So I am the god of basketball?

Chapter 92 This is the place where miracles are born

Chapter 92 This is the place where miracles are born

"Is that all he has? Isn't this little bitch usually quite crazy? When it's time for him to show off, is that all he has? What a waste of my time!"

In a mansion in Chicago, Michael Jordan held a cigar in one hand and cursed at the TV with the other.

The live broadcast of Game 6 of the series between the Magic and the Rockets was being played on the TV.

Watch as the Magic fall back behind by 12 points.

The future "Basketball God" was dissatisfied.

Originally, he didn't plan to watch this year's finals, especially after the Rockets took a 3-0 lead. He shook his head. Sure enough, that little bitch still needs to practice some more.

Unexpectedly, after falling behind 0-3, the Magic did not collapse. Instead, they made adjustments in the fourth game of the Finals. Meng Lang, whom he called the "little bitch", became the Magic's main attacker. Led the Magic to two consecutive victories.

Rewrite the big score to 2-3!

At the same time, it also caused great popularity in the NBA.

Speaking of which, three of the four major hits in the NBA season so far are related to Meng Lang.

With 52 points in a single game and an appointment with Karl Malone in the Octagon, I originally thought that the big news he could make in his rookie season would end there.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually made a big splash in the finals.

1500 million viewers. Although this number is still far from the NBA Finals with Jordan, it has caught up with the average level in the early to mid-80s.

More importantly, the popularity is still rising. If the Magic can win this game, it is possible to return to 2 million viewers!

Jordan has to admit that even he is interested in this series.

It was only the sixth game of this series, and he became more and more angry.

Let me make it clear first that he doesn't like the little bitch Meng Lang.

Not only did he not like it, he also hated Meng Lang very much, otherwise he wouldn't have said that he had a debt to settle with Meng Lang!

But seeing him unable to perform as well as he did in the first two games at such a life-and-death moment, he suddenly felt depressed.


Where did the energy that the "Dream Team" hit me with during training camp go?

Why don't you dare to shoot like this against the Rockets?

You should use more force!

Otherwise, when all the things in the "Dream Team" training camp are exposed, he will be even more convinced that he is not as good as Olajuwon!

You know, although they won the second training game, Meng Lang performed at a "superstar" level in the fourth quarter. More importantly, the person guarding him at that time was Michael Jordan!

The person he didn't guard was now guarded by the Rockets' outside perimeter. It was already the fourth quarter of this game, and he took it...

19 point?

You little bitch can only score 19 points?

"Damn guy, what's your ability?"

Depressed Michael Jordan simply put out the cigar in his hand.

Don't look!

But at this moment, Meng Lang on the TV suddenly stretched out his hand and called a timeout to the referee.

When the referee's whistle blew, Michael Jordan's whole body shook uncontrollably as if he had just peed.

In his mind, similar fragments suddenly emerged.

He remembered that in the training camp, Meng Lang called a timeout and then started a "God" shooting show; in the NCAA finals, it seemed that after the timeout, this guy started unreasonable three-point goals.

just now……

Is that time coming again?

Michael Jordan's eyes were suddenly filled with anticipation.

The look in his eyes was exactly that of Chuck Daly at this moment, and it was also the look of Hardaway.

"Dream, can you?" When asking, Chuck Daly unconsciously licked his lips, as if he was about to taste a feast.

Hardaway also looked forward to it.

This confused the rest of the Magic team.


What does this mean?

The score difference was widened by 12 points again. At this time, why did Chuck Dell and Hardaway suddenly become excited?

Even Shaquille O'Neal looked at him in astonishment.

Meng Lang moved his wrist and said the slogan that Chuck Daly always said:

"I want a big vote!"

Chuck Daly and Hardaway felt right. Meng Lang had activated the "Buddha's Light" skill.

This is undoubtedly the most timely "opening"!

It seems that even God wants to watch a soul-stirring "reversal show"!

The atmosphere at the Rockets' home court was quite enthusiastic. They were extremely excited and had no idea that "death" had already targeted the Rockets.

Tomjanovich shuddered, and an inexplicable sense of crisis surged into his heart. Before the timeout began, he called the Rockets players who were about to play next to him again: "There are still 10 minutes left. With 10 minutes left, we have a 12-point lead. As long as we control the rhythm, we will win. Come on, kids, for the upcoming O'Brien Cup, treat these last 10 minutes as the last moment of your career. Let’s play a game!”

To be honest, this didn't go over well.

