Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 325: It’s easy to make a pill, but it’s hard to survive

Chapter 325: It’s easy to make a pill, but it’s hard to survive

Ma Ji raised his hand and made a move, and the "Twenty-Four Qi Shocking Divine Sword" hidden in the "Demon Refining Pot" space flew over quickly, replacing the original "Twenty-Four True Gods" in the "Jade Capital Chonglou" in his hand , two flying swords on each floor, still separated in the north and south, suppressing the two poles of Yin and Yang.

With a thought, the virtual reality of the "Jade Capital Chonglou" changed from entity to illusion, turning into a white light that disappeared between Ma Ji's eyebrows, and still transformed into a tall building like a mountain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, standing at the white jade monument ahead.

Compared with Taoist promotion, Ma Ji's breakthrough in martial arts was quite easy.

After all, his Taoism is based on the step-by-step practice of the "Jade Capital Chonglou Contemplation Method" and "Inner Scenery True Divine Method" rewarded by the mysterious jade tablet, while martial arts is based on the accumulation and perception of all rivers in the previous life, and is deduced bit by bit in this life. Perfection means not only being solid every step you take, but also being confident in every step you take in the future.

In terms of the realm of holding pills at the fourth level of martial arts, Ma Ji not only had a complete theory, but also started to put it into practice earlier.

When he fought Wang Heng after he came out of seclusion that day, the final blow was to simulate the process of holding an elixir, so that he could explode into a strength comparable to the fourth-level realm.

At this moment, he only slightly adjusted his physical and mental state, and without hesitation, he activated the "Swallowing Star Transformation" of the "Huntian Fighting Method", and evolved a terrifying black hole that seemed to be able to swallow everything at the core of the Dantian Qi Sea.

After reaching the fifth level of martial arts, Ma Ji uses cultivation and elixirs to absorb vitality every day, and then turns it into more pure and condensed Gang Qi and incorporates it into his Dantian. Now it is almost full of the vast Dantian. Like a vast and endless sea.

The moment this black hole appeared, the endless Gang Qi in the dantian was captured by its terrifying traction force, and in an instant it was rolled back and merged into it, not a drop left.

A round, bright and flawless Yuan Dan appeared out of thin air, like a moon in the sky at night, illuminating the vast void in Dantian.

Finally, it seems that a certain limit has been exceeded, and the point close to "nothing" suddenly disappeared and turned into the real "nothing".

When Wang Heng left before, he had already seriously talked to Ma Ji about Jiao Na, which was a preliminary confirmation of their relationship.

Ma Ji's "swallowing star transformation" continues to operate, endlessly compressing the black hole that has shrunk to the extreme and swallowed up infinite energy.

After twelve weeks of practice, the mana flowed back to the Dantian and returned to the Yuan Dan, making the aura of the Yuan Dan slightly obscure. Although it was almost undetectable, it was the result of a practice.

The black hole that swallowed up the infinite energy first expanded outwards and turned into a huge ball of intertwined black and white light. Then it converged and compressed inward, turning into a point that was so tiny that it was almost "nothing".

The Yuan Dan vibrates gently, emitting a dense mist that contains two completely opposite qualities of lightness and thickness at the same time. As the "Huntian Dou Sheng Method" runs, it flows around the body along the meridians, filling all the acupoints along the way. Full.

The empty Dantian Qi sea was silent for a moment, and suddenly there was a loud and earth-shattering sound like the beginning of the world.

It was already the rising moon. Lin Jin and Jiao Na who were outside heard the commotion and hurriedly pushed the door open and looked at him inquiringly.

The evidence is that the information on the surface of the jade tablet in the sea of ​​​​knowledge has changed at this moment. The [Level] column has become "Fourth Grade of Martial Arts (326/50000) Fourth Grade of Taoism (347/50000)".
At this point, Ma Ji was finally satisfied. He jumped out of the "demon refining pot" and landed in the garden.

Ma Ji walked forward with a smile, stretched out his arms and gently wrapped his arms around the two girls' waists, and said softly: "At last, my work was not in vain. I just thank you for your hard work."

This is no longer true energy or Gang energy, but a higher-level power containing infinite mystery, which is called "mana".

Lin Jin and Jiao Na were immediately overjoyed. The former just smiled, while the latter hugged Ma Ji and laughed and jumped.

Ma Ji wanted to say something more, but his expression changed slightly and he turned to look outside the garden.

After a few breaths, the two women also had feelings at the same time.

Ruomei was running towards her with a look of anxiety on her pretty face. Before she could stop, she shouted: "Master, Aunt Lin, Mrs. Bian is not good!" Lin Jin's pretty face suddenly turned white and her body was shaking. fall.

After following Ma Ji to the capital, Bian's health began to deteriorate again. Although Ma Ji tried his best to treat her with medical skills, it was difficult to recover.

Although he also has extraordinary methods of treating diseases and injuries, Bian has no foundation in martial arts or Taoism. All spiritual energy, elixirs, etc. that can be used to cure diseases and injuries are just life-threatening poisons to her.

In recent days, Bian's illness has become more and more serious. If today was not the most critical stage of Ma Ji's practice, Lin Jin would not leave her side for even half a step.

At that time, several people rushed to Bian's room as quickly as possible. At this moment, Ma Yao and Liu Qing also came after hearing the news, while Ruoxue was feeding Bian's medicine by the bedside.

After taking the decoction prepared by Ma Ji in advance, Bian, who was originally gray-faced, regained some of his energy.

She first raised her hand to Liu Qing, who hurriedly stepped forward and held her pale, cold palm.

Ms. Bian said with some difficulty: "Sister, I'm afraid it won't work. From now on, Jin'er..."

Liu Qing shed tears and said: "Sister, don't worry, Jin'er has already suffered a loss in her status, and I will make up for it by loving her as my daughter!"

Mrs. Bian nodded slightly: "As for my sister, I am..."


Even though Lin Jin had a cold temperament, it was no longer possible to maintain her mood at this moment. She threw herself beside her mother and burst into tears.

Ma Ji stepped forward with a heavy face, checked Bian's pulse with his hand, and remained silent in the face of Lin Jin's tearful and hopeful look.

Lin Jin was completely desperate and burst into tears.

Ma Ji shook his head and sighed, then gently raised his right hand, facing Bian's palm from afar, a green brilliance filled with rich vitality came out.

This was the first time that he used extraordinary means to treat Bian's illness. He used the magical power "Yimu Qingling Divine Light" of the Liver God Kaijuntong of "Twenty-Four True Gods", which has the ability to make up for the deficiencies in life and extend life. The wonder of death. It's a pity that this is only for those who have achieved success in spiritual practice. For ordinary people, especially those who are terminally ill like Bian, it is like drinking poison to quench their thirst.

Bathed in the blue light, Mr. Bian improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, with blood appearing on his face and his breathing becoming peaceful.

After a few breaths, Ma Ji took a step back and said in a low voice: "Nothing will happen tonight. Sister Jin and I will stay here, and everyone can go and rest."

Ma Yao and Liu Qing looked at each other and understood the meaning of Ma Ji's words. They sighed secretly and called Jiao Na, Ruoxue and Ruomei to leave.

At this moment, only Bian, Lin Jin and Ma Ji were left in the room.

However, Ma Ji whispered to Lin Jin: "Sister Jin, take care of my physical body. I will come back as soon as I go!"

Having said that, before Lin Jin could ask any questions, the fist-sized "Jade Capital Tower" appeared above his head, and the Yin Shen was hidden in the building.

The "Jade Capital Chonglou" passed through the roof without any hindrance and went straight into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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