So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 183 A great victory over the Warriors

It wasn't until 4 minutes and 56 seconds of the first quarter, almost 5 minutes later, that "Madman" hit the first attack of the game for the Warriors. At this time, the Lakers had already scored 14 points.

It can be seen that the Lakers' offensive efficiency has also declined, and they only scored about 5 points in several rounds.

This is also a normal thing. Defense is something that consumes a lot of physical energy but cannot be reflected in data. Otherwise, someone wouldn’t even bother to pretend later. Because putting on a show requires a lot of physical energy.

In order to ensure that the Lakers continue to press the defense with high quality, it is not surprising that they have made some sacrifices on the offensive end.

And under the current situation, they should use defense to force the Warriors, because this is a way to give them a headache.

They have already scored more than ten points. Even if they don't score in three or five rounds, it doesn't matter. But for the Warriors, who have only scored 2 points so far, it is a bit fatal.

The atmosphere in the auditorium seemed to prove this.

Now not only the Warriors players feel irritable, but Nelson on the sidelines feels irritable, and even the Warriors fans feel irritable.

Chuck Daly is a head coach who is good at "stabbing a knife". He didn't even call a timeout, and just kept urging the Lakers players to defend hard. During this period, he only made one adjustment, which was to make the older players more defensive. The "Magic" was taken off the court and replaced by the younger Kobe.

After "isolating the whole team" at the end of the season, Kobe has also grown to a certain extent during this period, and at the same time he has temporarily corrected his position.

So far, he has fought with Meng Lang 7 times in total. Every time before he scored, Meng Lang defeated him with three strikes, five divided by two. This repeated setback made him understand that he was no match for Meng Lang now, and he should wait until next season to realize his "dream of starting the game". ——Well... It's definitely not because Meng Lang's demands became more and more outrageous every time he won and he couldn't stand it anymore, so he didn't want to fight with Meng Lang.


This guy actually asked him to admit in front of the media that he had secretly learned his "back hitting" moves.

Damn it!
Although he does have the idea of ​​"stealing the master", in his current "arsenal", "back attack" ranks behind fifth or sixth. But if he admits it, the label of "Meng Lang's disciple" will become increasingly difficult to take off.

Do you think he can still challenge Meng Lang frequently?
It can be said that it was not Kobe who wanted to correct his position so quickly, but Meng Lang's bad habits that forced him to correct his position.

But now he found an opportunity.

Not an opportunity to become a starter.

Apart from injury, there is no chance at all.

The "old fox" Chuck Daly is now killed in one bite. Only when he defeats Meng Lang can he be given a starting position. Neither Meng Lang nor he is a good guy.

Although there is no starting position for the time being, Kobe finds that his playing time may become more, and he may become almost the same as Ben Wallace.

Because he clearly realizes that the "five small lineups" are a defensive lineup.

In Kobe's eyes, defense is directly linked to positivity!
Apart from being stubborn, the most important thing he lacks in his whole body is positivity...

Then he started on the defensive end on the court. Sure enough, after the intensity of the playoffs became stronger, "Magic" Johnson's playing time was reduced by Chuck Daly, and his playing time in the first round came as expected. More than 20 minutes.

Although there is no obvious increase in statistics, his performance on the defensive end has attracted the attention of some Los Angeles media.

Of course, it also caught the attention of Chuck Daly.

In other words, it was Chuck Daly who noticed the change in Kobe's attitude on the court and was willing to work hard on the defensive end, so he gave Kobe more playing time.

In this way, despite some twists and turns, Kobe, as Meng Lang knew, embarked on the path that he originally started on defense.

This is why Chuck Daly dares to continue to use the "five small lineups" to force the Warriors on the court.

This lineup is a "sustainable lineup" for the Lakers.

At least it can last for one quarter with high-quality operation, and it will not affect the status of the Lakers players in the subsequent rotation. This is already amazing. The Bulls, who already had a "five-small" lineup last season, often only lasted about 1 to 8 minutes, because Jordan, Pippen, and Rodman were really that old. Even the "God of Basketball" can't beat Father Time.

Being friends with Father Time is even more nonsense.

People have different levels of energy depending on their age, but if someone "gets more and more crazy as he gets older", it basically means that he has saved energy in a certain aspect.

For example, Tim Duncan's energy couldn't keep up. He voluntarily gave up most of his offensive roles and used more of his physical energy on defense, so his data was not very good. But some people can't keep up with their energy. He chooses to "paddle" in the first three quarters. On the defensive end, he is even more afraid of wasting energy. The team often falls behind by ten or twenty points after three quarters, and then he stands up again. With the look of "I want to save the team", sometimes on nights when the state and luck are there, he really does it, and then he has statistics and reputation... But when Tim Duncan meets such a person, he still You can smile slightly and say, "I am sending you home when I am 38 years old. What are you doing when you are 38 years old?"

Jordan is a human being, and Pippen is also a human being. Rodman often does not behave like a human being, but he is still a human being, so their "five minors" did not last as long as the Lakers.

Of course, the Lakers' "Five Littles" are the same as the "Four Kings". They actually have "six people"!
Nelson had to call another timeout.

It's a pity that the Warriors' offense can't break through the Lakers' defense. If this problem is not solved, no matter how many timeouts he calls, it will just be a useless effort. By the way, he also helped the Lakers gain some rest time.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers continued to lead by 29 points, 15-14.

If the Lakers hadn't replaced this "five small lineup" in the last two minutes of the first quarter, to be honest, the Warriors would have been able to score 10 points in the first quarter.

After taking a big lead in the first quarter, the Lakers did not immediately pursue the victory in the second quarter. Chuck Daly slowed down, which also gave the Lakers' "five small" lineup a rest.

