Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 269 Ma Ji wins the exam

Chapter 269 Ma Ji wins the exam
Gu Yong visited Ningbo, Shaoxing, Jiaxing and Huzhou in turn, and finally returned to Hangzhou.

Arriving in Hangzhou, Ma Ji said goodbye to his teacher and went home, but behind him was the little tail Jiao Na.

When they arrived in front of the house, Ruoxue and Ruomei had been waiting. They came up to greet Ma Ji first and then met Jiao Na.

Ruoxue smiled and said: "The master has already told Madam that Miss Jiao Na will be a guest at home, and Madam has personally cleaned up the room for Miss. She also heard that Mr. Gu will return to Hangzhou today, and she has prepared a banquet to welcome Miss early in the morning. , and ordered us to wait here to welcome him."

When Jiao Na saw these pretty twin sisters, she secretly complained that her master was not really an honest person. At the same time, she also secretly rejoiced that she was a little more sure of succeeding in becoming a leader.

But she never showed these thoughts on her face, she just smiled and said: "Thank you uncle and aunt for your care, and thank you two sisters for their hard work."

Ma Yao had previously explained that although Ma Ji and Jiao Na had settled on the title of master and apprentice, he and Huangfuli had known each other before. He could not change his seniority because of this and let her still call him "uncle". Ma Yao Ji Ye still called Huangfuli "uncle", and everyone discussed their own affairs without interfering with each other.

At that time, Ma Ji was alone in front, while Ruoxue and Ruomei accompanied Jiaona on the left and right, and went inside together.

When they arrived at the front hall, Ma Ji and Jiao Na first stepped forward to salute Ma Yao and Liu Qing.

At this moment, Liu Qing no longer paid attention to her son, who had been away from home for many days, and only asked Jiaona to ask her for her welfare. The more he saw and talked about her, the more he understood her and the more he liked her. At the same time, the more he regretted that his son had no connection with this girl.

Seeing that his parents had made up their mind, Ma Ji did not force them to retire.

He also leaked a little bit to his parents, saying that he had a sum of money in his hand that was enough for the whole family to spend a lifetime, but the source was still attributed to the fictitious sect.

During these days, Ma Yao has been following the formula provided by Ma Ji, through his herbal medicine store "Qingrentang", mixed various medicinal materials in batches to purchase the required ingredients, and concocted the "flavor" named by Ma Ji. "prime" stuff.

In fact, Ma Ji has obtained the treasure hidden in the "Demon Refining Pot" by Yue King Li Yu. Now his net worth is fully worthy of the reputation of being "as rich as the enemy", and he does not need to let his parents worry about business anymore.

However, both Ma Yao and Liu Qing believed that even if they had huge fortunes, there was no reason to sit back and rest on their laurels. They still enthusiastically planned how to make good use of "weisu" to expand their business, and even thought of the idea of ​​selling "weisu" individually to various restaurants. .

The day's reception banquet ended happily, and Jiao Na settled in Ma's house from then on.

After adding "weisin" to the dishes of "Yunlaiju", the dishes have an extraordinary deliciousness. The guests who have eaten them are full of praise, and the business has become more and more prosperous.

Jiao Na's mother did not survive the catastrophe of becoming an elixir, and was destroyed physically and mentally by the thunder. Although she has been cared for by her father and brother these years, she has always been emotionally lacking.

At this moment, I saw that Liu Qing didn't mind the difference in race at all, and regarded herself as a junior from the bottom of her heart, and a feeling of admiration arose in her heart.

The reason for making this decision was that Ma Yao believed that the strength and connections of himself and his son were enough to protect this financial path.

In the blink of an eye, spring passed and autumn came, and the autumn period was approaching. Students from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces gathered in Hangzhou.

During the next period of time, Ma Ji had to study at Gu Yong's place and prepare for the autumn provincial examination; on the other hand, he practiced martial arts and Taoism and tutored Jiao Na, Ruoxue, and Ruomei. His life was very fulfilling.