Tomjanovich emphasized "controlling the rhythm", but also emphasized "a decisive attitude." This contradiction is exactly his current mentality. He wants the Rockets to continue rushing, but is afraid that something will go wrong when they rush. ; But he is afraid that if he keeps maintaining the rhythm, lack of momentum, and lack of suppression, he will let the Magic team find the feeling...

However, with the championship just around the corner and such a huge advantage, it is actually normal to have the idea of ​​"defending success."

But the five players on the Rockets team had their own understandings.

Kenny Smith felt that he should fight harder, while Horry next to him stood conservatively, closer to the center.

The direct result of this was that after Meng Lang got rid of Kenny Smith, he was directly in a big open space.

Raise your hand and vote!


A perfect parabola, the ball fell hollowly into the basket.


Jordan raised his eyebrows. The three-pointer was scored in a decent manner, which also made his premonition stronger.


Tomjanovich signaled Olajuwon to attack by himself.

"Big Dream" had the same idea. He gave Vernon a look, and then went to the frontcourt. After getting stuck under the basket, he suddenly slipped behind the baseline and ran back, shooting a mid-range jumper to complete the goal.

Olajuwon scored steadily, giving the team a 10-point lead again.

"Push forward, leap forward!"

Tomjanovich watched Olajuwon score, but he didn't relax at all. His eyes stayed on Meng Lang. After he reached the frontcourt, he took a long step outside the three-point line for several seconds, and suddenly became anxious. The ground shouted.

At the same time, Meng Lang moved sideways to catch the ball and took a big step outside the three-point line to shoot.

Kenny Smith, who had his foot on the three-point line, jumped forward too late and could only watch the ball fall into the basket.

7 points!

The second three-pointer after the timeout!

What kind of choice is this?

Kenny Smith cursed in his heart, and Olajuwon looked a little stunned.

The noise that had continued throughout the Conner Arena since the halftime break stopped for five or six seconds. It wasn't until Vernon dribbled the ball into the frontcourt that the cheers resumed, but they were significantly smaller than before.

Some Rockets fans felt something was wrong and began to wait and see again.

It really started again!

Hardaway watched Meng Lang hit two three-pointers in a row, with uncontrollable astonishment on his excited face.

One thing he was very curious about was, did this guy always feel that he was about to do something big? He really wanted to know, what does that feel like? It must be great, right?

"Defense! Let us prevent their next attack!"

Meng Lang hit his second three-pointer. When he returned to defense, he watched the Rockets complete the serve and shouted at the rest of the Magic team. The rest of the Magic team, who were still uneasy during the timeout, now responded in unison, their voices sonorous and powerful.

They are full of confidence again!

Including Shaquille O'Neal.

Seeing Meng Lang hit two three-pointers, the first thing that came to his mind was the hopeful expressions of Chuck Daly and Hardaway.

No, did they already know that Meng Lang would perform like this?

How did they know?

Shock and doubt all turned into fighting spirit as Meng Lang spoke.

Because, there is a situation right in front of you:

As long as they can win tonight's game, then this round of finals will come to the "tiebreak"!

If they can win the "tiebreak", the Magic will become the first team in NBA history to complete the "3-4 chase" in the playoffs. This will be a legendary experience.

Shaquille O'Neal is an extremely middle-class guy. This kind of experience of becoming a legend cannot be encountered just any day. At this moment, he no longer has the "MVP" shouts from the fans in Orlando for Meng Lang, and he no longer has the ability to live in the future. In Chuck Daly's mind, who is the real leader of the Magic?

Even if he still had those thoughts, now that Meng Lang suddenly broke out, he didn't want to be the one holding him back!




The eyes of everyone on the Magic team became particularly determined.

The Rockets' 10-second pass and tactical movement failed to create an effective open space. Seeing this, Olajuwon forced the ball again. He knew very well that the ball would not go in. His momentum definitely would. Being suppressed leads to more serious team morale problems.

He must ensure that this round, the team must score!

At this moment, his eyes caught sight of Horry in the bottom corner. Olajuwon started his "dream steps" under the basket. In the process of turning his body, he suddenly flicked his wrist hard and the ball flew straight to the bottom corner.

Horry raised his hand and hit a three-pointer.

The point difference returned to 10 points!

This is a goal worth thousands of dollars. The sophomore Horry showed his big heart at the critical moment.

Anderson was about to reach out to express his question, but Meng Lang made a gesture towards him first:


Seeing Meng Lang's focused expression waiting for his reply, he nodded in time and rejoined the attack.