During this period, the Lakers were not as aggressive as they were in the first quarter on both ends of the floor. But Nelson was very eager to urge the Warriors on the sidelines. Looking at his appearance, he wished he could stand behind all the Warriors with a whip and let them close the score as quickly as possible.

Because he knows that despite the calmness of the Lakers, the Warriors are actually already racing against death.

If they can't open up more of the score in the second quarter, then in the third quarter, when the Lakers' "five small" lineup is well rested, the score will definitely be further opened.

This is something a head coach at Nelson's level can foresee.

It's a pity that the Lakers played steadily and made good use of every possession to achieve a high success rate. Although the Warriors managed to recover some points in the second quarter. But at the end of the first half, the Warriors were still 42 points behind, 51-9.

In the third quarter, the Lakers' "five small" lineup was put on the table from the beginning.

The Lakers' defensive intensity that suffocated the entire Oracle Arena in the first quarter came back, and the Warriors' offense was sluggish again. To make matters worse, Meng Lang's state exploded in the third quarter. He made 6 of 6 shots in a single quarter, including 3 three-pointers, and scored a total of 15 points. The Warriors team scored 15 points in the third quarter. Meng Lang's firepower alone offset the Warriors team's offense.

The score difference was naturally widened again.

9 plus 14…

The Warriors were as wide as Michael Jordan.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of the third quarter, the Warriors only scored 57 points, not even 60 points!

Such a point difference meant that the start of the fourth quarter was a "big showdown" moment for the Warriors. But as soon as the results came up, the Warriors made three consecutive turnovers. The Lakers seized on the Warriors' mistakes and successfully closed the score. The difference continues to expand to more than 3 points.

When Nelson called timeout again, the score was 67 to 97!

Golden State fans began to leave. They are already relatively loyal fans. At the end of the first quarter, they had a feeling that tonight might be a big defeat. But they still chose to continue watching.

Because this game is the second home game of this series for the Golden State Warriors. After this home game, they will go to Los Angeles again. As things stand, it's clear they'll be out in Los Angeles.

This will be the Warriors' last home game of the season.

They wanted to send off this young Warriors with a round of applause.

But the current situation is...

They were beaten so badly!

It's the kind of tragedy that, as loyal fans, they can no longer stand.

They're not big fans of "husband is currently guilty" either, and the more the Warriors are bullied, the more excited they get.

All they can do at this moment is four words:
Leave early!
This further stimulated the atmosphere of the entire arena and became even colder.

In the end, the main force of the Warriors, who was unable to make a comeback, was even replaced in advance. The Lakers' final score at the Warriors' home court was fixed at 110-79, and the Warriors ultimately lost by 31 points.

The big score came to 1-3 at this time!

What is more difficult to accept than this big score is undoubtedly tonight's defeat.

Although they were trailing 1-2 in the previous game, they also won the winnable game by a double-digit margin.

This proves that as long as they are in good condition, they can defeat the Lakers.

So even though they were still behind 1-2, their self-confidence was never lost.

But the current situation is:
The offensive firepower that the Warriors rely on for survival was restricted tonight. They played the whole game and couldn't even score 80 points. Instead, the opponent scored a high score of 110 points.

The Warriors' inability to guard their opponents has been a problem this season. But being unable to score is the real problem. This is the foundation of their team building!

Old Nelson was even a little uneasy.

Because this loss not only changed the score to 1-3, it also meant that the originally bright future of the Warriors was at least 3 degrees darker at this moment and turned gray. He said: "We couldn't play what we should be capable of in the Lakers' defense. This was the reason for our miserable defeat. We couldn't adapt to the Lakers' rhythm, so we lost!"

Fortunately, he has not lost confidence in the players. He even believes that the Lakers' "five small" lineup is not often used, and the Warriors are not suitable for the Lakers' rhythm. If they had played a few more games, the Warriors might not have been so uncomfortable.

Of course, he was also a little worried:

He didn't know whether to face the Lakers' "five small" lineup, whether the young men of the Warriors would adapt first, or whether they would lose their confidence first...

I suffered a 30-point defeat tonight. If I lose another 30-point game in the next game... this kind of thing is terrifying just thinking about it!

It's not that Nelson is too pessimistic, but that he is really helpless with the Lakers' "five small lineups" and can't help but be pessimistic!

Sprewell is a typical bully.

Of course he couldn't bear it when a young boy named Ben Wallace was "shitting and peeing" on his head like this, but it was also true that he couldn't take action normally under Ben Wallace's interference.

The result is that the less able you are to fight, the more you want to fight. The more I want to fight, the less I can fight...

Caught in a vicious cycle!
The Warriors were not in a good state tonight, and the paranoid "Madman" had the worst statistics. He made 19 of 7 shots, less than 37% from the field. Including 5 points from free throws, he only scored 20 points.

Even Sprewell, who is the best at hard-hitting, performs like this, and others can only imagine it.

This huge victory caused a lot of discussion in the media the next day.

After all, the Warriors not only lost by 30 points, they did not score 60 points after three quarters. Such defensive pressure, just describing it as suffocating, makes people feel a bit monotonous.

This is not suffocating, this is just suffocating the Warriors!
Coincidentally, after the Lakers and Warriors finished 4 games, the Bulls also ended 4 games. They won 2 consecutive victories in Chicago, and also had 1 win and 1 loss in Detroit, getting the match point. In the fifth game of the series back in Chicago, the Bulls almost replicated the Lakers' suffocating defense against the Warriors. Under the Bulls' defense, the Pistons only scored 59 points in three quarters. After the game, the Bulls They also won by almost 25 points.

Two teams with "five small" lineups completely ignited the league! (End of chapter)

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