So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 181 The semi-finals begin

The Pacers continued to "defeat" and won their first victory in the second round of the series.

The Pistons, which everyone is paying close attention to, played the Bulls, and it was a tough game. But in the end, the Bulls relied on their terrifying "five small" defense to win the Pistons 91-82.

In the final five minutes, the Pistons didn't score at all.

Whether it was Grant Hill or anyone else, they all felt lost to varying degrees when facing the Bulls' defense.

This is the key to the Bulls' victory.

Bill Walton believes: "The Bulls used to be the most scoring team in the league. They averaged 90 points per game in the 91-110 season. They also averaged 103 points per game in the playoffs and won the championship. And This year, no one else on the Bulls can give Michael more help on the offensive end, so Michael is more devoted to defense. This is the Bulls' rich resource. They have formed a terrifying defensive formation that is enough to lock down all opponents. , at least judging from the current state of the Bulls in the playoffs, this is not an exaggeration. So far in the playoffs, no team has scored 90 points against the Bulls! "

The Bulls continue to show their dominance.

At the same time, the first game of this series between the Lakers and the Golden State Warriors has officially arrived.

"Are you ready, Anfernee?" Chris Webber asked Hardaway as he walked out of the visiting team's tunnel. His own expression actually looked more solemn than Hardaway's.

This is not the first time in his career that he has played in the second round of the playoffs.

Last year, he and the "Madman" successfully brought the Warriors to their current height.

But this is the first time in his career that he has played against Meng Lang.

As the leader of the "93 Generation", this seems to have left a mark on Meng Lang since he first entered the league. In the past three years, this has become a reality.

Now Meng Lang has become the "league's two heroes" keeping pace with Jordan.

And his biggest title is still the "No. 93 Scholar" of the " Generation".

This is very similar to the "84 generation"...

No one would say that Olajuwon is not worthy of the "number one pick", but his market is indeed not as good as Jordan.

Similarly, no one will say that Chris Webber is not worthy of being the number one pick of the "93 Generation", but when the "93 Generation" is mentioned, the first name that comes to mind in the media is:

He may be even worse than Olajuwon!
After all, Jordan only won his first championship trophy eight years later.

No matter how good the market is, it is still limited.

How unlike him...

If he only looked at honor, he couldn't even see Meng Lang's taillights now!

This encounter was a battle to prove his reputation for him!
It wasn't that he had any problem with Meng Lang.

But Chris Webber has always been a conceited person.

His original character was so arrogant that even Nelson looked down upon him.

This time, although because of Meng Lang, he wanted to be the first to be himself, he finally avoided falling out with Old Nelson. However, this does not mean that he is heartless.

This is his chance to prove himself, so he must seize it!
Involuntarily, Chris Webber clenched his hands.

Amid the cheers of the audience, Weber met Meng Lang.

He appeared amidst the enthusiastic cheers of Los Angeles people and strolled around. He has seen too many big scenes, and now he can easily handle such cheers.

The alliance's cards look like this!

Chris Webber listened to the cheers at the scene, and he had to admit that these Los Angeles people treated Meng Lang more enthusiastically than the Golden State Warriors treated him.

Of course, if he can also win the championship in the first two seasons of his career, become the Finals MVP consecutively, defeat Jordan 8 times in a row, and steal the "scoring title" from his head this year, then he knows that he You can also get such enthusiastic cheers from Warriors fans.

The excitement of the fans depends entirely on how high you can reach!

Although it was the playoffs, Meng Lang still stepped forward to say hello to Hardaway. Their friendship will not be affected by this.


"Are you ready to get your ass kicked by me?" Hardaway asked with a smile.

Meng Lang said: "Anfernee, let me teach you how to play point guard!"

Even if they say hello, when it's time to take action, the two brothers have no worries at all. When it was confirmed that the two teams would meet in the playoffs, Hardaway's message had already been sent;
——Dream, you probably haven’t had the experience of being “downtrodden”, right? Long time no see, brother, I don’t have anything to give you, I just want to give you an experience!

Li Shizhen’s skin!

The game officially began, and Meng Lang was gearing up to watch Divac jump the ball with Donyel Marshall, the fourth pick in the first round of 94.

Marshall is a typical "space-based fourth position". If he had been born 20 years later, he would have been an NBA All-Star level inside player. On the offensive end, he had a beautiful three-point shot, and later became one of the two most famous "high turrets" in the league. The other one was the famous "Mr. Billion Dollar" Lewis.

