Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 316: Foxes are harmless, but people are harmful to people’s hearts.

Chapter 316: Foxes are harmless, but people are harmful to people’s hearts.

In the following days, sometimes Ma Ji came to Zong Zimei's house, and sometimes Zong Zimei and the others came to Gu Yong's house, and they were very close to each other.

When the four of them got together, sometimes Ma Ji, Zong Zimei, and Ning Caichen discussed poetry and prose, and sometimes Ma Ji and Wang Shixiu competed in martial arts, each improving through mutual training.

In the past few days, Li Hui, the emperor who was known as a diligent emperor, seemed to be often lazy in leading the government. He came to Gu Yong's house several times, and each time he caught up with Zong Zimei and the others.

Li Hui neither revealed his identity as a great leader nor acted like an elder. He often talked about literature and martial arts with the four young people in a very approachable manner, and there were many pointers in his words.

He had profound attainments in literary affairs and had a unique vision. Every time he mentioned something, Ma Ji, Zong Zimei and Ning Caichen were greatly inspired.

In terms of martial arts, Ma Ji has never found any signs of martial arts practice in him. However, he has a lot of insights in martial arts. He can hit the mark when commenting on the martial arts of Ma Ji and Wang Shixiu, and he can also propose some improvements. Views.

During this period, Ma Ji had that weird feeling again. He always felt that although Li Hui tried his best to treat everyone equally, what he really cared about was Zong Zimei. He, Ning Caichen and Wang Shixiu were just friends with Zong Zimei. It became the "crow" that loved the house and the crow.

At the same time, the relationship between Ma Ji, Zong Zimei and others also fell into the eyes of interested people.

On the other hand, although Li Hui traveled openly, he had only one way to make people ignore him, so his whereabouts were not exposed.

Dong Mo'an was tortured so much that he complained to his colleagues when he was waiting to go to court a few days ago. One colleague said that this was caused by a fox demon, and also said that there was a Taoist priest from Guandong, Jiao Chan, who was the best at exorcising demons and subjugating demons. .

Recently, strange things have happened frequently in the Dong family. First, the wine in the cellar of the house turned rancid for no apparent reason. Then the person who was sleeping in the bed woke up and was lying in the courtyard. Then in broad daylight, the bricks and tiles on the roof fell like hailstones, killing people. He was beaten to a bloody head.

On this day, Ma Ji took Zhan Chun to Zongzi Mei's home as agreed yesterday.

One of the two people in the private room was Li Mei, the crown prince of Prince Rui. At this moment, his swollen face and broken wrists beaten by Wang Heng had fully recovered, and even his knocked-out teeth had grown back.

Wu Qianhu immediately bowed and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as Taoist Jiao Jian succeeds, the rest will be left to Wu Kexie!"

Li Mei nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Wu Qianhu is really good at getting things done, so I feel relieved."

On a street not far from here, there is a house that is the residence of Dong Mo'an, who was an official attendant.

Now Dong Mo'an did not care about the scholar's creed that "the child does not talk about monsters and confuses the gods". After going to court, he immediately followed the colleague's instructions and visited Jiao Chan's house. After pleading in every possible way, he finally got him to agree to come to his home to drive out the monsters today.

When they entered Zong Zimei's house, someone who was watching the wind from a high building on the street had already noticed it. He hurriedly turned back to a private room upstairs, saluted one of the two people inside and said, "Prince Qi, what about that?" The man surnamed Ma has gone in with the book boy!"

Another square-faced, seemingly honest, middle-aged man wears a red flying fish suit and wears a three-foot horizontal sword on his waist, but he looks like an embroidered guard from Qianhu.

Then he leaned closer to Li Mei, revealing a wretched smile that completely destroyed the original honest and honest temperament: "The wife and concubine named Zong Juzi are all stunning in the world. Once this case is settled, they will be smashed." If so, how about sending someone to the prince’s place?”

When Li Mei heard the report, his eyes immediately lit up. He slapped the table and said, "Okay, Wu Qianhu, we'll see what you do later!"

At this moment, more than 20 members of the Dong family gathered in the courtyard, and Jiao Chan climbed onto a legal platform built in the courtyard with his hair and sword.

He could only look at about forty people, with faces like the full moon and long beards like black ink, with a certain air of immortality.

After standing in front of the incense table, Jiao Ji shouted sternly: "The evildoer shows up quickly, otherwise there is no need to blame Pindao Leifa for being ruthless!" Before he finished speaking, he pointed the sword in his hand towards the house, and immediately there was a thick arm. Lightning fell from the sky and struck the ground just a few feet in front of the house, exploding a deep crater the size of a washbasin.

Suddenly, a gray-white fox the size of a domestic dog emerged from nowhere and lay motionless under the altar. It seemed that it had been subdued by Jiao Borer's thunder.

In the past few days, everyone in the Dong family has been tortured by this evildoer. When they saw the culprit appearing, they immediately felt angry and evil. Among them, the maid closest to the altar was quick and rushed forward. Just raise your hand and hit.


When Jiao Chan saw this, he hurriedly stopped him, but it was already a step too late.

The maid's hand just touched the fox's fur, and she immediately fell to the ground.

Everyone in the Dong family was shocked. When they came to see her, they saw that she was extremely angry and unconscious.

Jiao Jie asked everyone to disperse and sighed: "This monster is fierce and stubborn. It requires a lot of effort to subdue it. How can this child dare to offend so easily? But that's fine. At this moment, the fox monster has already Once you get into this child's body, it's time for Pindao to negotiate with it."

Then, he recited a few incantations, pointed at the maid, and shouted: "Don't wake up yet!"

The maid woke up immediately, but she was lying on all fours like an animal, staring at everyone with her green eyes, and letting out waves of threatening growls from her mouth.

Jiao Ji pointed at the maid from a distance with his sword and shouted: "Monster, why are you causing trouble for no reason and disturbing other people's houses?"

The maid snorted coldly and said, "It's my mother's right to say this. This place used to be an abandoned house, and I have lived there peacefully for eighteen years. However, after the Dong came here, he started to carry out large-scale construction projects and then added new children. , The quarrels every day make my mother and children dizzy, and I just retaliate these days!"

Jiao Ji said angrily: "How can this be reasonable? This house was originally an ownerless thing, so it's okay for you to live here. Now that it has become an owner, you can continue to live in it, and you should do as the owner does. How can you oppose being a guest? That's right. Besides, this is not a place for strangers like you to live for a long time. As long as you haven't done any harm to others, I can let you go safely. If you get entangled again, you will be punished by thunder! "

There was a mixture of anger, fear, and hesitation on the maid's face. Finally, she stamped her foot and said, "You are so good, I can just leave!"

After saying that, he fell to the ground again.

Then the big fox on the ground suddenly rolled into a ball and rolled out like a white ball. It actually rolled along the wall to the roof.

Four balls one size smaller rolled out of nowhere, followed the big ball one by one, and rolled out of sight in the blink of an eye.

Everyone in the Dong family was just relieved and looked happy, but Jiao Chan suddenly shook his sleeves, and a cloud of gray mist flew out with a very subtle "buzzing" sound and fell on the more than 20 members of the Dong family.

Their expressions changed horribly, but they fell down one after another before they could even scream, and their bodies dehydrated and turned into horrific mummies in an instant.

Jiao Chan opened his sleeves, and the gray mist turned into blood red and flew into his sleeves with a buzzing sound.

After doing this, he let out a loud shout that resounded for miles: "You brave evildoer dares to commit murder in front of a poor man, you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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