Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 299 Fangshan Hu Family

Chapter 299 Fangshan Hu Family
When Ma Ji's ghost returned home and returned to his body, the six flying swords just happened to bring an object back and threw it in the courtyard.

At this moment, Lin Jin had walked out of the room and was guarding the fox transformed by Gu Shi on the ground. A four-inch-long bright ram's horn-shaped dagger was suspended on the fox's neck, letting it lie obediently. Not daring to move on the ground.

Jiao Na was guarding Ma Ji's body indoors, while the others were still a little confused as to what was going on.

Ma Ji got up and walked outside with several others. He saw a fox on the ground with pure white fur, but there were wounds penetrated by flying swords on the joints of its limbs, and it had lost the ability to move.

"Tell me clearly your identity, what is your plan this time, and give you a happy death!"

Ma Ji spoke calmly, without any emotion in his voice.

The white fox opened and closed its mouth and uttered human words: "Boy, the young master is Hu Qilang of the Hu family in Fangshan. If you know him, let him go as soon as possible. Otherwise, my sister and brother will know about it, and you will not be able to enjoy your good fruits." !”

Ma Ji turned to look at Jiao Na, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Jiao Na said: "The Hu family in Fangshan is a large sect of the fox clan in southern Zhili. There were originally seven brothers and sisters in this generation. Among them, Aunt Hu and Hu Silang were both Chengdan demon kings. Later, Hu Erlang killed people and took their hearts to cultivate the evil spirit of painting. Fa, with the intention of using the art of painting to deceive the heavens to overcome the calamity and become the elixir, was sent to kill by the South Zhili Branch of the "Huntian Supervisory Yuan", and now there are only six left. "

After hearing Jiao Na's detailed report on his background, Hu Qilang asked: "Who are you? Why are you so concerned about my family's affairs... Ah!"

But he failed to see the depth of Ma Ji and Lin Jin, but he saw the power of Jiao Na, and felt a little wary, so he came up with the idea of ​​pushing Gu Shi to take the lead.

Later, when he came to Gu Shi's house to hang out, he saw Lin Jin and the four girls Jiaona, Ruoxue, and Ruomei. He was immediately shocked and touched his lustful heart.

If Gu Shi misses, he can get away immediately; if he succeeds, he can follow him to get a share of the pie.

Ma Ji waved his hand to stop Jiao Na who was still about to speak, and asked: "If that treasure is the invisibility cloak made of fox skin on Gu Shi's body, you don't need to say anything anymore, because it is now my trophy."

Hu Qilang was trembling with pain, but he did not dare to delay any more time and quickly explained the reason for the incident.

Hu Qilang hurriedly said: "I was at fault in this matter first, but now you have seriously injured me, and you have finally breathed a sigh of relief. If you can spare my life, I am willing to use a treasure to make amends; if you are determined to kill You need to think clearly about the pros and cons of fighting with our Fangshan Hu family!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a scream. It turned out that one of the six flying swords suspended above suddenly fell and flew past the ground, cutting off one of his front legs.

Hearing that he had such dirty thoughts, Lin Jin and the other four women were all filled with rage, looking at Hu Qilang with murderous intent in their eyes.

Ma Ji's voice was as calm as ever: "Now I am asking you, not you asking me. You have three more chances to say the wrong thing. The fourth time I will cut off your head directly."

He was originally fond of sex and not taboo on meat and vegetables. He met Gu Shi by chance a few days ago, and they hooked up after seeing each other right.

Hu Qilang sneered with some difficulty: "Actually, my second brother had successfully overcome the calamity and became an elixir, but Tong Yu, one of the four major enshrinements of the 'Huntian Supervisory Yuan',' the 'Tianchi Swordsman' came to question him.

"Knowing that he would not survive, he chose to commit suicide in front of Tong Yu. He burned his soul, flesh and blood and merged it with a piece of painted skin he refined to form this 'Sky Fox Treasure Clothes'.

"The real function of this treasure garment is not to be invisible, but to serve as a substitute to help people survive the thunder tribulation. Please note that I am not talking about the thunder tribulation of the demon clan becoming a pill, but that all living beings must go through it when they want to advance to the third level. But the real method of using it is only known to me and my six brothers. If you..." He continued, but Ma Ji interrupted: "No need!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the six flying swords in the air fell down again, and this time it cut off his head cleanly.

Looking at the dead white fox on the ground, Jiao Na stepped forward and asked: "Master, why don't you leave him alive to torture him about the use of the 'Sky Fox Treasure Clothes'? In the future you..."

Ma Ji shook his head: "First, my master is confident that he will not need such tricks to overcome the tribulation in the future; second, the use of the treasure clothes is related to his life, and unless he is really let go, he will never let go. But I don’t want to let him go; thirdly, this treasure is very important to the Hu family of Fangshan, and now that it falls into our hands, whether we kill Hu Qilang or not, it will be difficult for us to make peace with the Hu family of Fangshan."

Jiao Na was speechless for a moment.

Ma Ji raised his hand, and two foxes, one dead and one dead, were put into the "Demon Refining Pot". The fox transformed by Gu Shi was temporarily suppressed, and Hu Qilang's body was directly sent into the purple air for refining.

Then he said: "Sister Jin, Jiao Na, you come with me to Fangshan Mountain."

Everyone was surprised and looked at him confused.

Ma Ji said leisurely: "Since it is very likely that it will be hard to be kind, we don't have to wait for others to come to us. We can simply come directly to make a last-ditch effort to reconcile. If the other party insists on not fighting to the death, then we will give them a life and death ending. In short, it is This hidden danger cannot be allowed to remain.”

Lin Jin did not hesitate at all because he had to face a fox demon group with two core-forming demon kings. After listening to Ma Ji's words, he immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go with you!"

Not to be outdone, Jiao Na then said: "Me too!"

At that time, Ma Ji made some arrangements for his family, and then used his Gang Qi to take Lin Jin and Jiao Na to fly with Qi. A moment later, they landed outside a huge house on Fangshan Mountain.

Looking at the "Hu's House" plaque hanging above the main entrance of the house, Ma Ji said loudly: "Please come and meet everyone from the Hu family!"

After saying that, a white jade building appeared above his head, emitting a large white light and sweeping towards the house. The Guangsha Mansion instantly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared, and a huge tomb like a small hill appeared on the spot.

On one side of the tomb, a large, bottomless cave appeared. Inside, the wind howled and the cold air hit the person.

Suddenly, four rays of white light flew out of the cave, landed in front of Ma Ji and the other three, and turned into three men and one woman.

Among them, the woman who was as pretty as a flower and dressed as a married woman had a face as cold as ice and shouted: "Who are you, and why did you come to provoke me in front of the Hu family in Fangshan?"

Ma Ji said calmly: "I'm dismounting. Not long ago, my younger brother Hu Qilang tried to get involved with the female relatives in my house, and he was captured and executed. I came here this time just to ask you about your attitude towards this matter."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the three men and one woman opposite all changed. One of them, a boy who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, shouted violently: "Kill people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay for money. This is the attitude of our Fangshan Hu family towards this matter." !”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched his hands outward, and immediately a gust of wind appeared out of thin air, sweeping towards Ma Ji and the three of them overwhelmingly. The wind was also wrapped with countless translucent crescent-shaped air blades the size of a palm.

(End of this chapter)

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