What's there to apologize for!

If you don't defend it this round, just find it again next round!

Holding back his energy, Anderson made a very high-quality screen this time. Meng Lang caught the ball before bypassing him, turned from him to face the frame, then stood outside the three-point line and made a shot. With the action, Horry had a full view of his movement and blocked it from the other side in advance.



He threw himself too fiercely and bumped into Meng Lang. Meng Lang took action just after he met him. He threw the ball with his whole body leaning forward slightly. The referee's whistle sounded, and there was already a sigh at the scene. When the ball entered the frame, many Houstonians at the scene hugged their heads.

Just like the Huo Li in front of Meng Lang at this moment.

In the last round, he was the "key man" of the Rockets, but this round he became the "sinner" of the Rockets!

"That's it, little bitch, what the hell have you done so early! Why would you vote like this earlier!"

Michael Jordan in front of the TV didn't know when he lit the cigar he had extinguished. Meng Lang's "3 plus 1" made him feel particularly comfortable. At the same time, it is a pity that this "3 plus 1" would have caused Olajuwon to foul!

In this way, even if others knew in the future, it would not be a shameful thing for him to be "3 plus 1" by Meng Lang!

Do not……

After Meng Lang made three consecutive 3-pointers, including a "3 plus 3", it was no longer a shame for him.

It was so tight that it was just a training match. Meng Lang didn't create a "3 plus 1" for him on the stage of the finals!

Crazy, crazy, this guy is completely crazy!

Chuck Daly shook his head slightly.

Although this is not the first time I have seen him perform like this, it is the third time I have stood on the sidelines and watched him throw three-pointers like this crazily.

But every time, he felt incredible.

He has never seen anyone shoot three-pointers so resolutely.

Or is it because of the limitations of the times?

If Chuck Daly had seen the "small ball era" in advance, he might not have been so impressed...

Okay, maybe the emotion is still so big!

Because it’s so damn accurate!

Conner Arena was booed, and the faces of loyal Rockets fans were filled with pain.

Elder Meng, just accept your magical powers!

But such boos could not affect Meng Lang under the "Buddha's light".

The point difference came to 6 points.

Only 2 minutes have passed in the fourth quarter.

Tomjanovich had to call another timeout.

At the same time, I felt a little regretful. I shouldn't have said that "chicken soup" that slightly meant "shou Cheng" just now. He thought it was not oppressive enough, which made Meng Lang explode.

"Push harder and try not to let that guy get the ball!"

Of course he was talking about Meng Lang!

But this move has always been used against those ordinary shooters.


Ability to directly catch the ball!

Olajuwon assisted Thorpe and missed the frame. ——The Rockets' "cake-eating man" who averaged 20 points per game, his mentality was also affected by Meng Lang's consecutive three-pointers. An almost open layup, the ball turned into the basket, and then turned out. , Shaquille O'Neal collected the rebound with a "snap".

Quickly give it to Hardaway.

Seeing the Rockets' unreasonable defense, "Penny"'s original idea was to use his breakthrough to open a gap and then pass the ball to Meng Lang.

As a result, he had just stopped on the wing, and suddenly, Meng Lang took a step towards him from the top of the arc.

Force the ball!

Then he just raised his hand and shot against Kenny Smith, who was less than 20cm away from him.



A small sigh came from Kenny Smith's mouth.

He resisted the urge to spread his hands.

But his face still couldn't help showing the emotion of "nothing left to live for".

In this round, his hand almost slapped Meng Lang on the forehead, but he still couldn't stop Meng Lang from scoring.

Is this guy human?

Is this how three-pointers are shot?

They are both pitchers, so the gap is too big, right?

This is the same thought in the minds of Houstonians looking at Meng Lang and Kenny Smith standing opposite.

But soon, Kenny Smith discovered that Meng Lang's condition seemed to be continuing to improve...

In the next round, when Meng Lang received the ball, his whole body enveloped him.

Yes, in this case, you should pass it on, right?

Kenny Smith cursed in his mind.

But in the end, Meng Lang bumped Kenny Smith with his shoulder.

The force was so sudden that Kenny Smith's center of gravity fell back. However, he quickly stabilized his center of gravity and reached out again to cover Meng Lang, but at this moment of shooting space, Meng Lang grasped it.


Come on!

The restless scene had long since become quiet, and now it is as quiet as the Busan Library.

Meng Lang's three-pointer directly wiped out their last bit of enthusiasm.

