So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 33 The “big exam” begins

Chapter 33 The “big exam” begins

Hill discovered that Meng Lang had extended his shooting training time today.

In the past, after completing three sets of shooting, he would start other training.

His shooting training time was obviously longer today.

Not just now, during the warm-up time before the afternoon game, Meng Lang was also very focused on his shooting.

Hill looked at the basketballs falling straight into the basket and felt that if he put a piece of iron in Meng Lang's hand, it would melt immediately.

The auditorium was filled with fans early on, and various cameras were set up on the sidelines and in the stands. A rough count, at least a dozen.

This is Duke’s exposure in the new season!

Hill was originally a top player in the NCAA, and now coupled with Meng Lang, a "top rookie", this kind of standard couldn't be more normal. ——The faces of Duke fans are full of pride. They enjoy the attention of the United States and pretend to be accustomed to it.

Even after getting up this morning, Meng Lang's mood did not change much.

But at this moment, looking at the students, reporters, and scouts hidden in the audience, as well as the fans who came specifically for this team or him, listening to the fans wearing his Duke No. 9 jersey going crazy Screaming, at this moment, he finally felt a little more excited and a little nervous in his heart.

It's finally time to start!

This time it’s not a “mock test”, but a real “big test”!

A very interesting question:

If Bronny is not LeBron's son, and he appears in a remote town, and the high school basketball league in the town is not competitive enough, then he can be like Tracy McGrady or Kobe, okay, this level is a bit high, he can Can't you stand out from tens of millions of American basketball teenagers like Cook and Adebayo?

Meng Lang was not entangled in the answer to this question, but this question made him clearly realize that he was now standing in front of the door of success. If he pushed the door open, he would succeed.

But, he hasn't pushed away yet!

That means he can't slack off.

Because he's not a Brownie.

Among the reasons why the NBA chose him, there was not one option that his father bought him a school district house in Los Angeles.

In four warm-up games, he handed in a satisfactory answer sheet. The reward for this answer sheet was the media prediction of the top 25 picks in the first round of next year's draft.

This is due to his huge exposure. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to go from unknown to the top 4 in the first round in the current environment with just 25 warm-up games.

Especially since he has yellow skin.

Everyone will always be cautious when dealing with the first case of this alliance.

The same is true. If he cannot continue his previous performance in the official "big test" of the new season, - yes, he just needs to continue. No matter how picky the expert is, he cannot tell Meng Lang's performance in the four warm-up games. If he cannot reach the top level of the NCAA - then the media's predictions for him will soon fall again.

All this is due to his huge exposure.

Every bit of his presence on the field is under countless magnifying glasses.

Exposure made Meng Lang successful, and now, Meng Lang didn't want to be ruined by exposure.

This reason alone is enough for Meng Lang to be motivated to play every game in the new season.

Not to mention, he has other similar reasons, such as cherishing the dream of two lifetimes, and being in the NBA is just around the corner; another example is the sneakers under his feet; and there is a monkey-butt-like expression of anger on Laettner's handsome face...

These are the motivation for Meng Lang to continue moving forward.

Oh, yes, and the most important thing...

In the 90s, with such talent and such a system, what else could we do?
  Of course it’s against Jordan!
  The premise of all this is to play well in the current NCAA regular season.

Meng Lang's eyes gradually became determined, and Hill could feel that the man standing next to him had switched to "combat mode."

At the end of the warm-up time, the starting players of both teams walked onto the court, and the half-circle of the Tigers' auditorium booed loudly, deafeningly, and "Cameron Madness" began to go crazy.

At this time, the "cutest height difference" appeared in the center circle of the stadium.

Feng is 2 meters tall and is the tallest player at Duke, but compared with the Tigers' jump ball players, he looks very short. Sharon Wright, 03 meters tall, joined Clemson University last year. After a year of growth, he has fully gained the trust of the head coach.

The Tigers rely on him inside.

In Clemson University's previous four warm-up games, he averaged a "double-double" of 15.5 points and 10.5 rebounds per game.

Currently, he is a popular "lottery" in the 93 and 94 draft prediction lists.

Meng Lang had a vague impression of him. He only knew that a serious car accident ruined his career. In 02, he joined the XJ Flying Dragons to compete in the domestic CBA. Otherwise, I have no impression. ——Actually, the player who impressed Meng Lang more deeply about the Feilong team was Xue Yuyang. Yes, it was Xue Yuyang who was selected by the Mavericks in the second round of the 03 draft. However, the Blue Shoes thought he would not be successful in the NBA and refused to let him go.

Excellent height and wingspan gave the Tigers a chance to attack first.

The ball-handler is their outside core and future "Wizards" Chris Whitney.

He is one of the popular small point guards in the 90s. He is only 1 meters tall and his main skill is steady hands...

Not a little.

He had just passed half the court with the ball and was observing the position of his teammates. His non-ball-holding hand reached out and gave a hidden tactical instruction. His teammates looked as frightened as if they had seen a bomb about to explode.


But before he finished speaking, Whitney only felt a strong wind coming from behind. He instinctively moved to protect the ball, but his hand was empty.

The ball was stolen!
  A tall figure came into his eyes:

Duke No. 9.

Here it comes, Meng Lang's "dirty break"!
  "Duke's Frog" had never seen this before. He was stunned for a moment, and then started shouting.

Hill reacted almost instantaneously. He suddenly exerted force on his feet and rushed out like a cheetah. When he passed the center line, the ball appeared in front of him.


No one could stop him. After the "walk in the air" and an elegant dunk, Duke took the lead in launching the attack and completed the scoring despite missing the jump ball.

"God really loves you, Grant!" Meng Lang was extremely jealous. Perhaps he could challenge gravity like this only in his dreams.

Hill smiled.

In his opinion, God may not favor Meng Lang any less than he does.

The cheers at the scene suddenly became louder, and the fans wearing Duke No. 9 vigorously pulled their jerseys with both hands. At this moment, they showed their sharpness!

The scouts on the sidelines were a little dumbfounded. Most people attributed this to the "uncommon stealing method", although all Meng Lang's actions seemed premeditated.

They had just noticed that Meng Lang's position was very deep, and that after Wright successfully jumped the ball, he did not return to defense in time.

They saw Meng Lang's movements, but they couldn't guess what he wanted to do, let alone that he would get a steal so easily.

Whitney was much more cautious this time. After halftime, he subconsciously looked for Meng Lang's position, and then slowly directed his teammates' placement.

This round, they entered the rhythm they were accustomed to.

Wright sat inside. He was 2 meters tall and weighed 11kg. Feng couldn't hold him up at all.

It was easy to reach the position. Whitney handed over the ball in time. When he took the ball, he turned around relying on Feng, and then put the basket into the basket, thus responding to the 2 points.

Feng raised his hands high and did not dare to move. If he did, it would be a foul.

Sure enough, this is the biggest problem!

Old K highlighted Wright yesterday. It can be seen from this round that his worries are not unreasonable.

Meng Lang's sudden steal disrupted the Tigers' start, but Wright still took advantage of his matchup.

(End of this chapter)

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