So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 66 Let the "931st generation" become the "golden generation"!

Chapter 66 Let the "93 Generation" become the "Golden Generation"! (Please subscribe)

"With the fourth overall pick in the first round of 1993, the Minnesota Timberwolves selected... Meng Lang, from Duke!"

Under the spotlight, Meng Lang slowly stood up and buttoned up his suit.

He tried his best to show a calm expression, but his slightly trembling cheeks still revealed his inner peace.

The door to a professional basketball player that could not be opened no matter how hard he tried in his previous life, is now slowly opening.

And it’s the highest-level NBA league on the planet.

It took him 5 years to get to this point, 4 years in the high school league, plus one year in the NCAA!


not enough!
  not enough!
  Determination flashed in his dark eyes. Ever since he had the system and traveled through time, Meng Lang's goal was no longer as simple as becoming a professional basketball player.

He wants to become the top player in the NBA.

Let’s have a chance to meet what he knows as the future “God of Basketball” and give the “God of Basketball” a little shock!

This is just the beginning!
  He clenched his hands into fists and slowly unclenched them. His firm expression softened at this time, and a smile appeared on Meng Lang's face.

He walked onto the stage and came to David Stern's side.

The alliance president's smile has already bloomed, like chrysanthemums in bloom in autumn, and he was even permed by Uncle Yu with a hairpin.

I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up.

This is the most appropriate BGM.

365 days have passed since he first heard Meng Lang's name. David Stern fantasizes about the moment he took a photo with Meng Lang in the draft every day. To be honest, it happened much earlier than he expected.

When Meng Lang walked onto the court, what he saw was not just Meng Lang, but the entire Huaxia Market approaching him.

The opportunity has come for the NBA to take it to the next level.

Take a group photo and freeze the historic moment. ——The first Chinese player selected in the first round in NBA history was born.

But before Meng Lang could take his hand away from David Stern, the big screen at the back immediately broadcast the real-time transaction:

"The Timberwolves sent Meng Lang and received two first-round picks and a second-round pick from the Magic."

"Compared to the NCAA, this is the real society. Good luck to you, Meng Lang!"

David Stern patted Meng Lang's arm to express comfort. After being selected in the draft that night, he was immediately traded. There will definitely be ups and downs in the mentality of young people. Meng Lang knew that this sentence meant:

Everything is business!
  Professional league, business league. Loyalty is a good quality, but not essential. ——In this regard, as long as Meng Lang doesn't casually say how much he loves his team and city in the future, as long as he doesn't accept interviews with ESPN and announce these things live when he leaves. He will not become a "public enemy".

It just so happens that he is not good at saying the word "love".

"I know, this is business!"

Meng Lang's words made the reporters numb.

Tonight, this is the third rookie to say this.

And now, who the fifth pick in the first round is has not yet been revealed...

"Draft night" transactions happen every year, but this year there are surprisingly many.

Except for Sean Bradley, who was selected with the second overall pick in the first round, the other three rookies have changed their clubs.

In the words of some future fan groups:
  The three of them have lost the qualification of "one person, one city". ——So don’t use this matter to attack my giegie, because your giegie did it too.

"A question that has to be asked, Dream. We all know that you once kicked Michael Jordan's ass. Well...can't we still tell the whole story of this matter?" Seeing Meng Lang shaking his head, The question continues, "Michael Jordan said he has a score to settle with you. Are you looking forward to playing against him in the new season?"

"I look forward to playing against every opponent, not just Michael Jordan." Meng Lang simply answered the second question.

"So are you satisfied with your pick? Does No. 4 meet your expectations?"

"One thing I'm sure of!" Meng Lang did not answer his question directly, "This will cause controversy tomorrow..."

Before the draft, his draft prospect was roughly the eighth or ninth pick in the first round.

The fourth pick in the first round will definitely surprise most media.

In particular, the Magic selected Meng Lang with the No. [-] pick in the first round in exchange for two first-round picks and a second-round pick...

How can we not question and ridicule the reporters in the United States for their urinary behavior?

"Let me send you some more exciting information!"