This is why he was later valued by the Cavaliers and became one of LeBron's "Knife Guards."

Divac's jumping ability is definitely not as good as his.

The right to attack first belongs to the Warriors.

Hardaway took the ball to the frontcourt.

Like the "Magician", he turned his back to Meng Lang, but when he got close, he suddenly turned around, trying to use his explosive power to pass Meng Lang in one step.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, Anfernee!"

But Hardaway's first step in facing the frame has been taken. Meng Lang did not get rid of the man in front of him, and even had a confrontation with him in time. If Hardaway had read Three Kingdoms, he would immediately think of one person, that is:

Lu Meng!

After three days of separation, you should look at each other with admiration.

Meng Lang is no longer "Ao Xia Meng"!

His explosive power has reached the league's first-class level, but he may still not be able to compare with Hardaway. But it is already impossible for Hardaway to get rid of him in one step.

Hardaway was straightforward and immediately pulled the ball back, retreating beyond the three-point line. He suddenly raised his hand and Meng Lang reacted, but the angle of the ball was tricky and it still passed behind him.

At this time, Weber moved to the high position, received the ball with his back to the frame, and leaned back slightly. He noticed that Barkley followed up in time, shook his shoulders from side to side, and quickly turned right, tricking Barkley into moving to the right. Hit the ball to the left.

The ball bounced off the ground, and a figure cut through the Lakers' basket. He got right in front of the ball, grabbed the ball, and like a spring, he "druang" and jumped high, completing the explosion of both hands. buckle:
"Madman" Sprewell!

Eddie Jones failed to stop his cut and waved his hand apologetically.

Meng Lang picked up the ball in the backcourt, and the cheers on the scene started immediately.

After the first round alone, Lakers fans could already tell that the Warriors are completely different teams from their "Los Angeles brothers." At least their offense also penetrated the Lakers' defense very smoothly.

Against such an opponent, they must play the role of the home crowd!
After Meng Lang reached the frontcourt with the ball, he continued to communicate with his teammates. But his "back" movement didn't stop either.

This season, he has been learning from Barkley how to use his big butt to seize advantageous positions in the "post-up" state.

This set of experience is becoming more and more comfortable now.

Hardaway felt that he had clearly stood firm, but when Meng Lang's big butt came closer, he could only "throw down his armor and take off his armor". He could not be "hard" for three seconds, just like he had been earlier. Meng Lang successfully entered the right elbow area.

He had been observing the movements of the Warriors players and saw that the other team had not yet shown any intention of double-teaming them.

"Bombing the Ball" simultaneously pushed Hardaway behind him. When he felt that the resistance became lighter, he turned over and shot a jumper, easily completing the score.

"Anfenni, why can't I see your progress?" Meng Lang looked disappointed.

Hardaway looked at the playful Meng Lang with a speechless expression.

He wanted to refute, but he really couldn't. They hadn't seen each other for a year. He had made some progress, but compared with Meng Lang's visible progress, it was really not enough. But in his eyes, his fighting spirit became even higher. He won't get discouraged so easily.

"Penny" glanced at Chris Webber, and the two directly picked and rolled. With the help of Webber, Hardaway successfully got rid of Meng Lang.

Meng Lang actually also bypassed Wade's pick-and-roll.

The "Future King"'s pick-and-roll quality is not high because his body is not strong in the interior and he does not have tonnage. Meng Lang's size was not much different from his, so he couldn't completely lock Meng Lang's movements.

But Hardaway's body shape is also here. Once the tall No. 1 has a space to successfully accelerate, he can easily get to the basket. A "passing fake" to catch the ball with one hand deceived Divac. Hardaway made a one-handed dunk and spread his feet into a "^" shape.

The whole movement is very elegant.

He is truly a man who fascinates Maddie.

The Warriors took the lead again, but then Meng Lang and Barkley also ran a pick-and-roll. The "flying pig" took off, and the "basket bombing" that made Marshall retreat tied the score again.

In the first two rounds, you come and go, and the core players on both sides have shown their role in their respective teams.

It is said that the testing has just begun, but Chuck Daly does not intend to wait and see. He decisively made moves towards the Lakers players on the court, asking them to change their formation on the defensive end.

The Lakers took the lead.

Chuck Daly prepared several defensive plays for the Warriors.

The first one is to prevent Chris Webber from getting the ball easily in the high post.

Among the many tactics of the Warriors, Chris may not stand in a high position, which is a situation that occurs relatively frequently. Preventing this matter will help the Lakers better dismantle the Warriors' offense. Chris Webber feels this, too.

