So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 84 The increasingly anxious battle for “All-Star starter”

Chapter 84 The increasingly anxious battle for “All-Star starter”
  The Bulls' starting lineup is:
  No. [-] BJ Armstrong; No. [-] Pete Meyers; No. [-] Scottie Pippen; No. [-] Horace Grant; No. [-] Bill Cartwright.

A lineup that looks pretty good.


not bad.

This was originally a championship team, but now it has become a pretty good lineup just because one person is missing.

Shaq grabbed the ball, and Hardaway faced Armstrong, stretched out his hand, and asked for a break.

He fully revealed his fighting spirit on the plane last night.

Armstrong was a little nervous.

But he thought something like this would happen.

He wanted to say that I was also a victim...


Is the "voting king" in the east a victim?
  This is an unreasonable disaster, but it is also a considerable honor.

He couldn't say that.

In fact, Armstrong's life was full of this helplessness, not just this time.

Later in 95, when the league expanded, he was selected by the Raptors and became the "first player in Raptors history." Although he did not play a game for the Raptors, he then joined the Warriors, which made He missed out on the Bulls' "second dynasty";
  After retiring, he accepted Krause's invitation to join the Bulls' management, but then John Paxson arrived and his position was replaced by Paxson. It is worth mentioning that Armstrong was drafted by the Bulls and served as Paxson's backup from the beginning;
  His sad life still has many labels...

He was the last player of the Bulls to wear the No. 10 jersey. After he left the Bulls, the management immediately retired the No. 10 jersey.

Later he became a broker and his clients:
  It's the famous Derrick Rose!

Compared with so many labels attached to him, when he returns to the court, Armstrong is a number one position who is good at catching and shooting, has certain organizational skills, and average defense.

Does it feel familiar?

It can only be said that the abilities required by the No. [-] position next to a super perimeter player are all the same, regardless of age.

In addition, there is still a little bit of Reeves in him, which does not mean that he also likes to make breakthroughs. In this era, the means of winning are very limited, and normal people will not always think about relying on free throws to determine the outcome.

At the most critical moment, the referee really doesn’t blow the whistle!
  This is the era when the critical moments of the game are truly left to the players.

Reggie Miller pushed Jordan, Jordan seemed to be a thug to steal Malone at a critical moment, and the "last shot" to push away the opponent...

If it were all left to the referee, these classic scenes would be out of the question.

Of course, the league really has no choice. Who allowed them to "stand out" in a facade that needs to rely on whistles to ensure their "big heart" at critical moments?
  Armstrong is similar to Reeves in that sometimes, he can bring about "miracle moments."

In Game 4 of last year's Finals, Jordan broke through the basket and hit Barkley in the air to complete the famous "2 plus 1" scene. Before he got the ball, the person who completed the steal was Armstrong, who was averagely defensive.

However, there are too few such "famous defensive scenes". More often than not, Armstrong is just a very ordinary "championship puzzle piece." It's enough to become the main starter of the championship team, but it doesn't reach the All-Star level, let alone the "vote king" level in the Eastern Conference.

His defense under normal circumstances cannot stop Hardaway who is so aggressive.

With the signature "Hardaway's change of direction", "Jordan's successor" coolly left Armstrong behind.

Watching Hardaway play, one thing can be reflected very straightforwardly:

You still have to look good when playing ball.

Not to mention anything else, as soon as the action is taken, people’s first reaction is:

This is a master!

Pippen immediately came over to defend.

He is the "scoring king", "assist king" and "steal king" of the Bulls. At the same time, he is very active in defense and will not stay on the wing with his hands on his hips. Whenever a teammate misses the opponent's ball carrier, he will immediately "check for the leak and fill the gap."

Hardaway followed the direction he came from and gave the ball to Anderson on the wing.

Pete Hayes filled in for Pippen.

When Anderson continued to transfer the ball to Meng Lang, Pippen, who was defending, also switched to defend in front of Meng Lang.