"Listen, all the media reporters say this is the year of the draft, but they call 84 the 'golden generation'. Just wait and see, one day in the future, when you look back at this draft, you will find , this year is not only a big year for the draft, this year will also be the 'golden generation'!"

Originally, Meng Lang wanted to imitate Green and recite the names of the three players in front of him.

But think about it, even if Anfernee Hardaway and Chris Webber were brought in front of him now, neither of them would dare to say, "I am just inferior to Meng Lang."

As for the "big bamboo pole"...

Hey, this is just a big bamboo pole, "touching porcelain" means nothing to him.

The pattern is widening, if you want to touch it, touch the big one!
  It would be fun to directly "touch porcelain" with the "golden generation" of 84!

The interview ended subsequently, but this was just the simplest interview Meng Lang had to face today. After that, he would go to a formal media interview room to accept interviews from media from all over the world.

Then there is the photoshoot.

When Meng Lang arrived at the photo studio, he happened to meet Anfernee Hardaway.

He had already heard about Meng Lang's trade to the Magic, and came over with a big "bear hug":
  "Man, that's the only good news I've heard on this terrible night!"

It would have been an honor to trade with the "Number One Scholar". But the Warriors also added three first-round picks, which directly increased the value of Chris Webber. When everyone talks about this deal in the future, they will only say that one Hardaway plus three first-round picks equals one gram. Rees-Webb.

What a fuck!

Fortunately, he heard the news that Meng Lang was traded from the Timberwolves to the Magic right away. His heart was instantly filled with joy.

Since the "Dream Team" training camp, he has wanted to cooperate with Meng Lang for more than a day or two. After watching the NCAA finals, he only had one thought left:
  Hill's "three consecutive championships" were pure luck!
  Meng Lang gives it to me, I won’t win?

"When the time comes, I will introduce you to Shaq. He is really a very, very, very nice person. You will definitely like him!"

Hardaway used three "very"s.

Shaquille O'Neal chose him for the Magic, and he publicly shouted in front of the media again and again. Lu Xun's "Cloudy Sky" was indeed sung correctly:
  The beginning is always wonderful every minute.

"I hope our relationship will not change!" Meng Lang thought about the future.

Hardaway: Huh?
  It was Meng Lang's turn to take pictures. Hardaway looked like someone who had been there before and pointed at him: "Dream, don't smile so kindly. Be more indifferent. We are future NBA stars. We must give people a feeling that strangers are not allowed to enter. "

OK, the reason for not giving Kobe an autograph was found.

This is something Meng Lang has always been unable to figure out, but now, he understands.

This is how women "pretend to be men".

The photo shoot ended smoothly, ever since the staff asked Hardaway out.

"You have a great smile. I think many big-name men's clothing brands will ask you to be their spokesperson when you become more famous in the NBA!" Before leaving, the photographer who took the picture suddenly gave him a thumbs up.

"Give me your business card. It's so hard to find a photographer with your vision these days!"


Meng Lang finally had time to look at his phone.

Grant Hill's congratulatory message has been lying quietly in the message box for twenty minutes.

There is also a text message from Martha, which contains congratulations and a little vinegar:
  Is your taste changing too quickly?

In fact, Meng Lang's taste has not changed.

Martha and Jenny Buss are both sexy and generous women. The "rich girl" Martha will most likely be a Jenny Buss twelve years later. But now, Martha is not aware of this problem.

During this period, the draft meeting continued.

With the fifth pick in the first round, the Mavericks selected Jamal Mabenche;

With the 7th overall pick in the first round, the Kings selected Bob Hurley;

With the 8th pick in the first round, the Bucks selected Vin Baker;

With the 11th pick in the first round, the Pistons selected Alan Houston;
  With the 24th pick in the first round, the Rockets selected Sam Cassell;

The Kings still selected Bob Hurley.

But they didn't want to take a gamble and sign Bob Hurley. They didn't have the courage. It was a call from the Timberwolves management. They planned to exchange Mitchell Williams, who averaged 15.1 points and 8.7 assists per game last season, for Bob Hurley, and form the Timberwolves' "Duke Brothers" with Christian Laettner. ".


