So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 175 I love basketball, I love the NBA, I love this game!

Karl Malone almost jumped up when he saw Meng Lang being kicked.

it is good!
Well played!

But when he saw Monica kneeling next to Meng Lang, asking worriedly, and even opening Meng Lang's covered face to see what was going on, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't know whether he was happy or unhappy with this feeling now.

Meng Lang sat up and waited for Hardaway to help him. Looking at the nervous Monica next to him, he smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay!"

He didn't look at Monica, because the distance between the two people was too close at the moment, and Monica kept slapping him in the face. It's easy to be stunned when you look at Monica's beautiful face from such a close distance.

At this moment, Meng Lang also understood something:
Don't worry about how many flowers you have seen. Even if you lie in the garden every day and see such beautiful flowers, you will still have some unnatural reaction.

Why do you become immune to beautiful women if you see them too much?

If you are really immune, then you should worry about your sexual orientation...

If Meng Lang remembered correctly, there are 97 species in the United States!
Hardaway ran over like a "two ha", looked at Meng Lang worriedly, and suddenly shouted as if he had discovered a "new world": "It's swollen, dream, your face is swollen!"

As soon as he shouted, Monica beside her quickly came over, wanting to see the other half of Meng Lang's face, but she was wearing a short skirt today, and she was moving half-crouching... Meng Lang glanced at Yue Yue. As the camera got closer, he didn't wait for Hardaway, a loser, to help him up. He climbed up on his own and helped Monica up as well.

"Skirt, skirt!"

He whispered a reminder, and Monica looked down and saw that her entire thigh was almost exposed, and she quickly pulled it awkwardly.

"Okay, I have nothing to do, but you, just don't be scared!" He patted Monica on the shoulder, "forced" her to sit down, turned to the team doctor and asked for a band-aid, and put it on Kicked in the cheek by Monica.

When he put it on, he grinned.

Don't tell me, it really hurts.

Because today Monica was wearing high heels, the kind with stiff toes. Fortunately, it's not that slender, otherwise, a hole would have to be cut for him.

"Did that goal just go in?"

Before stepping forward, Meng Lang gestured towards the audience, and the audience burst into cheers. He glanced at Monica again and smiled reassuringly. Monica was still a little worried, but when she saw Meng Lang smiling at him, she managed a smile in response.

This process was very short, less than a second. When Monica was laughing, Meng Lang had already turned to ask Hardaway what happened to the ball he finally saved.

Hardaway laughed "hehe" twice and changed the subject: "Dream, don't tell me, you look really handsome with this band-aid on!"

What a dog with so many aesthetics!
Meng Lang rolled his eyes at him.

But if you think about it carefully, yes, the West Coast style of America likes this ruffian tone, which is the so-called "street". The band-aid he put on his face did have a bit of street style.

The interrupted game restarted. Meng Lang took a look at the score and saw that the Eastern Conference was in the lead. Then he realized that the ball he finally saved fell into Hardaway's hands and was intercepted by Grant Hill.

Meng Lang hasn't come back yet, and the Western Conference has encountered a "23-24 Lakers"-style defensive embarrassment. He can only watch the stars in the Eastern Conference cooperate and score the ball into the basket.

"Give me the ball and I'll return the ball!"

Hardaway's temper also rose. He took the ball to the frontcourt and hooked directly towards Grant Hill, wanting to have a 1v1 with him. The crowd cheered at this moment. Hill was not disappointed and stood in front of Hardaway.

Hill's defensive ability is definitely underestimated by the current media.

His ankle has not been injured yet, so the media is paying more attention to his gorgeous "first step" and various face-to-face dunks.

Although Hill looks elegant, he is an absolute "violent kid" on the court. He can dunk when he gets to the basket, but never lays up.

But Hill is definitely capable of defending. Later, he "reborn" in the Suns, relying on his defense and three-pointers. He was a very secure wing "3D" for the Suns at that time.

However, Hardaway put all his strength into this shot, which was directly his signature "Hardaway change of direction."

First, he pulls the ball slightly to the right, and then suddenly changes direction drastically, using his super-fast first step to complete the change of direction breakthrough.

This is Anfernee Hardaway's "Hardaway Change of Direction."

