sorry. I only have 10 balls left. Finish the practice. I promise I won't do this again..."

"No need, I don't want to practice anymore!"

"Practice, Meng Lang!"




"Practice, I'm really sorry!"

"I said, No!"

This night, Kobe understood what "a little impatience leads to a big plan." He picked up 190 balls for Meng Lang, but in the end he failed to fight with Meng Lang. But even so, he had a smile on his face when he left the arena.

Kill this bastard!
This block against Meng Lang allowed him to vent all his grievances tonight.

Of course, Kobe stopped laughing within two days, because what awaited him was Meng Lang's more ferocious counterattack.

He not only has to pick up balls for Meng Lang, but also serves as his sparring partner. He also has to be his "driver", picking him up from the gym and taking him home, which is called "accompanying" for short!
At this moment, he began to regret not holding it in for those few seconds of pleasure. The price is really heavy.

During this period, the Lakers' status has seen some ups and downs, with wins and losses, but the overall winning rate is still maintained at around 70%. Their ranking is still high in the Western Conference, separated from the second-place Jazz. With almost 7 wins, the ranking is stable, so there is no need to care so much about whether the team is in a winning streak.

Some Los Angeles media even believe that as long as the Lakers keep their lineup intact, they will be the most favorable contenders for the championship this season.

Of course, this is the view of the Lakers media. Other media still regard the Bulls as the favorite to win this season. Including some large gambling companies, they also put the Bulls first.

This is Jordan's influence.

Even though Meng Lang defeated the Bulls in the playoffs, and the Lakers successfully swept the Bulls this season, before Jordan's "golden body" in the Finals was broken, he was currently the most dominant player in the NBA. Even Meng Lang can't even think of being in front of him!
Meng Lang was not surprised by this. If he could surpass Jordan so easily, then he would not be able to become the "goat" who could surpass all the super giants in the 90s. There were even a few players who might have been among the top ten players in history, but they fell to the th, th, or even lower places in history just because they met him.

It will definitely be difficult to climb such a big mountain, and it is not just a matter of defeating him once in the playoffs.

But the feeling of relief after climbing such a difficult mountain is definitely higher than that of others, hundreds or even thousands of times higher!
After all, in the history of the NBA, there are only a dozen or so people who have planted flags on "Presidents Hill". They are all "superstars" across the ages, and the passage of time will not obscure their names. But among the many "cross-era" superstars, there is only one Jordan!
In front of him, no matter how legendary the superstar is, he can only stand aside and watch him stand at the center of the stage...

How can defeating such a guy be comparable to defeating others?

The Cleveland city government is also very concerned about this All-Star event. Not only has it invested a lot of manpower and material resources, but they also clearly know what the most attractive gimmick of the Cleveland All-Star event is.

Before the All-Star Weekend, they called LeBron James early and invited him to participate in this All-Star Weekend. He didn't need to do anything, just gave him two courtside tickets to the All-Star game.

At that time, they don’t need to say anything at all, and the media will break out a lot of stories.

If LeBron James really enters the NBA in the future, this All-Star Weekend will definitely be mentioned.

LeBron James and Gloria were very excited when they received the notice. They once again felt that basketball had the potential to change their destiny. Gloria's feelings are even deeper. He feels that it was not basketball that changed LeBron's destiny. LeBron has been playing basketball for almost two years. His life during this period has brought so much attention. More importantly, he met Meng Lang...

"My child, have you ever thought about letting Meng Lang be your godfather!"

Gloria said something shocking, and LeBron was obviously taken aback.

"Mom..." LeBron didn't know what to say. He is already more mature than his peers. But in response to his mother's sudden question, his mind buzzed, and then it was like a paste, completely lost.

Gloria saw that LeBron's eyes were obviously flustered, and she quickly said: "Sorry, sorry, LeBron, it was mom who said it casually before she thought about it carefully. It's mom's problem!"

She is not a very good daughter and had an illegitimate child at a young age, but she is definitely a qualified, no, a very good mother. She has always done her duty when it comes to educating LeBron.

LeBron's future success is inseparable from her hard work.

Gloria changed the subject, but after calming down, LeBron began to seriously think about what Gloria just said.

He tries to understand his mother's intentions, which is why he is more mature than his peers.

"Mom, I believe that the most difficult time is over and we will get better and better!" After a while, LeBron looked at his mother and said seriously.

Gloria couldn't help crying and nodded with a smile. She agreed with what LeBron said. No matter what the future holds, it seems now that the most difficult time has indeed passed.

The first day of the All-Star Weekend is the Rookie Challenge.

Meng Lang arrived on time to watch his "escort" play in her first rookie challenge.

Grant Hill sat on his left, and Anfernee Hardaway sat on his right. Two of the three were watching the ball intently, and one turned his head to look at the "love rival" next to him from time to time, with a look of eagerness on his face.

The original Kobe became famous in this Rookie Challenge.

He scored 31 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists.

And 31 points is also a record in the Rookie Challenge. This record was not broken until Kuzma in 2019.

Also after this 31 points, the Lakers' defense line became even more restless.