Ning Caichen visited Ma Ji at his home as promised.

After Ma Ji treated him warmly, he insisted on keeping Ning Caichen at home. In the autumn period, they went to the school together to take the exam.

Needless to say, the hard work of the three exams before and after. In short, after the exam, even Ma Ji felt as tired as if he had shed a layer of skin, let alone others. On the day when the results were released, the official sent the good news to the successful candidates according to the address left by the candidates.

Jiao Na, Ruoxue, and Ruomei stood in a row at the door. They all stretched their pink necks to look at the entrance of the alley, their pretty faces full of anticipation and anxiety.

Suddenly, a group of people came bustling and noisy. Among them, two officials arrived in front of Ma's house. When they saw three little girls who were born with angelic bells and beautiful faces, they were stunned for a while, and then one of them asked respectfully: " Are there two young masters, Ma Ji and Ning Caichen, here?"

The three women all looked surprised and nodded hurriedly like chickens pecking at rice.

The officer smiled broadly, cupped his hands and said, "Please tell me that Mr. Ma's high school ranked first in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Examinations, and Mr. Ning's high school ranked fourth in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Examinations. The good news has arrived at the door!"

"Hey, I got it, I got it all!"

The three girls cheered together, and then ran in shouting like three cheerful birds.

Not long after, the Ma family came to the door. Ma Ji and Ning Caichen stepped forward to accept congratulations from everyone, dispersed the wedding money and received the good news.

After everyone dispersed after announcing the good news, the neighbors, relatives and friends could not help but come to congratulate them after hearing the news. Ma Yao notified "Yunlaiju" early on to send tables of banquets, and they were set up at home to entertain the guests.

After the banquet, Ma Ji brought Ning Caichen to meet Gu Yong.

After greeting each other, Gu Yong asked the two of them to sit down, then smiled at Ma Ji and said, "Is it any surprise that Dragon Media will solve the Yuan in high school this time?"

Ma Ji sighed and said: "There are melons and plums in the melon field. Teacher should really avoid it."

Gu Yong said with a sneer: "After reviewing the examination papers and unsealing the names, it was found that Dragon Media's three examination questions were all excellent, and it was unanimously judged that Dragon Media should be ranked first. Someone indeed reminded me that since there is such a teacher-student relationship, Dragon Media should be ranked first." The rankings are suppressed to show magnanimity and selflessness.

"But the imperial examination is a grand ceremony for the country to select talents. Do not avoid relatives in internal examinations, and do not avoid enemies in external examinations. This is true justice. If you suppress good talents like Long Matchmaker for the sake of mere material opinions from the outside world, that is a private evil. !”

Ma Ji had no choice but to take advantage of this teacher who was wild and casual on the outside but upright on the inside, so he had no choice but to thank him for his caring heart.

In fact, although Gu Yong was upright, he was by no means reckless. Since he chose to do this, he already had a way to deal with this matter.

When rumors began to spread that the academic master was engaging in malpractice and favoring his disciples, Gu Yong ordered the original manuscript of Ma Ji's examination paper to be posted, announcing that if any candidate thought that his ranking should be higher than Ma Ji's, he could just raise it and he would put both sides to the test. The examination papers were put together for everyone to judge the merits. Once everyone thought that Ma Ji was not worthy of his position, he was willing to hang up the title and resign to thank the world.

At that time, there were indeed many people looking at Ma Ji's examination paper. However, before they could see clearly what was written on the paper, they were stunned by the calligraphy that was so outstanding that it could establish a school of its own.

Taking a closer look at the content, I can only feel that every word in the article is exquisite, the art and science are fluent, and the words are full of emotion. There is really an image that a word is worth a lot of money and cannot be changed.

The candidates in the crowd who came with a bit of critical mentality were all ashamed of themselves. They felt that if their examination papers were compared with it, they would become a laughing stock. They left one by one in despair, not daring to say anything about it again.

Ma Ji's exam papers were displayed for three consecutive days, and the rumors from the outside world naturally gradually subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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