The team's defensive coordination created by the heritage of the "three consecutive championships" dynasty was most vividly reflected at this moment.

Meng Lang raised his hand and cast, not paying attention to Pippen in front of him.

It’s not that I’m sure of myself, or that I’m open.


When you have a player like Shaquille O'Neal in the paint, taking a decisive shot is his greatest respect.

Meng Lang believed that the little blacksmith in Milan would give him a thumbs up.

The "Bulls Dynasty" has never had a serious "big center". It can be seen from their championship track record that the process of the Bulls reaching the top is the process of Bill Cartwright gradually reducing his playing time.

He exists in the Bulls just like the child Youshen exists in IG.

What stands out is an embarrassment.

The data is that when he averages 30 points per game, he can contribute 11.4 points and 6.5 rebounds per game.

But he just doesn't match the style of the entire team.

One word to describe:

  I don’t have that kind of energy in me!

Shaquille O'Neal forcibly jumped up, "picking melons" on his head, then turned around and dunked with both hands.


This goal is obviously a problem with insider Carter White. He did not protect the rebound during the matchup.

Grant, however, glared at Pippen dissatisfied.

Meaning, you shouldn't have gone that far from the wing to cover.

Pippen curled his lips speechlessly, and it could be seen from his expression:
  This grandson is here again!

After Jordan left, the atmosphere in the locker room of the Bulls was unstable.

This has actually been revealed by the media a long time ago.

The specific reason is also very simple:
  Pippen believed that after Jordan left, he would be the "boss" of the Bulls, while Grant believed that the position of "boss" was not Pippen's, but his.

Previously, at the end of a certain Bulls game, after Pippen failed to take the last shot, Grant directly mocked in front of the media: "This is not going to work. We have to adapt to the Bulls without Jordan as soon as possible!"

There is a little episode here:

In the past, the person with the best relationship between the Bulls and the "Cobra" was actually Pippen.

The turning point in the relationship between the two occurred after the Olympics the year before last.

Jordan and Pippen, who participated in the "Dream Team", were overstretched in the summer. In the new season's training camp, Phil Jackson allowed them to "practice every two days." This privilege made Grant very dissatisfied and broke out with Jordan. quarrel.

As a result, Pippen fell to Jordan's side.

Grant believed that Pippen had betrayed him.

In fact, what he is really dissatisfied about is not that Jordan has this privilege, but why does Pippen have this privilege! ——During the period from 90 to 92, the Bulls actually did not have a clear "second boss" and "third boss", only Michael Jordan was the "big boss". Grant considers himself no worse than Pippen.

However, in Meng Lang's view, it is impossible for Pippen and Grant to have a good relationship with Phil Jackson sitting in the position of head coach.

Judging from the fact that "Zen Master" later went to the Bulls and recruited Grant, the two of them eventually isolated Pippen together.

This is also well-founded.

And it will soon be on the playoff stage this year.

The atmosphere in the locker room is unstable, but the Bulls can still perform well. This can prove that Phil Jackson is capable!

On a team that has won three consecutive championships, except for Jordan, the rest of the team is all people who want to prove themselves. And when Jordan returns, he will have the absolute right to speak among this group of people. Meng Lang will face such a "monster", which is very stressful just thinking about it.

Scottie Pippen was not affected by Grant. He steadily hit the shot and equalized 2 points for the Bulls.

Phil Jackson's ability to maintain this unstable Bulls team with a good record cannot be separated from one of Pippen's traits:
  Good old man!
  He really has no temper.

Both teams entered the state very quickly tonight, so the offensive and defensive rhythm of this game is a bit like 30 years later.

The score rose very quickly. At the end of the first quarter, the score was 35 to 33, and the away Magic team was 2 points behind.

The scene suddenly erupted into a very strong boo.

Pippen was confused because he could clearly feel that the boos were coming towards him.

