So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 261 Is This Shawn Kemp?

When the deal was announced, ESPN immediately added the Philadelphia 76ers to the championship race.

Their odds of winning the championship are second only to the Heat and the Lakers, making them the third "hot seed".

Although the team's outside player has become a third-year player, you can't mistake Tim Duncan, who entered the league as a "complete body", for a second-year rookie. It can even be said that this is the most terrible second-year player in NBA history.

These two have ensured that the Philadelphia 76ers will be at the top of the Eastern Conference for the next 10 years.

Of course, the prerequisite is that both people are healthy and there is no conflict between them.

In fact, in Meng Lang's view, as long as the health condition is met, the latter problem hardly exists.

Tim Duncan is one of the most selfless people in NBA history. He can flatter Tony Parker and let a rookie win the Finals MVP. Don't say that the Spurs taught him this.

If Popovich was really that smart, why did he only end up fooling Tim Duncan?
Leonard turned around and left the Spurs.

Popovich's guidance after birth is indeed very important. But the most important thing is that Tim Duncan, as a senior psychology undergraduate, has long understood the meaning of the word team. If it is for winning, then he can do anything.

This eliminates the possibility of two people fighting for the top spot.

So as long as they are healthy, the original "Spurs Dynasty" will definitely reappear and become the "Philadelphia Dynasty".

Another thing that is certain is that...

Tim Duncan will definitely have more helpers than before.

Philadelphia is not San Antonio, and it will not use Tony Parker and Ginobili to accompany Tim Duncan throughout his entire career.

But Meng Lang never expected that help would arrive so soon.

And Mutombo is a perfect match for Tim Duncan!
It is especially worth mentioning that...

There is no such thing as three seconds of defense in the NBA today!

At this time, the inside defense can swim in the "three-second zone".

The "three seconds of defense" had to wait until 00, when the league allowed zone defense in order to limit peak Shaq.

But allowing zone defense would make the survival environment of outside players more difficult. In order to improve the viewing experience of playing basketball, the saying of "three seconds of defense" came into being. Since then, "stationary inside players" have gradually become rare.

Take Perkins for example, a guy who averaged less than 5 points per game. Why did he have a job until 14?
Just because as a "meat shield center" he has good mobility, he is able to cope with the "three seconds of defense" and compress the opponent's offensive space on the defensive end.

Such "meat shields" are rare.

And this alliance is "scarcity makes things valuable".

It's not just the tank-type center that's like this.

When the term "3D player" first became popular, Ariza got a contract worth tens of millions of dollars and was once the "big boss" of the Rockets. However, after one season with the Rockets and earning the nickname "Iron", he went back to being a "3D player".

Including Danny Green, he also earned tens of millions of dollars a year by working for the Spurs at a time when the league had a huge demand for "3D players".

Sometimes, the times can create a star.

and even……

A man who calls himself a goat.

In this era without the three-second defense, just thinking about it can give us a clear understanding:
What does the inside combination of Mutombo and Tim Duncan mean?

Based on this deal alone, I'm afraid Philadelphia's general manager will be able to securely win the "Best General Manager Award" this season.

This deal also puts pressure on teams that want to go further this year.

In Miami, although it was sunny yesterday, Pat Riley increased the training volume for everyone by 30% today!

The situation in Chicago was similar, but the person Jordan trained with was not someone else, but Tracy McGrady.

His training volume increased by another 20%!

Michael Jordan said this: "When I was your age, I slept in the gym every day!"

McGrady had no confidence to refute what Jordan said.

Whether it's the four championship trophies or the three consecutive championships, Jordan has become a living legend. And there is no need to worry about the recognized "living legend" that will cause beef.

The most important point is that Jordan himself is also practicing harder.

When he set an example himself, McGrady naturally had no words of resistance.

This was also the last big deal before the start of the new season. The trading market has not stopped since then, but there has never been such shocking news.

After the lockout, the world was in ruins, and more teams were waiting for the growth of new players and the arrival of the new century...

The opening match will be on February 2th.

It was also the day when all members of the Lakers wore championship rings.

Barkley appeared on the scene. Tonight was also his first show on TNT. In order to welcome this day, TNT specially moved today's commentary desk to the scene. Next to him was Barkley's partner, none other than Kenny Smith.

However, the gears of history turned, and Smith failed to help the Rockets win the championship this time. He could only watch enviously as Barkley eagerly waited for his second championship ring.

By the way, he even brought his first championship ring with him today and put it on his hand, flashing it in front of Kenny Smith's eyes from time to time.

Kenny Smith said unconvincedly: "If it weren't for Dream, where would you get so many rings!"

Barkley admitted: "Of course, Kenny, I will never deny this, and...if it weren't for Dream, you would have your own championship ring. It's a pity that you didn't make the right choice!"

"What?" Kenny Smith asked in frustration.

"If I were you, after losing to the Magic in 94, I would immediately choose to join the Magic!"


If it were normal, Kenny Smith would definitely say, "My dignity is more important than a championship ring!"

How could I surrender to the enemy?

Kevin Durant: What are you talking about? How can this be called surrendering to the enemy? This is clearly the most difficult path!
But today he was sitting there as the Lakers moved into their new arena, the Staples Center. Above the arena were 11 championship flags that belonged to them, and soon they were about to raise their 12th championship flag.

At the same time, David Stern will also present a championship ring to each player.

In such an atmosphere, Kenny Smith suddenly felt that face was really worthless compared to the championship ring!
He should have joined in the beginning... Tonight there was a group of special "audience" at the Staples Center who witnessed Meng Lang put on the fourth championship ring of his career.