The reason why later fans subconsciously applied "Hardaway's change of direction" to Tim Hardaway was for no other reason than this:
Better to learn!
Anfernee is 2 meters tall. His breakthrough changes make perfect use of his height, wingspan and range of movement. Most people really can't move as fast as him.

Tim Hardaway's "change of direction" is more about using "crotch dribbling" to escape, which is more technical and more suitable for ordinary people to learn.

To put it more bluntly:
Anfernee's "Hardaway Change of Direction" cannot be used by people without physical talent to have such an explosive effect.

Of course, this is normal. In the NBA, the "signature skills" of many stars are actually their "talented skills"!
For example, Shaquille O'Neal's "powerful play under the basket", Kevin Durant's "double change of direction to get rid of the shot", LeBron's "bulldozer layup"... Can you say that ordinary people can't learn it?
Especially LeBron's "bulldozer layup", as long as you learn the "three-step layup", "slow three-step layup", "basic European step", of course, you also have to add a little bit of "stealing" basketball hobbies Anyone can use this trick, but it won't produce the same effect. This is the most important thing!

After getting away from Grant Hill, Hardaway succeeded in a layup and regained the victory.

But Hill immediately took the ball and showed his "dream" first step. Hardaway had just lifted his trouser leg, and Hill had already started and rushed past him.


Not to mention that he didn't react, neither did Olajuwon inside.

Speaking of which, this season, when most of the media's attention is on Meng Lang and Jordan, Grant Hill has also completed further growth in Detroit. His scoring average of 22.4 points per game is the same as the first two in his career. The season is no different, but in fact his average field goal percentage has reached 49.6%!

In addition, he averaged 9 rebounds, 7.3 assists and 1.8 steals per game.

But looking at the data, it’s not too much to call him “LeBron James in the 90s”, right?

Of course, Grant Hill's playing style is definitely different from LeBron's.

Let him play "high IQ basketball" like LeBron, and I'm afraid that the record of "triple double" per game will be broken by this time.

The two of them showed off their talents without hesitation, and other all-stars from the East and West also started their performances.

It is said that the 00s was a decade of "bright stars". The "four major shooting guards", "four major forwards" and "peerless twins" made the entire league look like stars.

But in fact, the NBA in the late 90s was already full of star power!

Not to mention Grant Hill and Hardaway, the two "Jordan successors".

Not even Michael Jordan.

Take a look at the center position during this All-Star Weekend. Those who want to see violence are Shaquille O'Neal, and those who want to see skills are Olajuwon. At the forward position, Charles Barkley is the regular season MVP with his height from the outside but plays inside, and "Rain Man" Kemp is the one who can make people stunned with dunks in actual combat. They are all top players in various styles.

As for the outside line...

Meng Lang, a combination of "Magician" and "Big Bird", "Little Chong" is also a role model in the minds of many short point guards.

Not to mention that there are "old-school point guard" Stockton under the bench, and "glove" Gary Payton, who is a ceiling-level perimeter defender.

This group of people has not caught up with the most developed era of media... But at least now, the fans watching this All-Star game can be described as "a feast for the eyes."

Not to mention the audience in the auditorium, the entire atmosphere can no longer be described as "lively". Before the start of the fourth quarter, all the fans present stood up involuntarily.

The intense scene made them unable to sit still.

Including LeBron James in the audience.

As he watched people coming and going on the field, his eyes were full of what he would look like standing on this stage in the future.

At this moment he wanted to shout:
"I love basketball, I love the NBA, I love this game!"

The audience was in high spirits, but the head coaches in front of the benches on both sides looked serious.

After three quarters, the score between the two sides was 108 to 107.

The Eastern Conference leads by 1 point.

The head coach of the Eastern Conference is Pat Riley. ——According to the record, it should be Phil Jackson, but the Bulls were also first last season, and the head coach of the All-Star Game cannot be re-elected, so this time it was postponed to the Heat, which is second in the Eastern Conference.

The "Magical Fortune Teller" has finally become addicted to coaching Jordan.

Originally, he had no role. But after the third quarter, the Eastern Conference only led by 1 point. Looking at Jordan's appearance, everyone could see that he wanted to win this game. In this way, he also has a role.