But in the first quarter, he had 6 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steal. His performance was as usual, versatile and active.

Is it because the Bulls didn't defeat the Magic at the start?
  But even if that guy is here, we can't defeat our opponents from the first quarter every night, right?
  He really wanted to pry open the heads of these mentally retarded people to see how far they had mythologized Jordan.

Naturally, he didn't know that what Chicagoans were dissatisfied with him was not that he didn't lead the team to defeat the opponent from the first quarter, but that Meng Lang scored 7 points in the first quarter.

Meng Lang, who violated the "Chicago Code of Ethics", is unpardonable in the eyes of Bulls fans.

The Bulls could even lose in this game, but these Chicagoans couldn't accept Meng Lang's good performance.

This is the same as "You can lose a team battle, but Teemo must die."

What Pippen and these Bulls fans want is not the same goal at all.

So as the game continued and Meng Lang continued to score goals, the boos from the fans at the scene became louder and louder.

By the time the fourth quarter rolled around, Pippen even felt like he was playing on the road.

The Bulls' state fluctuated, and the Magic, which was trailing for three and a half quarters, relied on Shaq's dunk, Meng Lang's mid-range shot, and Hardaway's final breakthrough layup to complete the lead at the last moment.

Orlando's "Youth Storm" swept victory away from Chicago.

Meng Lang finished the game, scoring 25 points and hitting 5 three-pointers. He played his unique "scoring rhythm".

In this era, he is the only player whose three-pointers account for more than half of his total points!
  Next stop, the Magic arrive at the Charlotte Hornets.

Shaq, Hardaway, and the entire Magic team are fully aware of Meng Lang's popularity in this city.

As soon as we got off the airport, there were many fans who spontaneously came to pick us up. This was not the first time that this happened.

But the posters he held in his hands were all Meng Lang's, and this was the first time they appeared.

When Chuck Daly was interviewed by reporters before the game, he joked: "When I just got off the plane, I thought I was in Meng Lang's kingdom!"

How much of the truth is said in jest?
  Most of the fans who came to pick him up were Duke bitches.

The Blue Devils happen to have a playoff game tonight.

They heard that the Magic would also play a game in Charlotte tomorrow, and immediately rushed to the airport.

Meng Lang actually knew the Blue Devils' schedule, so he asked for leave from Chuck Daly early in the morning and asked Hardaway to take his backpack to the hotel, while he took a taxi to the arena where the Blue Devils played.

When he arrived, there were about 2 hours before the game started.

Old K was mobilizing before the game. When he heard that he was coming, he said a few words and ended the mobilization. He believed that meeting Meng Lang was the greatest encouragement to everyone. Works better than any chicken soup.

Meng Lang happened to return the 5 dollars he borrowed to Old K.

He has been waiting for an opportunity to pay back his mentor in person.

Old K is pleased with Meng Lang's development in the NBA: "Dream, you can fly higher, higher than now!"

Hill led the Blue Devils' "new blood" and waited for Meng Lang to enter the locker room.

They have heard a lot about Meng Lang on the NCAA stage in the past year; they also know a lot about what happened after he arrived in the NBA from newspapers. So at this moment, they looked at Meng Lang with awe in their eyes.

It's the kind of look that sees a legend.

He is indeed a legend in the NCAA!

Even though he only played one year...

But a taxi that has been driven for 20 years is not as valuable as a Ferrari that has been driven for 15 years!
  Career is not about length, it’s about height!

Two "three consecutive championships" can silence all controversies.

The legend of Meng Lang's championship can be written into the history of the NCAA finals.

"Is this Lei? Nice to meet you. Grant told me about you many times!"

Hill specifically introduced Ray Allen to Meng Lang.

It can be seen that they have a good temper.


This is normal. Ray Allen's background can be considered a "rich family" among black people, and he can be considered a middle-class family in the entire United States. He and Hill belong to "the same faction" of black people.

