So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 187 The Misunderstood “Historical Background Board”

The big screen at the scene showed the starting lineups of both sides:
"Lakers: No. 1 Meng Lang, No. 2 Eddie Jones, No. 3 Johnson, No. 4 Barkley, No. 5 Divac;
Jazz: No. 1 Stockton, No. 2 Jeff Hornacek, No. 3 Brian Russell, No. 4 Karl Malone, No. 5 Greg Foster;”

When Karl Malone came on the court, he was almost so angry that he spit out blood again.

That bastard Meng Lang actually waved to the fans holding up ugly photos of his incontinence while on the court, asking them to swing wider. This made the atmosphere at the scene become intense.

Karl Malone's face is burning!
Divac and Foster stood in the center of the court at this time, preparing to jump the ball.

One of these two people is known as the "European Tank", and the other is known as the "Big White Bear". Just listen to the nicknames and you will know that these two people are more incapable of jumping than the other. Speaking of which, in this league, there is actually only one big center who has enough power and enough tonnage and can fly:
Shaquille O'Neal!
If you include Tim Duncan, a flying devil who is written as "position 4" and pronounced as "position 5" and can complete the "windmill in place", then there are actually only two.

Other large-tonnage No. 5 positions basically bounce at the "can" level.

A typical representative of this is the future "Nugget Gold Pork Belly" who loves horseback riding.

When the ball was about to fall, a hand touched the ball, almost causing a jump ball violation.

The first player to touch the ball was Divac.

Meng Lang took the ball to the frontcourt and faced Brian Russell.

The Jazz's "two old men" in the backcourt can be understood as "two old coins." Jeff Hornacek is good at shooting, but in fact he is a "double position" and can also organize passes. Think of him as a weaker version of Klay Thompson.

Shooting and passing are his strengths.

But his height and defensive ability are not up to the level of peak Klay.

Defense is his big weakness, and it's also Stockton's big weakness. Therefore, when facing the opponent's outside attacker, the Jazz's defender is Russell at the third position. Of course, Russell really needs to defend Meng Lang.

Let the two men "Death Ray Gun" and Stockton stand in front of Meng Lang. With their height, they can get the two plates of food served. Whenever Meng Lang is in a good mood, he can just start "eating".

No difficulty at all.

When Meng Lang faced Russell, he didn't hesitate at all. He just picked up the gun and went to work. This was to test Russell's strength, and at the same time, he also wanted to see what the Jazz's defensive arrangement for him would be like. ——The Jazz put Russell in the starting position, which was a change before the start of the playoffs. The Lakers and Jazz have met three times before, and the Jazz's starting third position is the taller Adam Kife.

But in the playoffs, the pace of the entire game became faster, and Adam's mobility seemed a bit slow in this level of competition, so the Jazz's starting third position became Russell.

Russell can also be regarded as a "little muscle stick", and he looks like a smaller "Karl Malone".

He has an excellent physique, and his height of 2 meters actually weighs 01kg. This is definitely a relatively heavy tonnage in the third position. Meng Lang's attempted "back attack" failed to reach the high post and could not get in at the three-point line.

He suddenly swung his body and turned forward. Russell was caught off guard, but he quickly adjusted his body shape.

During the confrontation, Meng Lang was forced to stop again...

Is this the Western Conference Finals?

Meng Lang was not in a hurry. He dribbled behind his back and handed the ball from his left hand to his right hand. Then he stepped back and opened up space with Russell again. When he was hesitating whether he should pounce on him or not, Meng Lang raised his hand and made a three-pointer.

The ball "bang" and he missed the shot!

Still a little off.

Russell's defense was successful, and he was satisfied with the result of his first defense against Meng Lang. But Jerry Sloan's scolding from the sidelines made him become serious again. It's not that Jerry Sloan is nitpicking, but Russell's defense in front of him is indeed very good, but in the end, the space opened up by Meng Lang was a bit too big. This means that Meng Lang didn't make the investment himself. If the shot is made, no matter how good the overall defense is, it will be in vain!
He thinks Russell can do better!

This is how veteran head coaches think:

I don’t think it’s possible, but you just can’t!
Until I think you can do it, then you can really do it!
It is also this old-fashioned coaching method that allows players in this league who would otherwise have been unable to gain a foothold to stay in this league through persistence.

