So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 31 Impression points are really important

Chapter 31 Impression points are really important
  After the four warm-up matches, Meng Lang's sense of mystery diminished a bit more.

ESPN’s evaluation report on him has come out:

"He does not have terrifying physical explosiveness, nor is he powerful enough to make people feel scary, so those rumors that he can steal Michael Jordan continuously or give Jordan a big block can rest. If this topic is still there, "Go on, that's disrespectful to Jordan and there's no reason for us to do that!"

"From the abilities he has shown in these four games, he should become a player like Chris Mullin. With his God-given touch, he can one day score countless goals in a game."

"In the fourth game of the warm-up match, he showed his qualities in this area. He scored 32 points and contributed an excellent shooting performance."

"There is reason to believe that he also contributed similar performances in the training games with the 'Dream Team'. This is incredible. Everyone knows how difficult it is, especially when facing Michael Jordan... "

"So we must give him enough attention. If he signs up for the 93 draft, and a team with the top 25 picks in the first round chooses to ignore him, then it will definitely be a stupid thing. I mean, even this There has never been a Chinese player in the league, and he will definitely be selected in the first round."

"In fact, if it weren't for this reason, his draft pick should be in the top 20 picks in the first round."

"The good news is that we still have a long period of time to observe him and make a more accurate evaluation!"


Several other media outlets also made brief assessments of Meng Lang.

But because ESPN was the first to make this scouting report, and because it was uniquely controversial, it was this scouting report that was most discussed by the outside world. In this report, ESPN mentioned Meng Lang's template. They believe that Meng Lang may become the next "God's left hand" Chris Mullin.

After the Warriors opened the locker room that day, a reporter asked Chris Mullin face-to-face: "Would you be offended?"

Mullin was the NBA's "All-Pro" small forward last season.


There are many pitchers in the league, but now they are all ranked behind him.

Now a kid pops up, and ESPN says he will be the next Mullin...

The reporter who asked the question found it unbearable even for a moment, and he was looking forward to Mullin shaking his head.

But who knew that Mullin just smiled faintly: "I have seen that kid, he is a talented guy!"

Is this stamped?
  The reporter who asked the question did not expect that Mullin would claim it so urgently. An impulse suddenly arose in his throat to ask a more important question:

What happened in the training camp that day?
  Why is this kid so special?
  But he knew Mullin wouldn't say it.

In fact, so far, the members of the "Dream Team" have mostly said "this kid is really special" about this matter, except for Leitner who slightly missed a sentence.

Even Buckley, the "big mouth", did not reveal the truth easily.

Not only are they worried about Michael Jordan's face, they are also waiting for Meng Lang to become a talent.

Otherwise, if this story is told, their abilities will be questioned!

"You should ask Jordan what he thinks about this matter. I believe this is a very interesting thing!" So when Barkley faced this problem, he pushed the problem itself to Chicago.

Jordan was about to explode.




I don't know when his life became tied to such a rookie who had never played in an official NCAA game.

Come on, he is number one in the league!
  Or do these media think this is funny?
  This name always comes up in almost every interview.

He knew that these reporters just wanted to drive him crazy and then learn from him what happened in the training camp.

Dream it!
  Jordan would never tell this story himself.

  He looked at the reporters in silence.

This is his usual tactic of late. The reporter is always the first to surrender, and it never works. Because interviews are time limited.

"Many experts now predict that Meng Lang will be selected around the 25th pick in the first round. The Bulls are likely to get a pick near this in the new season. If this comes true, will the Bulls select him?"

good question!
  Jordan laughed in anger. He fiddled with the microphone in front of him and finally decided to leave the field directly.

Because after he really thought about it, he discovered that the "medicine jar" (Jordan's name for Klaus) might actually do this!
  This immediately put him out of the mood to answer questions.


Fortunately, soon, Jordan, whose brain was no longer churning, discovered a bright point:
  There is a high probability that that Chinese kid will not fall into such a low draft pick.    He has watched Meng Lang's game.

Not specifically, I just accidentally watched it two or three times.

His strength is enough to perform well in the NCAA, and he is labeled with "unlimited potential" and good immediate combat ability. Coupled with his age, it is enough for some teams with high draft picks to put aside their prejudices against his skin.

  Do I think so highly of this bitch?
  Jordan cursed, but his mood improved a lot. ——He felt relieved after making sure that Klaus had no way to select this newcomer.

"Good morning, Duke, we are lucky to have another student who has entered the first round of the draft. Meng Lang is being watched by more and more people!"

The Duke Chronicle brought the news to the Duke campus.

At the same time, Meng Lang is conducting a new special shooting training program with the Blue Devils assistant coach.

The assistant coach holding the batting stick in his hand raised the batting stick to the highest point to interfere every time Meng Lang made a shot. ——This is Meng Lang's new training program.

Top shooting training!

Meng Lang has been doing this training.

Originally it was to improve anti-interference.

After four warm-up matches, Meng Lang increased his emphasis on this training.

Because he found that even in the second and third positions of the NCAA first-level league, there are very few players with a height of more than 2 meters. The basic height is around 1 meters.

With his height and wingspan, he naturally has about 13cm more shooting space.

He can continue to use "top shooting" as his regular weapon in the NCAA. ——He always did this in high school!
  Old K is very pleased with his self-requirement.

The praises from the outside world didn't seem to affect him at all.

Meng Lang is so mature!
  He knew exactly what he needed.

and so……

I should pretend nothing happened and let him go his own way.

Yes, that's it!
  Wise head coaches do this.

Old K was very satisfied with Meng Lang and saw everything he did in the past few months.

In his heart, Meng Lang understood the meaning of the team and knew what to do to best help the team...

Despite this, he failed to persuade himself in the end and found Meng Lang immediately.

He wanted to talk to Meng Lang.

He felt guilty for not trusting Meng Lang, but "team" was the concept he always adhered to!

No one can change this!

Meng Lang had long known that his idea would arouse Lao K's vigilance, so he said very "well-behaved": "Mike, I know very well that there is no i in the team!"

At this time, the conversation between Jordan and Winter had not yet been revealed by Jordan himself, and Shaq didn't even know there was a kid named Kobe.

Meng Lang came up with this famous "word game" and easily dispelled Old K's concerns.

So much so that when Meng Lang really took the "top shot" to the team training match, Old K also acquiesced to his behavior.

Old K believes that a player with such a high level of team awareness must have a reason for making such a shooting choice! ——Impression points are still very important. You can't believe that JR Smith helped the old lady cross the street, but when Grant Hill did this kind of thing, you thought it was normal.

And soon, after a few days of training matches, Old K discovered that Meng Lang's efficiency had not declined because of his top shots, and his shot selection remained calm. On the contrary, those guarding Meng Lang need to stick closer now, because as long as this guy has some space to take action, he dares to take action directly (in the eyes of the defender).

The outside ball handlers who are in the same group as Meng Lang can now get a more comfortable singles space.

Old K swore that if Meng Lang could bring this efficiency to the court, he would not have any objection to this guy's "top shot".

It's just his "indulgence" that refreshed the perceptions of other Duke players.


Is this too partial to Meng Lang?
  Antonio had no doubt that if he took action like this, Old K would directly stop the game and then use various insulting words for half an hour.

Meng Lang: Do you prefer it? No way, who asked me to speak well?
  (End of this chapter)

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