Kenny Smith finally showed his hands to his teammates.

I really can't guard against this. Let's make a substitution!

Tomjanovich had to call a timeout again, which was the last timeout on his hands. But if they don't call a timeout, I'm afraid the Rockets' fighting spirit won't be able to survive at all. Meng Lang shattered their previously high fighting spirit with a three-pointer.

"There are only 2 points left, catch up, then kill them, let us tie the score!" Chuck Daly's voice was impassioned, as if he was reciting an oath. At the end of the words, he gave everyone on the Magic team Adding a shot of "stimulant", "Listen, guys, for the seventh game of the series, I have prepared a winning strategy. As long as we win this game, we will definitely be able to complete the reversal!"

"At that time, we will be the first team in NBA history to complete the 'handicap 3 to chase 4', and on the stage of the finals, our opponent will still be the regular season MVP and the best defensive player award winner Haki. M-Olajuwon!”

"Come on, man, it's only 2 points away. This time, we're really going to do something big!"

"Magic Team!"

“go go go!!!”

The talented "Youth Army" burst out with high fighting spirit under Chuck Daly's bewitching rhetoric.

This fighting spirit originated from Meng Lang's outstanding performance, and now, the reason why it is even more intense is the glory that is just around the corner!

This historic moment is something that every NBA player longs for but cannot ask for!

Many years later, looking back on this moment, if we failed to go further in the end, we evened the score to 3-3. How many regrets there will be then will be the source of motivation at this moment!

The eyes of every Magic player were intense and fiery, and they wanted to eat the Rockets alive.

"Leave it to you, Hakeem!" Tomjanovich knew that the Rockets had reached the most critical moment at this moment, so he solemnly "entrusted me".

There is no way, he has no timeout left to use!

Olajuwon, who returned to the court, fulfilled his mission and successfully hit a high jumper.

These 2 points are crucial, but...

Too little!

How can a drop of water save a person who is dying of thirst?

Meng Lang wandered outside the three-point line of the Rockets' defensive zone. His flexible running made all Rockets fans hold their breath. In their eyes, how could Meng Lang still be a human being? This is clearly a "god of death" wearing a black robe. He can lift the sickle in his hand and harvest the "life" of a Rocket!

They kept saying silently in their hearts:

Don't catch the ball, don't catch the ball, don't give this guy the ball!



Meng Lang, whose figure was blurry in the camera due to his fast movement, saw that he still couldn't get rid of Kenny Smith's defense, so he simply approached Hardaway and forced the ball.

This is so special!

Can you still act like a normal pitcher?

Seeing this scene, Tomjanovich finally understood that this guy was not a traditional pitcher.

Blocking him from catching the ball is useless!

He raised his hand directly after taking the ball. Meng Lang's fake shot was not real, but Kenny Smith in front of him couldn't care less whether Meng Lang's action was real or fake. When he saw him raising his hand, he jumped up.

I'm really scared!

Meng Lang just rushed from his side to the inside.

Olajuwon hesitated and then made up for it, but Meng Lang didn't hesitate at all and threw the ball into the air.


"Shark out of the sea", filling the frame with both hands, and a "thunder" directly above Olajuwon's head.


Shaquille O'Neal, who succeeded in the dunk, was very excited. When he returned to defense, he excitedly looked for Meng Lang and wanted to bump his shoulder. As a result, Meng Lang pushed him directly back to the basket. After recovering from his composure, O'Neal realized that the Rockets had finished After receiving the serve, five people rushed over in a hurry.

The point difference returned to two points again, and the Magic team recovered the two points by "Shark" dunking "Big Dream", which made the mentality of both sides even more "polarized."

Even Olajuwon's face showed impatience.

He desperately wants to regain his place. Can……

As soon as he was anxious, Vernon became even more anxious, completely unaware that a figure was approaching furtively behind him.


Tomjanovich shouted.

Vernon subconsciously looked for Meng Lang's location.

He is here!

So what should I be careful about...


A strong arm slapped the ball out of his hand.

Vernon saw the number on his clothes clearly:

Magic No. 1!

Anfernee Hardaway!

This wave?

This wave is called "inheritance"!

There is a successor to the "Meng style steal", and at this moment, it becomes the "Kazakh style steal".

Meng Lang pounced forward, caught the ball thrown by Hardaway, and quickly passed it to Hardaway.

The Rockets return to defense very quickly, and they all go towards Hardaway.

