Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 267: A teacher for one day, a husband for life

Chapter 267: Once a teacher, always a husband
"I am very happy to be such a great matchmaker!" After hearing Huangfuli's words, Gu Yong laughed loudly, "What is the dragon matchmaker still doing there in a daze? Now my parents' orders and the matchmaker's words are all in place. I heard what you said a few days ago. That girl Jiao Na is both good-looking and good-looking, wouldn’t she be a perfect match for you?”

Huangfu Xiwen also beat the drum at the right time and said: "Brother, in fact, my sister has admired you since I fought with you side by side last time. So when my father mentioned this marriage this time, she has always been the most decisive. Only then did he rarely say, 'It all depends on my father'."

Seeing that the three elders on both sides and Huangfu Xiwen were all waiting for him to express his position with glaring eyes and expectant faces, Ma Ji smiled bitterly, bowed his hands deeply to Huangfuli, and sighed: "Thanks to my uncle and sister Jiao Na for their wrong love, but this family My nephew really doesn’t dare to agree to the marriage.”

Everyone was immediately stunned.

Huangfuli said sternly: "The reason why I propose this marriage is not only because I am grateful for my nephew's kindness, but also because I see my daughter falling in love with my nephew. There is actually another reason. To be honest, my Huangfu family does have beautiful silkworms. The secret of overcoming tribulation and becoming a pill is what my mother asked for, and the secret lies with my little girl.

"In our lineage, there is a 'love spell' that only women can practice. If she truly falls in love with a human man who has deep luck, she can use the love thread as a guide to combine her and her lover's Qi. Luck is connected as one, and you can use the opponent's luck to weaken the power of thunder tribulation and greatly increase the chance of overcoming the tribulation.

"But the way of heaven is balanced and selfless. If you gain something, you must also give something. Because she uses 'emotion' as the medium to achieve enlightenment, her cultivation is also maintained by her affection for this man. If she has any thoughts of betrayal, , there will be danger of going crazy and becoming possessed immediately, which may cause a sharp decline in cultivation, or may lead to loss of life. Therefore, if the daughter of my royal family had not confirmed that she met a beloved person and loved her deeply, she would rather face that thunderous disaster. Those who are willing to use the 'love spell'.

"But now the little girl and the dragon matchmaker meet the requirements of the 'Love Charm'. After you get married, in the future, the little girl will be able to use the dragon matchmaker's luck to survive the Thunder Tribulation, and the dragon matchmaker will also be able to find someone who will be loyal to you. Chongqing is married to the Demon King of the Pill Formation. This marriage will be of great benefit to the Dragon Matchmaker as well as to the little girl. I really can’t think of why you would refuse the Dragon Matchmaker?"

Ma Ji sighed: "Uncle, my nephew also knows that sister Jiao Na has countless benefits, and also knows that this marriage has countless benefits, but there is only one bad thing, and that is that my nephew is already engaged."

As soon as these words came out, before Huangfuli could speak, Ma Yao on the side jumped to his feet, widened his eyes and shouted: "This is impossible! If you have any engagement, will I, the father, know about it?"

Ma Ji nodded and said, "Sister, please ask."

He spoke with great emotion and reason, and no one suspected that he had made up a lie casually, but they all looked embarrassed, and no one knew what to say.

Ma Ji rolled his eyes at Lao Tzu who had brought this embarrassment to him, and then he said with some coyness: "Dad, you should still remember what I said about meeting that old man again. In fact, that time he not only passed on his skills and Dan, he also formally accepted me into his sect. According to Master, our sect is called the 'Moon-shaped Sect'. The sect has always accepted only two descendants, one male and one female, in each generation. Due to the skills they practice, There is a wonderful thing about complementing each other, and we are destined to become a couple and the yin and yang complement each other to achieve success. I was too embarrassed to say these words to you and my mother at the time, so..."

