So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 27 Are you talking about my senior who doesn’t dare to fart in front of me?

Chapter 27 Are you talking about my senior who doesn’t dare to fart in front of me?
  The shouts echoed throughout Cameron Arena.

Old K was surprised that Duke fans had less shame than he thought.

Have they forgotten that they were booing like crazy half an hour ago?
  The scouts wrote wildly and wrote down their shocks in their notebooks: They witnessed with their own eyes how Meng Lang turned the boos in the audience into shouts for him within half an hour.

This is not an easy task!
  They know what's going on on the field and what the situation is like.

But Meng Lang did it, he walked onto the court and changed the situation of the battle alone.

There are so many shining qualities worth recording.

Old K did not immediately replace Meng Lang.

Instead, according to the original plan, at about 5 minutes and 13 seconds into the second half, he waved to the bench:

Meng, it's your turn!
  The on-site director once again gave a close-up.

This scene that all the fans had longed for occurred, and cheers instantly filled the entire arena.

Old K can guarantee that at this moment, they have even forgotten who Leitner is!

It was still the same as in the first half, when Meng Lang came on the field, the situation immediately changed dramatically:

The stalemate between the two teams disappeared and turned into a one-sided crushing by Duke.

Although Hill successfully stole a lesson from Meng Lang at halftime and found a way to restrict Kidd, the problem of Duke having no one to open up space for him still exists if Meng Lang does not play.

The stalemate at the beginning of the second half also stemmed from this.

With Meng Lang on the court, Duke's increased offensive firepower is not only Meng Lang's shooting, but also Hill's sharp breakthrough.

The score difference quickly widened to more than 8 points.

Kidd's shooting condition today was even worse than usual, and he became more defensive and did not dare to try shots easily. Murray showed his singles ability and the point difference did not exceed double digits at the last minute.

In the end, in front of nearly 67 fans and countless scouts at home, the Duke Blue Devils reversed the Golden Eagles 58-[-] and won the first warm-up game of the new season without any danger.


Shot 62.5% from the field, 67% from three-point range, no turnovers, and 2 fouls.

The data is already amazing.

After all, this was Meng Lang's first game in the NCAA, and the overall strength of the opponents he faced was not weak.

But anyone who has watched the game knows that Meng Lang's impact on this game is far greater than what his data reflects.

He came on the field when the team was about to collapse, and led the team to catch up with the score difference and stabilize the situation. He came on the field again in the second half and turned the stalemate into a one-sided suppression.

Seeing his happy expression when he came off the field, a tabloid reporter who was accustomed to using exaggerated words to write reports recorded this passage in his notebook:

It seems that he has already reached the limit of this rank with just one move!

But he does not feel that he is exaggerating. He believes that there will definitely be reporters who will describe the game in a more exaggerated way than him tomorrow.

"Congratulations on discovering such a newcomer, he is very talented!" Lu congratulated generously, his eyes full of envy.

Jason Kidd only played half of the quarter. He scored 3 points, 2 assists and 1 steal during that period, which was star-studded.


There's no after that!

He will still be the best high school prospect this summer, and at best there will be some doubts after this game. But it won't have any critical impact.

Lu will still regard him as the absolute core of the Jinxiong team in the new season. At most, after this game, he will have one more task to pray every day:

Pray that Kidd can hit the damn shot every game!
  at least one.

In this way, the opponent will not dare to let go easily.

He insisted that Meng Lang was letting go.

For those masters of singles with the ball, this is tantamount to a free throw! But Old K murmured dissatisfiedly: "Is it just "very"?"

He felt that the evaluation of the head coach of the Golden Lions was not objective at all.

Lu didn't give him the middle finger. He is a well-educated person.

Another person who couldn't help but want to give him the middle finger was his dear disciple:

Jason Kidd.

At the end of the game, he did not go to the "player tunnel" immediately, but took the initiative to congratulate Meng Lang.

"I'm also looking forward to us meeting at the national competition, but I believe you don't really want to meet me!"

These words made Kidd choke. He really didn't like Meng Lang's defensive method. It made him feel like he was standing in front of Meng Lang without any clothes, covering his big crotch in shame.

He wanted to say that his shooting feeling was poor today, but he was not sure whether he could really beat Meng Lang when he felt good about shooting.

A 10-point lead was reversed, which will affect people's mentality. At least at this time, Kidd looked up at Meng Lang.

After waiting for a long time, there was no trash talk from Kidd, and Meng Lang felt very disappointed.

It seems that what he said in the interview is true.

Originally, Kidd was a master of "trash talk" and kept chattering on the court. However, he met "Glove" Gary Payton. After being punished, he no longer dared to talk trash casually.

Meng Lang also thought of this story, so he spoke a little bit harshly.

But Kidd had no intention of fighting back.

As for why Meng Lang is curious about this matter...

Maybe it’s just boring!

He played a good game today, and many scouts from the NBA were paying attention to him.

These are the people who will bring his performance to the ears of general managers around the league.

He will increasingly become a desirable target for some general managers.

It's normal to have some boring thoughts when everything is going smoothly.

Old K brought two reporters to Meng Lang.

Meng Lang was famous in the circle for being "indifferent to fame and fortune".

When the rumors were at their peak a month ago, Meng Lang rarely gave interviews, and later even turned a blind eye to reporters. The two reporters doubted whether Meng Lang would give them this face today. So I begged Old K.

Old K was very pleased with Meng Lang's awareness.

It was just the beginning of the new season. For the sake of his future, he felt that Meng Lang still had to change his mind.

"These two are reporters from ESPN..." Then he reminded Meng Lang in a low voice, "Being interviewed by them will be very helpful to your draft prospects."

In fact, this is because Lao K is worrying too much.

It's not that Meng Lang doesn't accept interviews, it's just that he looks down on those small and small media.

The exposure is poor and there are too many problems. It’s such a waste of time.

There was absolutely no reason for him to refuse the offer from a big portal like ESPN.

Although their influence in sports events is not as strong as NBC's at the moment, they can still be considered "under one person". And ESPN has always been good at hype, which is very suitable for Meng Lang's requirements.

"Meng, you should have heard what Leitner said about you. He thinks you will become Duke's sinner. Do you have anything to say about this?"

No, the first question got to Meng Lang's heart.

"Lettner...wait a minute, are you talking about my senior who doesn't dare to fart in front of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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