So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 220 Evergreen Tree in Basketball World

Zhang Bin did not embarrass Meng Lang.

Originally, he had some opinions about Meng Lang.

Think he's a bit of a big deal.

Obviously the Lakers' "championship tour" ended in June and a half, and he didn't join the team until early July.

Does this guy think he can fight 1 against 5 by himself?
Don't blame him for thinking this way.

As a head coach, when he feels that his authority is being challenged, he will naturally have some stress reactions. And if he indulges Meng Lang too much, other members of the national team will also have objections, covertly or openly.

If the people in the team are dissatisfied, how can we lead them?

So he still gave Meng Lang a task: "You are responsible for solving some of the troubles you caused yourself."

Meng Lang nodded. The day before the national team prepared for the semi-finals, he was waiting on the court with the ball. After they all entered the court, he said to Liu Yudong and Sun Hu, including Hu Weidong, one by one: " I'm going to play in the semi-finals tomorrow. You guys can discuss it and make a starting position for me. It can be anywhere from No. 1 to No. 5. If you don't accept it, come to the bullfight. As long as I lose a game, I will continue to sit obediently. Benchless!”


Sun Hu was unhappy when he heard this: "What are you doing? You beat me. Why are you talking so much?"

But facing Meng Lang, Sun Hu blindly looked for opportunities to shoot from outside. No wonder Gong Xiaobin said he was timid.

It just looks like the body is lighter.

The moment he took action, his two hands seemed to be intertwined.

Speaking of which, it is no wonder that the Chinese men's basketball team during this period was able to reach the top 8 of the Olympic Games.

When the offense and defense switched, the people below were booing, and Gong Xiaobin shouted: "Old Sun, don't be a coward!"

Gong Xiaobin, who had just made a sarcastic comment, stood up and walked to the opposite side of Meng Lang.

In the NBA, Marion's shots are already weird, but compared with Sun Hu, they are simply "beautiful."

Sun Hu, who had his head shaved, rubbed his head. He wanted to say that he hadn't hit enough, but he couldn't guard a single ball and couldn't say anything more at this moment.

Compared with three-pointers, Sun Hu's more commonly used move is to turn his hips in front of his body to change direction, use confrontation to squeeze his opponent past, and enter the inside to complete the layup.

Like Meng Lang, Sun Hu also has a very good three-point shot.

He is one of the current captains of the Chinese men's basketball team. He is the "94~96" golden generation created by Coach Jiang. He is the team's "scoring king", "assist king" and "steal king". After entering the CBA at the age of 30, he once scored more than 70 points in a single game. The legendary player of Jilin Siberian Tigers.

Even if it's just against guys from the G League.

The only difference is that his shots are very ugly, extremely ugly.

Its strength cannot be underestimated.

This proves that he has the ability to play in the NBA.

What many people don't know is that in the 96 NBA Summer League, when the Chinese Men's Basketball Team faced the Lakers, Hu Weidong and Kobe Bryant scored 30 points each. Sun Jun actually performed very well in that game, scoring 18 points.

Even though there were no players who were officially playing in the NBA at that time, several of the main players were capable of scoring high points in the summer league, and they were all "quasi-NBA level".

Meng Lang interfered well with Sun Hu's first shot.

Sun Hu shook his head helplessly, feeling like he was defeated.

It is now the semi-finals. At this time, Meng Lang steps up and wants the starting position. It is easy for people to understand that he is here to "pick peaches". At that time, my brothers were very angry.

"I come!"

Meng Lang graciously gave him the right to attack first.

Compared to Sun Jun to Jilin, Hu Weidong to Jiangsu, and Zheng Wu to Zhejiang, Gong Xiaobin's status and influence in Shandong are much higher than other players of the golden generation. When the older generation of Shandong fans mentioned their favorite local players, Gong Xiaobin was the first one.

Without such strength, how could it be possible to reach the top 8 of the Olympic Games?

But the hit rate is very high.

But the Chinese men's basketball team of the 94 generation is not weaker than that of the 08 generation.

"Hey, let me see what's going on!"

Of course, if Sun Hu had Meng Lang's physical fitness, he would have already entered the NBA, let alone the CBA.

This "bulldozer-style" scoring method made the people below slightly stunned.

Its strength is really not weak.

This move took advantage of his size. It can be said that in the later CBA, "man-blocking kills people", and the scorer who averaged 30 plus points per game had a lot of control.

