Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 297 Xu Jun as my concubine, a three-year agreement

Chapter 297 Xu Jun as my concubine, a three-year agreement

Ma Ji went all the way back to his residence and first asked Ruoxue and Ruomei to take care of Bian. He also said that he would talk to him about some things when Lin Jin came and go back later.

Seeing his serious expression, Ruoxue and Ruomei went together without asking any questions.

Ma Ji then ordered Jiao Na and Zhan Chun to stay in the yard and be careful not to be intruded.

Jiao Na and Zhan Chun also agreed seriously.

Then Ma Ji returned to his room, took out the "Demon Refining Pot" and released Lin Jin who was hiding inside.

Lin Jin appeared on Ma Ji's bed, still unconscious at the moment.

Ma Ji stepped forward and removed the black scarf covering her face, and saw that her face was as golden as paper and her eyes were tightly closed.

After carefully examining her body, I found that her clothes had a tear at her waist, and there was a stab wound inside.

It is said that the higher the strength of a warrior, the more powerful the body's functions. With Lin Jin's fifth-level martial arts cultivation, if it was just an ordinary flesh wound, the bleeding should have been stopped at this moment.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Lin Jin, who was still lying on the couch with her face buried in the quilt but the back of her neck had turned red. He took back his hands and said angrily: "Sister Jin, you'd better think about it. How to explain this to my aunt later!"

After Ma Ji took out the two strange forces, the "swallowing star transformation" that evolved in the palm of his hand was like a black hole whirlpool, sucking them into it, disintegrating and shattering them, and restoring them to two groups of the most original pure energy.

At this moment, the golden palm print on Lin Jin's shoulder had disappeared, but the broken bones on the shoulder had not yet healed, and the wound on the waist was still there.

These threads full of creation vitality melted slowly like ice and snow. Every time they melted, Lin Jin's injuries were repaired.

When all the white threads melted away, Ma Ji felt that the shattered shoulder bone on his left palm had recovered completely, and the area under his right palm was warm and smooth, and the previous hideous wound had completely disappeared.

After a while, a faint golden light mist also rose from the palm print on Lin Jin's shoulder. If you look closely, you can find that every tiny point of light that makes up the light mist is a mysterious and complicated Buddhist curse seal secret talisman.

In fact, Lin Jin had already woken up after the strange force that invaded his body disappeared. However, it was too embarrassing to be honest with Ma Ji like this, so he kept his head down and pretended to be an ostrich.

Ma Ji coughed a few times, and turned his head to look out the door in embarrassment, saying, "I asked Ruoxue and Ruomei to look after aunt earlier and lied to her that you had something to do here, but aunt obviously didn't believe them. "

However, a sharp blade was entrenched in it, which not only made it difficult for the wound to heal, but was also constantly eroding inwards and destroying the meridians and organs.

He covered the wounds on both sides with his palms, and using the two masses of energy in his palms as nourishment, he used the "Butterfly Transformation" of the "Huntian Fighting Victory Technique" to turn it into a snow-white silk thread to cover the wounds.

Nowadays, the higher his cultivation level is, not only his skills are becoming deeper and more pure, but his control of power is also becoming more and more subtle. Therefore, at this moment, the pulling and swallowing power of the "Swallowing Star Transformation" in his hands can actually distinguish between friend and foe, and only target the alien power that invades Lin Jin's body.

Not long after, strands of white-gold sword light appeared on the wound on Lin Jin's waist. Each strand had the power to break gold and jade.

Ma Ji gently traced her back with the index finger of his right hand. His top was divided into two and slid to both sides, revealing her smooth and jade-like shoulders.

Ma Ji keenly sensed that the palm print contained an elusive and strange force, which not only shattered Lin Jin's shoulder blades, but also invaded her soul and became the root cause of her coma.

He let Lin Jin's body lie down on the couch, stretched out his hands with palms facing down, and pressed them a few feet above the injured areas on both sides of Lin Jin, and activated the "Swallowing Star Transformation" of the "Huntian Fighting Victory Technique".

Hearing Ma Ji's words, she immediately forgot her shyness and raised her head to look out the door. The two round arcs under her neck were looming.

In addition, Lin Jin's right shoulder blade was torn into a palm-sized piece of clothing. The fair skin underneath was printed with a golden palm print with fully textured texture, and there was a Buddhist swastika mark on the palm.

Lin Jin also noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly pulled the quilt around her upper body, and said hurriedly: "You... you go out first, I will explain to mother later."

Ma Ji shook his head and walked out. He saw Mr. Bian sitting in the yard with an anxious face, regardless of the cold weather.

