So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 230 Familiar yet unfamiliar Meng Lang

It can be seen from Pippen's attitude that he does not want McGrady's debut to go as planned.

Whenever he gets a chance in this game, it will definitely deal a severe blow to McGrady's self-confidence.

He's just a high school student, how strong can he be even after special training?
Kevin Garnett and Kobe both proved this:
No matter how talented a high school student is, it takes time to slowly adapt to the intensity of the NBA.

This is McGrady's first game, can he still make a difference?
But what Pippen didn't expect was that McGrady was directly placed in the starting position by the Bulls.

Even in the first offense, Jordan took the initiative to signal McGrady to play by himself.

How much does this involve for this rookie!
Pippen saw all this and became angrier as he thought about it.

Why does this guy get so many admirations?
Why was it that when I became the boss of the Bulls, I didn't even have a chance to make a winning shot?

These guys who look down on me, I'm going to beat this new guy you're so optimistic about into the dirt and kick his ass hard with my boots...

Pippen rushed towards McGrady without hesitation. He was ready to let McGrady know what "NBA intensity" means!
His form declined severely last season, but his ability on the defensive end is still one of the best in the NBA. But before he could get close to McGrady and let him feel the terror from the "first defense", McGrady in front of him accelerated after a step, and then disappeared from his front like a magic trick.


Beside him, there was a gust of wind.

Pippen could easily tell that someone was rushing past him.

It's just this speed...

Is that true?
Doubt flashed in his mind. What he didn't see was that not far away, his old buddy Jordan showed a satisfied smile.


This is the taste!

The first time McGrady faced him in a duel, he passed him so easily.

No, it's even easier for McGrady to pass Pippen now.

After all, he has grown up for more than a month...

You must know that it only took one season for McGrady to go from being unknown to the top high school student in the United States, even with the bonus of the ABCD camp. But when talent is so high that it is obvious, for such people, progress and growth are as simple as eating and drinking.

When Pippen came to his senses, McGrady had already jumped high and stuffed the ball into the basket.

There's a bit of gliding throughout.

The movements are full of elegance!
In the NBA, some people's movements are beautiful, and some people's movements are naturally beautiful.

McGrady is such a player, every move he makes has its own beauty.

So much so that he has many outrageous nicknames, such as "The Most Beautiful Calf Award", but there is one thing that no one can deny:
He plays really well.

This goal also caused low cheers to ring out at the scene, and many reporters pressed their shutters.

All kinds of news about Tracy McGrady have been "flying" all summer. When it's time for him to stand on the stage and sing songs, there are many people watching. They are looking forward to seeing a "cjb conference".

But McGrady used one attack to make all doubts about him disappear.

A rookie is not only judged by his immediate combat ability, but more importantly by what kind of things he can accomplish on the court. His upper limit is determined by these things.

It is no exaggeration to say that McGrady's ball is full of "future star" shadows.

Pippen was a little stunned. He watched McGrady pass by him from under the basket and return to defense. This was the first time he took a serious look at McGrady. He looked at McGrady's eyes that were not yet awake and looked "listless". It was the same as before. The "bomber man" flying directly past him was simply impossible to relate to.

Is this Chicago's new Pippen?
To be honest, if he were the general manager of the Bulls, he would probably trade himself without hesitation when he saw such a "talented son".

He suddenly understood...

Well, he is so "understanding".

However, after McGrady's first attack was stunning, his subsequent shots exposed his instability as a high school student.

But in the end, after playing for 36 minutes and 34 seconds, he still scored 14 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists... and almost every time he scored, he was impressive. Let's put it this way, he is like swimming in the "ocean of talent", and the possibilities shown by any gesture can arouse people's unlimited imagination.

Therefore, the evaluation given to him by the media after the game was far higher than 14 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists.

Michael Jordan's performance in this game was not very good. It can be seen that in order to allow McGrady to perform well, he deliberately fed him a lot of balls, so he "just" got 21 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

For other stars, this is definitely an outstanding data. But for Jordan, it can only be described as mediocre.

But he was in a good mood because the Bulls got their first win of the new season.

Facing the Raptors, who everyone thought was very competitive before the start of the new season, the Bulls suppressed them for almost the whole game, and finally won with a 10-point advantage. This means that this year's Bulls are still very competitive in the Eastern Conference.

Jordan is ready to continue not winning the championship in the new season.

But if the team's strength drops too much, this will undoubtedly be an unacceptable thing for him.

Now, the Bulls can continue to grow, and the "new Pippen" has also performed well. This is a "double happiness" night. As for how many points he scored and what kind of statistics, it really doesn't matter at all on a night like this.

Of course, he also knows that it will take a long time for McGrady to grow up, and he can't be a "nanny" for McGrady every night like tonight. This is not his character.

It's just because this guy's talent allows him to see infinite possibilities in the future, that's why he made an exception to give his career a good start. In the future, it will be more up to McGrady to solve problems on his own.

And Jordan insists that flowers that can withstand wind and snow cannot be grown in a greenhouse.

McGrady needs to experience something on her own in order to grow.

This is a hidden danger. In terms of fighting spirit, he can vaguely feel Pippen's flavor from McGrady.

Therefore, when the game ended and Pippen wanted to say hello to McGrady, he did not hesitate to pull McGrady away to prevent him from getting the same "weak vibe" as Pippen.

