Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 335 The Descendants of Wolong

Chapter 335 The Descendants of Wolong
Ma Ji looked at Geng Qubing with interest and said, "Does Kuang Sheng also know military tactics?"

Geng Qubing raised his hand and patted his chest and abdomen, and said proudly: "I am born late and have no talent. I have countless clever strategies in my chest and thousands of military books in my belly. I just regret that I have never met anyone I know in my life!"

Ma Ji asked again: "If you have knowledge, what should you do?"

Geng Qubing first stretched out his right hand, then turned it so that the palm of his hand was facing downwards, and said in a deep voice: "If a wise man allows Wansheng to show off what he has learned, it will be like turning his hand upside down!"

Jiao Na sneered at the side: "What a big statement. If you are really so powerful, why haven't you achieved fame yet?"

Geng Qubing sighed: "It's not that I can't, but that I don't dare. Wan Sheng is sure that there will be a catastrophe for this great Yu. Joining the officialdom is like walking through fire, a wise man wouldn't do it. Since he can't help the world at the same time, Wan Sheng has no choice but to be alone. I came here hoping to find a place to live in this secret cave."

Hu Chengyi's family of four changed color at the same time.

Qingfeng's face was even more bleak: "So you..."

Geng Qubing calmed down his madness, stood up and saluted Qingfeng solemnly: "Miss, don't be suspicious. Although Mr. Hu and Wan Sheng have their own plans for each other in this matter, Wan Sheng fell in love with the lady at first sight and was confident I can’t misread Miss Wansheng’s feelings, so those calculations will not affect Wansheng’s request to marry Miss Wansheng.”


"After the old man learned about this, he was also happy to see it happen. Firstly, he thought that the young master was indeed Qingfeng's good match. Secondly, Qingfeng was about to become a pill. If he could get a good man to cast the secret technique of the Fox clan, the 'Love Charm,' I am absolutely sure that I can overcome the calamity and become an elixir.

Geng Qubing nodded and shook his head: "Wansheng also knows the mystery of the Qingqiu Fox Clan's 'Love Spell'. This matter is beneficial to both parties, and Wansheng will naturally not refuse. There is no need to come here to avoid disaster, because Wansheng I have seen the turn of events."

Geng Qubing turned his head and bowed to Hu Chengyi without hesitation: "I beg you, sir!"

Ma Ji's expression remained unchanged, and he asked with a smile: "Although a scholar knows everything about the world without going out, Brother Geng knows too much..."

Hu Chengyi's face changed for a while, and finally he smiled bitterly and said: "It turns out that this old man's plan has been seen through by the young master. To be honest, since the young master came to live in this house last month, that girl Qingfeng has seen you many times in secret. She is very interested in the young master. He is greatly admired for his knowledge and temperament.

"Now that the young master has spoken about this matter, the old man also said it bluntly. If the young master does not show that he lives in a humble dwelling, he can move into this secret place in the cave after marriage. As for the 'love charm'..."

Geng Qubing smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of Zhuge Wolong?"

Qingfeng didn't expect that he would propose marriage in public so directly. She was so embarrassed that her pretty face turned red. She hurriedly got up and hid in the inner room. Before leaving, she left one sentence: "Marriage matters should be decided by the elders."

At the end of his speech, his eyes fell on Ma Ji.

Ma Ji was moved and asked: "But the 'Heavenly Scholar' who was known as the wisest man in the world in the past?"

The Zhuge Wolong he knew in this life was very different from the depressed old man in the stories he knew in his previous life, who had no choice but to live in prison and write books for fun.

In the past, Li Geng, Taizu of Dayu, was able to defeat all the heroes in the world. In addition to benefiting from his own martial arts cultivation and talents, he also relied on the assistance of two masters, one in literature and one in martial arts. The warrior is Taishi Yuan Dansheng, who is still in charge of the "Huntian Supervisory Council" and suppresses the evil spirits in the world who dare not raise their heads.

The author of this article is none other than Zhuge Wolong, the "heavenly scholar" who claims to know everything about the world and knows all about the world without leaving any strategy behind.

