So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 7 You are also in the sparring group

Chapter 7 You are also in the sparring group

On May 5, early in the morning, Grant Hill called him. He had already arrived downstairs at Meng Lang's apartment. Today was the day Hill made an appointment to play 17v3.

"Come right away, just stand there and don't move!"

Meng Lang quickly packed up his things and went downstairs.

Hurley was there, and the two were chatting about Laettner.

"He has been under a lot of pressure recently. I sent him several messages but no reply."

"I hope Mike is gone and can enlighten him...Meng!"

Hill saw Meng Lang first and greeted him.

Meng Lang was now very familiar with them and answered naturally: "Are you talking about Christian?"

The only non-professional player spot on the "Dream Team" ultimately belonged to Laettner. This caused a lot of controversy. After all, Shaquille O'Neal's ability was there, and he was obviously much better than Laettner. All kinds of things happened for a while. There are endless comments, such as "Nike used the power of Jordan to put pressure on Lan Xian and asked them to give the quota to Laettner", and "black players are not players, white players are players"...

These remarks have kept Lightner at the center of the whirlpool.

It is conceivable what kind of mental state this Duke's "proud son of heaven" will be in at this moment. He is going to Arkham, and I am afraid that Gordon's heart will be "thumping" continuously within two days.

However, Meng Lang was not sympathetic to Leitner's situation.

This guy can be said to have inherited all the bad habits of white people and Duke University: arrogance, arrogance, and arrogance. In the team, he likes to set rules, has a bad temper, and often beats and scolds his teammates. He is not an easy person to get along with. Fortunately, he had already left Duke this summer. Otherwise, Meng Lang felt that on the first day of the new season, one of him and Laettner would leave the locker room lying down.

Everyone had arrived, and the three of them immediately set off towards the agreed-upon arena. On the way, Meng Lang listened to Hill introduce his opponents this time: Anfernee Hardaway, "Garbage Dog" Jerome Williams, "Monster" Jamal Mashburn...

They are all familiar names in the NBA later.

Now, although Anfernee Hardaway and Mashburn have not yet entered the NBA, they are already the top players in the NCAA.

The "junk dog" is just like Meng Lang, who has just graduated from high school, but compared to the unknown Meng Lang, Jerome Williams is very famous among this year's high school students. Many famous schools compete for it, and he has just been sent to the NBA. Georgetown University, which recruited Mourning and Dikembe Mutombo, successfully intercepted this talented high school student.

When they arrived at the arena, the three of them also arrived at the arena.

Meng Lang looked at these three familiar and unfamiliar faces.

Correspond their names one by one.

Hardaway has a "superstar face", as the old saying goes, this kid looks promising at first glance.

The other two look a bit sloppy.

When Jerome was dragged to the set, he could immediately play the role of a ruffian who did not hesitate to go around, and the director had to persuade him to restrain himself; Mashburn had the appearance of a "black slave" on a southern farm in the 19th century, otherwise there would be no " Monster" is such a nickname.

The three of them looked at Meng Lang curiously. When they heard that this Chinese man was an official player of the Blue Devils in the new season, and even the main player of the team, their eyes were a little more surprised.

No wonder, having an Asian player in the entire NCAA Division I league is a new thing, not to mention that this new thing is still happening at Duke.

"It will probably be big news then!" Mashburn's eyes were filled with sympathy.

Duke's discrimination is too serious. If Meng Lang does not perform well, the attitude of these Duke students will be...

He was scared just thinking about it.

But if you perform well...

  He suddenly noticed something bright and said to Meng Lang: "Come on, man, I look forward to your performance in the new season!"

He couldn't wait to see the vitriolic white fans "kneel down and lick" Meng Lang. That scene would definitely be exciting.

Meng Lang smiled slightly and responded to his expectant look, but unfortunately there was no green arrow in his mouth.

Then the 3v3 match officially began.

Meanwhile, California.

Old K hurriedly knocked on the door of head coach Chuck Daly's hotel room with a stack of information. After entering, he handed it to the latter as soon as possible: "Chuck, I have sorted it out. These are the NCAA sparring partners." List of group members..."

"Well, thank you for your hard work..." Chuck Daly smiled and started flipping through the pages. Looking at the familiar names on it, he nodded with satisfaction, "These are the people...huh?"

Just as he was about to finalize it, the last player information made him stunned for a moment.

He looked at Old K with obvious surprise on his face: "Chinese?"

Old K responded calmly: "He is a player that Duke just recruited this summer. In the new season, he will fill the vacancy after Stian's departure. If we need a top NCAA sparring team, his name can definitely appear." Up there!"

"Is that so? OK, man, you succeeded in convincing me, that's all!"

Daly returned the list to Old K.

He agreed so readily, which Lao K did not expect, and he also prepared a lot of rhetoric. However, since the matter was completed successfully, he had nothing to worry about. He turned around and left Chuck Daly's room and was notified, while Duke and the three others were notified by him.