When Mrs. Bian saw Ma Ji walking out of the door, she suddenly stood up and was about to walk towards him. However, she suddenly felt dizzy and her body was shaking. Fortunately, Ruoxue and Ruomei, who had been by her side, supported her. Ma Ji took a few steps forward and said, "Sister Jin is fine, Auntie, don't worry." Then he asked Ruoxue and Ruomei to help Bian, whose face softened slightly, to another room, and asked Jiao Na to give her a gift. Clothes for Lin Jin.

Not long after, Lin Jin, who had changed her clothes, appeared in front of Mrs. Bian. Mrs. Bian was finally relieved, but she changed her face to an angry look and shouted: "Kneel down, you bastard, and tell me honestly what you did tonight!"

Lin Jin knelt down in front of her mother, lowered her head and talked about what happened tonight.

It turned out that she had visited the Governor's Mansion many times before. Although she could not sneak into the core area to see Liao En, she gradually figured out part of the reality of the Governor's Mansion.

For example, she already knew that Liao En had a bodyguard of a hundred people, all composed of top-level martial arts warriors. The chief and deputy commanders, Pei Guangping and Yu Weiguang, were both masters of the sixth-level refining realm; in addition, the Buddhist hall in Liao En's home also supported a Buddhist priest. The monk named Guan Kong has cultivated Buddhism to the point of opening up the five senses.

Tonight, she went to the Governor's Mansion again to investigate and prepare for the assassination of her enemy in the future. Unexpectedly, Liao En had recently recruited a Hu monk, Jiuma Tuo, who had opened his sixth consciousness. He noticed her infiltration and suddenly took action to force her to appear. body.

Pei Guangping, who was on duty at the Governor's Mansion at the time, also took action and attacked Lin Jin with Kumarajiva.

Fortunately, Lin Jin practiced the art of an assassin, emphasizing "missing a single hit and traveling thousands of miles", and had some means of escaping. He was able to escape under the attack of two people despite being seriously injured.

Knowing that her daughter had narrowly escaped death, Ms. Bian was heartbroken and angry. She burst into tears at the time: "Before you risked your life, did you ever think about how I, a mother, would survive if something unspeakable happened?" Have to go down?”

Lin Jin lowered his head and said, "Mom, please don't worry. My daughter already knows that she was wrong. From now on, she will only serve you with peace of mind and will never take risks again."

She will do what she says, but only as long as she still has her mother to serve her. Once her mother dies and she has no more worries, she will avenge her father regardless of life or death.

"There is no better way to know a daughter than a mother." Mrs. Bian could naturally guess her daughter's thoughts and couldn't help but feel more and more sad.

Ma Ji hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

But Bian suddenly had an idea, grabbed Ma Ji's arm and said, "Ji, can it be okay for Auntie to give Jin'er to you as your concubine?"

Even though Ma Ji was deep in the city, he was stunned by this sentence and stayed on the spot.

Lin Jin couldn't keep her cool no longer, her face flushed and she shouted: "Mom, what are you talking about!"

But Bian just looked at Ma Ji and said, "Ji, you are a smart boy. You should know what Jin'er thinks about you, and you should also know the purpose of aunt's arrangement."

Of course, Ma Ji knew that Lin Jin had subtle feelings for him, and he also knew that Bian made this decision in the hope that after her death, she would still be bound by him as Lin Jin, so that she would not easily do something stupid like sacrificing her life for revenge.

As for being a concubine rather than a wife, she was considering that her official career was bright, and Lin Jin was not a suitable candidate for his wife due to her embarrassing status.

Looking at Mr. Bian's old face full of pleading, and then looking back at Lin Jin who lowered his head and did not dare to look at himself, every detail of the year he spent with Lin Jin as "Ma Ji" in this life came to mind. In the end, he first In his heart, he apologized to Wang Qiong, who didn't know where he was, and nodded: "My nephew will obey my aunt's orders."

Then he retreated to Lin Jin and knelt down, took her bare hand, and kowtowed to Mrs. Bian together.

After bowing, Ma Ji said sternly to Lin Jin: "Sister Jin, since you are now a member of my Ma family, your hatred is my hatred. I can promise you that this matter will be settled within three years. But in Before that, you must never act rashly again!”

Lin Jin, who was still a little confused at the moment and had somehow become a member of the Ma family, subconsciously responded: "Okay!"

Mr. Bian finally felt relieved and a smile appeared on his face.

Ruoxue, Ruomei and Zhan Chun all came to congratulate the young master.

Only Jiao Na stood aside with an aggrieved look on her face, with only one thought in her mind: "Obviously I was the one who came first..."

(Thanks to book friend Baiyuncang Gou Youyou for your generous reward)

(End of this chapter)

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