Chapter 310: The whole world is Han territory

The emperor's laughter echoed in front of the city gate, and the common people and officials who were watching could all hear it.

They also looked at the general on horseback with expectant eyes.

As if asking.

The enemy can go, but can I go?
This is a very simple expectation of the people. The Huns bullied us, can we bully them back?

The Han Dynasty today, General Wei Qing today, do you have the ability to let us bully you back?

Under such a gaze, who could hide the excitement in their heart?

Perhaps Wei Qing could do it a dozen years later, or even dozens of years later, but not Wei Qing now, so he immediately dismounted, knelt on one knee on the ground, his eyes filled with excitement, enthusiasm and generosity.

"Your Majesty."

"I am willing to fight the Huns again for your majesty and clear the world!"

At this time, two people slowly stood up from the group of ministers following Liu Che.

When the two men stood up, they were both surprised for a moment, because they did not expect that someone else would stand up with them, but this surprise only lasted for a brief moment, and then the two men spoke at the same time.

"His Majesty!"

"I wish to follow General Wei Qing and wipe out the Xiongnu together!"

People's eyes quickly turned to the two men, and saw that one of them had a wanton look, and the other had an indifferent and peaceful look. The two men looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old, and had not even put on any clothes yet.

"Isn't this Chen's son?"

Someone in the crowd shouted in surprise, followed by a chorus of voices echoing the voice.

"Yes! It's Chen's son!"

"I recognize the pattern on his clothes! It's the symbol of the Chen family!"

Because he did not hold any official position, even in such occasions, Chen Qulu wore the clothes of the Chen family. The family emblem of the Chen family was a proudly standing unicorn with its head raised to the sky!

There are auspicious clouds floating under the feet of the Qilin, and there is a majestic scene above the head of the Qilin.

The Qilin roars to the sky!

"Who is the person next to Chen Zi? He also looks young?"

Everyone was shaking their heads, even the officials behind Liu Che were shaking their heads. At this time, Wei Qing had a look of anxiety on his face, and he quickly said, "Qubing! Stop fooling around! Go back!"

"What can you do? Get out of here right away!"

Huo Qubing's face flashed with dissatisfaction. He raised his head and said, "Uncle! The man next to me is also young. Why do you say that about me but not him?"

"Does he have the heart to defend his country, but I don't?"

"You must know that heroes often emerge from youth!"

Wei Qing was choked for a moment. These words were from Chen Zi's Quotations. They were said by Chen Zi back then. They came from Chen Zi's mouth and were recorded in the book by Shen Zi. They were irrefutable and could not be refuted.

If we refute this statement, wouldn't that mean Chen Zi is wrong?
The descendants of Chen Zi are now here, pointing at the monk and calling him a bald donkey. Not to mention the current Wei Qing, even the Wei Qing in the future would never dare to do that.

Perhaps he noticed Wei Qing's embarrassment, so Liu Che laughed loudly, breaking the atmosphere. He went forward to help Wei Qing up, and then helped Chen Qulu and Huo Qubing up. He then looked at Chen Qulu and said, "This is Qulu, right?"

He said with some emotion: "In the past, during the time of Emperor Gao, General Chen De and the God of War worked together to wipe out the Xiongnu."

"When I read history books, I often feel emotional."

"I never thought that today I would be able to get another good general from the Chen family!"

"This is the good fortune of the Han Dynasty, and this is my good fortune!"

Liu Che's brows were filled with pride. "Since you are determined to wipe out the Xiongnu, I will appoint you as the general. After the army has rested, you can lead the army to conquer the Xiongnu together with Wei Qing. How about that?"

Chen Qulu raised his eyebrows slightly, then bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will definitely drive out the Xiongnu and drive them out of our Han territory completely!"

Liu Che just held his hand and smiled, then turned around and looked at Huo Qubing. His expression softened a little and he didn't smile as much, but his smile was more sincere than the one he gave Chen Qulu.

"Are you Wei Qing's nephew?"

Huo Qubing nodded, his expression respectful yet a bit arrogant.

Looking at Huo Qubing like this, Liu Che's eyes flickered with a hint of nostalgia. Wasn't that arrogance exactly like what he used to be like?

But now he is trapped in the deep palace, and he is afraid that he does not have the future to sweep away the Huns like the young man in front of him. He can only stay in Chang'an City because he is the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

If anything happened, the Han would be really finished.

He hesitated for a moment, and under the gazes from behind and in front of him, he looked at Huo Qubing and said, "Since you said you want to serve the country and kill the Huns, I cannot fail to fulfill your wish."