This season, Duke is still strong under the leadership of the two of them.

The emergence of Meng Lang has stabilized Grant Hill's mid-range two or three years ahead of schedule. He is an unstoppable "big killer" in the NCAA because he is good at shooting. In addition to being proficient in shooting, Ray Allen also has a certain ability to attack with the ball, but he definitely prefers catching and shooting.

Later, he was selected by the Bucks. The so-called "flying to the sky and hiding from the ground", holding the ball and dunking, was just to cater to the passive changes of Bucks fans. The Milwaukeeans were angry because the management did not choose Marbury. Ray Allen had to increase his ball-handling offense more and make his style of play look gorgeous.

So he struggled in the first two seasons of his career.

The arrival of Cassel has just allowed him to find the way he is better at. Then in Cassel's second season, his scoring average officially exceeded 20 points per game.

Speaking of which, Meng Lang is now turning into a "large-sized Ray Allen":
  Shooting is the main thing, and offense with the ball is the supplement.

Meng Lang extended his hand generously, and Ray Allen raised his hand to fist bump with some restraint. ——He is no different from the other Duke Blue Devils. Meng Lang has his own filter and aura.

Not to mention, he was originally Duke who came here to become the "second Meng Lang".

After the locker room visit, Meng Lang stayed to watch the entire game. Duke's offense was as smooth as mercury. Even though this year's inside line is a bit weaker than in previous years, with their offensive firepower from the outside, they still firmly control the initiative and advance into the ACC semi-finals.

Not surprisingly, this year's "No. [-] seed" is Duke again.

4 crowns in 4 years...

A scenario that I never dreamed of is about to happen to Grant Hill.

You must know that the original Hill became the "All-Star vote king" in his first year after entering the league. If such a plot happened, Meng Lang couldn't even imagine what kind of commotion Hill would cause the day he entered the league.

I'm afraid that any "debut is the peak" in the future will be a small scene compared to him...

The Charlotte Hornets were founded around the same time as the Magic.

After selecting Larry Johnson in 1991 and Alonzo Mourning in 1992, they, like the Magic, gradually got on the right track.

This season they are heading towards the playoffs for the first time in team history.

Currently ranked ninth in the Eastern Conference, one win away from the eighth-placed Heat.

Charlotte is definitely a city with a very good basketball atmosphere. Magic player Anthony Bowie realized this tonight. When he arrived at the hotel, he wanted to feel the style of the city.

As a result, halfway through, the woman left. Before she left, she said: "I wish your shooting tomorrow will be the same as the result of today's fxxk!"

Can't ejaculate...

"I'm just a little transparent guy who averages ten minutes per game. Even Magic fans may not know me, but the chickens here know my name!" Bowie said with absurdity written all over his face. In the past, he really wanted to be recognized. He came out, but he didn't expect that the result of being recognized would be like this!
  Meng Lang was not that surprised. If it weren't for such enthusiasm for basketball, why would David Stern be so hasty to form a new team in Charlotte less than two years after the Hornets moved?

In the past history of NBA relocation, there is absolutely no precedent for regaining a second NBA team so quickly.

The Magic were also heavily booed on game night.

Oh, no, except Meng Lang.

He is the exception!

Even tonight, you can see his posters.

When the DJ introduced Meng Lang, he also showed full respect:
  "Durham legend, the best shooter in Duke team history, dream, Meng——lang——!!!"

Well, no mention of Orlando at all.

In fact, because Orlando booed Meng Lang at the beginning of the season, until now, many North Carolina media still believe that Orlando does not deserve to have Meng Lang.

Especially after Meng Lang scored 52 points in a single game!

Something happened at the Hornets' home court ceremony that surprised Meng Lang:

When the Hornets players walked out of the tunnel one by one, the one who received the biggest cheers was not Larry Johnson, nor was it "the fifth of the future four centers" Mourning, but the NBA's "shortest legend" Bogues.

