Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 107 The boy’s broken wrist is both ruthless and cunning

Chapter 107 The boy’s broken wrist is both ruthless and cunning

Seeing that Ma Kongqun was clearly confident, Bai Xiaosheng frowned and said nothing, but Qin Xiaoyi and Zhao Zhengyi both changed their expressions.

Regardless of what they thought, Ma Kongqun asked Xue Yingzi, who was still beside the body: "When seniors participated in the hunt for the plum blossom thief, when looking at the plum blossom scars on the deceased, did they check the depth of the wounds?"

Xue Yingzi nodded and said: "At that time, we specially found the most brilliant men in the yamen to do the autopsy. We used silver needles to explore the wounds and found that these wounds penetrated the muscles and bones and penetrated very deep into the body. However, the hidden weapons in the wounds should have been removed with magnets. Something like that was sucked out, so I never knew what it was.”

Ma Kongqun said: "I have already found out that the unique hidden weapon Mei Hua stole to commit murder was to use a thin iron pipe in his mouth to blow out five fine ox hair needles. The internal strength he practiced was different. It is mysterious. The five poison-quenching thin needles are forged from black gold mixed with cold iron, so they are both hard to guard against and extremely lethal. Seniors can use silver needles to probe the depth of the wounds of these deceased people to identify them. Authenticity.”

Xue Yingzi suddenly said: "That's it."

Immediately, he borrowed a needle, a person who was good at using concealed weapons like needles, and personally inspected the wounds of one of the deceased, only to find that the deepest part was only an inch into the flesh. If it weren't for the extremely poisonous nature of the hidden weapon, these wounds would still be far from fatal. Traveled thousands of miles.

After Xue Yingzi announced the result to everyone, Ma Kongqun said with a smile: "Do you understand? Although some people have obtained the unique hidden weapon of the Plum Blossom Thief, they do not know the unique mental skills of the Plum Blossom Thief, and they are not used to using this hidden weapon, so the power It's far from the real Plum Blossom Thief."

Monk Dabei said angrily: "Who is so despicable and shameless that he uses false names and indiscriminate killing to frame Brother Kongqun!"

Mu Taoist said coldly: "This person not only wants to frame Brother Kongqun, but also our three families of Shaolin, Wudang, and Emei. If Brother Kongqun hadn't clearly noticed everything, you, I, and our three families would have suffered irreparable consequences right now." Get rid of the stigma!”

When the two of them were talking, their eyes were fixed on Qin Xiaoyi and Zhao Zhengyi, whose faces turned pale.

Dugu Yihe also stared at the two of them and uttered four words coldly: "Their hearts are worth killing!"

Zhao Zhengyi was stared at by the three people, and he hurriedly defended: "We just learned that the Plum Blossom Thief committed another crime, and thought that something went wrong last time, so we came to Shaolin together to ask for an explanation. Then there was really someone pretending to be the Plum Blossom Thief, and also with It doesn’t matter to me.”

Ma Kongqun said leisurely: "It's irrelevant, it's actually easy to prove. The hidden weapon of the Plum Blossom Thief is very powerful. I conclude that the murderer is not willing to destroy it. Maybe he will carry it with him right now!"

When he said the last sentence, he quietly used the "Heaven-shaking and Earth-shaking Soul-falling Technique", and his voice conveyed the strange magic power that reached his heart and shook his soul.

Zhao Zhengyi felt his mind was confused for a while, and he subconsciously reached out and touched the large cowhide belt tied around his waist.

Wang Qiong could see clearly from the side, and his figure flew towards him. "Shang Xian Sheng" unsheathed and slashed quickly. Where the sword flashed, the belt around Zhao Zhengyi's waist was broken into pieces and scattered on the ground. He himself was forced by the sword's energy. He took several steps back involuntarily.

"Is that the thing?"

Someone with sharp eyes nearby saw a small tube-like thing emerging from the belt fragments.

Wang Qiong did not step forward, but turned around and made a "please" gesture to Xue Yingzi on the side.

Xue Yingzi came over and picked up the iron pipe from the ground. After a brief observation, he knew its key points.

He held the iron pipe in his mouth, tilted his head to face a pillar in the hall, and used his inner strength to exhale. A black light flew out from the front of the iron pipe, split into five parts in the middle, arranged in a plum blossom shape, and was nailed several feet away. The pillar body, not even the tail of the needle has entered it.

