So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 18 Days spent in training

Chapter 18 Days spent in training
  From Los Angeles back to Durham, the total length is 3558 kilometers.

Including the return time from Durham Airport, it took almost 11 and a half hours. Meng Lang finally returned to the apartment he rented. It was better to habitually check whether the card he clamped on the door or window had fallen off. After confirming that there were no accidents at home while he was away from home, he packed his luggage and finally took out a black convenience bag. He was a little dazed at first, but then he thought about it.

When he left the hotel this morning, Old K came over in a hurry and gave him this black convenience bag. At that time, Meng Lang touched it and saw that it was a square, hard thing. Old K said very mysteriously: Leave him a souvenir.

Meng Lang didn't care and put it into his backpack.

At this moment, I got a little curious. I opened it and saw that it was a video tape.

  Meng Lang thought of something, threw his backpack into the closet, and then hurriedly dug out a DVD player left by the landlord.

I put the videotape into the machine with great anticipation.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly, it was the two training matches between the college student sparring team and the dream team!

This is definitely a good thing.

Think about it, when the Internet age arrives in a few years, if he copies the contents of this DVD to the Internet, what a commotion it will cause!

Old K really gave him a good thing.

He could also guess Old K's intention.

I hope this tape can inspire him to keep going!

There is a very popular saying in the NBA:
  The biggest obstacle on the road to success is excellence!

What this means is that when a player reaches an excellent level, it is easy for him to become slack and unwilling to make progress. As a result, he plummets, unable to become a better version of himself and have a more successful career.

Meng Lang's performance in the training camp was worthy of the word "excellent", so Old K was worried that he was slacking off!
  But this is purely because Old K is overly worried.

You know, Meng Lang has been waiting for this opportunity for two lifetimes!

How could you be so proud and complacent just because of this little sweetness in front of you?
  He called Hill early the next morning.

He has his own training rhythm for shooting and other training, so there is no need to worry at all.

But he had to find someone who understood about this weight gain.

You cannot train blindly.

Gaining weight is very simple. Even for ordinary people, you only need to find a leisurely class, keep your mouth open, control your legs, and have a small barbecue in the middle of the night. After a month, you will look in the mirror and face your own "abdominal muscles" "Go to beauty!"

What athletes call weight gain is actually muscle gain.

It is very easy to gain two or three kilograms of weight in a month, but it is impossible to gain even half a kilogram of muscle in a month without a scientific nutrition plan and training plan.

But before he even made the call, Hill's call came first: "Man, how about we train together recently?"

"Huh?" Meng Lang didn't react for a moment.

Then he learned that it turned out that he had joined the college student sparring group. Many media criticized Lao K for "going through the back door" and "going through the back door" for a Chinese.

In the end, it was Chuck Daly who stepped forward and took all the responsibility, and the public opinion gradually died down.

But the Duke students felt that Meng Lang had discredited their school, and they all felt very resentful. I heard that they are planning to jointly protest, demanding that the Blue Devils remove Meng Lang from the team.

Hill specifically talked to the leaders of these people. As the current captain of the Blue Devils, he still had to give him face. Things calmed down quickly. But Hill was still worried about Meng Lang acting alone.

Meng Lang said: "I will trouble you if necessary!"

It's easy to get it done in one sentence, avoiding the back and forth.

Then he mentioned his request, and within a minute of hanging up the phone, Hill sent Meng Lang the contact information of the Blue Devils' trainer and nutritionist.

Don't look at the Blue Devils as just an NCAA team.

The NCAA can only be regarded as a college league, not even a semi-professional league. But some of the teams with good results, or teams with well-known schools, have configurations that are no worse than those of the NBA.

Regardless of whether he was a trainer or a nutritionist, he was very enthusiastic after hearing that the person calling him was Meng Lang.

Before Meng Lang called them, Old K had already called. So they knew very well that Meng Lang was Old K's current baby bump.

We even had a special meeting to discuss it in detail.

After some communication, they believed that Meng Lang's goal of gaining 2 kilograms of weight and muscle this summer was more reasonable.

Mainly, Meng Lang is still half a year away from turning 19 and is still in the stage of rapid physical development. Excessive physical training can hinder the body's natural development.

And gaining too much weight can easily put a burden on key parts such as the knees, increasing the risk of injury.

2 kilograms of muscle gain will not have a significant impact on Meng Lang's running, jumping and shooting feel, which is also very important.

In about three or four days, Meng Lang officially started his special training for promotion.

Because weight gain and shooting-related training are carried out at the same time.

Therefore, Meng Lang's entire living habits have undergone great changes. “Three meals a day” has now become “seven meals a day”.