Standing 1 meters tall, he played All-Star point guard level in his second season with the Hornets, averaging 65 points and 10.8 assists per game!


The Hornets had their best season in team history.

An Eastern Conference cannot have two emerging powers, so the Hornets plan to unseat the Magic at home. The two sides on the jump ball are Shaquille O'Neal and Mourning, who competed for the "Rookie of the Year" last year.

The result of the jump ball was the same as last year's "Rookie of the Year" award, with Hardaway facing Bogues in the frontcourt. The latter didn't give him any chance to organize with the ball in front of the frame, and he defended closely when he came up.

At only 1 meters tall, he averages 65 steals per game and is a nightmare for tall defenders like Hardaway.

However, Hardaway had already thought about how to play in this game. Facing Boggs' top defense, he first turned around and blocked the "little bug", and then suddenly turned around in a wide range and went directly to the three-point line.

"Auntie" quickly added.

As the representative of "short power forward", he can be regarded as a legend in the 90s.

Although his information states that he is 1 meters tall, the same height as Barkley, in fact, it is said that he is not even 98 meters tall. Since this is said to be said by Steve Kerr, I believe half of it, which is about 1 meters.

This is still a height that is too short even for small forwards, but "Aunt" relied on this height to win a 90 million yuan contract in the [-]s.

There are "monsters" every year, especially in the 90s.

Johnson stopped Hardaway's breakthrough by stepping on the Aero Glide. This pair of his signature shoes is the origin of his nickname "Auntie". He played his "grandma" when filming this commercial. He quickly returned to defend Turner at the basket.

Turner passed the ball, Meng Lang caught the ball and took a decisive shot.

He felt very good tonight, and he shot directly into the basket despite the defender's shot.

There was a loud cheer at the scene, and it was hard to tell whether it was Orlando or Charlotte.


Two cute kids on the sidelines imitated the DJ's excited shouts, and their voices were particularly abrupt, attracting Meng Lang's attention.

Then he saw Dell Curry, the Hornets' "Best Sixth Man" on the bench, walking up to the two cute kids and saying to them helplessly: "Sit down quickly, not now." When you shout cheers!”

My damn seniority!

No way, when you see the cute kid screaming loudly on the sidelines is actually the future "three-point king" of the league, you can't help but feel this way.

The inside battle in this game was fierce.

Shaquille O'Neal had some difficulty dealing with Mourning. Coupled with "Aunt" Johnson, what stands out is that "two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands."

Hardaway also made things difficult for Bogues.

This guy is like an annoying fly on the defensive end and can't be driven away no matter what.

The Hornets' offense...

Hardaway was even more helpless against him.

When a person who is 1 meters tall and very fast takes the ball and "drills" around the court, it is really difficult for a person who is 65 meters tall to form any effective restrictions on him.

Fortunately, Meng Lang was in really good form tonight, from the first quarter to the last quarter. With his recent high of 7 three-pointers in a single game, he helped the team maintain suspense until the last few minutes.

In the end, as Shaquille O'Neal missed three consecutive free throws, they unfortunately lost the game 3-90.
  Nick Anderson was very dissatisfied: "Can you practice your damn free throws!"

This is a very interesting picture, especially for Meng Lang who knows the future direction.

In the first game of the 95 Finals, Nick Anderson missed four consecutive free throws at the last moment, causing the Magic to lose the game they were most likely to win. The Rockets' morale has soared, and Nick Anderson has "inner demons". Then the Magic lost 4 games in a row and were taken away 3-4 by the Rockets.

Meng Lang, who scored 27 points, was not dissatisfied. He also cheated his teammates when he was not in good condition. It is normal for his teammates to cheat him now.

How else could they be teammates?
  Teammates are there to cheat.

You say so, Anfernee!

Hardaway met Meng Lang's pointed eyes and finally showed an awkward smile: "This is my dream. I promise not to make a single mistake in the next game."

