So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 63 This young man

Chapter 63 This young man
  Time came to June, Meng Lang's next stop for trial training: the Orlando Magic, which holds the No. 6 pick.

Tyron is excited about this.

Shaquille O'Neal recently publicly expressed his desire to join forces with Hardaway in front of the media.

The attitude again and again seems very tough.

The attitude of the Magic's management has also become ambiguous recently.

Pat Williams has never made a similar statement since he expressed his strong intention to select Chris Webber when he received the No. [-] pick.

Tyron got more reliable news from his news circle:

Pat secretly contacted teams who wanted this year's "No. [-] pick."

Some teams that are making good progress have even entered the actual negotiation stage.

Receiving the trial training notice at this time shows that they have a strong desire to choose Meng Lang.

"This is a brand-new team. In such a team, the old guys tend to be more relaxed, especially when dealing with super rookies like you!"

What Tyron said is indeed a very advantageous point.

The "workplace bullying" in the NBA during this period was very different from that later.

Later rookies would at most carry sneakers and a pink schoolbag for the team boss, or have their cars filled with popcorn.

There was a lot of locker room "bullying" during this period that was insulting in nature.

Scottie Pippen was slapped in the face by Oakley in public, and he had to smile with him.

Meng Lang was not worried that something like this would happen to him. If it did, he might not know who would slap whom. But it is better to do less than to do more. He is here to play ball, not to beat people. As a new team, the Magic definitely have an advantage at this point.

With his momentum, if he really joins the Magic team, if any short-sighted veteran dares to come and provoke him, he may end up saying in front of the media: "I thought he was here to assist me."

Then get out in despair.

These are not the only advantages...

The configuration of the Magic team can be called a "shooter's paradise."

On the back line is Scott Skiles, who is averaging 9.4 assists per game this season, ranking third in the league in assists per game. On the inside is Shaquille O'Neal, who is galloping around the basket averaging 23.4 points and 13.9 rebounds per game.

If you need internal containment, you need internal containment; if you need to pass the ball, you must pass the ball...

Meng Lang can imagine himself constantly shooting and scoring goals in this system.

So he stopped Tyron from continuing.

He understood very well that Tai Lun said a lot, just to let him perform well and not think that Orlando is a small city.

He's not averse to playing for the Magic.

To Tai Lun's surprise, the Magic didn't arrange much trial training. They simply asked Meng Lang to undergo a physical test and some basic dynamic and static talent tests.

This would have felt perfunctory.

But then Pat and Chuck Daly invited them to chat in the Magic's guest room for more than an hour, which was longer than the workout. The two of them treated Meng Lang as if they were old friends they hadn't seen for a long time, which was called cordiality.

By default?
  It’s no wonder that this word flashed through Tyron’s mind.

This picture is so heartwarming.

"We will select you, no doubt!" The person who made the promise this time was not Chuck Daly, but Pat Williams. "Not just because of that ignorant guy, the future of the Magic team Your name is already on the team puzzle!"

He also made a special explanation.

Meng Lang actually didn't care why Pat chose him.

He doesn't have a strong intention of which team he wants to play for.

Same goes for the Magic, even with Chuck Daly.

But his contact with Chuck Daly also meant that after losing to the "Dream Team", his comfort was what he said, "I'm just an 18-year-old man, losing to the 29-year-old Jordan", and that Sentence "I'm waiting for you in the NBA."

Just these two words make him eager to play for Chuck Daly, then he is too "Li Zongheng".

Meng Lang's idea is simple, whoever selects him in the draft will play for whichever team. ——Okay, this sounds nonsense, but this is his current mentality.

After leaving Orlando, Meng Lang and Tai Lun flew directly to Los Angeles, which was the last stop of their trial training.

The Lakers' trial lineup is very strong.

Not only did Jerry West personally greet him at the entrance of the arena, but also standing next to him was "Magic" Johnson, whom he had met in training camp more than a year ago. He is now no longer a Lakers player, but a Lakers player. Famous place.