There was no look of shame or sadness on her pretty face. She smiled openly and said to Ma Ji, "Brother Long Matchmaker, I have a question. I hope you answer it truthfully."

Just when several people were looking at each other in confusion, not knowing how to end today's events, Jiaona came out from behind.

Jiao Na looked at Ma Ji with a pair of smart and clear eyes: "If there had not been an engagement, would Brother Long Matchmaker agree to this marriage?"

Facing these eyes that seemed to be able to speak, Ma Ji really couldn't say anything against his will: "With my sister's appearance and temperament, I really can't find a reason to refuse. Now... I can only hate myself for my shallow fate and poor fortune. ”

Jiao Na suddenly smiled sweetly, and there was something cunning in her smile: "Although we are not destined to be husband and wife, my little sister wants to form another fate with Brother Long Matchmaker, but I don't know if Brother Dragon Matchmaker agrees?" Ma Ji felt a little confused for a moment. I was confused, and of course I didn't dare to agree easily. I asked cautiously: "I wonder what my sister means by this?"

Jiao Na suddenly gathered up her skirt and knelt down in front of Ma Ji. Then she raised her pretty face and said to Ma Ji, who was stunned at the scene: "Brother Long Matchmaker, you should know that my little sister is interested in martial arts, but she has never met a famous teacher in the past, so she can only practice behind closed doors at home. The sword you used to kill the beautiful Canniang that day still makes my little sister have endless memories, so I want to learn martial arts under your sect, so I sincerely ask Brother Long Media for your permission!"


Ma Ji was in a dilemma. He first looked at his father and teacher, and saw that they both had expressions of "there was nothing they could do to help" and "it was their own decision." Then he looked at Huangfuli, and saw that after he was stunned for a moment, he actually twirled his snow-white beard and smiled at him. nod.

He hesitated for a long time, and when he saw Jiao Na prostrated on the ground with no intention of getting up, looking like she was determined by him, he finally changed his mind, assumed an old-fashioned demeanor, cleared his throat with a light cough and said: "You My martial arts talent is indeed rare, if you sincerely follow me to practice martial arts, it is not impossible..."

Jiao Na was overjoyed and immediately kowtowed to him politely and bowed several times. She also changed her title: "Disciple Huangfu Jiao Na, meet the master!"

Ma Ji had a headache and sighed: "No need to be polite, just get up!"

"Disciple obey!"

Jiao Na agreed, stood up happily, and moved to stand next to Ma Ji to serve him, as if she was someone who respects her teacher and respects his teachings.

Ma Ji smiled bitterly and cupped his hands to Huangfuli and said: "Uncle, although my nephew has little talent and knowledge, he will definitely not mislead his disciples. The martial arts I learned is called 'Huntian Dou Sheng Fa', and the word 'dou', But not only can she compete with others, she can also fight against heaven and earth. As long as Jiao Na succeeds in her practice, she won't need to rely on the 'Love Spell', nor will she need to worry about the thunder catastrophe."

Huangfuli was overjoyed when he heard this, and he also cupped his hands and said: "In this case, I will hand over my little girl to my nephew for training!"

"What is 'training'? The old man uses words randomly!"

Ma Ji muttered in his heart, but he solemnly agreed on his face.

This time, I agreed to accept Jiaona as my disciple. Firstly, I really valued her talent in martial arts. Secondly, I thought about the saying "once a teacher, always a father". With this master-disciple status, I will be able to Deliberately showing some dignity as a teacher can always dispel the charming thoughts in the little fox's mind.

Little does he know that what Jiao Na wants in her heart is "Once a master, always a husband." With this master-disciple status, she has the convenience of being near the water, first come first, first come first. As long as she has perseverance and perseverance, one day I was able to poach the master's wife and master's uncle whom I have never met before, and turn "master" into "husband"!
(After the new year, my work will become more and more busy, so it is difficult to keep the update time stable, but I will insist on two updates every day)

(End of this chapter)

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