Geng Qubing obviously had great admiration for his master. At that time, he looked at the sky and cupped his hands before saying, "Mr. Zhuge is my master!"

After saying that, he turned to Ma Ji and said: "Originally, Wan Sheng used all kinds of stargazing, qi calculations, and calculations taught by his master, and came to the conclusion that the sky would collapse and the earth would collapse, and all living beings would perish. It was not until last spring that this bad omen reached its peak. But there is a glimmer of good omen derived from the great misfortune. Now that I see you, Sir, Wan Sheng can confirm that this good omen should be with you."

Ma Ji pondered for a moment and then asked: "Brother Geng, does he know the source of that bad omen?"

Geng Qubing shook his head and said: "The source of the ominous omen seemed to be covered by layers of fog. At first glance, it seemed to be in the land of Qilu, and upon closer inspection, it seemed to be buried in the court hall. However, I used all my knowledge and repeated observations and calculations, and realized that These are all deceptions planned by some people. It is still difficult to determine the truth. "

Ma Ji said with a smile: "We will talk about the future in the future, but it can only be said that 'the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it'. But for the current matter, since Brother Geng wants to help, can you first tell me how I should manage this Taiyuan land?" ?”

Geng Qubing muttered: "My lord, I already have a plan in mind, so why should I show my embarrassment late in life?"

Ma Ji waved his hand and said: "One person is trying to figure out the shortcomings, and two people are trying to figure out the strengths. What's the harm in using each other's strengths to make up for their shortcomings?"

"This will forgive Wan Sheng's lies," Geng Qubing said, "People often say, 'There are three fires when a new official takes office.' If Wan Sheng's prediction is correct, your first fire will be on the bandits who occupy the mountains and forests in Taiyuan. The leader of the bandits. When you come to Mr. Hu's house, you must use the eyes and ears of the Fox clan to control the reality of the bandits everywhere. "

Ma Ji nodded and said: "Bandit troubles in Jin Province have been around for a long time, and it has indeed reached the point where they must be suppressed. But where do the people to suppress the bandits come from?"

Geng Qubing smiled and said: "Your Excellency, you are still taking exams for late students. Since it is time to suppress the bandits, I think that your Excellency's wife, who was given the title of Marquis of Weining and was promoted to the General of the General Army of Datong, has already prepared the best troops and generals. Wait for your order, sir.”

Ma Ji applauded and said: "What a successor of Wolong, he really has a plan! Since you said it is the 'three firepowers of the new official', have you already guessed the purpose of my other two firepowers?"

Since Geng Qubing intentionally threw himself at Ma Ji's side, he naturally wanted to fully demonstrate his abilities at this moment. He calmly replied: "The purpose of suppressing the bandits is to pacify the country, and to fight against the barbarians in the north is to fight against the outside world. Wan Sheng boldly guesses, based on the will of an adult , should not be satisfied with defending the enemy outside the country, so Wansheng thought that the second step of the Lord should be to clean up the wealthy merchants who colluded with the Northern Barbarians; the third step was to join forces with the noble lady to march north to the grassland and follow suit. Wei Huo, sweep the holes and plow the court!"

Ma Ji praised: "Brother Geng knows things like a god, I admire you very much. Since you have seen through my arrangement, are you interested in making a detailed plan for me, and strive to make this first fire burn brightly!"

Geng Qubing bowed and responded: "Wan Sheng obeys your orders!"

This "obey orders" actually means that he has assumed the role of Ma Ji's subordinate.

At that time, he first asked Hu Chengyi about the distribution of bandits in Taiyuan, and then asked Ma Ji about the combatable soldiers he actually controlled. Then he arranged the cups, plates, and bowls on the table as a simple terrain of Taiyuan Mansion, and then gave instructions. The country explains how to deploy troops and generals.

From Ma Ji's perspective, he felt that the other party's arrangements coincided with his own, and even if they were inconsistent, they were more thoughtful than his own.

(End of this chapter)

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