Go back in time and be a chaebol

Chapter 213 The Arrival of Immigrants

Chapter 213 The arrival of immigrants (first update, please subscribe)
  8 month 10 day,
  On the third day after the recapture of Kota Kinabalu, an Allied fleet slowly docked at the Port of Kota Kinabalu. This fleet sailed from Guangzhou, and the deck was crowded with workers from China.

Laborers who say yes are actually immigrants.

Almost immediately after the recovery of Guangzhou, in order to promote the next step of the plan, sixteen Liberty Ships sailed from the Philippines to Guangzhou under the escort of escort ships. After completing the loading and unloading of military supplies, the fleet carried nearly six Ten thousand laborers employed by the Borneo Company sailed to Borneo.

The use of return airships to transport laborers is an agreement reached between the Allied transport department and Borneo. Of course, the costs are borne by the troops themselves.

Compared with transportation costs, what Borneo needs here is people!

"Brother Six, this is Borneo."

the woman asked, holding the man's hand.

"Just, this is the place..."

He swallowed nervously. Like everyone else, Zhao Liu's eyes were full of expectations for the future, but he was still a little nervous. After all, this was a foreign country.

Bringing my wife here with me, it’s 600 yuan a month!

For a couple, that’s one thousand and two!

Even before boarding the train, I paid one month’s salary in advance for settling-in expenses!
  Where can such a good thing be found?

For Zhao Liu, who had finally survived the famine, he only wanted to keep his family fed and alive.

As for the rest, he didn't think much about it at all.

In fact, for the most part, the people on these ships just want to survive.

The people on these ships have different identities, including farmers, students, and soldiers. Of the more than one million soldiers who were demobilized last year, only a few have returned home. There are still hundreds of thousands scattered in the slums of the city. Of course, they Never miss an opportunity to hire.

Although I don’t know where Borneo is, I can’t stand the high wages!
  What's wrong with a bachelor? A bachelor also gets 500 yuan a month?
  500 yuan is the price of 10 US dollars in exchange for it in the bank.

As for those who are tired of thinking, they often exchange them on the black market, where 1 to 70 is more, which can add hundreds of dollars to the exchange.

As long as you work here for a few years, you can earn tens of thousands of dollars. Although the current legal currency is not as strong as before the war, it can't stand up to much!

In the face of high salary, no one has any resistance.

Among all kinds of immigrants, there is a very special person - Junichi Watanabe. He is indeed Japanese, but he is a deserter!

Last year, after his unit was dispersed by the Chinese in Henan, he was injured and separated from the unit. Instead of trying to escape to the Japanese-occupied area, he took off his military uniform, stripped off the dead man's clothes, and pretended to be Chinese.

Watanabe didn't want to fight, he just wanted to return to Japan alive. However, it is not easy to make a living alone in China. Even if you work, you must have a sponsor. Without a sponsor, you cannot even find a job. Life as a beggar is really painful, not to mention not having enough to eat every day. , and often bitten by dogs.

Half a month ago, when he learned in Wuhan that a Borneo company was recruiting workers and did not require a sponsor, Watanabe immediately started thinking about it.
  After dressing up in disguise, Ichiro Watanabe blended in with the registration team and successfully signed up!
  Now, finally we are in Borneo.

As long as you work here for a few years, save enough money, and when the war is over, you can go back to Japan!
  Soon Wu Yangyang's crowd got off the boat.

Just like when they got on the boat, when they got off the boat, the epidemic prevention personnel sprayed powdered insecticide on their bodies with a spray can to kill fleas and lice on their bodies. Then people lined up, waiting to fill in the registration form.

In this way, Ichiro Watanabe blended in among the people who signed up, but he was not conspicuous.

"Get in line and ten more come in!"

Someone shouted from the front.

The queue began to move forward, and Watanabe happened to be the tenth person.

Walking under the wooden shed, there are several long tables under the shed, with pencils placed on the long tables.

Looking not far away, I saw soldiers holding American carbines standing not far away observing the situation here.

Seeing the soldiers, Watanabe's heart tightened, and he walked forward with nine other people.

"One registration form per person, fill it out first, there is a table next to you, and there is a pen on the table!"

Someone took a stack of registration forms and distributed them to everyone.

"Sir, we are illiterate." "If you are illiterate, go over there and someone will help you register."

Ichiro Watanabe took the registration form, sat at the table, picked up a pencil, and started writing.

"Name, Zhang Tungui, age, 27 years old, date of birth, citizen..."

Having been pretending to be Chinese for more than a year, he has already memorized the background information of this identity so well that he can easily tell it by just opening his mouth.

Not far away, Li Haodong from the Labor Department introduced to Qian Xiong beside him:
  "From the moment we fill out the application form, our recruitment assessment has already begun. First of all, we can screen out those who are illiterate! Although literacy has been improved in China for more than ten years, there are still many illiterates, and many people are completely uneducated. Yes, such people are definitely not suitable for working in factories, but there is definitely no problem being a construction worker or working on a plantation."

Qian Xiong nodded. Having graduated from a normal school, he certainly knows how many illiterates there are in the country. It can be said that the vast majority of them are illiterate. What he is most concerned about now is when these people will enter the construction site. After all, there are people everywhere in Sandakan. Workers are needed.

These workers from China arrived at the right time, and they must be sent to the construction site as soon as possible.

Ichiro Watanabe's educational level must be much higher than that of the surrounding farmers. He quickly filled out the form and handed it in.

The person who collected the form looked at the information on it. When he saw Ichiro Watanabe filling in his home address, he frowned and asked:

"Are you from Heilongjiang?"


Watanabe Ichiro shook his head and said:
  "After Little Japan occupied the Northeast, I fled to the pass with my father! A few years ago, my father died of illness, and then my mother died too, and all the money she brought with me was spent. I happened to see you recruiting people, so I Come and try."

This is what Ichiro Watanabe has said countless times. Anyway, in one sentence, he is from the Northeast and his parents are dead.

"Hey, you have suffered a lot..."

"It's all caused by little Japan."

"That's right, we have to avenge this."

"To get revenge, I have to kill all those little Japanese..."

Watanabe's confident words naturally aroused everyone's approval. In these years, whose family has not suffered the sins of Little Japan!

That little Japanese guy is doing all kinds of bad things!

Although he is Japanese, when he said these words, Watanabe had no psychological pressure.

Just kill me, as long as you don't know that I am a little Japanese.

No, mine is a Chinese talent now!

Once again, Watanabe Ichiro strengthened his identity in his mind. There was no way, once it was exposed, his head would definitely be lost.

When he was in Wuhan, Watanabe saw with his own eyes how the common people beat the parachuting Japanese pilot to death with a punch and a stick, beating him to death. In the end, the man was turned into mud and his bones were beaten. Broken.

Soon, Watanabe and his party arrived at a temporary camp. The camp was full of wooden huts. Each room had five bunk beds. In addition to straw mats, the beds actually had pillows. The conditions were far beyond their expectations. imagination.

Just when Watanabe and others were satisfied with the accommodation conditions, in another camp, Zhao Liu and his wife were so excited that they were speechless - the dormitory they were assigned was actually a couple's room!

Just the two of them live there.

"Brother Six, this, is this really for us?"

Although the room was only a few square meters, looking at the bed and small table, the woman couldn't believe it. In fact, they originally thought about having a dozen or even dozens of people living together, but they never thought that they would be allowed to live together.
  "Xing, maybe so!"

Zhao Liuzhi sighed in disbelief. Who would believe this matter? .

"This, this is our home?"

Do you really have a family?
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  (End of this chapter)

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