Meng Lang looked at Kobe who was eager to try, and suddenly thought of the task assigned to Kobe by Chuck Daly:

Only by beating him in the "Bullfighting" can you get the chance to start.

He had to suspect that Chuck Daly was afraid that Kobe would show confidence in the Rookie Challenge and then return to Los Angeles to cause trouble for Eddie Jones. With Kobe's character, he can definitely do such a thing.

He has a character that he doesn't want to be oppressed by because of his ability.

Especially for a player like Eddie Jones who is obviously not much better than him, even more...

Ginger is still spicy!

A veteran like Chuck Daly really had a hand in dealing with Kobe.

The process of this Rookie Challenge was similar to what Meng Lang originally knew. Kobe showed full firepower against his classmates, even more powerful than he originally was. ——Just kidding, after being tortured by Wilkins, Barkley and Meng Lang for so long, there would be a problem if he still grows at his original rate.

In the end, he scored 36 points, but it was just like what he would encounter in the future:
When he scores high points, it's often when the team loses!
This rookie challenge was ultimately won by the Eastern Conference.

However, it is not just Kobe who is like this, Jordan was actually similar back then. After scoring 60 plus points, Larry Bird thought it was the night "God was playing in No. 23." In the end, Jordan still lost.

Scorers like them actually have a very unified playing style. They all lead their teammates first, and then use their abnormal hard-hitting ability at critical moments to help the team secure the victory. The key step in this is...

Give the ball over!

This is also the reason why there are no players like "211" and "311" among players like Jordan and Kobe.

They generally use their extra energy on the defensive end. This also explains why you see Jordan and Kobe defending against top players much more often than someone else.

Human energy is limited.

Being able to get 411 means that your body is durable enough to be fucked to death, which is worthy of recognition, but it may not really be more versatile than others.

After all, "411" is unprecedented in the NBA, and averaging a triple-double per game for three consecutive seasons is also unprecedented in the NBA.

This is why the data of customized items is worthless!
Allen Iverson smiled and won the MVP trophy of the Rookie Challenge with 17 points and 8 assists.

It is worth mentioning that Kobe is also considered a point back.

Because in the Rookie Challenge last season, the first-year team played against the second-year team. This year, the rookies from the Eastern Conference will play against the rookies from the Western Conference.

If Kobe and Allen Iverson team up, then he will be the ultimate Rookie Challenge MVP.

It can be seen that Kobe is also a little depressed.

He is holding back his energy to prove himself, and he was in very good shape tonight. But the team finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kobe, if you hit the mid-range shot in the last minute, would you have won the game? You made so many shots in the past, and your teammates accompanied you on the back-and-forth runs. You can't blame your teammates for the loss. Right? Key ball, this is probably the ability you lack most right now!"

Of course, the depression of losing was far less intense than when he walked to the sidelines and heard Meng Lang taunting him in his ear.

He didn't expect Meng Lang to comfort him at this time. This was impossible, and he knew it very well. but……

Can you shut up?

But he didn't say this to Meng Lang in the end, because he knew very well what Meng Lang's response would be:
"What are you doing? Why don't you tell me if you didn't play well?"

He had done similar things before when the Lakers were lagging behind, but now Meng Lang can only be regarded as "tit for tat"! So what he should do more is to wait for the right opportunity and return the ridicule.

He didn't wait long for this opportunity.

On the second day of the challenge, he signed up to participate in this year's dunk contest. In the end, he also succeeded in winning the championship with a "crotch change hands" dunk. Holding the slam dunk contest championship trophy high and walking towards Meng Lang, he had already thought about what he would say to Meng Lang later:

"How's it going? You haven't won the Slam Dunk King trophy yet, have you? Meng Lang, you've been in the league for 4 years, why can't you even win the Slam Dunk King? Don't tell me you don't want to win it! After you get it, say you don't want to win it. That's what you call being capable. If you don't get it, you say you don't want to get it... Meng Lang, you can't be such a bitch!"

It’s so cool!
Just thinking about what he was going to say later, Kobe couldn't control his excitement.


When he walked up to Meng Lang holding the "Slam Dunk King" trophy and before he could speak, Meng Lang suddenly raised his arms and wrapped his hands around his chest. He showed his fingers impartially.

A championship ring on his finger, to be precise.

Under the light, it shines...

Damn it!
Kobe almost cursed directly.

Who the hell is watching a dunk contest and wearing a championship ring?

Meng Lang, can you still have some face?

I'm so impressed with you, this old guy!
Only then did Kobe realize that he really couldn't beat Meng Lang when it came to being a dog. This person is really, really a bitch!

A show off ended in vain.

Two days have passed since the All-Star Weekend, and next is the highlight of the All-Star Weekend, the annual "All-Star Game"!
This is the fourth time Meng Lang has participated in the "All-Star Game" in his career, and it is also the second time he has shared the stage with Jordan. The difference is that they were teammates last time, and this time they will become opponents. Meng Lang made it known early that he would treat this All-Star Game as a serious game: "I will not let go of any opportunity to defeat Michael, and the same goes for All-Star Weekend!" (End of Chapter)

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