Looking at Meng Lang's player profile, Old K's eyes became a little more fiery. He believed that training with the "Dream Team" this time would definitely allow Meng Lang to grow faster.

His dream of Duke's "three consecutive championships" is becoming more and more reality.

Back in Durham, the action begins in earnest.

The first offense belonged to the Duke trio.

Grant Hill showed his unparalleled "first step" as soon as he came up. Hardaway's physical talent is top-notch even in the NBA, but when faced with Hill's first step, he was speechless and rolled his eyes.

Meng Lang was also a little surprised.

It seems that Hill was not serious when he beat passers-by on the field.

The swiftness displayed at this moment made Meng Lang understand what it meant to be the first step that even McGrady could not match. The perfect combination of explosive power and speed, Hill's steps are as fast as a cheetah's.

He was not idle either. He suddenly braked suddenly during a fast movement on the wing and distanced himself from Mashburn. When he ran out of the space, Hill's pass also reached his hands.

This movement...

Under Mashburn's unexpected gaze, Meng Lang easily hit the shot.

The shooting posture was standard and graceful. Hardaway couldn't help but praise: "Good, man, your shooting is so beautiful!"

Then he teased Marsh: "Jamal, are you just being thrown away by a newcomer like this?"

Mashburn asked for the ball without saying a word, and Meng Lang returned one in singles.

His back-up rhythm was very good, and his fake moves were even more realistic. Meng Lang tried his best to follow, but still couldn't keep up. He froze in place and watched him complete a turn over jump shot.


The ball fell into the frame.

"Boohoo~" Hardaway pouted, blew a "rogue whistle," and fired at Meng Lang this time, "Hey, high school students, do you see, this is the intensity of the NCAA! Do you feel it?"

Under the "fire" of Anfernee Hardaway, the atmosphere of confrontation quickly arose.

Mashburn defended very seriously in the next round. Meng Lang just made a "sudden stop" in the first round and opened up space with him, which really made him feel a little embarrassed.

But he is indeed not a very good off-ball defender. In addition, this game is 3v3, and no one can help him defend in time. Meng Lang's ability can be maximized.

No matter how serious he was, he could only watch Meng Lang take shots over his head again and again and score the ball.

"Man, you're going to do well in the NCAA!"

At the end of the game, Meng Lang was recognized by Jamal Mashburn.

Meng Lang replied sincerely: "You are still more powerful, Jamal..."

As he blasted Mashburn, Mashburn responded with his singles, one after another. And it's a different style of singles skills.

It felt to Meng Lang as if he had hired a new guy in the club. He looked young, but his skills were beyond imagination.

No wonder he is called the "offensive kaleidoscope of the third position in the 90s."

There is indeed a reason why he can become the draft template for LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony. Conviction was written all over Meng Lang's face.

Hardaway was still praising Meng Lang's shooting posture: "It's really beautiful, more beautiful than Alan. What do you think, Jamal?"

Mashburn said nothing.

The Alan Hardaway talks about is Alan Houston, who is on the same team as him. They are both in Kentucky.

Mashburn thinks Alan Houston's shooting posture is better. This may come from his deeper comradeship with Alan, but Alan is not here now, and Meng Lang is in front of him, so he pretends not to hear.

Meng Lang also knew who Hardaway was talking about in Houston, the "Central Shooting King", with shooting moves that were at the level of a coach. Meng Lang felt that she was no worse than him, but being more beautiful than him was a bit exaggerated.

However, this may be Hardaway's character!
  After playing this game, he had a general understanding of the personalities of the three people. Hardaway was a "talkative" one who liked to joke; Marsh was a little talkative, and the "garbage dog" was even more diligent. This game was all about After grabbing a rebound under the basket, Meng Lang's impression was that he probably didn't take more than 5 shots.

Such people are definitely popular on the field.

During the chat, Hill took out his phone and took a look at it. When he saw the unread text message, he was stunned for a moment: "Huh? Why did Mike send me a text message..."

When he clicked on it and saw the content, he was overjoyed: "WOW, Mike asked us to play the 'Dream Team'!"

His words attracted the attention of others, and they all looked towards him.

"What dream team?"

Hardaway approached immediately, with excitement in his eyes. Hill asked him to check his cell phone to see if he had sent him a message.

"Mike said that he would select a dozen people from the NCAA to form a sparring team to play training games with the 'Dream Team'! Take a look and see if I have notified you."

"Can it be done without?"

Hardaway looked confident, but he still took out his mobile phone at the speed of light. His eyes flickered, indicating that he was still nervous. When he saw that the message notifying him was lying quietly in his mailbox, he immediately turned his cell phone to the screen and looked at Hill and Meng Lang in a circle, "Look, let me tell you, how come there are so few things like this?" Can you get me?"

Others also took out their mobile phones and clicked on the screen, including Jerome Williams, who also took out his mobile phone.

Except Meng Lang.

He knew this, and he also knew that he definitely didn't exist.