The Timberwolves management wants to see if changing him to an "engine" that better suits him can take his performance to the next level. ——Of course, the main reason is that their fourth pick in the first round was finally traded. The rookie they originally wanted to choose was snatched away by other teams, and Bob Hurley became their second best choice.

  You ask why they don't just use the fourth pick in the first round to select the player they like?
  There's no way, the Magic gave us too much!

Two first-round picks plus a second-round pick. Such a good deal doesn't come across every day.

In fact, the competition between the Lakers and Rockets for this pick had already begun. At that time, the Timberwolves management felt that they were going to make a big profit, but they did not expect that they would make such a big profit this time!

It was comparable to Chen Daozai winning 20 million with [-] yuan. They all wanted to pour a cappuccino for their aunt.

As Meng Lang expected, the deal aroused heated discussion the next day.

The hot topic is second only to the Warriors taking three first-round picks and Hardaway in exchange for Chris Webber.

It is true that Chris Webber is a "genius", and ordinary geniuses are not qualified to be compared with him. But Anfernee Hardaway is also a rare "star of the era" in the eyes of many senior scouts.

When Jordan turned 30, some media even raised the banner of "Jordan's successor" on Hardaway's behalf.

Whether it is talent, draft prospects or media reputation, there is no obvious gap between Hardaway and Chris Webber. Is it worth using three first-round picks?

ABC’s interpretation of this is:
  There is only one reason, and that is that Nelson likes Chris Webber too much!
  Compared with Hardaway's obvious game style, Chris Webber, a gorgeous and versatile big man who is still full of great development prospects, can inspire the creation of "mad scientists".

Pat Williams is another hunter with an extremely keen sense of smell.

If he is aware of a profitable opportunity, he will definitely not let it go.

He has the style of "won't let go until you squeeze it out completely".

It's actually not a shame to let him kill him...

"But after Pat Williams shrewdly calculated the Warriors front office, he immediately made a stupid trade. They squandered all the huge gains in the Chris Webber trade on one There are no rookies with such high prospects!”

ESPN's new columnist Bill Simmons praised Pat Williams' trade for Chris Webber, but then criticized him for using two first-round picks and a second-round pick to obtain the fourth pick in the first round. It was a decision to choose Meng Lang.

He really couldn't figure out why Pat Williams traded two first-round picks and a second-round pick to get the fourth pick in the first round. ——When Chris Webber, Hardaway and Bradley, who are full of bright prospects, were selected, Bill Simmons believed that the remaining high picks in the 93 draft were no longer so important. Maybe a few players will become All-Stars. But the upper limit only goes so far. ——What he couldn't understand the most was that the No. [-] pick in the first round, which he had spent so much effort on, ended up choosing a Chinese with only some shooting ability.


"Even if you want to choose a Chinese, there is no need to trade such a high pick?"

His strong questioning received support from many fans, a large part of which came from Orlando, which chose Meng Lang.

Choosing Meng Lang would not be unacceptable to them, but the process of choosing Meng Lang made them feel very un-"Sister Li".

Pat Williams was going crazy.

Yesterday, the Timberwolves management agreed to his second plan. After signing the fourth pick in the first round, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he got the two players he expected!

Meng Lang was the one he was determined to choose. ——There is a premise here. Under normal circumstances, the Magic can only get a pick that fluctuates around the tenth pick in the first round.

But in the end, no one expected that the Magic's "bad luck" broke out and they actually got the "No. 1.5 pick" with a [-]% probability. Pat Williams' ambitions suddenly became bigger.

Anfernee Hardaway, the "proud man of heaven" whom he could not even imagine at first, became another target of his.

In the end, by selecting Chris Webber to rob the Warriors, he not only got Hardaway, but also had the bargaining chip to trade for Meng Lang.

This was definitely a very beautiful operation, and he originally thought it would be unanimously recognized by the media.

But what now...


Do you know anything about football?
  Point guard Hardaway, wing Meng Lang, plus Shaq O'Neal inside!
  Just thinking about it, you can see them running around the alliance and causing a "youth storm", right?
  (End of this chapter)

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