Hardaway had good statistics in this game, with 17 points, 9 assists and 8 rebounds. Meng Lang had 7 three-pointers, 4 of which came from his assists.

It's just that he made 8 mistakes tonight, which is a bit embarrassing!


Mainly because he has a better relationship with Hardaway, so he can still lose his temper.

"Dream, can you sign your name for me?"

"I want it too, I want it too, dream, I want your autograph too!"

A childish voice sounded, followed by a little milky voice.

Dell Curry left Cleveland in the summer of 88 and came to Charlotte, where he has stayed until now. Due to his deafness, his two sons are full of interest in basketball. In the past year, legends about Meng Lang have been circulating in Charlotte.

Like most North Carolinians, they also regard Meng Lang as a "legend"!
  Second only to their father Dell Curry.

Of course, tonight's performance...

"I think you are much better than my dad!" The one who spoke first looked shorter, probably his younger brother Seth Curry.

Meng Lang, who was squatting down, subconsciously wanted to rub his head. Thinking of America's taboo, he patted his shoulder instead. Just as he was about to speak, the "future three-point king" next to him, the man who changed the game of this league, also said, "You If only I were my dad!”

Meng Lang coughed repeatedly.

Good guy, these "second generation celebrities" really didn't hesitate at all when they tried to trick me.

Later, when LeBron's son Bronny answered a netizen's question "Who is your dad?", he did not hesitate to say directly: "Stephen Curry."

However, this country really has no idea about "dad". It is the basic national condition of the United States.

Meng Lang signed his name on the clothes of these two cute babies.

Seth Curry looked at the name on it and "corrected": "Dream, you signed it wrong!"

Meng Lang wrote his own name.

And these two cute kids obviously recognized his nickname more:


This has indeed become his code name now. The number of times others call him "Meng Lang" is not even one-tenth of the number of times he is called "Dream".

He didn't say anything to these two cute babies, and quickly added his nickname.

Looking at the familiar "dream", the Curry brothers smiled happily.

Dell Curry leaned over at this time and said apologetically: "Sorry, they have been hearing stories about you for as long as they can remember. So it's a little annoying!"

Meng Lang shook his head: "I envy you very much. You have such two cute little guys who are always annoying you!"

Back in Orlando, the results of the second phase of All-Star starting voting are also out.

Armstrong continues to lead the Eastern Conference.

Meng Lang's ranking moved up one more place, squeezing Reggie Miller behind him and attracting more than 7 votes.

Calculating this, he got about 10 more votes than Reggie Miller in the second round. This is an exaggerated number. If Meng Lang remembers correctly, this year's final "vote king" Barkley only had 74. Multiple votes.

Compared with the previous year's "vote king" Jordan, the number of votes has shrunk by nearly 30.

The impact of Jordan's retirement can be seen.

Meng Lang's votes in the second round almost caught up with Armstrong's.

This has a lot to do with his outstanding performance over the past week, and also with Hardaway's call for Orlando fans to become more unified during the voting process.

Now, Meng Lang holds the votes in North Carolina and Orlando, and is gradually taking the initiative.

However, Reggie Miller and the Indiana people did not give up so easily. "Never admit defeat" was engraved in their bones and flowing in their blood. They could not give up so quickly.

All of Indiana may not have been so engaged.

They spent the next week canvassing for Reggie Miller day after day.

During this period, Reggie Miller also performed very well, averaging 25.5 points per game. And Meng Lang hit the "rookie wall", or in other words, in his first week since 1994, his performance from beyond the three-point line was so outstanding that many teams' research on him produced results ahead of schedule. He has struggled in recent games, and his scoring average this week has dropped to around 16 points per game.

As a result of the third stage, Reggie Miller, through his own efforts and the efforts of the entire Indiana, successfully narrowed the vote gap from 7 votes to 3 votes.