On the other side, Chuck Daly was also carefully arranging tactics. Meng Lang had spoken before the game that he must play seriously. Now that the score is so close, he must be even more serious.

The head coaches on both sides looked as nervous as if they were playing in the finals.

Meng Lang went on the court with his teammates and met Jordan's eyes.

There is a tacit understanding called "opponent"!
Not a word was said, but the smell of gunpowder directly filled the entire stadium.

"Michael, do you really want this All-Star MVP? If I remember correctly, last season, the All-Star MVP was yours. What are you doing with so much? Give some to us young people!"


It is impossible not to speak!

Approaching Jordan, Meng Lang's "mouth breaking mode" started.

Jordan laughed after listening to his words: "If you have the ability, you can take it!"

This is clearly not just talking about the All-Star MVP.

Of course, Meng Lang was not just talking about All-Star MVP.

His subtext is: Jordan, it’s time to give way!

Jordan heard it and responded to him: If you can snatch it away, it's up to you!
This seems to be the first time Jordan has responded directly to Meng Lang's grab for power.

Well, this is also the first time Meng Lang expressed his desire to "change the dynasty" in front of Jordan.

The moment the referee's whistle blew, the communication between them was immediately interrupted, and Jordan's eyes fell directly on Olajuwon who was holding the ball.

Meng Lang pointed at Hardaway, and the ball fell into his hand.

After "Penny" dribbled the ball past half court, Meng Lang came out from the wing to catch the ball. As soon as he got the ball in his hand, there was a burst of exclamations from the scene. Because Jordan also followed from the wing and took a defensive posture, staring at Meng Lang like a hunting cheetah.

Looking at that posture, it seemed that as long as Meng Lang showed a flaw, he would immediately pounce out and "bite" him.

Michael Jordan's aggressive side usually doesn't show up until the playoffs. Even during the regular season, he didn't play against Meng Lang a few times. The two regular season games were basically matchups after switching defenses.

On an entertainment stage like the All-Star Game, no one thought that he would take the initiative to confront Meng Lang.

But this scene is actually happening before our eyes now.

Upon seeing this, Meng Lang dropped the ball directly before Jordan came up to him, and moved slowly to observe Jordan's movements.

When Jordan saw Meng Lang lay down the ball, he stopped approaching and placed his foot on the three-point line, waiting for Meng Lang to approach.

Meng Lang glanced at the basket several times, but did not let Jordan jump forward. He simply raised his hand and the ball flew straight to the basket.


A solid hit!

"Michael, what are you waiting for?"

Amid the cheers at the scene, Meng Lang retreated and shouted to Jordan.

The high-spirited look made Monica smile on the sidelines. It's just that Band-Aid that's a bit awkward. As the initiator, Monica's fair face suddenly had a hint of blush.

She felt her face was so hot.

After a steady hit on the 3-pointer, the West successfully took the lead, and Jordan was not in a hurry to get the ball. Although it was a bit embarrassing just now, it is not the time for the "final battle" yet. Tim Hardaway held the ball and didn't play it himself.

When facing Meng Lang or another Hardaway, he can actually complete the breakthrough very calmly.

Where is the focus of the two of them!
But Chuck Daly came up in the fourth quarter and put up a "three-guard" lineup:
Hardaway, Gary Payton and Meng Lang.

But the average height of this "three defenders" is exactly the same. With this lineup, if Hamm comes, all the problems on the head will be eliminated immediately.

And in this way, the problem of defending Tim Hardaway will be solved.

"Little Bug" didn't have the confidence to deal with "Glove", so he gave the ball to Hill.

Defending him is another big problem. Hardaway wanted to guard him, but he really couldn't guard his "first step", so he had to switch positions in front of Hill.

This is another "classic painting". The former "Duke Double Gun" are now competing on the stage of the All-Star Weekend. This scene is enough to make Durham excited.

Meng Lang did not get close, but kept a distance. Hill did not hesitate at all when he saw this, raised his hand and hit a three-pointer.

The ball fell steadily into the frame.

Hill looked at Meng Lang with a gentlemanly smile, as if to say:
Dream, when I stand in front of you, you see that I look a bit like you before! (End of chapter)

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