Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 272 Blind Monk, Heavenly Ghost

Chapter 272 Blind Monk, Heavenly Ghost

Since Ma Ji saw with his own eyes the scene of two of the "Five Powers Gods" possessing and taking form, he naturally guarded against their true spirits escaping.

The three flying swords flashed and caught up with the three rays of light, black, red and white. The moment they fell in front of the three statues, they entangled and twisted them, twisting the three rays of light into pieces and turning them into three-color fireflies flying all over the sky.

For a moment, the temple was filled with shrill howls, which was extremely terrifying.

The three flying swords rotated end to end in the air, drawing a circle in the air, producing a terrifying pulling and devouring force like a black hole, exactly like a "long river of falling sun".

The light spots in the air rushed into the sword circle like a swarm of bees returning to their nest, and were instantly cut thousands of times by the infinite sword energy contained in them, and were completely annihilated and returned to nothingness.

Ma Ji's evil spirit finally appeared, and the three flying swords automatically flew back into the white jade tower on his head.

He checked the temple and found that there was no one else but a temple minister who was as sleepy as death and without any cultivation, so he used a spell to move him outside the temple, set a fire to light the temple, and then cast a spell. Then turn back to the ship.

In an earth temple in Suzhou City, an old monk with ravines on his face and white eyes was sitting in meditation.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something in his heart. He took out a palm-sized semi-old leather bag from his arms, opened the mouth of the bag and shook it in front of him. Five flagpoles about three feet high appeared in front of him. The triangular flags were divided into green, There are five colors of yellow, red, white and black, with a small flag with the image of the "Five Powers God" painted on it.

The old monk dragged the coffin with one hand and opened the coffin lid with the other. Immediately, a ball of black gas flew out of the coffin, turning into a little boy wearing blue pants and jacket. He looked to be only seven or eight years old. His hair was combed into two corners and he had a delicate face. Wearing a golden collar around his neck.

The old monk looked blank and ordered: "Ah Chun, the three 'Five Power Gods' who were collecting the energy of the five desires and worlds near Suzhou were killed just now. You go find the murderer and bring his head to Lao Na!"

The boy stood in front of the old monk, bowed to him with a timid expression on his little face, and called out: "I have met the master."

Although the old monk's eyes were blind, he seemed to clearly see the changes in the flag. A strong look of anger and fierceness appeared on his old face, and he whispered to himself: "I have tried my best to help the 'Wutongshen' to revive. Divine power practiced this 'Five Desires Heart Refining Formation'. When the calamity of the heart comes, with this formation as a buffer, it is almost certain to survive the calamity and open the sixth consciousness. Now the formation flag is about to be completed, but it is beheaded. The three 'Five-Connected Gods' who are the source of divine power. The hatred for blocking the way is different from the sky. It is impossible to have a fight with the person who ruined the old man's important affairs!"

Ah Chun seemed to have thought of something extremely terrifying, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Master, calm down, I...I'll go right now!"

At this moment, the images on the green and yellow flags were bright, clear, and lifelike; the images on the red, white, and black flags became increasingly dim and blurry, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

The old monk didn't say anything. He just took out a five-inch wooden figure from the small coffin, held it between his fingers and sneered at Ah Chun.

After that, he shook the skin bag and put away the five small flags, and then released a small coffin, no more than seven inches long, into his hands.

The boy called "A Chun" hesitated a little and muttered: "I...I don't want to kill anyone anymore."

The old monk uttered two words coldly: "Go!"

"Yes!" Ah Chun agreed, and his figure disappeared into thin air.

The old monk put the wooden figure back into the coffin, closed the coffin lid and put it in the skin bag, sneered and said to himself: "No matter who you are, even though you have the power to kill, you will not be able to escape the assassination of this 'heavenly ghost'. Speaking of which, the child of the Li family in Changzhou has also reached the age where he will awaken the power of space, so he must rush in advance to capture his soul and refine it into a second 'heavenly ghost'." Besides, Ma Ji's Yin Shen returned to the ship and returned to his body. , the main body immediately opened its eyes and woke up.

Jiao Na, who was protecting the law, asked hurriedly: "Master, who is that person? How is he doing now?"

Ma Ji smiled and said: "It turns out that man is the resurrected 'Wutong God'. He just returned to the Wutong Temple and recruited two accomplices. I have killed all three of them. Although it may be possible in the future It will be resurrected with the sacrifices of some lust-obsessed people, but it will be a long time later."

Jiao Na obviously also knew what the "Five Powers God" was. Thinking that she had just been worried about by such a scumbag, she immediately spat and secretly cursed her bad luck.

Ruoxue and Ruomei were a little confused, but it was Jiao Na who leaned into their ears and whispered a few words to explain, which made them both blush immediately.

Ma Ji smiled and said: "There are still two of the 'Five Power Gods' left. Although most of them are not in Suzhou, we still can't be careless. Tonight I will release the 'Golden Silkworm Net' to protect the entire ship. You all stay in the cabin. Go out."

The three women agreed together.

As the night got darker, Ma Ji used some tricks to make several boatmen fall asleep. Then he took out a golden ball the size of an egg from the "demon refining pot" and threw it into the sky. It turned into a ball woven with golden threads. The net fell down and wrapped the entire passenger ship together with the underwater hull, like a huge ball.

This "golden silkworm net" is woven from the golden silk harvested after killing the beautiful silkworm girl. In Ma Ji's hands, it can trap and kill enemies, seize weapons, and also build defenses. Its use is far more wonderful than beauty. Canniang is the original owner.

When the protective force of the snare is completed, it then turns invisible and disappears into the void.

The shadow of the moon gradually moves away, and the third watch of the night arrives.

Achun's small figure appeared on the shore out of thin air.

He looked around, his vision unaffected by the deep night, and soon he saw the white circular mark on the side of the passenger ship where Ma Ji was.

After standing there and hesitating for a long time, the child seemed to have finally made up his mind. He disappeared out of thin air again, and when he reappeared, he was already in Ma Ji's cabin. The "golden silkworm net" had no effect on him.

Ah Chun looked nervously at Ma Ji, who was lying on his side on the bed facing the wall. After waiting for a while, he saw that he was still motionless. It seemed that he was indeed asleep. Then he silently moved to the bedside and stretched out a white and tender hand. Her tender little hands grabbed Ma Ji's back.

"Tiangui" is a ghost that turns into a ghost after the death of a boy with a certain special talent. It has the strange ability to travel through the void. At this moment, Ah Chun's little hand was covered with a layer of spatial force. A seemingly powerless grasp could penetrate Ma Ji's body directly through the void and penetrate his heart, without touching his body. Catch them alive.

Just as this little hand was about to enter the distance where it could exert its spatial powers, suddenly a twelve-story white jade building the size of a fist appeared out of thin air, with streaks of bright and flawless white light hanging down, covering Achun who was stunned by this change. under.

(Chapter 2 will come later, but there will be one)

(End of this chapter)

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