After the results were announced, there was still one week left until the final dust settled. Many media believed that the game between the Orlando Magic and the Indiana Pacers on January 1 would have a critical impact on the results. .

People in Orlando are a little worried about Meng Lang's condition.

Hitting the "rookie wall" is not an easy thing to overcome. It is generally said that it will take him one to two weeks or even longer to regain his previous form. But it would be difficult to return to the state we were in at the beginning of the month.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for rookies to start in the All-Star Game.

Once the status fluctuates, it is easy to lose the audience you just gained.

The good news is that in the game against the Kings on January 1, Meng Lang scored 23 points in a single game for the first time in recent games.

The Orlando media believed this was a sign of Meng Lang's recovery.

After the game, a media reporter asked Meng Lang: "In the next game, you will face the Pacers. Will you feel nervous?"

After all, this is a game that is recognized by the outside world as one that will affect the All-Star starting lineup.

Everyone can see Meng Lang's attitude before that he hopes he can enter the All-Star.

Therefore, this reporter believes that Meng Lang should show some nervousness, even though he has not expressed that he is nervous in any interview since he became famous in the summer of 92...

“I don’t get nervous about a regular-season game.”

Unexpectedly, Meng Lang's answer was without hesitation at all.

When answering questions, he looked directly at the reporter who asked the question.

The reporter can be sure that this is indeed what he said sincerely, and there is nothing insincere in his words.

This also aroused his curiosity: "So you don't care whether you can eventually make the All-Star starting lineup?"

"I will definitely be included in the final All-Star starting lineup!"

Meng Lang's tone in answering this question was even more certain than the previous question!
  It's as sure as saying:

In the next game, the winner must be the Magic, and the loser must be the Pacers, and my performance will definitely be better than Reggie Miller!

Yes, the reporter heard such a meaning.

In an era like this, what reporters feel is basically what the players mean.

In the newspaper the next day, Meng Lang's words in the interview became:

"Reggie Miller will not be my opponent. I will become the ultimate All-Star starter, and he only deserves to sit on the bench and come on as a substitute for me!"

All of Indiana was furious.

Meng Lang's arrogant attitude angered them, and naturally also angered Reggie Miller and the Pacers.

That night, the Indiana Arena was packed with more than 1 seats.


The anger caused by Meng Lang made capitalism make a lot of money.

Well, this is the essence of the NBA, or the essence of the four major sports leagues in the United States.

Before the game started, Chuck Daly picked up the tactical board and joked with Meng Lang as usual: "Are you sure you refuse my proposal to let the other four people serve as stakes for you on the court? This is your chance to rival Shaquille O'Neal!"

"I'm not sure Shaq would like this situation, so I refuse." Meng Lang complained about Shaquille O'Neal's well-hidden "small-mindedness".

Shaq jumped up as if he had stepped on a cat's tail: "Hey, bro, you know, no one is looking forward to this happening more than me. We can have a good time during the All-Star Weekend, but Anfernee may It’s a little lonely!”

"Shut up, Shaq, I don't want to have a deal with you."

Hardaway showed his "indifference". Let Meng Lang be sure that he will refuse the signature that Kobe wants.

"You have become Anfernee!" Shaq's eyes were full of resentment.

The reporter next to him listened to their nonsense chat and wanted to remind them that this is going to be a big war. Is this your attitude?
  "Okay, everyone, adjust your status..." Chuck Daly patted the tactical board and interrupted the nonsense that started with him.

The game officially started, and Schmitz took the lead for the Pacers.

Reggie Miller was about to move when he collided with Meng Lang.

"Get out of the way, bitch!"

Indiana's "spiritual totem" was about to pass by Meng Lang, but Meng Lang would not continue to pester him as he wished.


With a sudden push, Reggie Miller showed his attitude in his actions.

Then a foul was made.