The amount of each meal is much smaller than before. What I eat has also changed.

What stands out are five words:

Nutritious but unpalatable!
  The methods and methods of training and the volume of each training session have also changed. Meng Lang originally practiced twice a day, but now he practiced three times a day.

To put it simply, muscle building means turning the fat absorbed by the body into muscle...

Meng Lang was still uncomfortable with it at first, but as the difficult first week passed, he gradually adapted to this new living habit.

During this time, he also felt a strong sense of hostility toward him from Duke students.

However, Hill's reputation is indeed quite great.

At most, these people glared at him angrily, but they did not come up to trouble him.

Of course, Meng Lang wasn't sure whether it was his height and body shape that made them wary. He didn't think much about it. As long as he didn't use the clarinet, he should have no problem easily knocking down seven or eight Duke students by himself.

Gradually, I got used to the supercilious looks from this group of people.

This living environment is very similar to when he was a freshman in high school!
  But when he graduates, won't he still make the whole school proud of him?

Everyone is the same, take your time and let the change happen...

Comes June 7th.

The first thing Meng Lang did when he opened his eyes was to get into the bathroom and take a shower. Then he washed his face several times in a row and lit incense.

After the whole sense of ritual was fulfilled, he sat on the single sofa and recited silently and piously:

Although the SSS-level ability cards are not in stock, there are differences between SSS-level ability cards and SSS-level ability cards!

For Meng Lang now, the best SSS-level ability card is definitely the ability card related to holding the ball.

On the contrary, if the SSS-level ability card is a golf IQ, it will be a shame to the African Indian Taizu family, because Meng Lang's golf IQ has a potential value of 95 points. Even if it is full, it will increase by 5 points...

Is there really much difference between 95 points and 100 points?
  So the system, seeing as I am so particular, will give you a "gold"!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Kawhi Leonard mid-range shooting ability card!"

  After hearing the result, Meng Lang couldn't comment for a moment, whether it was good or bad this time.

His ability related to holding the ball has not increased, but his potential value has changed from 80 to 96. His mid-range shooting gives him a scoring method that can be used as his signature!

Throughout the NBA, any player who becomes a super scorer must have a very stable scoring method.

For example, when talking about Nowitzki, it is his "Golden Rooster Independence", and when talking about "Qiao Gang Leader", it is of course his "faith jumper"!
  Meng Lang's two previous scoring methods with the greatest potential were a mid-range shot with a potential of 80 and a three-pointer with a potential of 82. Both are at the All-Star level, but they do not reach the level of a superstar. The difference between All-Stars, superstars and superstars is often due to more stable offensive and defensive methods!

Now that Meng Lang has a super-giant mid-range investment potential, it is equivalent to having the "key" to break through the bottleneck, so let's call it "Europe"!

Without any further entanglement, Meng Lang simply tidied up, ate the "nutritional meal" prepared by the nutritionist on time, and started another day of training.

These days lasted for more than a week, and Meng Lang received a call from Grant Hill, whom he had not contacted for a long time since the last call, inviting him to watch the "Dream Team" debut. Meng Lang didn't refuse. He originally planned to watch the live broadcast.

This time, he also met other players from the Duke Blue Devils:
  Sophomore Antonio Lang and junior Von Rank.

Among the two, Meng Lang had no impression of the stocky Von Ranke, and he probably didn't enter the NBA later.

He still has some impressions of Antonio Long. In the next 2010-2011 season, this guy served as the head coach of the 76ers, becoming another example of a player retiring and transforming into a head coach. But I didn't expect that this guy was from Duke and was a teammate with Grant Hill.

Compared to Rank who greeted him warmly when he saw him, Antonio's attitude was much colder.

Meng Lang is not surprised by this. Von Rank is 2 meters tall and was the team's backup power forward last season. With Laettner graduating as a senior this summer, and another inside starter also graduating, the new season will be very exciting. There is a high probability that he will become the team's starting insider.

Antonio is 2 meters tall and is in a similar situation to Von Rank. He was also the team's substitute last season, but he plays the same position as Meng Lang: swingman at forward and back.

Seeing that the "daughter-in-law of many years is about to become a mother-in-law", now a "mother-in-law" suddenly "airborne", especially Lao K, who paid special attention to him and actually gave him the opportunity to play a training match with the "Dream Team"...

It’s amazing that Antonio has a good temper towards him!

Very good, it finally tastes like Duke.

If it were all teammates like Hill and Hurley, he would wonder if he had entered a fake Duke.

Meng Lang's smile suddenly faded.

He didn't come to Duke to make friends!
  Unexpectedly, his reaction made Antonio even more unhappy.

 Wake up early two more.

  (End of this chapter)

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