Russell is that kind of player.

Many people don't know that, like Meng Lang, he is actually from the "93 generation", but he was not selected until the 18th pick in the second round. It is conceivable that his draft prospects at that time were still based on his physical talent.

But under the guidance of Jerry Sloan, he slowly found his place in the Jazz and stayed in this league.

You must know that there are 93 rookies in the "56 generation", and now there are almost only 20 left.

He is the lowest ranked among those who stayed!

All because he was coached by Jerry Sloan. He was grateful to the old man, so he obeyed the old man's orders.

He was gearing up to do better in the next round.

He always remembered what Jerry Sloan told him, and hoped that after this series, everyone would know that he was also one of the rookies of the "93 generation". If he wants to do this, he will, he will definitely do it!
On the Lakers side, watching Stockton dribble across half court, Eddie Jones defended him.

As this year's "new second defense", Eddie Jones sees himself in the lineup and is now more and more active in defense. Stockton feels the oppression of young people.

He was in no rush, handling the ball expertly and putting his shoulder against Jones to give him a chance of touching the ball. Then start observing your teammates.

Hornacek actively moved while his teammates continued to cover him.

This is one of the Jazz's two main offensive routines, the other one is the pick-and-roll.

In fact, these two methods have the same meaning.

The only difference is:
One is the cooperation between the person without the ball and the person without the ball; the other is the cooperation between the person with the ball and the person without the ball.

The Jazz relied on this method to reach the finals for two consecutive years.

Jerry Sloan is worthy of the title of "the first man in pick-and-roll tactics".

When the Jazz defeated the Lakers in the playoffs, they actually used constant screens and pick-and-rolls to run into open spaces. The Lakers' tactical prowess was clearly exposed in that series. Often if you follow them, you will lose the target you need to defend.

Meng Lang quickly avoided the cover of two of them.

But when the third person came to cover again, he failed to avoid it. His body shape is displayed here. Play unlimited pick-and-rolls with him, and he will indeed be unable to do what he wants. He only has 99 points of ability to move without the ball, but not 99 points of ability to prevent moves without the ball.

The ball quickly passed from Stockton's hands to the hands of "Death Gun".

With the knife in hand, the Jazz scored the first 3 points at the Lakers' home court.

Karl Malone was the one shouting the loudest.

Judging from his beaming expression, he was afraid that Meng Lang wouldn't hear. As soon as he cheered, the Angelenos holding posters of his incontinence immediately waved their own posters. The whole scene is very warm.

Karl Malone looked at them and wanted to pick up a hardcover copy of Harry Potter and throw it at them.

What the hell... why are you so lagging behind?

If you are beaten once and become incontinent, will you be incontinent for the rest of your life?
Karl Malone really wants to make an appointment with Meng Lang in the Octagon again!

But when he saw the next picture, he gave up the idea.

Because Meng Lang suddenly used his strength to push away Russell, and then headed straight towards the inside. The anger on that face reminded him of the dim lights that day. His calf twitched and his whole body shook on the spot. When he tried to defend again, Meng Lang had already completed a breakthrough dunk.

Karl Malone subconsciously prepared to do some dirty tricks. He would always pretend to walk past him to pick up the ball when his opponent finished dunking, and then give the opponent a hard elbow.

But when he walked towards Meng Lang this time, he happened to meet Meng Lang's eyes looking directly at him.

Not to mention his body being soft, his big elbows were "stewed" soft. He subconsciously avoided Meng Lang. There was an air of politeness about the whole action.


He wanted to be tough.

But his anus and his prostate were there to remind him:
No, you don't!
This sense of humiliation made him directly express his willingness to catch the ball after the pick-and-roll in the next round.

Don't ask why he can't get the ball directly. The question is that his ability to get rid of opponents with the ball is too weak.

He and Stockton have been working together for more than ten years, and they use this pick-and-roll tactic every night. Almost as soon as Stockton moved his feet, he knew the tacit understanding of whether he should pass this round.

He understands Stockton, and Stockton naturally understands him.

When the ball was given to him smoothly, he happened to be standing in a high position.