The first one to stand up was Sun Hu.

After 11-0, Meng Lang said to the other people watching: "Come on, next one!"

It can be said that the Chinese men's basketball team in the 08 Olympics is the strongest on paper.

After scoring the first goal, Meng Lang continued to hit the next few goals "bulldozer style".


When it was Meng Lang's turn to attack, he didn't hesitate at all, took the initiative to engage in physical confrontation, and directly faced Sun Hu to complete the layup.

Smoking, drinking, fighting, falling in love...

Because this seems to be Sun Hu's style of play.

Sun Hu took the ball and looked for opportunities for outside shooting without hesitation.

This is the legendary player "genius" Gong Xiaobin.

But in fact, Gong Xiaobin himself said it later. My talent is not enough to take me to a higher level. If I could play in the NBA, who wouldn't work harder and be more diligent?

Although I don’t know if this is modesty or the truth.

But Gong Xiaobin gave the impression to the outside world that he didn't work hard enough.

He is 2 meters tall, but he plays big center and second center.

His skillful positioning skills can be said to be unrivaled in the Asian basketball world.

The big butt looks a bit like Barkley.

He is skilled with his moves around the basket and makes many of his own moves. Skilled in face-up jump shots.

It’s also worth mentioning that the “94 generation” all seem to be wild. But the basic skills are very solid. Whether it is dribbling or mastering the skills, I have worked hard. On the contrary, in the Chinese basketball world 16 years later, everyone's basic skills are not solid, but their speed of attacking fans on Weibo is very solid.

Gong Xiaobin felt that Sun Hu was too timid, and when he went up, he actually took the initiative to seek physical confrontation. And right from the start, he is best at "back hitting".



It's not that Gong Xiaobin has never fought against powerful foreign players. On the international stage, he has also encountered NBA players. Now that the confrontation was coming, he felt that bumping into Meng Lang was similar to the feeling of facing those top strikers.

It's like a fucking wall.

I almost stumbled.

This time it was Sun Hu's turn to laugh and laugh: "What are you doing, Gong, you should fuck him!"

Gong Xiaobin couldn't stand the excitement, so he held his breath and rushed towards the inside line again. Meng Lang intercepted him again, but Gong Xiaobin also entered the inside line and moved with his feet in an attempt to deceive Meng Lang in front of him.

But Meng Lang faced Barkley frequently with the Lakers.

He is also the NBA's "post master".

He knows very well how he should defend his "back", which is to block Gong Xiaobin's pivot foot before he really wants to turn around. He's not LeBron James. Even without pivot foot movement, you can pretend to be invisible. "Snapped!"

A big hat directly covered Gong Xiaobin.

The people below burst into laughter.

This time it was Meng Lang's turn to attack.

He used a "post-up" to fight back against Gong Xiaobin, and a "turnover jump shot" to keep him submissive.

"We can't fight, we can't fight, well, we can't fight, we can't fight!" Gong Xiaobin waved his hand repeatedly, signaling for the next person to come forward.

Liu Yudong stood up.

As the "God of War" Liu Yudong is a bit like Zach Eddie. If he stays in the NCAA, he will be a "big killer", but if he comes to the NBA, some of his characteristics that are not absolute weaknesses will become his Achilles' heel.

Zach Eddie's movement is too slow. Unless his movement ability is improved, he will not be able to reach the height of Zubac.

And there are also issues with his physical fitness.

The same goes for Liu Yudong. His mobility is not a weakness in the CBA, but in the NBA, 99% of the wings can pass him in one step.

But Meng Lang remained the same, imitating Liu Yudong's moves and easily defeated him.

At this time, the national players on the national team could tell that Meng Lang intended to play the game their way.

"Hey, this family is so crazy for him!"

But there was nothing he could do. Even if he imitated their playing style, Meng Lang could deal with them one by one.

And the scene that followed made them realize that Meng Lang seemed to have shown mercy before.

Because when he faced Hu Weidong, who was also physically strong, and when he fully displayed his physical fitness, they realized that if he played like this, the scene would be even more ugly.

Hu Weidong also lowered his head in frustration.

Soon, only Li Nan was left among the main force who had not yet been taught a lesson by him.
But Li Nan had no intention of doing it.

His ability to hold the ball is not as good as that of Hu Weidong. He is just a shooter. Hu Weidong was defeated by him, so what else can he do?
Wang Zhizhi was eager to try.