Those who were closer saw five small holes arranged in a plum blossom shape on the pillar, which were exactly the same as the scars on the body of the deceased. They were immediately in an uproar, and their eyes looking at Zhao Zhengyi were filled with disgust and contempt. Seeing Zhao Zhengyi's pale face looking towards him with twinkling eyes, his lips moving slightly as if he was about to say something, Long Xiaoyun cursed in his heart that this idiot really failed to succeed and failed to succeed. How could anyone be stupid enough to carry a murder weapon with him? ?

His thoughts whirled, and he suddenly became furious and shouted: "It turns out that you, a despicable villain, did all this secretly, but you deceived people like us so much! It's like Long is blind, and he actually regards you as a good friend. , risking his face and running around for you, almost making a big mistake by wrongly accusing a good person!"

Before he finished speaking, Long Xiaoyun beside him had raised his hands, his sleeves made a sound, and two sleeve arrows shot out. Then he bowed his head, an organic spring sounded from his back, and a crossbow shot out from his collar.

Three short arrows were arranged in a perfect Zigzag pattern in the air and shot at Zhao Zhengyi, who had opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Ma Kongqun raised his left hand and struck a palm across the void. A not very strong palm force hit the three short arrows from the side. Although it was not enough to knock down the arrows, it was enough to deflect them from Zhao Zhengyi's direction. flew by.

Zhao Zhengyi narrowly escaped death, but he became furious after being frightened. He pointed at the Long family and his son and yelled: "Long Laosi, you smiling tiger who eats people without spitting out their bones. You are obviously not angry with Ma Kongqun for exposing Lin Xianer's identity and causing you to be hated by others. I almost became the target of public criticism and was taken to Xingyun Village. That's why you let this brat of yours encourage Brother Qin and I to do this to frame Ma Kongqun. You even took out the hidden weapon. Now you not only want to pin the crime on me, You want to kill me and silence me!"

Long Xiaoyun's face changed slightly, but he forced himself to calm down and bowed to everyone: "This person is obviously trying to bite you randomly after his conspiracy is exposed. Everyone can distinguish right from wrong, so how can they be deceived by your baseless words? What kind of person is Long? Whether such a person would do such a despicable thing, my sworn brother Li Xunhuan is here, everyone should trust his judgment!"

After saying that, he hurriedly turned to look at Li Xunhuan, his eyes full of expectation.

Li Xunhuan hesitated for a moment, and when he was about to speak, Sun Xiaohong on the side rushed to speak: "Brother Li, Master Long is certainly your adopted brother, and Brother Ma is also your life-long friend. No matter what you say, I will be sorry. one side!"

Hearing this, Li Xunhuan raised his eyes to look at Ma Kongqun, who had just been seriously injured by him, and saw that he was smiling and looking calm, as if he could accept whatever choice he made. Then he looked back at Long Xiaoyun, who was looking at him eagerly, and sighed in his heart. Shou remained silent.

Seeing that his good brother, who he was sure he could control, refused to endorse him, Long Xiaoyun's face immediately turned pale.

Zhao Zhengyi threw the last straw that broke the camel's back without hesitation: "Brother Qin, if it weren't for Long Laosi and his son, how could you end up in such a miserable situation? Everyone did it, why should they and his son stay out of the trouble while we are suffering? !”

The last sentence obviously moved Qin Xiaoyi. He looked down at the two broken arms, then looked up at the Long family father and son, and sighed: "Long Laosi, a good man does what he deserves. Since our plot has failed, we should all work together." Bear the consequences!"

"shut up!"

When Long Xiaoyun was completely desperate, Long Xiaoyun suddenly shouted and walked out.

He knelt down to Qin and Zhao, cupped his hands and said, "Two uncles, in front of these friends, please tell me clearly, was it me and not my father who gave you this idea?"

Zhao Zhengyi was stunned and said subconsciously: "You are good, but..."

Long Xiaoyun didn't wait for him to tell, and said decisively: "In this case, the boy is responsible for his own work, so I will give everyone an explanation!"

After saying that, he pulled out his dagger with his left hand. Where the white light flashed, blood burst out, and he cut off his right hand to the wrist with one sword stroke!

(End of this chapter)

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