"But you have no achievements. Even if you are the son of Wei Qing, you cannot immediately join the army as a general."

If Huo Qubing said this in private, Liu Che would at least give him a position as a deputy general or a lieutenant general, just like Wei Qing in the past, but he cannot do that now.

In public, he wants to be fair.

After all, precedents cannot be set so openly.

So, Liu Che said after a moment's hesitation: "I will make you the 'Piao Yao Commander', the vanguard. This army is the vanguard of the army, with heavy responsibilities, but also with many difficulties. It is more dangerous than the rear army. Are you willing?"

"You dare?"

In fact, even if Huo Qubing was the vanguard at that time, there would not be any real danger, because Liu Che would definitely let Huo Qubing and Wei Qing go to the expedition together. At that time, the main general would be his uncle. Wouldn't it be a matter of Wei Qing's words how to arrange Huo Qubing?

He just wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination to learn about Huo Qubing.

At that time, Liu Che dared to go to Chen Mansion alone and ask for a "deal" from the then King of An, Chen Qiu, to make Chen Qiu stand neutral and biased towards him, and Liu Che won the bet in the end.

So, does Huo Qubing dare to accept this seemingly dangerous position now?

Facts have proved that this boy of fourteen or fifteen years old really dares.

Huo Qubing raised his head and looked at Liu Che, his face full of arrogance and pride, but it did not make people feel annoyed, but instead made people smile knowingly.

If such a young man lacked this kind of arrogance, wouldn't he seem too dull?

"I dare you!"

"I will take over this position!"

"I will wipe out the Huns for your majesty!"

“Be a pioneer!”

Hearing Huo Qubing's answer, Liu Che felt even happier. He held Wei Qing and Huo Qubing in one hand and Chen Qulu in the other, and walked towards the palace together.

The people around who were watching this scene had excitement on their faces and in their eyes.

There was even a painter who was watching this scene from a restaurant high up, and countless inspirations burst out before his eyes. A national treasure-level painting called "The Four Saints of the Han Dynasty" which was later treasured in the "Zhuoshen Tower" was painted at this time.

That painting is also called "Emperor Wu welcomes the Grand Marshal and meets two marquises" and "Emperor Wu meets three heroes in the early Han Dynasty". At this time, there were countless banquets in the palace, and Chang'an City was also very lively.

In the second year of Jianyuan, with a heavy rain in early autumn, the emperor's reward to Wei Qing came down.

The emperor issued an edict: pardoned and conferred the title of Marquis of Guannei on Wei Qing, promoted him to military commander, and appointed him as general, in charge of military affairs of the whole country together with the Grand Marshal and Marquis of Jiang Zhou Yafu.

At the same time, other imperial decrees were issued, including appointing Chen Qulu as supreme general and Huo Qubing as commander of the Yao Army.

Of course, compared to the former, the latter two things are trivial matters.

However, the decree to pardon and enfeoff Chen Qulu still attracted the attention of some people, because this was the first time in nearly thirty years that someone from the Chen family had joined the army since "Chen De" was involved in military affairs!
And those who joined the army this time were still descendants of "Chen Zhan", the Qin Wu'an Jun!

For a moment, many people sighed with emotion.

“Among the five branches of the Chen family, most are warriors and heroes.”

In the second year of Jianyuan, the emperor once asked Wei Qing, the Marquis of Guannei, "Since the Huns could invade the Han Dynasty, could the Han Dynasty conquer the Huns?"

At that time, Guannei Hou Weiqing’s answer was yes, and this answer has been recorded in history books.

But the preparation for a war is not that simple. For example, the emperor just opens his mouth to ask a question, and the generals below just open their mouths to answer, and then a war can be started?
This is a joke.

The preparation for war requires the efforts of countless people, including the prime minister in the court and the "Central Government Commander" in the palace, also known as the "Prime Minister", who work together.

Time passes gradually.

The third year of Jianyuan was spent in such preparations.

In what should have been the fourth year of Jianyuan, the emperor issued an edict to change the name of the year to "Yuanshou", which means hunting.

People could see the emperor's ambition from this reign title.

And that's exactly what happened.

The first year of Yuanshou
With the anticipation of countless people, especially the emperor, the Han Dynasty was finally ready for a war with the Huns. It didn't matter even if the war would last for three or four years. After the "Governance of Wen and Jing", the Han Dynasty was no longer the time when "eight horses of the same color could not be matched" and the emperor could only use horses of mixed colors at the beginning of the Han Dynasty.

Today's Han people have strong soldiers and horses!

The first year of Yuanshou, autumn, August.

In the bleak autumn wind, Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty received the first good news.