This was undoubtedly another sad thing for Pippen, but after the game he changed his view of McGrady: "He has unlimited possibilities, not just to become the next Scottie Pippen! "

See, this is Pippen, he can forgive anyone unconditionally. This is also the reason why Michael Jordan would be angry if he dared to portray him as a cowardly "locker room cancer" in "The Last Dance" in the future. But he will only get angry for a while, and then everything will be fine...

McGrady's debut also became the focus of major media the next day.

The accompanying photo is the first offense of his career!
That shot was really amazing...

The news quickly reached Kobe's ears.

Not a reporter, but Meng Lang.

He talked to Kobe about this matter early the next morning: "Man, did you see that the first game of that rookie's career in Chicago was much better than your debut yesterday and the day before yesterday!"

Kobe was a little angry, but he couldn't find anything to say to refute Meng Lang.

Because just looking at the data, McGrady's performance is indeed better than him.

If you add in aspects such as court presence and visual impact, then McGrady is even better than him.

"How many games do you plan to use to prove that you can adapt to the starting position and be the core of the Lakers' bench rotation?" Meng Lang asked.

The firepower is fierce and the intensity is great!
He looks like a "stress monster".

But as Kobe showed no hesitation in taking action in his debut, Meng Lang felt that this was pressure he had to bear.

He wasn't going to give this guy time to adapt.

He had to let this guy know what "if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight"!
If you want to perform like you did in your first show, you must perform accordingly. If you give an unwanted performance, you will have to endure all kinds of ridicule from the "team leader".

Anyway, he knew Kobe's ability to withstand pressure, and he wasn't worried at all that this guy would collapse under the pressure.

"A month? Two months? Or before meeting the Bulls and that rookie?"

This year's "Christmas War" is still the Bulls vs. the Lakers.

As the two current "traffic", with Meng Lang defeating Jordan in the finals, there is now more to watch between the two of them.

Meng Lang's momentum was like a rainbow, and he was gradually reaching his peak.

Although Jordan is very old, he has never been someone who would give up easily. After losing the finals, what kind of story will happen when he meets Meng Lang again is enough to make everyone curious.

Not to mention now, there is another gimmick:
That's Kobe vs. McGrady!

Same high school draft. The same second position, and now they are standing next to the first and second players in the league, and after entering the league, they also have a similar environment. They all play for "quasi-championship-level" teams.

There are so many reasons why they can be compared together.

Their first encounter is destined to be a showdown worth looking forward to.

Kobe pursed his lips and said nothing. He always had this expression when he couldn't refute Meng Lang.

Because Meng Lang's questions were almost his questions.

After a summer of training, he thought he could shine in the first game of the new season. But the results told him that it was not that simple. His performance was as bad as ever. After experiencing such a game, he was not sure what kind of performance he could give next.

Before the "Christmas War", can he adapt to the current team's positioning arrangements for him?
Kobe was a little anxious to begin with, but after seeing McGrady's good performance, he became even more anxious.

The result of such anxiousness is that in the next 5 games, Kobe averaged 30 minutes and 14 seconds per game, averaged 11.6 shots per game, and only had 10.2 points, 3.4 rebounds and 3.2 assists. His shooting percentage was just over 40%, averaging 3 points per game. turnovers.

Basically it appeared during the time when he was leading the team alone.

Although it has only been a few games, with Kobe's current ability, the opponent's coaching staff can simply study the video and see his impatience with shots on the court. When a player takes a shot for the sake of taking a shot, it means he will have more holes than usual.

Kobe's frequent problem is that he is overwhelmed when encountering a sudden double-team, and then makes a mistake or reluctantly takes a shot.

Just for similar mistakes, Kobe has made no less than 5 times in the new season. A similar scene appears in almost every game.

But for the Lakers coaching staff, this can be considered a good thing. At least Kobe's shortcomings were fully exposed at the beginning of the season. Next, they only need to prescribe the right medicine to help Kobe solve his problems, so that Kobe can find his own way of survival on the court. Then perform well.

"I believe that by the end of November, you will be able to show your true strength on the court!"

Chuck Daly still has faith in Kobe Bryant.

Because even though Kobe's performance was not good, the Lakers still got off to a 5-4 start in the first five games.

Meng Lang's performance was particularly eye-catching. After scoring 40 points in the first game, he scored 4 points in all the next four games, including another "scoring show" of 30 points.

After 5 games, he averaged a terrifying 36.4 points per game, ranking first in the league's scoring list. What is even more exaggerated is that Michael Jordan, who is second in the scoring list per game, has surpassed Michael Jordan by a full 8 points.

Michael Jordan ranks second in points per game, averaging 28.3 points per game so far this season.

Ranked below him is Shaquille O'Neal, who averages 28.1 points per game...

Behind them, Karl Malone only averaged 27 points per game.

Meng Lang performed a "scoring show" with breaks!
He also used his actual performance to prove what he said after the first game that his main energy this season is scoring.


In addition to his explosive performance on the scoring end, the most eye-catching thing is his investment on the defensive end.

The average of 1.25 blocks per game is a career high.

What the data cannot reflect is his "biting" ability on the defensive end. Bill Walton said this: "A period of time that many people are probably not familiar with. I remember that was Dream's last one with the Magic." During the season, before he was injured for the season, he had such a desperate attitude. After the injury, he was no longer so involved in the defensive end. I think it is very likely that the injury that ended the season cast some shadows on him, but now he After overcoming all this, he brought that hard work back to the defensive end. He is no longer afraid of possible injuries. This is the main reason for his improvement in defensive ability! "

The familiar yet unfamiliar Meng Lang...

The only thing that hasn't changed is his on-court presence that still shines. (End of chapter)

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