Meng Lang saw that Wang Zhizhi, who was in the limelight among the 96 generation and was known as the "chasing boy", did not refuse. Beating a child on a rainy day is just idle time. But when fighting him, Meng Lang did not deliberately imitate his playing style, but deliberately added a lot of confrontation.

When he felt that Wang Zhizhi wanted to avoid him and fight, he fought even more fiercely.

In the end, even Wang Zhizhi didn't get any points in his hands.

Meng Lang said: "Boy, you played well in the Olympics last year. But if you think you can enter the NBA just like this, you are too naive. Listen, if you don't get rid of your fear of confrontation, you are destined to not be able to play in the NBA." Alliance survives!"

The others looked at each other, and Wang Zhizhi also looked a little ugly. None of them knew why Meng Lang was so serious about Wang Zhizhi.

Meng Lang didn't explain. Anyway, he defeated a whole group of people. He said, "Now, can I ask for a starting position?"

In the end, the starting No. 1 position was given up.

Obviously this group of people also knows that the one who can best utilize Meng Lang's abilities is the No. 1 position.

Although he used the moves of everyone from positions 1 to 5 of the men's basketball team to defeat them.

This bullfight made Yao Ming jealous of the scene.

Is this the ability of the NBA regular season MVP?

He yearned more for that stage.

Wang Zhizhi, on the other hand, looked ugly. He felt that Meng Lang was taking it too personally.

What's so great about it?
Isn’t it just to play in the NBA for two more years?
When I go there, I can also become a top star.

He was very conceited about his talents.

Soon Zhang Bin also found out about this and shook his head helplessly.

Okay, that’s how it’s solved, right?

Although it is difficult to know something about Meng Lang from the United States these days.

But as an insider, it is quite easy to know some rumors and gossip.

I had known that this guy would treat Jordan like a grandson in the NBA. Looking at it now, it is indeed such a temper.

However, he also had to admit that what Meng Lang did was really the simplest and most direct way, because in this way, no one in the China Men's Basketball Team could be unconvinced.

You’ve been beaten for a while, why are you still unconvinced?

Meng Lang met him like a normal person. He just said hello, said they agreed, and went to train. I didn’t know, I thought the two brothers were good!
After finishing what he wanted to do, Meng Lang continued to temper his body.

The power has reached 98 points and is about to reach 99 points. He really can't wait to see that moment come.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for raising the power to 99 points!"

"Ding, it is detected that the host's touch ability value has reached the full level of the equipped star ability card..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the exclusive skill card for the star. Please enter the system as soon as possible and activate the skill card!"



Meng Lang immediately opened the system. After waiting for so long, he finally increased his power to 99 points.

"Evergreen tree in basketball"!

Meng Lang's heart trembled violently when he saw the name of the skill card.

After he no longer had the SSS skill card, Meng Lang regretted that he could not obtain the "injury exemption" bug card, which allowed him to use his body unscrupulously. Unexpectedly, just a few days later, he would obtain a skill card with similar effects again.


Even though Meng Lang hasn't seen the specific effect of the skill card, he can guess it from the name.

He's not a fool.

Sure enough, when he clicked on the introduction of the skill card, he found that the effect of this card was similar to what he thought:
"Effect: The ability to resist injuries reaches 100 points, and the ability to avoid injury risks is increased to the highest level."


This time it is really completed!

Meng Lang felt that he had no shortcomings now.

The breakthrough ability is not that great?
When he has such shooting ability and his "back-up ability" is about to reach 99 points, it is definitely impossible for his opponent to let him shoot.

By shortening the confrontation distance, he changed direction and improved his breakthrough ability.

Moreover, this shot is so delicious!
No matter how good a person is, if he is 93 years old and cannot develop a stable shooting, then there is only one possibility, and that is that there are off-court factors in every game, such as turning a blind eye to his "elbow step". Eye.

Moreover, we have to admit that even this 93-year-old man now has good catching and shooting abilities.

It's just that he still doesn't trust his shooting.

To put it bluntly, you can't change the weaknesses you've had for 19 years.

So much so that this weakness really starts to make up for itself, and you will habitually doubt it.

Just like your girlfriend was caught cheating on you, you will often wonder if she cheated on you again.

Before playing in Kimchi Country, Meng Lang activated the "Evergreen Tree in Basketball". Meng Lang felt that this was an omen!
Just wait, I have to suffer from having to eat only pickles these days, now I will give it back to you! (End of chapter)

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