There was a piece of good news from the harem. Wei Zifu, who had become the most favored concubine in Emperor Che's harem, was pregnant. It was only after three years in the palace that she became pregnant. This was an extremely difficult thing.

Of course, even so, Wei Zifu was the first one to become pregnant.

When the mourning period for the previous emperor had just ended, the emperor selected a group of beautiful women to enter the palace, and since then he would select a group of beautiful women every year. Princess Pingyang was still constantly looking for beauties to send into the harem.

Even if the emperor slept with two women a day, it would take him one or two years to show his favor to all the women in the harem.

When the news of Wei Zifu's pregnancy reached the previous dynasty, Liu Che was discussing with Wei Qing and Chen Qiu the war against the Huns that would be launched this year. When he suddenly heard the news, he stood up excitedly.

After all, the emperor had just been crowned!
He was overjoyed and even ordered directly: "Pass on my order!"

"Zi Fu is pregnant and will give birth to a dragon heir for me. I will reward you with a thousand gold coins! A bucket of pearls from the East China Sea and ten pieces of Sichuan silk!"

Chen Qiu and Wei Qing were also there to congratulate Liu Che.

At this time, Liu Che was too excited. He turned to look at Wei Qing and said something that shocked both of them.

"Wei Qing, if you can defeat the Xiongnu for me this time, and if Zifu gives birth to my eldest son, I will make Zifu my empress and my eldest son my crown prince."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Qing knelt on the ground and said repeatedly: "Your Majesty, please think twice."

Liu Che looked at Chen Qiu beside him and asked, "Teacher, what do you think?"

Chen Qiu raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a very casual manner: "This is your Majesty's family affair, so naturally your Majesty has the final say."

"But it is possible to make the eldest son the crown prince."

"I have no opinion on this matter."

Liu Che then smiled, then pointed at Wei Qing and said, "You are usually dull, but now you are pushing away the benefits you have obtained. You simply have no brains!"

"Now that I have spoken, my words are binding. This is not only a reward to you, but also a reward to Zifu for serving me diligently over the past few years."

He said with emotion: "In the four years since I ascended the throne, the court has been urging me to establish a queen as soon as possible, and they also hope that I can give birth to a child as soon as possible, but I have never been able to do so. Now I finally have a queen."

Liu Che shook his head and looked at the geomancy map hanging in the distance.

"I don't know when my grand wish of making the whole world Han territory will be realized."

The first year of Yuanshou, September in autumn.

Under everyone's expectations, under the gaze of the masses, the emperor issued an edict!
With Wei Qing, Marquis of Guannei, Commandant of the Army, and General, as the chief general, General Chen Qulu as the deputy general, and Lieutenant Huo Qubing of Piao Yao as the vanguard, they led an army of 100,000 to attack the Huns!

The emperor must use facts to tell the people of the world and the Huns!
That is no longer the case!

Offensive and defensive types have changed!
The Huns wanted to defend the Langjuxu Mountain, with the Langjuxu Mountain and the endless grassland as the bottom line. Their wish to hold on to their last piece of Eternal Heaven would be completely shattered!
Kou can go, so can I!

Conquer the Huns.

The whole world is Han territory.

The time to realize this great wish is now! Now!
The emperor's wish is so grand and so irresistible.

Autumn of the first year of Yuanshou.

As the army set out towards the Huns, a convoy slowly came from the west. When the convoy arrived under the Chang'an city wall, all the people in the convoy looked at the towering Chang'an City with tears in their eyes.

Some people even knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

The leader was wearing a robe to protect himself from the wind and sand, and his face showed a weathered look. He stared at the three words "Chang'an City" and let out a soft sigh.

He was the one who left Chang'an City during the time of the previous emperor, but now the world has changed and a new emperor has come.

After many years, Chen Pi is back!

The first person to receive the news was Chen Qiu. Chen Qiu, who was in the mansion at the time, received the news from Heibingtai and became excited instantly.

The second person to receive the news was Liu Che, and he also had a look of surprise on his face.

He looked at the embroidered messenger and asked, "What did you say?"

"You said that Chen Pi, who went to the Western Regions to open up trade routes during the time of the previous emperor, has returned?"

"came back?"

PS: Attached is a brief record about Huo Qubing in the Book of Han in this book.

This is purely fictional. If there is any similarity, we apologize.

Huo Qubing: Born in the Princess Pingyang's Mansion in the sixth year of Jingyuan (157 BC), he was one of the three heroes of the Han Dynasty. Later, he became the Marquis of Guanjun and the general, and was very much loved by the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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