"Meng..." Hill, who was reading the text message, suddenly looked towards him at this moment, "Mike asked me to inform you that you will have to go with us when the time comes. You are also on the list of the sparring group!"


Meng Lang was surprised.

He is still on the list.

But the text message on the mobile phone handed over by Hill clearly stated this matter.

You don't need to think about it to know that this must be Lao K's special care.

The other three people were also a little surprised, but Marshburn thought about it and patted Meng Lang on the shoulder: "Brother, relax, with your strength, it is normal to be on this list!"

The comfort of "monster" really confirms Lu Xun's words: I am ugly, but I am gentle.

Hardaway also said: "Don't worry, man, no matter who questions it, you just need to take out your shot, keep it and let them shut up!"

Meng Lang smiled and nodded.

He actually wasn't worried that he would be targeted.

Because he knows who is on the list.

The stars of the "93 generation", or generally the "93 generation", have different personalities, but they are not difficult to get along with. The only one with a big personality problem, Christian Leitner, is still a member of the "Dream Team" and is not teammates with Meng Lang.

On June 6, as the news that this year's Duke Blue Devils had recruited a Chinese guy gradually spread on the streets, Meng Lang followed Hill and Hurley to California and came to UCLA, the most legendary basketball powerhouse in the NCAA!

The joint training of the college student training group and the "Dream Team" will be held here.

Under the arrangement of the staff, the three people stayed in the suite. After asking, I learned that the members of the "Dream Team" had just finished their vacation and were still on their way here.

However, the coaching staff has arrived, as have other members of the college student sparring group.

As soon as they finished packing their luggage, Old K knocked on the door. Hill opened the door and greeted him warmly. He nodded lightly. It wasn't until Meng Lang showed up that the smile on his face bloomed like a flower.

Hill: "..."

Old K spoke earnestly to Meng Lang: "Meng, don't be burdened. No matter what happens, what you have to do is watch and learn more in this training camp!"

Meng Lang said: "Okay, coach!"

  This well-behaved look made Old K chuckle.

The more he looked at Meng Lang, the more satisfied he became. He patted him on the shoulder. Old K didn't say anything more, turned around and was about to leave. Passing by Hill, he said: "Keep an eye on Meng, he looks like a captain! He wants to If something goes wrong, I’ll come to you first!”

Hill: "..."

Seeing the back of Old K leaving, he wanted to rush up and shout: This is not bullying an honest person!

At noon, the three Dukes went downstairs to have dinner.

The hotel has prepared a buffet. As soon as I chose my food and sat down, I heard a familiar call: "Hey, bro,"

Meng Lang followed the sound and saw that he had a sharp haircut and a dark face with a big boy's sunny smile.

It's Anfernee Hardaway.

There were several people beside him, including Mashburn and "Garbage Dog".

In addition to the two of them, there are two other people. One of them has a shiny bald head, which makes him look a little rough. Coupled with his taller and more powerful body than Hardaway, just looking at the appearance , he is just a big stupid guy; the other one is not tall among this group of tall people, and has the appearance of a typical Western gentleman, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a three-dimensional face, and a lush beard that leaves an obvious black mark on his chin after it is neatly trimmed. , making him look very MAN.

Meng Lang had never seen them before, but he knew who they were.

Chris Webber, the former "Michigan Five" and the cornerstone of the future "Gorgeous King", doesn't look like a big fool, but in terms of current national reputation, he is above Hill, even in the finals that just ended , Michigan lost to Duke.

Even his bald image caused a trend of imitation across the United States.

The latter was Mashburn's Kentucky teammate and future face of New York, Allan Houston.

The two people's eyes also fell on Meng Lang for the first time. There was not much surprise, but more curiosity. He probably knew about Meng Lang's existence before meeting him.

As for who said it...

"Alan, this is the guy I'm telling you, he's really good at shooting!"

Look, you don't need to guess to know that it must be the funny guy holding him at the moment.

However, Meng Lang is really a little strange.

In his memory, Hardaway should have an unkind character. After all, before Kobe entered the NBA, he attended a fan meeting with the Magic and asked for his autograph, but he refused.


Now he looks so deserving of a beating!
  Houston seemed to be well aware of Hardaway's peeing habits and ignored him. Until Hardaway's next words came out: "Jamal thinks so too!"

His already huge eyes suddenly widened, and he turned to look at Mashburn, his eyes full of disbelief.

"No, no, no, Alan, don't listen to his nonsense. You know, Anfernee, you know, what he says is just right. I really don't mean what I said." Mashburn quickly explained, shaking his head. Rattle, he was afraid that Houston would misunderstand. I was so anxious that I stuttered when I spoke.

Hardaway watched this scene with satisfaction. He held Meng Lang's hand and patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, buddy, Alan doesn't dare to do anything to you. If he dares to have a problem with you, I'll help you teach him a lesson!"


Meng Lang raised the corners of his mouth speechlessly and thought to himself: Without you, there really would be no chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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