With the ball in hand, Karl Malone keeps walking inside.

Buckley came up to him, his expression unchanged.

But when he caught a glimpse of Meng Lang coming from the side, he paused for a moment and quickly got inside.

It turned out to be a mistake...

Jerry Sloan watched the ball go into the hands of the Lakers, and he waved his hands toward Karl Malone with great dissatisfaction.

Even Karl Malone did not dare to respond in the face of Sloan. He lowered his head and silently returned to his defensive position. He was even afraid to look Jerry Sloan in the eyes.

Like Russell, Karl Malone also knows whose training he got where he is today.

He was not among the top rookies in 85. But in Salt Lake City he became one of the top players.

This is what Sloan brought to him.

There is nothing to say about this.

And this is also a microcosm of Sloan's coaching career. Maybe he didn't even think that in the end he would actually let a disciple whom he personally trained end his coaching career.

What can I say about ability?

After some players grow up in the NBA, they will be grateful for the dedication of the head coach and the help given to him by the lineup. But there are some players who only think they are awesome. And when this awareness becomes stronger and stronger, the final result is that the head coach is not taken seriously.

Maybe after he left, he realized how much the lineup had been a blessing to him.

In fact, such a player is not only Deron Williams, but Allen Iverson is also considered this type of player. Larry Brown feels sorry for anyone, but Allen Iverson is tolerant enough to him. The "one-star, four-defense" system created for him is also the reason why the Philadelphia 76ers can enter the finals. He, Allen Iverson, The key factor that can win the regular season MVP.

What is sacrifice?

Something like Meng Lang is called sacrifice. What he is best at now is still running without the ball. If he doesn't need to hold the ball, he can run the defender directly to the ground and gasp. But the Lakers need him to hold the ball. His vision, his passing ability, and his personal hard-hitting ability make this the optimal solution.

Someone like Jordan is also a sacrifice.

In order to better retain his physical fitness on the defensive end, he gave up a lot of possession of the ball, and did not huddle in the bottom corner with arms akimbo, nor would he rush out immediately when he saw a fast break opportunity, as if he was 10 years younger.

The whole team is focused on your style of play, and then you say that in order to have better teammates for yourself and let these teammates get good data, you sacrificed part of your own data and thought that your sacrifice was great. This is pure Ignorant.

All your abilities have been revealed and your shortcomings have been covered up. What have you sacrificed?

Sloan's dissatisfaction prompted him to call a timeout.

He has always thought that Karl Malone is a tough guy. In his opinion, Karl Malone can get through anything, including incontinence. It just takes time, and he gave him enough time.

But the current situation is...

Just giving him time is obviously not enough!
A stronger stimulus is needed.

"Karl, are you going to be a coward for the rest of your life? Tell me, what are you afraid of? Can he beat you up on the court? I want to see you be tough all the time and stop being such a coward. It’s the same thing! Listen, if you make such a low-level mistake again, just sit down for me!”

He yelled without any dignity, making Karl Malone's expression darken.

He wasn't angry with Sloan, but he was adjusting his mood and activating the anger in his heart. He wants to find his true self!

On the other side of the Lakers bench, Meng Lang said to Barkley: "Let's play a pick-and-roll!"

The reason for being so proactive is because Russell...

Meng Lang had to admit that he underestimated the ability of this "century background board". ——Mentioning Brian Russell, Meng Lang’s first reaction, like most people’s, was the background of Jordan’s “last shot”.

But in fact, they also made a mistake and became a "historical background board".

His own ability is still good, he is a "high-quality 3D" that is not popular in this era.

Has excellent defense and has a three-point shot!

It is also worth mentioning that when Tony Allen defends Kobe in the future, he will watch the tape of him defending Jordan.

He is a real master of pestering!
The kind Tony Allen thinks.

You can't think that Paul George is not strong just because he is always the "background", right?
Russell's strength and his tonnage can really restrain Meng Lang's "back attack". After all, Meng Lang's current strength is not at the top level. He doesn't plan to continue to use "back hitting" to consume his physical energy. He plans to use more relaxed tactics.

Of course Barkley has no objection. If Meng Lang wants to pick and roll, then pick and roll! (End of chapter)

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