But in the end, Hardaway, who was at the free throw line, turned around to find Meng Lang, who was still outside the three-point line, and returned the ball to his hands again.

"How dare you miss such a dream?"

If no one is watching, then make them pay.


Meng Lang hit a three-pointer from a wide open position.

After this goal, the scene was filled with wailing. The Rockets' 12-point lead was officially wiped out after this moment, and they became a trailing side.

Impatience covered the faces of every Rockets player, so they made a mistake again!

Tomjanovich shook his head helplessly. Originally, he left two timeouts in the fourth quarter. When he was leading by 2 points, leaving two timeouts was completely enough. But who would have thought that Meng Lang would come out halfway and directly Give him 12 timeouts and it's gone!

But under the circumstances, he had to call a timeout...

So now, he can only watch the Rockets make two consecutive mistakes, but can't do anything.

Hardaway had the ball in his hand, but he did not increase the rhythm, but stabilized the rhythm. This was Meng Lang's signal to him. He was also very obedient and waited for the Magic players to get into position step by step, and then began to look for Meng Lang's position.

However, there was no need for him to look for him at all. Meng Lang looked for him after his teammates were in position, and took the ball without any hesitation, just like a machine with code input, performing the task.

Kenny Smith tried his best to reach out, but the interference was limited.

At this time, even he didn't believe that he could cause enough interference.


Falling out of frame again!

So far, Meng Lang has made 4 of 4 three-pointers in the fourth quarter!

The Rockets do not have a powerful perimeter defender, and the impact has become fatal!

It was a goal that killed the game.

After this three-pointer, the Rockets fell behind by 4 points.

What's more fatal than this 4-point difference is the attitude of the Rockets:

Cowardice, low morale, no ability to execute...

Olajuwon even served with a sense of impatience.

When the absolute initiator of a team's tactics shows such emotions, the result of the team is doomed.

The situation was over, and the game was over. The Rockets once led by 12 points, but suffered a reversal in the final quarter, losing their first game back in Houston 104 to 113, by 9 points.

After "two consecutive defeats", they returned to their home court. This was supposed to be an opportunity to wipe out the decline. They did do it at the beginning, but in the end, it was completely ruined because of Meng Lang's explosion!

What's even more terrifying than losing this game is that the score is tied at 3-3!

They don't have any advantage anymore...

Although Game 7 is still the home court of the Rockets,...

Just look at the 7% of the auditorium that was filled before the game ended.

Just look at the buzzer and the Rockets players lowering their heads one by one.

If such a home court can be considered a home court advantage, then this is indeed the only "fig leaf" the Rockets have!

Thomas sat in the VIP box and looked at the close-up shot of Meng Lang high-fiving his teammates one by one. He had to admit that he was wrong!

He shouldn't have just traded Thorpe and Vernon for Meng Lang...

Kenny Smith, Horry, and the new ugly-looking rookie...

Except for Olajuwon, whoever the Timberwolves name, he should add to the list without hesitation.

If this were the case, the Rockets would have eliminated the Magic 4-0!


This is Meng Lang’s final score sheet in the sixth game of the series.

In addition to him, Shaquille O'Neal, the Magic's top scorer, scored 19 points, and Hardaway, who was third, scored 15 points...

It can be said that he alone directed this "12-point reversal show"!

"This little bitch has some skills!"

Michael Jordan enjoyed it.

There is a refreshing feeling like drinking Sprite in the dog days of summer.

This made him unable to resist opening a bottle of Romanée-Conti Grand Cru worth RMB 6. Just as the wine was poured into the glass, Jordan suddenly remembered:

No, this little bitch won, am I so happy? This has nothing to do with me!

Drink a hammer!

I still have an unsettled account with him!

He turned to look at the servant in the living room, and secretly poured the red wine in the glass back into the bottle.


It hasn’t been poured out for three seconds, so it should be fine!

Sure enough, I still have to deal with this little bitch!

Michael Jordan has decided to come back. He suddenly discovered that the league is updating and iterating very quickly. He has just left for a season, and such newcomers have emerged. What if he plays for another two years?

Yes, the future "Basketball God" insists on using such reasons to convince himself.

He didn't want to admit that he couldn't stand being away from the spotlight, so he decided to come back.

And one more thing...

After the Magic win this game, the ratings for the next game will be at least 2300 million.

This is Michael Jordan's conservative estimate.

There is no way, this drama is too eye-catching!

If Meng Lang and the Magic are allowed to complete this "big show", then it is certain that many fans will pick up the NBA again.