In addition, there is another "heavyweight" present:
  She has blonde hair and blue eyes, a typical Western beauty appearance, a slim figure, and her long legs exposed under the short skirt and wearing black stockings, making her look slender and full of temptation. The temperament cultivated by high-end luxury brands makes her different from ordinary "famous bitches". Jenny Buss, the daughter of Old Buss and the future helmsman of the Lakers, actually came to watch Meng Lang's trial training.

Johnson met Meng Lang and played two games together. He introduced the two people standing next to him to Meng Lang very familiarly.

When introduced to Jenny Buss, the possessive desire in this woman's eyes was undisguised.

From being unknown to becoming famous all over the United States, the "daughter of the Lakers" was full of curiosity about Meng Lang.

Meng Lang was not surprised that Jenny Bass was present.

In order to increase her presence in the family, this woman participated in the construction of the team very early.

In order to increase her influence among NBA players, in 95, she went to take a large-scale photo for "Playboy" and sent it to the stars who needed to be recruited. The Lakers successfully recruited Rodman in 98 because of her. In just one night, Rodman willingly wrote his name on the Lakers' minimum salary contract the next day.

However, that was later. Now Jenny Buss is younger and more beautiful. When Meng Lang was reading the newspaper two days ago, he saw news about her:
  She had just divorced her first husband.

It is worth mentioning that her husband, Stephen Timmons, is a player on the volleyball team she manages, and she personally recruited her into the team.

In just 3 years, Jenny Buss divorced him.

This "rich woman"'s heart also changes at the drop of a hat!

The Lakers' workout program is more detailed.

Jerry West arranged the test for more than an hour.

Various projects come one after another.

As Meng Lang completed each project, he gradually became sweaty. She looked so full of hormones that she could see Jenny Buss next to her constantly adjusting her stance, rubbing her buttocks, and getting wet...

Jerry West kept a straight face the whole time, looking seriously at Meng Lang during the trial, and from time to time he looked at the numbers recorded by the scorer next to him.

"We will choose you!"

This was the first thing he said to Meng Lang after the trial training.

Meng Lang was not surprised. He was in good condition today, so his performance in the trial training was much better than usual.

It's just that he doubts whether the Lakers can wait for him.

They only have the twelfth pick in the first round.

Based on Meng Lang's market situation, this pick is a bit low.

But it's always good to have a commitment.

What if he really fell into this position?
  In the NBA draft, there are many examples of those who were ranked in the top ten or even top five before the draft fell to the bottom of the first round.

Meng Lang would not think that he was stable until the last moment.

"Arn, are our trials over?"

On the way back, Meng Lang just asked casually.

But Tai Lun showed an "I understand" expression and smiled mischievously at Meng Lang: "Yes, super newcomer, our trial training is over. We will stay in Los Angeles for one more night. , I saw Jenny Buss asking for your phone number, enjoy being a socialite in Los Angeles, but it’s best not to get too involved with her, she is not a simple woman!”

"Jenny Buss did ask me to have dinner!" Meng Lang admitted generously, and he was also prepared to go to the date.

The 32-year-old "Aunt Jenny" has an energy that little girls don't have.

Moreover, he needs a woman to completely forget about Martha...

Hehe, what a great reason!
  The dinner was enjoyable and the conversation even more enjoyable.

The two chatted from the dining table to the presidential suite.

Jenny Buss originally wanted Meng Lang, a 19-year-old young man, to see how powerful "Auntie" was.


  Even the experienced "Aunt Jenny" is still not as rich in skills and not as fancy as the "Club Aunt" Meng Lang met in his previous life.

Meng Lang took the initiative throughout the whole process, and Jenny Buss watched her "pop the champagne" again and again, getting stuck in it and unable to extricate herself.

She fell asleep soundly. When she woke up, the bright sunshine in Los Angeles filtered into the room through the cracks in the curtains. Meng Lang, who was supposed to be lying next to her, had already left.

Her clothes were scattered on the ground.

The torn rags reminded her of the fierce battle last night.
  This young man!

(End of this chapter)

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