So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 48 The “March Madness” is just around the corner

Chapter 48 The “March Madness” is just around the corner


"Kill North Carolina three times, this man is too strong!"

"Duke's 'Twin Stars' shine in the ACC Finals, is Duke's 'three consecutive championships' a reality?"

"Another conflict, Meng Lang: To me, that is just an ordinary goal, but it is different for Laettner. He finally had such a memorable goal in four years of college."


Early the next morning, news of Duke's championship was also on the screens of major radio stations, newspapers and television stations.

Meng Lang became the protagonist again.

Not just because of his buzzer beater, but also because of his mockery of Laettner in the postgame interview.

To this day, just as everyone still doesn't know how Meng Lang kicked Jordan's ass, the outside world also doesn't know what kind of hatred there is between Leitner and Meng Lang.

But that doesn't stop them from continuing to stimulate the conflict between the two men.

After all, Laettner is already in the NBA, and it is only a matter of time before Meng Lang enters the NBA. There are still many sequels waiting to be played out in the conflict between the two of them. They wished that the conflict between the two people would never be resolved and they would become mortal enemies, and then they would make an appointment in the Octagon as soon as they met.

If they were really instigated to such a result, these reporters would feel like legends.

Leitner was very angry, so forget Meng Lang's sarcasm. What happened to his "dad"?

He actually wanted to marry his daughter to Meng Lang!

It's not that he couldn't hear the subtext, it was clear that Meng Lang was more reassuring than him.

This guy just hit a buzzer beater in the ACC finals, but I hit a buzzer beater on the national stage!
  But what made him break his defense the most was the news that came from the Duke campus that afternoon...

The day after winning the ACC championship, the Duke campus newspaper specially launched a voting session:
  "Who do you think is the most attractive player at Duke!"

This range covers all Duke sports teams, but at Duke, the basketball team is definitely the most vocal now.

The selection range is basically these players from the basketball team.

final result:

Christian received 5345 votes; Hill received 3456 votes; Meng Lang received 7125 votes!
  This result was unacceptable to Leitner, the "King of Duke." He knew that his influence at Duke was declining, but he never expected that Meng Lang, a Chinese guy who had never won a championship, was already riding on On his head.

"King Duke"'s self-esteem was hit hard again.

He immediately shouted to Duke fans through the media: "You must respect me!"

All we can say is that the man nicknamed "King" is indeed like this.

All he saw was Meng Lang's decisive kill.

But what Duke students saw was Meng Lang’s 37 points in his debut; it was Meng Lang’s sudden change of formation when facing North Carolina. They already knew that this decision was requested by Meng Lang himself; it was Meng Lang’s last-minute decision when facing North Carolina for the second time. Scored 8 points in a row; it was Meng Lang's 0.01 second win against North Carolina last night...

Every game in this game is a legendary moment!

Meng Lang completed it all in just one season.

If the Duke campus newspaper's question was "Who is the greatest contributor in Duke history?"

Then there is no doubt that they will choose Christian Laettner.

They are not people who forget quickly.

At least they think so themselves.

But the problem with the Duke campus newspaper is:

"Who is the most attractive player at Duke."

Then there is no doubt that it must be Meng Lang!

This is the "wave" Meng Lang set off on the Duke campus.

After the victory, his popularity surged again.

To some extent, this reflects his influence across the country.

The night after the ACC finals, TNT TV station conducted a program about predictions for the 93 draft as usual. When talking about rookies with lottery prospects, George Lynch's name appeared on one expert's list, but Meng Lang was not. Another expert couldn't help it at that time and took out the photo he had prepared long ago, which was the photo that Mike Brin called "the classic photo";
  George Lynch sat on the floor and cried bitterly. Next to him, Meng Lang was celebrating his victory in a flamboyant way.

Just as Mike Breen expected, the expert sincerely asked: "Why, George Lynch can still be ranked in front of Meng Lang, when there is no Meng Lang's name on this list, and George Lynch's When the name was mentioned, I felt it was disrespectful to the ACC Finals. We all watched that game, it was a decisive game, Meng Lang showed his dominance, and you forgot so quickly!"

He was spitting like he would later become Stephen Smith.

Meng Lang didn't expect that he would have a "die-hard fan" so quickly.

After his impassioned defense, all experts came to a more consistent conclusion regarding Meng Lang’s draft prospects:
  Lotto area!

With this killer shot, Meng Lang finally got rid of the constraints of dynamic talent and became one of the top fourteen players in the annual draft.

Although it is only the fifteenth to the top fourteenth in the first round, this is probably the watershed between ordinary players and stars.

The probability of producing stars among the first fourteen players in the first round is higher, and the general dynamic and static talents are also higher.

Because the teams with the top fourteen draft picks are all non-playoff teams, they place more emphasis on dynamic and static talent and room for improvement.

Meng Lang's shooting ability is so outstanding that his lack of dynamic talent can be ignored.

Of course, none of these experts have a definite conclusion as to which position among the top fourteen picks will be selected. Even Meng Lang's "fanatic fans" did not give a clear answer.

After all, there are still March Madness games to play!

Number one is still Chris Webber.

As a sophomore, his regular season performance improved compared to his first year, averaging a "double-double" of 19.6 points and 10 rebounds per game, coupled with outstanding dynamic and static talents. As long as he participates in the election, it will be almost impossible for him to be the "number one pick" this year.

This is a true "gifted child"!
  God engraved the word "basketball" in his blood when he was born.

Unless Meng Lang averages 30 points per game in his college career, he can compete with him and have the possibility of competing for the top pick.

Note, this is just a possibility!
  There is no way, who makes the draft always pay more attention to the inside and physical talent?
  Even Michael Jordan lost to Sam Bowie.

On Sunday, ESPN aired its annual "Selection Sunday."

There are a total of 64 teams in the NCAA "March Madness". In addition to Duke, a pass-through team that wins the championship of its league, the NCAA committee also has to select other teams to participate. And due to the imbalance of strength among the leagues, there is also a difference between the champion and the champion. The Ivy League champion is not as good as a leg hair of the ACC champion, so they also need to be ranked.

This process of announcing participating teams is called "Sunday Selection."

Mainly based on comprehensive consideration of factors such as league strength, ranking, regular season performance, and star popularity, it is finally divided into 4 divisions:
  East, West, South and Middle East.

The teams in each division are sorted from 1 to 16 and then compete against each other.

Yes, there is not just one No. [-] seed in the NCAA every year, but four.

Each conference has a No. [-] seed.

There is no suspense about Duke. The ACC league is strong and they are ranked first in the Southern Division.

North Carolina has been assigned to the East Division, which means that if the two teams want to compete in the "ACC Civil War," they will be in the finals.

After watching "Sunday Selection", Meng Lang received a lot of phone calls. ——These are provocative calls.

You can also tell the division they are in from their words.

What Hardaway said was: "See you in the top 16!"

The University of Memphis is in the same conference as Duke, and will meet Duke in the top 16 as soon as possible.

Chris Webber said: "See you in the finals!"

Michigan is also in the East Region, and they are the No. [-] seed in the East Region.

What Houston said was: "See you in the top 4"

They are in the Eastern Conference. As long as they break out of the conference, their opponent in the semifinals will be Duke!
  After this phone call, Meng Lang became much more excited.

He can clearly feel that the outcome is determined by a game, and there is no regret. From the first round to dominating the country, "March Madness" in just 6 games is just around the corner!

Let's do this!

(End of this chapter)

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