So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 56 It's Time

Chapter 56 It's Time
  What's more terrifying than losing the game is giving up.

This is what Smith emphasized to all North Carolina players after the ACC Finals.

And now, this terrible thing seems to have happened.

Right before his eyes:

There were almost 34 seconds left in the game, but North Carolina gave up resistance. They watched Bob Hurley dribbling on the spot, just watching blankly.

No one stepped forward to do any oppression.

They wait for time to pass.

Meng Lang's three three-pointers and his early foul that completely ignored the feelings of others completely shattered their fighting spirit.

But Smith didn't feel any anger.

He was relieved in advance before the group's fighting spirit was crushed.

The reporters on the sidelines were ready to move, and the cameras kept focusing on Meng Lang.

It was this man who destroyed this team!

Not once, not twice, not three times, four times...





The most shocking scene occurred in the last 10 seconds of the game. The victory was determined. The restless Duke "blue men" could no longer suppress their inner excitement and all cheered for Meng Lang.

This scene made Oakley dumbfounded, made Pat Williams laugh, and made all the fans in the United States who were paying attention to this game dumbfounded.

The arrogance of Duke white people is known to all the United States!
  If there is one place in the United States where racial discrimination and all kinds of white bullying exist, it must be Duke.

It was a group of people who came from such a place, and now they were reverently kneeling on a yellow man.

This is how former "Duke King" Laettner was treated.

It's just that the scene at that time was far less shocking than the one at this moment.

Laettner's buzzer beater was certainly exciting.

But Meng Lang's domineering sideshow at the last moment is what the Duke white people are more obsessed with.

They like this powerful aura like a monarch!

Compared with the opponent's helplessness and unwillingness after the winning moment, the confusion in the eyes of the North Carolina players at this moment made them even more excited and their bodies were shaking.

The belief in killing your opponent is more enjoyable than killing your opponent!

Meng Lang listened quietly to the cheers of the audience, his expression as calm and content as usual, as if the three "fatal three-pointers" and the crucial shot just now were nothing worth mentioning.

A harsh buzzer sounded, and the cheers from the scene completely overwhelmed the entire stadium.

"It's over, 68 to 60. The Duke Blue Devils defeated the University of North Carolina Tar Heels by 8 points in the finals and won this year's championship. This is what they have won in the past three years. The third championship!”

"A historic moment was born!"

"Let us congratulate Duke for becoming another team since UCLA to complete the 'three consecutive championships' in the NCAA!"

"This is a wonderful game, full of surprises and shocks. It is a crazy performance. This is the final chapter of March Madness. You never know what kind of shocking performance will happen on this stage!"

"Meng Lang, let us remember this name!"

"Today belongs to him!"

"And I believe that we will see him on the professional stage soon!"

"His performance is shocking!"

"Golden rain" fell from the top of the arena, coupled with the commentator's shouts and even more crazy shouts from the fans on site, everything seemed so restless.

All the Duke and Blue Devils rushed towards Meng Lang immediately, including Grant Hill. He ignored the dissuasion and limped towards Meng Lang. ——He wanted to rush over like everyone else, but his ankle really didn't allow him to do so, so he could only speed up his manual movements.

Shocked, Grant Hill actually "hand rushed" in full view of the public.

Everyone knows that without Meng Lang, there would be no championship. He didn't just hit three three-pointers. Don't forget, before he broke out at the critical moment, he also scored 7 points with free throws. After Grant Hill was injured, he scored 16 points by himself!
  The ferocious offensive and unreasonable "drag" directly defeated North Carolina!

When he finally arrived in front of Meng Lang, before he could say anything, he was greeted by Meng Lang's punch, which hit him directly in the heart:

"Grant, this is for you!"

The motivation that supports Meng Lang's continuous scoring is the badge of "Buddha's Light Shining", the reason for working so hard...

In addition to wanting to play an outstanding finals.

Seeing Grant Hill running toward him despite the pain in his ankle, Meng Lang knew that it was because of Grant Hill's friendship with him.

Hill said they were best friends.

Meng Lang doesn't have many friends at Duke, so Hill is also his best friend!

this is for you!

This is what LeBron said to Cleveland later. Before saying this, he ran away once. Less than two years after saying this, he ran away again, leaving the Cavaliers with a bloated roster salary that would last for four or five years. Didn't recover.

Meng Lang has no feelings or sympathy for Duke, and he doesn't have LeBron's feelings, which can't be said to be for its own good, or to think that it will always be his vassal.

Therefore, he could not say such words to Duke, but to Hill, he could say these words calmly.

Clear conscience!

The camera captured this purest friendship.

Montrose did not have a fast player channel. He looked at everything happening on the court with envy. This was what he longed for, but he knew that this was what Meng Lang deserved.

He was defeated!
  If he has not been defeated even after 4 times, there is only one possibility: his teammates are better than mine and his performance is better than mine, so I just refuse to accept it.

Montrose does not occupy any of these two.

In fact, he should have been convinced a long time ago. There was no one in the college student sparring group who didn't admire Meng Lang.

Congratulations, Meng Lang!

Hardaway in front of the TV also watched with envy as the Duke Blue Devils players put on championship commemorative T-shirts and championship commemorative ball caps, watched the staff move away the ladder, and watched Meng Lang surrounded by all the Duke players. Cut off the opponent's net.

But this is Meng, you know, critical moments always make people ahhhhhhhhhh!
  The moment he lifted the championship trophy, Old K was in a state of excitement. At such a young age (45 years old), Duke became the only "three consecutive championship team" in the NCAA. From now on, he can't tell the difference even if he goes out. Qing Dynasty, southeast and northwest.


He's a little drifting!
  However, this achievement was achieved by starting from scratch.

In the words of Lao Li:

When I first accepted Duke, the team had not yet formed a fighting force, lacked training, and lacked capable players. The top 20 high school students in the United States did not pay attention to Duke. At that time, they were only accompanied by the ACC. Everything now , that was all done step by step by his old K.

It's floating a bit now, which is normal!
  All the Duke players who received the championship trophy also looked happy.

There is no doubt that this is their most glorious moment, especially for most of the players on this team, this will be the pinnacle of their basketball careers.

At the end of the "March Madness" train, for them, there are only two words:


And this happy ending is thanks to one person:

That's Meng Lang!
  So when the host announced that the MOP winner was Meng Lang, they consciously stepped away, leaving the biggest stage and all the spotlight to him alone.

Meng Lang stood on the highest stage of the NCAA, and even he was a little dizzy under the shining lights.

No wonder some people are so popular when they are famous. The colorful world is really charming!
  Falling is normal!

Not falling depends mainly on self-control, and...

Played it!
  "Congratulations, Meng Lang, you have set another record. You are the first Asian to win the MOP in NCAA history. This trophy belongs to you!"

The cheers of "Cameron Madman" once again filled the entire arena as the host announced the results. Meng Lang waited for the cheers of these bitches to die down, and then said unhurriedly: "Happy ending, no For me alone, for my teammates, and for everyone who supports us, this is the result they expected. We have achieved the predetermined goal. I would like to thank Old K for giving me the opportunity to join Duke. This opportunity is luckier than anyone thought, so I should be a lucky person. This championship, probably the lucky person like me, can give Old K the best reward..."

"This is a good ending, then..."

Meng Lang paused and said what he had already decided: "It's time. I have made a decision. I want to bring my talents to the NBA!"

(End of this chapter)

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