Because the person the Lakers followed changed from Barkley to Divac.

With the body of a "European tank", Chris Webber can't stand even if he reaches a high position.

It's difficult to get the ball if you can't stand firmly.

After two attempts, Chris Webber gave up.

Meng Lang tried his best to control the distance between himself and Hardaway to prevent himself from being passed by.

Once Hardaway's "first step" cannot be used, it is easy to fall into the embarrassment of dribbling in place.

The disadvantages of big point guards are reflected.

They don't have the flexibility of a 180 small guard.

Sometimes, even if you can't break through, you may still be able to get in if you sway.

But Hardaway showed his spiritual side and suddenly glanced at Chris Webber. Weber ran out in a hurry, and he quickly gave the ball.

Divac's weakness of slow pace was exploited, and Chris Webber hit a mid-range shot.

The Warriors continued to score.

This "ace combination" of Chris Webber and Hardaway has become a weapon for the Warriors to attack the city.

Well, this season the Warriors have relied on various offensive tactics based on the cooperation of these two people.

Chuck Daly has no intention of changing his defensive style.

Even though the Warriors still scored the first offense.

But one thing is obvious:

Chris Webber can't support him from the high post!
This is his "special skill"...

You can't use this move, but go one step inside the three-point line to shoot a long-distance mid-range shot. Even if he scores, this result is acceptable to Chuck Daly.

Weber has mid- and long-range abilities, but not to the level of Meng Lang and Jordan.

It can only be regarded as a quasi-first-class level.

It's great when it's accurate, but it's mediocre when it's not.

Chuck Daly would rather lose this game to Chris Webber's explosive mid-range jumper than see Webber get seven or eight assists in this game.

It is not easy to deal with a player of this level and be able to limit his best style of play.

Another point is...


Meng Lang beat Hardaway in a back-up single and continued to score!

This is why Chuck Daly didn't choose to change formations;
The Lakers have Meng Lang, and he believes that Meng Lang can always respond at this critical moment when the score needs to be clinched. That's how he reassured Chuck Daly.

After experiencing so many games and witnessing so many magical moments of Meng Lang, it was hard for Dailey not to believe in Meng Lang.

And there was nothing wrong with his idea. Chris Webber made the next mid-range shot, and the ball hit the frame and missed. His mid-range shot is just inconsistent. You can continue to force him to make similar shots, check the situation, and then make defensive adjustments.

Relying on this defense, the Lakers took the initiative.


The Warriors finally changed their style of play. Hardaway no longer held the ball and cooperated with Webber, but gave the ball to the "madman" who ran out from the wing to catch the ball.

Sprewell didn't take any shots except for his own free-cutting at the beginning of the game.

This is where he is now with the Warriors...

When Hardaway controls the ball, he watches and plays by himself. If he can steal some firepower, he can steal some firepower.

And when the ball comes to his hands, he starts to fire again.

Often times like this are when the Warriors can't open up the situation.

"Madman" is mainly responsible for hard solutions.

With his skillful skills, few people in this league can limit him alone. And that doesn't include Eddie Jones.


Emergency stop jump shot, "Madman" completed the goal.

The Warriors, who failed to score in the past two rounds, broke their "scoring drought."

And this person!

There was also a hint of trouble in Chuck Daly's eyes.

Head coaches are usually not afraid of that versatile player.

No matter how versatile a player is, he is not as scary as a player with hard-hitting ability.

Because when the bayonet is red, the almighty skills often cannot be used.

But a player with a strong hard-hitting ability can score without any obvious flaw in defense.

"Madman" is undoubtedly such a player.

Before the start of this series, the Warriors player Chuck Daly considered the most was "Madman."

Eddie Jones' defensive ability is very good, but he really can't limit Sprewell.

Just like this round, he kept in front of the "Madman", but Sprewell's ball could be put into the basket. To put it bluntly, the defense does not provide enough pressure. Allow the opponent to take action at his own pace. He looked at the defense in front of him, but still couldn't stop the opponent from scoring.

Of course, from Eddie Jones's perspective, the pressure he put on him was already huge.

This is the limit of his ability.

In this case, being unable to guard against your opponent will lead to frustration.

In fact, there is no need for him to be depressed.

Maybe he also forgot that in the first season after Jordan retired, one of the guards who won the "best team" was Sprewell.

At that time, he overwhelmed the "Glider" who was still in his prime.

Jones couldn't guard him, which seemed normal to Chuck Daly.