This was his first step into being forgotten, and what he couldn't bear the most was that two or three years after his retirement, his voice would no longer be heard in this league. More importantly, he was afraid that a few years later, the media would try to introduce new players. , constantly belittling him. He knew very well that the media could do such a thing.

It is also for this reason that he must do something earth-shattering again!

It is indeed a little early to choose to retire at the age of 30.

Little bitch, wait for the "number one in the league" to deal with you!

Meng Lang didn't know what kind of ripples his victory with the Magic had caused in Michael Jordan's heart. At this moment, he was enjoying the biggest "spotlight" in history, looking at the "long guns and short guns" in front of him. ", he had the illusion that the world's media was concentrated here at the moment.

He could also understand the excitement of this group of people.

If it were him, his eyes would be full of fanaticism at this moment.

"Dream, a great game, now your goal should always be the championship, right?"

Meng Lang answered the question with the usual rhetorical question: "At this point, no one has a goal, other than the championship, right?"

David Stern looked at Meng Lang who was surrounded from a distance.

He looked normal, with his trademark smile on his face.

But inside him, there was a turbulent wave, louder than the Titanic hitting the rocks.

When Kenny Smith hit that three-pointer in the fourth quarter, he had the same view as most people:

it's over!

This year’s finals are over!

The Magic are tenacious, but the final championship still belongs to the Rockets!

But in the end, Meng Lang showed an incredible performance on the court at this time. He single-handedly turned the tide and led the Magic to a 19-point victory over the Rockets in the fourth quarter!

With this phenomenal performance, he brought the Magic to the "Tiebreaker"!

There is no doubt that he will become famous in the United States after tonight. As long as any fan follows the NBA, it is impossible not to hear his name.

This game will have such an impact!

The ratings don't lie. When the game came to the fourth quarter, the ratings of the game dropped from 1900 million at the beginning to 1500 million. However, starting from Meng Lang's first three-pointer in the fourth quarter, the ratings dropped to 2000 million. It continued to pick up at an astonishing speed. The moment the Magic took over, the viewership of this game reached 2256 million, and at the end of the game, the real-time viewership was as high as million!

This has already caught up with last season’s playoff ratings.

Only the Bulls and Suns finals ratings were higher than this number.

And there is still a seventh game in this series!

One thing David Stern is very troubled about right now is:

In order for the NBA to eliminate the impact of Michael Jordan's retirement as quickly as possible, should he push the Magic?

Let history be born!

He can guarantee that the three young leaders of the Magic, especially Meng Lang, will quickly gain a large number of fans, which will definitely ensure that the NBA's ratings will continue to rise next season.

In fact, even David Stern did not expect that a new myth would rise so quickly!


This button, which carried his dream of the Chinese market, now gave him another "big gift".

However, this also made him more convinced of his idea. The NBA does not lack legends, it just lacks the "pushers" to promote legends.


We should promote an alliance in which "a hundred flowers bloom" rather than an alliance in which "a single flower flourishes".

"This is entirely due to him alone. He destroyed the Rockets alone. There is no doubt that he preserved the opportunity for the Magic to become a legend. This opportunity was almost lost from our hands, but he picked it up for us. , tonight belongs to him!"

No matter how little emotions Shaquille O'Neal had, he had to applaud Meng Lang after tonight's game.

That kind of performance deserves all the praise.

Again, "Shark" is a petty guy, but he's also a very smart guy.

He has never learned that "people who understand current affairs are heroes", but he understands this truth very well.

Later, when Yao Ming entered the league and the media just started to hype the "Yao Shark Showdown", he was full of disdain. But when Yao Ming showed his strength and he mentioned Yao Ming again, he would definitely get all kinds of praise;

The same is true for Kobe. After winning his fourth championship, he immediately ridiculed "Kobe is nothing without me." But when Kobe had enough team chips and started to fight for his fourth championship, he could immediately follow suit. Kobe Bryant "smiled away his grudges" at the All-Star Weekend and won the All-Star MVP trophy together.

He knows how to take advantage of the situation.

So he never puts himself in a position where public opinion is bad.

Just like this moment, his heart was still eager to compete with Meng Lang, but because of Meng Lang's great performance, he could only temporarily stop his activities and openly send all the cheers and admirations.

Needless to say, he "cold-eyed" watched Kobe's crazy shots in the 04 Finals, causing the team to lose.