That is their opponent...

Orlando Magic!

David Stern knows how to arrange gimmicks.

All Meng Lang's fans are looking forward to this moment. Just thinking about it makes me feel refreshed.

Most importantly, the Magic have been having a tough time lately.

This is mainly due to Europe, no, it’s due to the suspension.

As soon as the league was suspended, the entire league was in turmoil. Some teams began to plan for the future, some teams planned to fight for this season. And some teams... they had no future, and now they didn't even have the present.

The Magic are among them.

When David Stern announced that the game would start on February 2 and all the Magic players returned to the stadium, the appearance of a fat man stunned everyone.

No, who are you, bro?

The fat man introduced himself: "My name is Shawn Kemp!"

How the hell can you be Kemp?
These are the exact words of the Magic coach: "If you were Kemp, I could be a Hollywood actor right now!"

He refused to admit that this fat man weighing more than 300 pounds was "Rain Man". How could he fly on the basket and play basketball?

With the last hope that maybe the fat Kemp will become the next "Barkley", he carefully observed Kemp's condition in the training game and came up with an answer that made Orlando fans want to cry:
The Kemp, who was famous for his violent dunks, has left us forever!
Kemp's condition was like a drunkard who had just woken up after drinking for ten days and ten nights. He couldn't play basketball at all.

The Magic team now has only this one sign.

And the sign became like this...

It is conceivable how dark the future of the Magic is.

More importantly, this is only the second season of Kemp's billion-dollar contract...

When Meng Lang saw the Magic players entering the court, he subconsciously looked for Kemp.

He wanted to confirm whether what he originally knew would happen again, but... although he knew that Kemp had turned into a fat man, it took him a long time to search before he confirmed that the "meat ball" rolling around on the court of the Magic team was really Kemp.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would have been hard for him to imagine that a player could fall so quickly.

Not only was he stunned, but everyone else on the Lakers was stunned as well.

Meng Lang smiled.

The scene that we have been waiting for for so long has finally become a reality. The Magic team will sink endlessly in eternal despair!
This time, Meng Lang rarely raised his hand to show everyone his fourth championship ring.

In the second season after leaving the Magic, he has already won as many championships as he did with the Magic. The next step will be to surpass him, and the Magic can only continue to watch him fly higher and higher.

Barkley, who received the ring, hugged Meng Lang and said, "Keep it up, man. I will be on the commentary stand to witness you become the greatest legend of this league!"

Having won four championships in the first five years of his career, Barkley had a strong feeling that Meng Lang would become the new logo of the NBA.

Back in the commentary booth, he used the new ring to stimulate Kenny Smith. At this time, the game started and Barkley also noticed that there was a round "meatball" among the Magic's starting lineup.

"This player is... Shawn Kemp?"


Barkley's eyes widened, and then he burst into laughter. He finally stopped laughing and made an apologetic gesture: "Sorry, sorry, but I really didn't expect Orlando's luck to be this bad. Obviously, having Dream has used up all their luck. Now their good luck is over, and they should pay their debts. Wish them good luck. I don't know when Shawn Kemp's contract will end!"

Now, whenever there are fans in Orlando listening to Barkley's commentary, every word he says hurts them.

This is also the most painful part for Orlando fans.

Just possessing "Meatball" for a year is not a terrible thing. What is terrible is that you have to possess him for n more years before you can be free...

The cheers of the Lakers fans never stopped from the beginning, and after the game started, their cheers continued, because the dream with a chic and elegant playing style in their memory was back.

At the beginning of the game, Meng Lang kept breaking through and passing the ball to help his teammates score.

The Magic team's defense couldn't stop Meng Lang's pass, and he easily penetrated it.

Well, there is another reason why their defense is so bad, that is, the players of this team have been a little slack during the lockout. Shawn Kemp is the most serious, and the problems of several other people are also quite a lot, but they are covered up by him.

It's different for the Lakers. As a "championship team", the team also has the leader Meng Lang and the paranoid Kobe. The atmosphere of the team has long been set, and even with the off-season seemingly endless, no one dares to be too indulgent.

So when the new season came, the worst thing Divac did was that his body was slightly out of shape. But after training, he recovered quickly.

The Lakers maintained their form very well, and with the support of the Magic, they appeared to be in even better shape.

The score quickly opened up to more than 10 points at the beginning.

After Divac left the court, Ben Wallace partnered with Horry, and the Lakers' offense and defense speeded up. The first person on the Magic to fall short was Shawn Kemp, the guy who used to treat fast break opportunities in offense and defense transitions as a show.

Seeing him running out of breath, Chuck Daly was really afraid that he would run out of breath and fall on the court, so he called a timeout for the Magic. Of course, his real intention was to replace the starters in advance and let the substitutes run.

The Lakers took advantage too quickly today. It was obvious that this game was going to be played in "garbage time". Such a weak team is the best for the Lakers to train their players. Some players who don't usually get that much playing time can also be released to experience it.

This includes this year's rookie Tyronn Lue.

He showed his energy and enthusiasm on the court, and was willing to follow Chuck Daly's words and run tactics on the court.

Such role players are usually the head coach's favorite.

Often when the team needs a dispensable substitute player, they will become the priority choice in the head coach's mind.

This is also the reason why Tyronn Lue was able to stay in the league with a minimum salary despite his mediocre statistics and after suffering a serious injury, and ultimately played for 10 years.

Any team needs players to play such a team role.

But the Lakers have two such players, in addition to Tyronn Lue, there is Derek Fisher.

Therefore, their time was divided equally between Chuck Daly.

Derek Fisher was somewhat unhappy. (End of this chapter)

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