So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 36 The depressed Leitner and Jordan’s “poisonous milk”

Chapter 36 The depressed Leitner and Jordan’s “poisonous milk”

"Hey, Meng, you've made the headlines again, and this time it's the front page headlines. Oh my God, I really regret not going to watch your game yesterday just to make a few bucks!"

The next morning, when passing by the newsstand, Paul took the initiative to stop Meng Lang and handed him the latest issue of the North Carolina Post.

On the front page, there was a photo of Meng Lang sitting on the bench with an expressionless face.

Next to the photo is the data of his game, and the bold font is extremely eye-catching:
  37 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists and 5 steals!

"This is the first game in Duke team history. This rookie's first NCAA game is so crazy!"


Damn it, the NBA is indeed not as good as the NCAA!
  Of course, Meng Lang also knew that his debut was indeed exaggerated, and he had just caused such a sensation.

It can be clearly felt that Duke's bitches have become more enthusiastic.

Many of the female classmates couldn't move their feet after seeing Meng Lang, and followed Meng Lang step by step outside the Cameron Arena.

Good guy!
  A bunch of old ladies are playing "tailing" early in the morning, right?
  Boys really have to protect themselves outside.

The arena security stopped them, but they did not leave as Meng Lang disappeared at the gate, and they still watched dreamily. I don't know who took the lead in shouting Meng Lang's name first, like sparks touching gasoline, they instantly connected.

The entire Cameron Arena was enveloped in shouts of "Meng Lang" that lingered for a long time.

"Man, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that you could be so calm!"

When Hill came, he was a little frightened. He was not unaware of the craziness of Duke fans, but such crazy scenes were really rare.

The most important thing is that not long ago, he just witnessed a group of Duke girls, old and young, blocking the entrance of the arena and demanding that the team fire Meng Lang.

But now...

Sending such enthusiastic cheers!
  Meng Lang's performance was worthy of such madness, but he did have an unreal feeling.

Is there really anyone who can defeat these Duke guys in one game?
  When Antonio Long came in, he looked like he had never seen the world. He even brought Meng Lang today's "North Carolina Post". Seeing that Meng Lang just glanced at it and continued his shooting training, he couldn't help but say : "Meng, this is the headline! Aren't you excited at all?" - His attitude today is a bit too enthusiastic, but there is a reason for it. He has already watched Meng Lang's interview with ESPN yesterday. , he felt that Meng Lang was a very gentle person because he took the initiative to mention what his teammates did for him on the court.

This may be worthless to Meng Lang, but ordinary main players like them need this exposure to increase their reputation.

He had never heard Meng Lang say these things on his own initiative, but he did it on his own initiative.

This is something Laettner would never do. The "King of Duke" will always only talk about himself and the glory of Duke.

"I've already seen it!" Meng Lang's tone was still calm.

"So...where are these cheers?" Antonio Long pointed to the cheers outside.

To be honest, this incident surprised him more than Meng Lang being on the front page.

Like Hill, he has also seen Duke people's dislike of Meng Lang. Meng Lang is the first player to make such a big change in Duke people's attitude in such a short period of time!
  Meng Lang shook his head: "Their cheers are nothing compared to the reports written by these reporters!"

NBA general managers may favor him because of a report. But he will never be selected in the draft just because Duke fans are clamoring for him.

The cheers of the Dukes are cheap!

  Laettner knew that Duke fans were furious when they ran outside the arena early in the morning and collectively shouted Meng Lang's name.

He didn't expect that the arrogant Duke fans would become so devalued now!

Do they still remember their noble status?
  Is it necessary to lick a Chinese like this?
  damn it!
  There is actually another reason why he is so angry. Yesterday, the Timberwolves also ushered in their third game of the new season. Laettner, who had no outstanding performance in the first two games, made 17 of 11 shots in this game and scored 64.7 points, 26 rebounds, 14 assists, 4 steal and 1 block with a 1% field goal percentage. Although there were 5 fouls, the team also They lost to the rival Warriors by 3 points, but his performance was so brilliant. I thought there would be a lot of praise and praise after the game.

He hadn't heard these sounds in a long time.

Since he came to the NBA and Minnesota, his spotlight has dimmed a lot. He cannot accept this situation. His self-esteem needs to be mentioned at all times.

But at the press conference after the game, the reporter’s first question was:
  "Meng Lang became Duke's best player in his debut. He scored 37 points. Are you worried that his performance will endanger his status? Do you think you said he was Duke's sinner before and something like this will happen again? ?"

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, but in the end no obscene words came out.

His agent has warned him to always pay attention to his own strength and stop competing with that Chinese brat.

But this made him even more depressed. Now that he saw the Duke fans' crazy behavior towards him, he became even more angry and turned on the TV. As a result, yesterday's top ten NCAA games were being played on the TV.

In the picture, Meng Lang succeeded in stealing and assisted Grant Hill to complete a "sliding dunk". When returning to defense, Hill's smiling face towards Meng Lang finally allowed him to break the defense.


The remote control hit the TV hard, the picture disappeared, and cracks appeared on the dark TV screen.

Jordan also has this problem.

Before the start of the new season, there would be no competition for reporters to ask Meng Lang. Now I am 40 plus every game, and these reporters are still talking to him about Meng Lang...

Doesn’t our NBA have its own games?
  This is really nonsense!
  But he also knew that it was nothing if the tiger was bitten by a lion. Now that it was bitten by a flea, and these reporters who were full of bad taste knew about it, how could they not pursue this issue and pursue it?

He could only passively hear Meng Lang's latest news from reporters every day, and then said nothing.

But this morning, when he was having breakfast, he "accidentally" saw the news that he had won the "Best of the Week" and was actually suppressed by Meng Lang by the "North Carolina Post", and he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart. Uncomfortably, I threw away the unfinished breakfast in my hand.

Can these journalists in North Carolina still work?
  Don't they know who North Carolina's most coverage-worthy player is?

damn it!
  That night, when reporters mentioned Meng Lang again, he also made a rare statement: "He did play well in the first game, but it was only the first game. The NCAA season has just begun. Can he continue to perform well?" I don’t know, you guys are a little too anxious to praise me!”

This is also the attitude of more people nowadays.

Although Meng Lang's debut was outstanding, the outside world praised him so much that many people started to find faults:
  "With this kind of defense, if you let Houston be on the court, you can probably score 50 points!"

"The Tigers are obviously not targeting the Chinese newcomer. Just wait and see, he will definitely not be so easy in the future!"

"I only know that the Tigers' wings have always been their weak link, and with Grant Hill and Bob Hurley, any pitcher can make a difference!"


They are looking forward to when Meng Lang does not perform well, and they will definitely make crazy taunts.

Meng Lang also saw these remarks.

Especially Jordan's remarks gave him confidence.

Jordan brand "poisonous milk", who knows who uses it!
  In the next seven games, Meng Lang continued to perform steadily, and Duke also won an eight-game winning streak with his performance. Until mid-December, the team had not lost a single game.

Now, Duke has only one team left in the ACC that it has yet to play against.

It’s none other than Jordan’s alma mater:

UNC Tar Heels!
   Come count the votes, guys! ! !
  (End of this chapter)

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