In fact, in that situation, he couldn't do much. The ball was in Kobe's hands. If he didn't pass the ball to him, what else could he do? So the person who really led to that situation was really not Shaq.

Besides, he doesn't have that kind of status in the world yet. He hasn't won the "three consecutive championships" yet. He is just a second-year "little loser" who is somewhat famous.

The future is long, the future is long...

Meng Lang didn't know what Shaq was thinking at the moment. He only had one idea now, and that was to win the "tiebreak" and win the championship!

At this point, I have other selfish thoughts, such as worrying that if I win the championship, I may become the "second best", so I just want to score 8 points.

This is an extremely unprofessional thing to do.

The burning "Michael Jordan heart" in his chest didn't allow him to do this!

His competitiveness reached the strongest moment in his career.

Meng Lang probably knew why Michael Jordan was always invincible. The closer he got to the finish line, the more restless his heart was for victory. How could such a person not win? How could you not win?

The eyes of the rest of the Magic team also had the same fire.

Even on the night when they won Game 6 of the series and tied the score at 3-3, the Magic players still didn't understand what was going on. They could understand it by reading the outside reports in the past two days. What the hell is going on!

Vigorous and high-spirited...

These six words can very accurately summarize the mentality of the Magic team at this moment.

They desperately want to be the "first in history"!

Their fighting spirit was so high that when they came out of the visiting team's tunnel in Game 7 of the series, they all looked as excited as if they were playing at home. They responded to the boos with roars to show their determination.

Compared with them, the Rockets have obviously not yet recovered from their 12-point lead in the last quarter of the last game, only to be reversed and collapse. When they appeared, they all looked weak, as if they were leading the team last night. He had taken more than a dozen tubes and looked listless.

Just looking at the appearance of the Rockets, Bill Walton said: "It seems that history is really going to be born!"

He can understand why the Rockets are so lackluster.

The second is the 12-point reversal in the last game. The key point is that no one on the outside of the Rockets can match Meng Lang. Once others help defend, the defensive formation will inevitably change, and the rest of the Magic team will have more opportunities. Offensive opportunity.

This alone is enough to make all members of the Rockets worried.

just in case……

Another bold idea came to Bill Walton's mind.

But when he looked at the current state of the Rockets, even if he was not a Rockets fan, he really couldn't bear to think about it anymore.

The good news is that everyone on the Rockets, who was sluggish before the game, became a lot more positive as the game started. Obviously they didn't intend to surrender so easily.


The Rockets won the right to attack.

The moment Olajuwon got the ball in the low post, Hardaway immediately double-teamed him with Shaquille O'Neal, forcing him to play the ball quickly.

Vernon received his pass and shot a three-pointer. The opportunity came out, but the first shot failed and Shaquille O'Neal protected the rebound.

Hardaway took the ball to the frontcourt and immediately looked for Meng Lang's position.

The same goes for the Rockets, who immediately paid attention to Meng Lang's position. But the next second when all the defense lines followed Meng Lang, Hardaway rushed into the basket and completed a dunk.


Bill Walton shook his head slightly.

So far, it's been exactly as he expected.

The Rockets are paying too much attention to Meng Lang tonight!

This allowed Hardaway to score easily. It can be expected that there will definitely be no less scenes like this tonight.

and also……

Vernon took the ball to the frontcourt, and Olajuwon once again took the ball in the low post. This time, Anderson and Anderson on the same side of him were double-teamed in time. Olajuwon once again passed the ball to the outside. Horry caught the ball and shot. , he successfully hit the goal.

But in the following time, the Magic did not give up double-teaming Olajuwon.

This is what Chuck Daly said at the end of the last game, a "guaranteed win tactic."

The "double-team Olajuwon" tactic is specially used to deal with the "one star and four shots" tactic!

The purpose of this defensive tactic is also very simple. Through continuous double-teaming, Olajuwon can stay outside the Rockets' tactical system. Chuck Daly doesn't believe that a team like the Rockets, which relies entirely on Olajuwon, can maintain their scoring rhythm in a system without Olajuwon's constant participation!

This is also the biggest problem with "single-core teams"...

As for why this tactic was not used at the beginning, the reason is also very simple. Such tactics become less effective the more they are used. If the Rockets were allowed to study the game replays for two days, they would probably be able to use Olajuwon to defeat him. Double-team and get more opportunities!

Chuck Daly also kept holding back and used this trick at the most deadly moment.

For example, the Rockets' mentality has not fully recovered yet, but it is already a crucial battle to determine the outcome.