As the audience booed the referee, Reggie Miller loudly denounced the guy on the sidelines with a whistle and an invisible hat that said "I am Meng Lang's dog" on his head: "He is the one who blocked my way. !”

Meng Lang really doesn't understand why such a guy who likes to complain to referees has become the "spiritual totem" of the Pacers.

No wonder later, there was a guy who liked to spread his hands and shout "I am goat" every day!
  It's normal to be in love in America.

Unfortunately, his complaints did not lead to the referee changing his penalty. Instead, he said coldly: "If you talk to me like that again, I will give you a T! You don't want to ruin such an important night for yourself, right?"

Meng Lang was "fanning the flames" from the side: "Maybe he just wants to escape failure in this way!"

The referee ignored Meng Lang and responded with a fierce look from Reggie Miller.

This time it was his turn to block Meng Lang's path when he moved, and then moved with him.

Meng Lang quickly ran back and pretended to catch the ball from outside the three-point line, making Reggie Miller jump forward. He quickly rushed towards the basket.

Hardaway gave the ball at this time.

Meng Lang made a move and successfully reached the basket. At this time, Shaq helped him block Schmitz's path to the basket. He faced Dale Davis, made an early layup, and successfully completed the score.

"Beautiful inside cut, Meng Lang scored at least 8 points with this method in the last game!" ESPN broadcast this heavyweight game today, and the commentator was Mike Breen. "This is what Meng Lang developed to deal with the 'rookie wall' A new move? It seems to be very effective now!"

After all, Meng Lang is 2 meters tall, and his body is considered strong for the second position. He is fully equipped with the physical conditions to cut to the basket.

Of course, Mike Breen also knew that it took a lot of effort for Meng Lang to make this empty cut, at least not as easy as he showed on the court.

After Meng Lang scored, he thanked Reggie Miller: "Thank you more, Reggie!"

"Thank you mother, don't be so proud, you damn rookie!"

Meng Lang expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

Because he learned these cuts from watching Reggie Miller.

This season, Larry Brown came to the Pacers and changed Reggie Miller's shooting habits.

A player who can mainly run without the ball, if he doesn't run to the outside, where else can he run?
  It can only be mid-range and under the basket.

This season Reggie Miller is cutting more frequently than before, which provides Meng Lang and Chuck Daly with a realistic template that allows him to quickly "pick up" his cutting skills.

It's just that Reggie Miller didn't recognize his sincerity, so he used the Indiana slang of "dirty".

Meng Lang's counterattack was very direct. When he was running, he gave him a hard claw.

This seemed to anger Reggie Miller. He faced Meng Lang and completed...a three-pointer.

The referee's whistle sounded, and Meng Lang bit his lip in frustration. He hadn't faced off against Reggie Miller for a long time, and he had forgotten that his grandson was the "Porcelain King" of this era.

After making three steady free throws, Reggie Miller's expression softened a lot, no longer so cold, but more excited.

"Bitch, you don't look like you've made any progress at all!"

"That's because you've made progress, you're damn shameless!"

Meng Lang cursed and gave him a "suffocating" elbow, successfully pulling away. Unexpectedly, Reggie Miller grabbed his jersey, slowed his acceleration, and followed him again.

Movement without the ball in the 90s was so crisp and refreshing.

After Meng Lang caught the ball this time, he made a tactical pass. When the ball reached the basket, Shaquille O'Neal just ran back to the basket and dunked hard with both hands.


While everyone's eyes were on Shaquille O'Neal, Meng Lang took out the "Meng's steal" that he had not used for a long time and made another contribution. This time it was Hardaway who rose into the air.



Less than 2 minutes into the game, Meng Lang had 2 points, 1 steal and 2 assists.

"Keep up the pace Reggie, don't be outdone by me so quickly!"

 The scene that was deleted yesterday was probably about Martha's friend trying to steal a child to get pregnant, so she relied on Meng Lang, but it turned out that Dudu was filled with chili sauce.

  (End of this chapter)

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