The main reason why Daley was able to watch so leisurely is, as we just said, let us shout out those two words again;

"Madman" had just scored a goal, and Meng Lang also held the ball himself and "posted" Hardaway.

"Penny" is not a good defender, and judging from his career, he is also like Grant Hill, with the ability to defend well if he wants to defend. Originally, he had never been selected for the "Best Defense Team" in his entire career.

Of course, there must be injuries involved.

But even so, Hardaway is not a defender who can become a "defense member". Facing Meng Lang's "post-up singles", he finally caused some interference this time. But the ball still fell steadily into the basket.

Like Eddie Jones, the defensive interference Hardaway brought to Meng Lang was limited.

The two sides just entered into a battle between two players who also have the ability to solve the problem.

In the next 5 minutes of the first quarter, these two men took most of the ball for their respective teams.

"Madman" was excited at first.

But with the racing going on, he became a little uneasy.

To be honest, he was somewhat competitive with Meng Lang.

But the difference between the reasons for the competitiveness of the other two members of the Warriors is:

His competitiveness towards Meng Lang comes entirely from Chris Webber and Hardaway, oh, by the way, and Chris Mullin's praise of Meng Lang. He is a man who is extremely confident in his abilities.

So when he felt that in the eyes of his three teammates, his offensive ability was not as good as Meng Lang, he wanted to yell:
"My sword is not bad at all!"

When Meng Lang stood up to confront him just now, he also felt that the time had come to prove himself.

But after such continuous output for a while, he was already a little overwhelmed, but Meng Lang still played "post-up singles" one after another, and his efficiency hardly seemed to decline. Very efficient.

The advantages of the "Old Man Le" offensive technique of "post-up singles" are reflected.

Compared with the "madman's" rampage, Meng Lang's "turnover jump shot" requires significantly less effort. It is not that difficult to maintain physical fitness and condition. Otherwise, the jump shot would not have become the number one "magic skill" in the NBA!

In the second half of the first quarter, the Warriors were opened to a 5-point gap. This 5-point gap was mainly reflected in Sprewell and Meng Lang.

During the time when the two were competing against each other, the madman scored a total of 8 points, while Meng Lang scored 13 points. Exactly 8 points difference.

At the end of the first quarter, Meng Lang successfully scored 15 points, 3 assists and 2 rebounds, while the "Madman" scored 12 points. But when two people need to step up, his offensive firepower is not as good as Meng Lang.

After the first quarter, Chuck Daly looked more calm, and he knew very well that this game should be winnable.

The Warriors' offensive routines are basically these two. The cooperation of Hardaway and Chris Webber allows the "Madman" to attack with the ball when they can't score. Will Nelson, the "offensive crazy version", pick up his previous defensive concepts again in this game?
Chuck Daly doesn't think so.

He still knows Nelson.

As soon as the second quarter started, the Warriors did not make any changes on the defensive end, but continued to make adjustments on the offensive end.

Since Chris Webber is not given a chance to stand in the high post, Nelson will let him play in the low post, attract double teams, and then help the team through his passing support.

As the most gorgeous power forward in the NBA, Chris Webber has comprehensive skills. He has a unique ability to hold the ball in singles whether it is high or low.

Meng Lang looked at Divac, who was guarding him, but felt that the scene was somewhat weird.

Shaquille O'Neal, the future sniper and the starting inside partner of the "Gorgeous King" who is the most powerful resistance to the Lakers' "three consecutive championships", is now engaged in an "offensive and defensive battle" on the court. This "butterfly effect" brings "chaos" ", which made Meng Lang feel very accomplished.

Old Nelson didn't look very good.

He counted on Chris Webber to isolate Divac and attract double teams. But standing in the low post, Weber really can't beat Divac!
This strategy failed after just one round!

The Warriors continue to change their offensive core, but at this time, their biggest hidden danger in this game is also highlighted:

Due to the constant changes in formation, the Warriors' offensive style of play has changed again and again, but they still can't find the feeling. As a result, the entire Warriors' movement became increasingly chaotic. The Lakers suddenly gained momentum again during this period. After a wave of 7-0 offensive, the point difference successfully reached more than 10 points.

At this stage of the game, the situation is completely clear.

There were no surprises in the second half. The Lakers had the last laugh with 115-100, a 15-point difference.

In fact, if Chris Mullin hadn't gone crazy and hit three three-pointers in the second half, there would have been no suspense in this game!
Big score 1-0! (End of chapter)

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