In such a game, the Rockets will rely more on the team leader than usual. If they double-team him at this time, once there is a problem with the Rockets' rhythm, others will definitely become confused.

What does it mean to be a "master at playing with people's hearts"?

Do you think Chuck Daly is just playing with the hearts of his players?

On his board are players from the entire league.

Bill Walton clearly saw this and sighed.

What he didn't have the heart to think about just now was this situation:

If the Magic make other changes in this game, then the Rockets will still be passive!

The effect of double-teaming Olajuwon was not obvious at first, but as the game progressed, Olajuwon could not get the ball. The other Rockets players had ups and downs in their hands under high pressure, and the Magic took advantage of the situation. A "scoring wave" of 13 to 6.

Not enough to kill, but enough for the Magic to take the initiative.

Olajuwon was double-teamed again and again and had no choice but to play the ball. He watched helplessly as the Rockets gradually opened up a wider point difference but could do nothing. He was filled with resentment. When he was suspended from the game in the fourth quarter, he was even more direct. Threw the towel on the bench.

The person he resented at this moment was no longer his teammates.

Players such as Vernon and Thorpe were scolded by him in person. He described them as "incompetent and mediocre players." However, after scolding them, he still had to continue to be teammates with these people, so what he hated most at the moment was the Rockets. The team owner and the general manager of the Rockets.

Why can't you find me a better helper?

Am I not good enough?

Or am I not valuable enough?

His eyes gradually turned red as he watched the score difference gradually reach 12 points.

The Houstonians in the audience had already begun to leave the stadium in large numbers. Of the nearly 2 people in the audience, there were only less than two or three thousand fans left standing there blankly.

Their expressions were surprisingly unified. Apart from being dull and numb, they also looked depressed.

Everyone on the Magic team is even more excited, especially as the time approaches...

They even showed their enthusiasm to completely crush the Rockets!

Without Meng Lang, the Rockets would have no miracles!

The score difference came to 15 points...

David Stern and the accompanying league uniform staff stood up at this moment and walked towards the backcourt. It was their turn to prepare.

The cameramen on the sidelines also began to prepare to move towards the center of the field.

The Rockets have no resistance at all. Everyone knows that for the first time in NBA history, the appearance of "let three chase four" is a foregone conclusion.

Chuck Daly watched the time drop below the last minute, and finally put one hand in his pocket with confidence. He greeted the historic moment with the most relaxed posture. But there was unstoppable restlessness in his eyes. After so many years of coaching, this was the first time he had experienced such a scene.

To be fair, he felt this was more exciting than winning the championship!

And for something like this to happen on the stage of the NBA Finals, it can be called a "miracle"!

After all, the Magic are just a "youth army" and the playoffs haven't even started yet. These media experts are not optimistic that they can advance to the second round. At that time, they think that the more experienced Nets will complete the "lower victory over the upper hand". ", and as a result, the Nets were swept by them 3-0.

Then they met the New York Knicks and the Pacers. Whenever the Magic encountered some setbacks, voices of doubt and disapproval of them would follow, because they are a "youth army."

But they killed New York and the Pacers!

As a "Youth Army", we entered the finals.

But as the Rockets advanced to the finals, they were greeted by even greater doubts.

Because in the regular season, they were swept 2-0 by the Rockets very easily.

They stand in front of Team Rocket, acting like a mantis!

The first three games seemed to have really verified their point of view. They lost again and again, losing three games in a row. When the big score reached 0-3, most experts had already sounded the blow for the Magic. Fishing horn.

But no one expected that in this situation of no retreat, the Magic team made a change of formation. What they blew was not a fishing horn, but a counterattack horn!



The difficulty here, as well as the explosive stadium presence generated by the difficulty, cannot be fully explained in these few words.

"This is a great reversal. This is a classic finals. In the first season after Michael Jordan retired, Meng Lang and the Magic made this league still full of charm! Let us congratulate them for eliminating the Rockets 4-3. , won this year’s NBA championship!”

During Bill Walton's concluding remarks, the buzzer sounded, and the game ended. The Magic officially eliminated the Rockets with a 109-85, 14-point advantage, and won the seventh game of the series.

All the cameras rushed towards Meng Lang at this moment.

Meng Lang, surrounded by his Magic teammates, looked at the camera and shouted:

"Never underestimate the heart of a champion!"

He pointed to the floor under his feet:

"here it is……"

"The place where miracles are born!"

(End of this chapter)

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